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Toufik MECHOUET committed Sep 3, 2015
1 parent 38bc580 commit d5aaec6
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Showing 14 changed files with 2,825 additions and 2,765 deletions.
697 changes: 347 additions & 350 deletions www/class/centreonExternalCommand.class.php

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

594 changes: 292 additions & 302 deletions www/class/centreonXMLBGRequest.class.php

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

142 changes: 68 additions & 74 deletions www/include/configuration/configObject/command/DB-Func.php
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@

* Copyright 2005-2015 Centreon
* Centreon is developped by : Julien Mathis and Romain Le Merlus under
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,10 +35,11 @@

if (!isset($centreon)) {
exit ();

if (!function_exists("myDecodeCommand")) {

function myDecodeCommand($arg) {
$arg = str_replace('#BR#', "\\n", $arg);
$arg = str_replace('#T#', "\\t", $arg);
Expand All @@ -47,20 +49,20 @@ function myDecodeCommand($arg) {
$arg = str_replace('#P#', "|", $arg);


function testCmdExistence ($name = null)
function testCmdExistence($name = null) {
global $pearDB, $form, $oreon;
$id = null;

if (isset($form)) {
$id = $form->getSubmitValue('command_id');
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT `command_name`, `command_id` FROM `command` WHERE `command_name` = '".$pearDB->escape($oreon->checkIllegalChar($name))."'");

$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT `command_name`, `command_id` FROM `command` WHERE `command_name` = '" . $pearDB->escape($oreon->checkIllegalChar($name)) . "'");
$command = $DBRESULT->fetchRow();
if ($DBRESULT->numRows() >= 1 && $command["command_id"] == $id) {
if ($DBRESULT->numRows() >= 1 && $command["command_id"] == $id) {
* Mofication case
Expand All @@ -75,34 +77,32 @@ function testCmdExistence ($name = null)

function deleteCommandInDB ($commands = array())
function deleteCommandInDB($commands = array()) {
global $pearDB, $oreon;

foreach ($commands as $key => $value) {
$DBRESULT2 = $pearDB->query("SELECT command_name FROM `command` WHERE `command_id` = '".$key."' LIMIT 1");
$DBRESULT2 = $pearDB->query("SELECT command_name FROM `command` WHERE `command_id` = '" . intval($key) . "' LIMIT 1");
$row = $DBRESULT2->fetchRow();
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("DELETE FROM `command` WHERE `command_id` = '".$key."'");
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("DELETE FROM `command` WHERE `command_id` = '" . intval($key) . "'");
$oreon->CentreonLogAction->insertLog("command", $key, $row['command_name'], "d");

function multipleCommandInDB ($commands = array(), $nbrDup = array())
function multipleCommandInDB($commands = array(), $nbrDup = array()) {
global $pearDB, $oreon;
foreach($commands as $key => $value) {
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT * FROM `command` WHERE `command_id` = '".$key."' LIMIT 1");

foreach ($commands as $key => $value) {
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT * FROM `command` WHERE `command_id` = '" . intval($key) . "' LIMIT 1");

$row = $DBRESULT->fetchRow();
$row["command_id"] = '';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbrDup[$key]; $i++) {

for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbrDup[$key]; $i++) {
$val = null;
foreach ($row as $key2=>$value2) {
$key2 == "command_name" ? ($command_name = $value2 = $value2."_".$i) : null;
$val ? $val .= ($value2 != NULL?(", '".$pearDB->escape($value2)."'"):", NULL") : $val .= ($value2 != NULL?("'".$pearDB->escape($value2)."'"):"NULL");

foreach ($row as $key2 => $value2) {
$key2 == "command_name" ? ($command_name = $value2 = $value2 . "_" . $i) : null;
$val ? $val .= ($value2 != NULL ? (", '" . $pearDB->escape($value2) . "'") : ", NULL") : $val .= ($value2 != NULL ? ("'" . $pearDB->escape($value2) . "'") : "NULL");
if ($key2 != "command_id") {
$fields[$key2] = $pearDB->escape($value2);
Expand All @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ function multipleCommandInDB ($commands = array(), $nbrDup = array())

