[21:38:49] ------- Init Cemu 2.0 (experimental) ------- [21:38:49] Init Wii U memory space (base: 0x00000275fde50000) [21:38:49] mlc01 path: C:/ROMS/wii_u/MLC [21:38:49] CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8500 CPU @ 3.00GHz [21:38:49] RAM: 32700MB [21:38:49] Used CPU extensions: SSSE3, SSE4.1, AVX2, AES-NI [21:38:49] IOSU_CRYPTO: No otp.bin found. Online mode cannot be used [21:38:49] IOSU_CRYPTO: No Seeprom.bin found. Online mode cannot be used [21:39:42] Mounting title 00050000101c9400 [21:39:42] Base: C:/roms/wii_u/MINE/Breath of the Wild (EU) (v208) + DLC (v81).wua [WUA] [00050000101c9400_v0] [21:39:42] Update: C:/roms/wii_u/MINE/Breath of the Wild (EU) (v208) + DLC (v81).wua [WUA] [0005000e101c9400_v208] [21:39:42] DLC: C:/roms/wii_u/MINE/Breath of the Wild (EU) (v208) + DLC (v81).wua [WUA] [0005000c101c9400_v80] [21:39:43] COS: System fonts found. Generated shareddata (26609KB) [21:39:43] ------- Init Vulkan graphics backend ------- [21:39:43] Vulkan instance version: 1.3 [21:39:43] Using GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti [21:39:43] Driver version: 516.94 [21:39:43] VulkanLimits: UBAlignment 64 nonCoherentAtomSize 64 [21:39:43] Using available debug function: vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT() [21:39:43] Vulkan device memory info: [21:39:43] Heap 0 - Size 5991MB Flags 0x00000001 [21:39:43] Heap 1 - Size 16350MB Flags 0x00000000 [21:39:43] Heap 2 - Size 214MB Flags 0x00000001 [21:39:43] Memory 0 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000000 [21:39:43] Memory 1 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001 [21:39:43] Memory 2 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000006 [21:39:43] Memory 3 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x0000000e [21:39:43] Memory 4 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x00000007 [21:39:43] ------- Loaded title ------- [21:39:43] TitleId: 00050000-101c9400 [21:39:43] TitleVersion: v208 [21:39:43] TitleRegion: EU [21:39:43] Save path: C:/ROMS/wii_u/MLC/usr/save/00050000/101C9400/user/ [21:39:43] Shader cache file: shaderCache/transferable/00050000101c9400.bin [21:39:43] gameprofile path: gameProfiles/default/00050000101c9400.ini [21:39:43] RPX hash (updated): fb7911ad [21:39:43] RPX hash (base): dcac9927 [21:39:43] Loaded module 'u-king' with checksum 0x6267bfd0 [21:39:43] RPL link time: 125ms [21:39:43] HLE scan time: 141ms [21:39:43] ------- Active settings ------- [21:39:43] CPU-Mode: Multi-core recompiler [21:39:43] Load shared libraries: true [21:39:43] Use precompiled shaders: auto (gameprofile) [21:39:43] Full sync at GX2DrawDone: true [21:39:43] Async compile: false [21:39:43] Console language: English [21:39:44] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local memory [21:39:44] ------- Activate graphic packs ------- [21:39:44] Applying patch group 'BotW_ControllerScrollSpeed_V208' (Codecave: 01800000-018003dc) [21:39:44] Applying patch group 'BotW_Cutscene_V208' (Codecave: 01800400-01800638) [21:39:44] Applying patch group 'BotW_FenceMethod_V208' (Codecave: 01800700-0180076c) [21:39:44] Applying patch group 'BotW_Gamespeed_V208' (Codecave: 01800800-01800ad0) [21:39:44] Applying patch group 'BotW_KorokChasing_V208' (Codecave: 01800b00-01800b20) [21:39:44] Applying patch group 'BotW_LoadingScreen_V208' [21:39:44] Applying patch group 'BotW_Ragdolls_V208' (Codecave: 01800c00-01800c10) [21:39:44] Applying patch group 'BotW_VSync_V208' (Codecave: 01800d00-01800da4) [21:39:44] Applying patch group 'BotW_WaterPhysics_V208' (Codecave: 01800e00-01800e38) [21:39:44] Set vsync frequency to 30 (graphic pack The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Mods/FPS++) [21:39:44] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Mods/FPS++ [Presets: Advanced Settings,60FPS Limit (Default),30FPS (ideal for 240/120/60Hz displays),Limit all cutscenes to 30FPS,Disabled (Default, dynamically adjust game speed),8 Frames Averaged (Default),Performance Fence (Default),Disabled (Default)] [21:39:44] ------- Init Audio backend ------- [21:39:44] DirectSound: available [21:39:44] XAudio 2.8: available [21:39:44] Cubeb: available [21:39:44] ------- Run title ------- [21:39:44] Shader cache loaded with 1228 shaders. Commited mem 101MB. Took 721ms [21:39:44] Disable multi-threaded pipeline loading due to an issue with Nvidia drivers [21:39:48] Recompiler initialized. CPU extensions: LZCNT MOVBE AVX [21:39:48] IOSU_ACT: using account Michael(U) in first slot [21:39:55] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local memory [21:40:09] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local memory [21:40:17] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local memory [21:40:19] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local memory [21:40:21] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local memory [21:41:20] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local memory [21:41:25] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local memory [21:41:40] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local memory [21:41:45] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local memory Crashlog for Cemu 2.0 (experimental) Date: 24-08-2022 19:41:56 ----------------------------------------- Stack trace ----------------------------------------- 0x00007ff61e1e6b78 +0x000d6b78 Cemu.exe GraphicPack2_GetDescription 0x00007ff61e1e70aa +0x000d70aa Cemu.exe GraphicPack2_GetDescription 0x00007ff61e1e838d +0x000d838d Cemu.exe GraphicPack2_GetDescription 0x00007ffdd1ae0057 +0x00110057 KERNELBASE.dll UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x00007ffdd1a695b8 +0x000995b8 KERNELBASE.dll TlsGetValue 0x00007ffdd425c766 +0x0008c766 ntdll.dll _C_specific_handler 0x00007ffdd427229f +0x000a229f ntdll.dll _chkstk 0x00007ffdd4221454 +0x00051454 ntdll.dll RtlRaiseException 0x00007ffdd4270dce +0x000a0dce ntdll.dll KiUserExceptionDispatcher 0x00007ff61e284baf +0x00174baf Cemu.exe PPCRecompiler_init 0x00007ff61e237578 +0x00127578 Cemu.exe coreinitAPI_OSYieldThread 0x00007ffdd1a42e71 +0x00072e71 KERNELBASE.dll RegQueryInfoKeyA 0x00007ffdd424ff0a +0x0007ff0a ntdll.dll RtlUserFiberStart Exception 0xc0000005 at 0x7ff61e284baf(+0x174baf) in module Cemu.exe cemu.exe at 0x7ff61e110000 RAX=00000000e458e000 RBX=00000275f4807040 RCX=00000275f4807040 RDX=00000000e458e000 RSP=0000009a19eff900 RBP=00007ff61e110000 RDI=0000000047a1caa8 RSI=0000000000000024 R8 =00000275fde50000 R9 =00000000040000cf R10=00000275fde50000 R11=00000000040000cf R12=0000000000000000 R13=0000000000000000 R14=800000028000000d R15=00000000fffffffb ----------------------------------------- Game info ----------------------------------------- Game: Breath of the Wild TitleId: 50000101c9400 RPXHash: dcac9927 ----------------------------------------- Active PPC instance ----------------------------------------- IP 0xe458e000 LR 0x03c924d0 Thread 0xb4c9dc68 r0 =00000000 r1 =b4c9da30 r2 =10008000 r3 =ad13d400 r4 =00000068 r5 =00000004 r6 =ad13d400 r7 =038c5e28 r8 =00000000 r9 =ad13ee74 r10=00000004 r11=00e03a88 r12=00000000 r13=105e31c0 r14=00000000 r15=00000000 r16=00000000 r17=00000000 r18=00000000 r19=00000000 r20=00000000 r21=00000000 r22=00000000 r23=00000000 r24=ad09f800 r25=ad09f800 r26=b4c9da80 r27=b4c9da38 r28=b4c9dbe4 r29=ad13d400 r30=00000000 r31=ff676981 r24=ad09f800 r25=ad09f800 r26=b4c9da80 r27=b4c9da38 r28=b4c9dbe4 r29=ad13d400 r30=00000000 r31=ff676981 ----------------------------------------- PPC stack trace ----------------------------------------- [21:41:57] Trace starting at SP/r1 b4c9da30 [21:41:57] SP b4c9da60 ReturnAddr 03c91fa8 [21:41:57] SP b4c9da78 ReturnAddr 038c7318 [21:41:57] SP b4c9dbd8 ReturnAddr 03423eac [21:41:57] SP b4c9dc18 ReturnAddr 030bcb6c [21:41:57] SP b4c9dc28 ReturnAddr 030bbee0 [21:41:57] SP b4c9dc38 ReturnAddr 00e00000 ----------------------------------------- PPC stack dump ----------------------------------------- [0xb4c9da30] b4c9da60 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 1046f5dc 1058d42c [0xb4c9da50] ad13d400 10480000 b4c9da80 b4c9dbe4 - b4c9da78 03c91fa8 ad09f800 b4c9dbe4 [0xb4c9da70] 00000000 ad13d400 b4c9dbd8 038c7318 - 00000000 b4c9d0b8 04d405e3 00000000 [0xb4c9da90] ad13ee7d 00000000 04d405e0 00000000 - ad13ee7c 00000000 04d405e1 00000000 [0xb4c9dab0] 00008000 b4c9dad8 04d405ea 00000000 - 00008000 00000008 04d405e9 b4c9d11c [0xb4c9dad0] 00008000 00000000 04d405ee 00000000 - ad13ee74 00000000 005b8d84 b4c9dad8 [0xb4c9daf0] 00000000 00000000 ffffffff b4c9dad8 - 00000000 b4c9db14 00000001 00000000 [0xb4c9db10] 00000000 b4c9daac 00000000 00000000 - 00000008 f122330e 10000000 00000000 [0xb4c9db30] 00000000 00000000 b4c9db48 00000000 - 0009d800 ad09f50c b4c9db70 030a71a8 [0xb4c9db50] 00000000 0009d800 ad09f454 0009d800 - 00000400 00000400 10553b80 10549708 [0xb4c9db70] b4c9dbd8 030a7820 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [0xb4c9db90] 00000000 00000000 00000000 60577456 - ad09f3a4 00000000 ac584818 ac584960 [0xb4c9dbb0] b4c9dbc0 030982b4 00000000 00000000 - 