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A Rust doubly-linked intrusive list with Miri tests


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Intrusive stack-allocated doubly-linked list example


cargo test

Or to run the tests under Miri:

rustup toolchain install nightly    # if you haven't already
rustup component add --toolchain nightly miri


(Note: you will need a nightly toolchain released after roughly 2022-11-01 for this to work.)


In kernel/RTOS environments in C, there's a common pattern for managing things like event and timer queues:

  • A central fixed-size list structure is created for the timer or event.
  • Each thread/process/whatever that wishes to join the list (wait for the event) allocates a list node, often as part of a larger structure like a mutex, and inserts it. The list node is often allocated on the stack.

This ensures that the memory required to implement the list or queue is "caller paid" -- rather than needing to allocate a shared buffer large enough for all possible callers, we rely on the callers to "donate" memory when they need it. Because the list node forms a part of the thing being inserted into the list, we call this an "intrusive" list -- types have to have been designed to be list members.

The list is often implemented as a doubly-linked list. This ensures two things:

  1. The owner of the list can pop nodes in either order in constant time, and maintain them in a sorted order easily (albeit not in constant time).

  2. The owner of the node can decide to give up -- say, because of a timeout -- and remove their node from the list in constant time.

In Rust

Systems written in Rust tend to avoid using intrusive doubly-linked lists, despite their ubiquity in C, because a combination of factors make them hard to get right.

Doubly-linked lists, and linked lists in general, rely heavily on aliasing, and part of Rust's value compared to C is that it makes it easier to reason about aliasing and the bugs it creates... as long as your aliasing patterns are relatively simple. Doubly-linked lists are not a simple aliasing pattern to analyze, in any language.

Writing any general-purpose linked list in Rust requires the use of unsafe code to escape certain automatic checks around aliasing and allocation lifetimes. While unsafe Rust code is still a lot safer than any C code, it raises the spectre of relying on certain areas of Undefined Behavior when you're dealing with raw pointers, like in a linked list -- so you run the risk of having C-style bugs around dangling pointer dereference, for instance.

It has historically been up to the code's author to convince themselves, and readers, that the unsafe code is correct and avoids relying on Undefined Behavior. Sometimes this is straightforward; often it isn't. In any case, "convincing someone it's right" is hard to test in a continuous build, and changes to the code in the future can cause your hard-worked proof to silently become wrong.

However, the Rust community has been cranking out better tools for situations like this -- in particular, the Miri interpreter. Miri runs Rust code on an "abstract machine" that enforces Rust's compile time rules at runtime, so you can't break them even with unsafe. (For those with a C background, think of Miri as ASan + TSan + UBSan + a bunch of additional analysis that isn't possible in C, like runtime borrow checking.)

This presents an opportunity.

The list from lilos

I wrote the [lilos] embedded async RTOS in Rust in 2019-20, before Miri was mature. In several places, lilos really needed intrusive doubly-linked lists, for all the reasons I explained in the first section above. So I had to roll them by hand using unsafe, and convince myself they were right.

Because I'm very nerdy about this sort of thing, I only wound up being critically, fatally wrong in two or three places!

In my day job at Oxide Computer, my colleagues have been applying Miri to verify code at previously unheard of levels (like an x86 bootloader), and a conversation with Dan Cross inspired me to try applying Miri to my various kernels. The first thing I reached for was the linked list from lilos, for two reasons:

  1. It's conveniently standalone. It relies only on libcore and no other parts of lilos.

  2. I haven't seen a fully worked example of a stack-allocated intrusive doubly-linked list in Rust on the internet. (If I had, I would have just used it instead of going to all this trouble.)

Getting the list to pass tests under Miri took some changes to the implementation. I'm still not sure whether the changes were fixing actual safety bugs that were always lurking in the implementation, or whether they were just making Miri's analysis happy -- after all, the tools are not omniscient, and fancy computer science things like the halting problem prevent them from ever being totally perfect.

However, after the changes, the implementation is far more obviously correct, which I appreciate!

So, in this repo, you'll find a working, Miri-approved, stack-allocated, intrusive doubly-linked list implementation, with comments and tests. Is it correct? Possibly not; there are aspects of correctness that Miri and my ad-hoc tests don't cover. But I think it's pretty close!

I hope someone finds this helpful.

Appendix: omg why Rust make u do this

Some people on the internet may take this repo and use it to condemn Rust. "Look at all this code!" they'll say on sites I don't read. "It's so much simpler to do this in C. Rust is silly."

Since I'm not on HackerNews, allow me to prepare a rebuttal:

The point of a safe list API in Rust is that a user could write arbitrarily unwise code using the API and, as long as they stick to safe code, the worst thing they'll ever encounter is a panic! telling them they've messed up. This means I don't have to think about all the code in the kernel using lists -- I know it's not going to corrupt the kernel.

C only appears simple because it moves all the complexity into your head. It is not possible to write a doubly-linked list implementation in C that is safe against all possible code using its API. In particular, you can trivially break any C intrusive list by just struct-assigning the head or any node to a new location. Dangling pointer time!

(You can do only marginally better in C++ through the diligent application of move and deleted-copy constructors, but that will not result in less code than Rust.)

So, yes, this code is longer than what I'd write in C, and it's worth it to simplify every future use case.


A Rust doubly-linked intrusive list with Miri tests







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