if (isset($command_name) && testCmdExistence($command_name)) {
$val ? $rq = "INSERT INTO `command` VALUES (".$val.")" : $rq = null;
$val ? $rq = "INSERT INTO `command` VALUES (" . $val . ")" : $rq = null;
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query($rq);
* Get Max ID
Expand All @@ -130,16 +130,14 @@ function multipleCommandInDB ($commands = array(), $nbrDup = array())

function updateCommandInDB ($cmd_id = null)
function updateCommandInDB($cmd_id = null) {
if (!$cmd_id) {

function updateCommand($cmd_id = null, $params = array())
function updateCommand($cmd_id = null, $params = array()) {
global $form, $pearDB, $oreon;

Expand All @@ -160,15 +158,15 @@ function updateCommand($cmd_id = null, $params = array())
$ret['enable_shell'] = 0;

$rq = "UPDATE `command` SET `command_name` = '".$pearDB->escape($ret["command_name"])."', " .
"`command_line` = '".$pearDB->escape($ret["command_line"])."', " .
"`enable_shell` = '".$pearDB->escape($ret["enable_shell"])."', " .
"`command_example` = '".$pearDB->escape($ret["command_example"])."', " .
"`command_type` = '".$pearDB->escape($ret["command_type"]["command_type"])."', " .
"`command_comment` = '".$pearDB->escape($ret["command_comment"])."', " .
"`graph_id` = '".$pearDB->escape($ret["graph_id"])."', " .
"`connector_id` = " . (isset($ret["connectors"]) && !empty($ret["connectors"]) ? "'".$ret['connectors']."'" : "NULL") . " " .
"WHERE `command_id` = '".$cmd_id."'";
$rq = "UPDATE `command` SET `command_name` = '" . $pearDB->escape($ret["command_name"]) . "', " .
"`command_line` = '" . $pearDB->escape($ret["command_line"]) . "', " .
"`enable_shell` = '" . $pearDB->escape($ret["enable_shell"]) . "', " .
"`command_example` = '" . $pearDB->escape($ret["command_example"]) . "', " .
"`command_type` = '" . $pearDB->escape($ret["command_type"]["command_type"]) . "', " .
"`command_comment` = '" . $pearDB->escape($ret["command_comment"]) . "', " .
"`graph_id` = '" . $pearDB->escape($ret["graph_id"]) . "', " .
"`connector_id` = " . (isset($ret["connectors"]) && !empty($ret["connectors"]) ? "'" . $ret['connectors'] . "'" : "NULL") . " " .
"WHERE `command_id` = '" . intval($cmd_id) . "'";
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query($rq);

$fields["command_name"] = $pearDB->escape($ret["command_name"]);
Expand All @@ -184,36 +182,34 @@ function updateCommand($cmd_id = null, $params = array())
insertArgDesc($cmd_id, $ret);

function insertCommandInDB ($ret = array())
$cmd_id = insertCommand($ret);
return ($cmd_id);
function insertCommandInDB($ret = array()) {
$cmd_id = insertCommand($ret);
return ($cmd_id);

function insertCommand($ret = array())
function insertCommand($ret = array()) {
global $form, $pearDB, $oreon;

if (!count($ret)) {
$ret = $form->getSubmitValues();

$ret["command_name"] = $oreon->checkIllegalChar($ret["command_name"]);
if (!isset($ret['enable_shell'])) {
$ret['enable_shell'] = 0;

