This SBT plugin extracts the Scala examples from a markdown/jekyllrb documentation, and compile the extracted codes, to keep the documentation valid.
Considering a documentation using a markdown format with some Scala code samples as following.
This is a markdown documentation with a code sample.
val foo = List("Bar", "Lorem", "Ipsum")
Using this SBT plugin, the code can be extracted in a generated .scala
file, and then compiled to be sure it's valid.
This plugin requires SBT 0.13+.
You need to update the project/plugins.sbt
resolvers ++= Seq(
"Tatami Releases" at "")
addSbtPlugin("cchantep" % "sbt-hl-compiler" % "0.8")
By default, it will scan all the *.md
files in the base directory.
The following options are available.
highlightStartToken := "{% highlight scala %}"
// Token to detect the start of a Scala code sample.
// Can be defined in the scope ThisBuild
// Default: "```scala"
highlightEndToken := "{% endhighlight %}"
// Token to detect the end of a Scala code sample.
// Default: "```"
highlightDirectory := baseDirectory.value / "doc"
// The directory scanned for the documentation files.
// Default: project base directory
includeFilter in doc := "*.ext"
// Default: "*.md"
excludeFilter in doc := "_excludes"
// Default: undefined
This plugin also append the highlightDirectory
to the watchSources
settings, so a documentation build is triggered each time a source document is updated.
See a SBT build using this plugin.
In case of SBT Multi-Project
It may be required to disable this plugin on the aggregation if some examples in files of the sub-project require some dependencies specific to the sub-project (not available at the aggregation time).
lazy val root = Project(id = "...", base = file(".")).
aggregate(/* ... */).
If a code sample doesn't start with a package ...
statement, the .scala
generated file wraps this code in a trait
with a unique name.
Considering a documentation as following.
This is a markdown documentation with a code sample.
val foo = List("Bar", "Lorem", "Ipsum")
The code in the generated file will be:
package samplesY
trait SampleX {
// File '/path/to/the/', line N
val foo = List("Bar", "Lorem", "Ipsum")
All the code samples without a package
in the same documentation files are also gather in a same generated package, samplesY
in the previous example.
It allows to share some definitions accross the code samples of a documentation file.
This is how to create a value:
val value = createIt()
Then you can use it.
This is built using SBT.
sbt '^ publishLocal'