1046f5dc 10470000 ad09f3a4 00000000 [0xb4c9dbd0] 10553b80 ad09f454 b4c9dc18 03423eac - 2a73e649 00000000 88622652 aa2b1755 [0xb4c9dbf0] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [0xb4c9dc10] 00000000 ad09f3a4 b4c9dc28 030bcb6c - 0000ffff ad09f3a4 b4c9dc38 030bbee0 ----------------------------------------- PPC threads ----------------------------------------- 0e30eaa0 Ent 00e0000c IP 00e0000c LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Alarm Thread 0e48e900 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 0} 0e48ef9c Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 1} 0e48f638 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 2} 0e49c6e0 Ent 00e00014 IP 00e00014 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Callback Thread 0e0006dc Ent 00e058a0 IP 00e043b0 LR 030cbc0c WAITING Aff 010 Pri 80 Name Default Core 1 0e4ace08 Ent 00e058c4 IP 00e058c4 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 48 Name GX2 event callback 109f8c78 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 84 Name Prepare Thread 12afc1b0 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker1(Any) 12b3ca88 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 READY Aff 001 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker2(Any) 15b47930 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 81 Name OverlayArena Prepare 15b49618 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 83 Name DecompThread 302dd6b8 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 83 Name Resource Loading 302e82c8 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Control 302f3048 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Memory 302fdf38 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name MovableMemory 36c65ac8 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name res::Compaction 1059e0c0 Ent 042180cc IP 00e04268 LR 04218258 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 67 Name nw::snd::TaskThread 0e4b83c0 Ent 00e058dc IP 00e058dc LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 14 Name NULL 3e170200 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 READY Aff 100 Pri 82 Name aal::LowPrioWorkerThread 3e55fd20 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 72 Name AsyncPatternRumbleThread 3f024e38 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e043a0 LR 038ded84 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 86 Name ProductReportBackGround Thread 3f254398 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e043a0 LR 03429ed8 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 83 Name NFP Thread 10e15020 Ent 03fa39f0 IP 00e043bc LR 03f7b168 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core2) 10e16850 Ent 03fa39f0 IP 00e043bc LR 03f7b168 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core0) 1109f620 Ent 03fa39f0 IP 00e043bc LR 03f7b168 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core2) 1109ee10 Ent 03fa39f0 IP 00e043bc LR 03f7b168 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core0) 3f3640c8 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name NavMeshSystemThread 3f3e0678 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 84 Name 3f40b728 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name 3f4367d8 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 84 Name 3f54f500 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 82 Name SaveMgrThread 41a05160 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[0] 41a26470 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[1] 4ba0f768 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 84 Name AutoPlacementMgr 41b354e8 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate 41b0c8d0 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate 41c04328 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 81 Name GameScen TaskMgr 43440c18 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 84 Name uiLowPrioThreadMgr 4ba33530 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 85 Name RadarMgr 42600d08 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e04268 LR 030decd0 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name tera::ImageResourceMgr b4c8cac8 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e00000 LR 00e00000 MORIBUND Aff 100 Pri 81 Name MP4FileLoadThread b4c95398 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e043c0 LR 03423568 RUNNING Aff 100 Pri 81 Name AudioOutputThread b4c9dc68 Ent 030bbea8 IP 00e03744 LR 030934f8 RUNNING Aff 001 Pri 81 Name MP4DecodeThread