* Insert

$rq = "INSERT INTO `command` (`command_name`, `command_line`, `enable_shell`, `command_example`, `command_type`, `graph_id`, `connector_id`, `command_comment`) ";
$rq .= "VALUES ('".$pearDB->escape($ret["command_name"])."', '".$pearDB->escape($ret["command_line"]) . "', '" . $pearDB->escape($ret['enable_shell']) . "', '".$pearDB->escape($ret["command_example"])."', '".$ret["command_type"]["command_type"]."', '".$ret["graph_id"]."', ";
$rq .= (isset($ret["connectors"]) && !empty($ret["connectors"])? "'".$ret['connectors']."'" : "NULL");
$rq .= ", '".$pearDB->escape($ret["command_comment"])."'";
$rq .= "VALUES ('" . $pearDB->escape($ret["command_name"]) . "', '" . $pearDB->escape($ret["command_line"]) . "', '" . $pearDB->escape($ret['enable_shell']) . "', '" . $pearDB->escape($ret["command_example"]) . "', '" . $ret["command_type"]["command_type"] . "', '" . $ret["graph_id"] . "', ";
$rq .= (isset($ret["connectors"]) && !empty($ret["connectors"]) ? "'" . $ret['connectors'] . "'" : "NULL");
$rq .= ", '" . $pearDB->escape($ret["command_comment"]) . "'";
$rq .= ")";

$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query($rq);

Expand All @@ -225,34 +221,32 @@ function insertCommand($ret = array())
$fields["command_type"] = $ret["command_type"]["command_type"];
$fields["graph_id"] = $ret["graph_id"];
$fields["connector_id"] = $ret["connectors"];

* Get Max ID
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT MAX(command_id) FROM `command`");
$cmd_id = $DBRESULT->fetchRow();

$oreon->CentreonLogAction->insertLog("command", $cmd_id["MAX(command_id)"], $pearDB->escape($ret["command_name"]), "a", $fields);
insertArgDesc($cmd_id["MAX(command_id)"], $ret);
return ($cmd_id["MAX(command_id)"]);

function return_plugin($rep)
function return_plugin($rep) {
global $oreon;

$plugins = array();
$is_not_a_plugin = array("." => 1, ".." => 1, "oreon.conf" => 1, "" => 1, "" => 1, "negate" => 1, "centreon.conf" => 1, "" => 1);
$handle[$rep] = opendir($rep);
while (false != ($filename = readdir($handle[$rep]))){
if ($filename != "." && $filename != ".."){
if (is_dir($rep.$filename)){
$plg_tmp = return_plugin($rep."/".$filename, $handle[$rep]);
while (false != ($filename = readdir($handle[$rep]))) {
if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") {
if (is_dir($rep . $filename)) {
$plg_tmp = return_plugin($rep . "/" . $filename, $handle[$rep]);
$plugins = array_merge($plugins, $plg_tmp);
} elseif (!isset($is_not_a_plugin[$filename]) && substr($filename, -1)!= "~" && substr($filename, -1) != "#") {
$key = substr($rep."/".$filename, strlen($oreon->optGen["nagios_path_plugins"]));
} elseif (!isset($is_not_a_plugin[$filename]) && substr($filename, -1) != "~" && substr($filename, -1) != "#") {
$key = substr($rep . "/" . $filename, strlen($oreon->optGen["nagios_path_plugins"]));
$plugins[$key] = $key;
Expand All @@ -264,21 +258,21 @@ function return_plugin($rep)
* Inserts descriptions of arguments
function insertArgDesc($cmd_id, $ret = null)

function insertArgDesc($cmd_id, $ret = null) {
global $oreon, $pearDB;

if (!count($ret)) {
$ret = $form->getSubmitValues();

$pearDB->query("DELETE FROM `command_arg_description` WHERE cmd_id = '".$cmd_id."'");
$pearDB->query("DELETE FROM `command_arg_description` WHERE cmd_id = '" . intval($cmd_id) . "'");
$query = "INSERT INTO `command_arg_description` (cmd_id, macro_name, macro_description) VALUES ";
if (isset($ret['listOfArg']) && $ret['listOfArg']) {
$tab1 = preg_split("/\\n/", $ret['listOfArg']);
foreach ($tab1 as $key => $value) {
$tab2 = preg_split("/\ \:\ /", $value, 2);
$query .= "('" . $pearDB->escape($cmd_id) . "', '" . $pearDB->escape($tab2[0]) . "', '" .$pearDB->escape($tab2[1]). "'),";
$query .= "('" . $pearDB->escape($cmd_id) . "', '" . $pearDB->escape($tab2[0]) . "', '" . $pearDB->escape($tab2[1]) . "'),";
$query = trim($query, ",");
Expand All @@ -294,7 +288,7 @@ function insertArgDesc($cmd_id, $ret = null)
function duplicateArgDesc($new_cmd_id, $cmd_id) {
global $pearDB;

$query = "INSERT INTO `command_arg_description` (cmd_id, macro_name, macro_description) SELECT '$new_cmd_id', macro_name, macro_description FROM command_arg_description WHERE cmd_id = '$cmd_id'";
$query = "INSERT INTO `command_arg_description` (cmd_id, macro_name, macro_description) SELECT '" . intval($new_cmd_id) . "', macro_name, macro_description FROM command_arg_description WHERE cmd_id = '" . intval($cmd_id) . "'";

Expand All @@ -306,7 +300,7 @@ function duplicateArgDesc($new_cmd_id, $cmd_id) {
function getHostNumberUse($command_id) {
global $pearDB;

$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT count(*) AS number FROM host WHERE command_command_id = '$command_id' AND host_register = '1'");
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT count(*) AS number FROM host WHERE command_command_id = '" . intval($command_id) . "' AND host_register = '1'");
$data = $DBRESULT->fetchRow();
return $data['number'];
Expand All @@ -319,7 +313,7 @@ function getHostNumberUse($command_id) {
function getServiceNumberUse($command_id) {
global $pearDB;

$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT count(*) AS number FROM service WHERE command_command_id = '$command_id' AND service_register = '1'");
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT count(*) AS number FROM service WHERE command_command_id = '" . intval($command_id) . "' AND service_register = '1'");
$data = $DBRESULT->fetchRow();
return $data['number'];
Expand All @@ -332,7 +326,7 @@ function getServiceNumberUse($command_id) {
function getHostTPLNumberUse($command_id) {
global $pearDB;

$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT count(*) AS number FROM host WHERE command_command_id = '$command_id' AND host_register = '0'");
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT count(*) AS number FROM host WHERE command_command_id = '" . intval($command_id) . "' AND host_register = '0'");
$data = $DBRESULT->fetchRow();
return $data['number'];
Expand All @@ -345,7 +339,7 @@ function getHostTPLNumberUse($command_id) {
function getServiceTPLNumberUse($command_id) {
global $pearDB;

$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT count(*) AS number FROM service WHERE command_command_id = '$command_id' AND service_register = '0'");
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT count(*) AS number FROM service WHERE command_command_id = '" . intval($command_id) . "' AND service_register = '0'");
$data = $DBRESULT->fetchRow();
return $data['number'];
Expand All @@ -360,7 +354,7 @@ function getCommandIdByName($name) {
global $pearDB;

$id = 0;
$res = $pearDB->query("SELECT command_id FROM command WHERE command_name = '".$pearDB->escape($name)."'");
$res = $pearDB->query("SELECT command_id FROM command WHERE command_name = '" . $pearDB->escape($name) . "'");
if ($res->numRows()) {
$row = $res->fetchRow();
$id = $row['command_id'];
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ function multipleCommandCategorieInDB ($sc = array(), $nbrDup = array()) {

foreach ($sc as $key => $value) {

$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT * FROM `command_categories` WHERE `cmd_category_id` = '".$key."' LIMIT 1");
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("SELECT * FROM `command_categories` WHERE `cmd_category_id` = '".intval($key)."' LIMIT 1");
$row = $DBRESULT->fetchRow();
$row["cmd_category_id"] = '';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ function deleteCommandCategorieInDB($sc_id = NULL){
global $pearDB;
$select = $_POST["select"];
foreach ($select as $key => $value){
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("DELETE FROM `command_categories` WHERE `cmd_category_id` = '".$key."'");
$DBRESULT = $pearDB->query("DELETE FROM `command_categories` WHERE `cmd_category_id` = '".intval($key)."'");

Expand Down

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