var columnDefs = [ // this row shows the row index, doesn't use any data from the row {headerName: "checkbox",field: "chck", cellStyle:{"text-align":"center"},checkboxSelection:true, headerCellTemplate: "" }, {headerName: "Athlete", field: "athlete", width: 150}, {headerName: "Age", field: "age", width: 90}, {headerName: "Country", field: "country", width: 120}, {headerName: "Year", field: "year", width: 90}, {headerName: "Date", field: "date", width: 110}, {headerName: "Sport", field: "sport", width: 110}, {headerName: "Gold", field: "gold", width: 100}, {headerName: "Silver", field: "silver", width: 100}, {headerName: "Bronze", field: "bronze", width: 100}, {headerName: "Total", field: "total", width: 100} ]; var gridOptions = { enableColResize: true, virtualPaging: true, // this is important, if not set, normal paging will be done rowDeselection: true, columnDefs: columnDefs, headerHeight:40, rowSelection: 'multiple' }; function setRowData(allOfTheData) { var dataSource = { rowCount: null, // behave as infinite scroll pageSize: 100, overflowSize: 100, maxConcurrentRequests: 2, maxPagesInCache: 2, getRows: function (params) { console.log('asking for ' + params.startRow + ' to ' + params.endRow); // At this point in your code, you would call the server, using $http if in AngularJS. // To make the demo look real, wait for 500ms before returning setTimeout( function() { // take a slice of the total rows var rowsThisPage = allOfTheData.slice(params.startRow, params.endRow); // if on or after the last page, work out the last row. var lastRow = -1; if (allOfTheData.length <= params.endRow) { lastRow = allOfTheData.length; } // call the success callback params.successCallback(rowsThisPage, lastRow); }, 500); } }; gridOptions.api.setDatasource(dataSource); } function callback(){ rowindex++; //row++; gridOptions.api.addVirtualRowListener("virtualRowRemoved", rowindex,callback) ; if(document.getElementById("picb").checked == true){ row++; console.log(rowindex+"----"+row); console.log($('.ag-row [row="'+parseInt(row)+'"]')); $('div [row='+parseInt(row)+']').find('.ag-selection-checkbox').trigger('click'); } } var rowindex=0; var row=0; var startcounter=0; // setup the grid after the page has finished loading document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var gridDiv = document.querySelector('#myGrid'); new agGrid.Grid(gridDiv, gridOptions); /*gridOptions.api.addVirtualRowListener("virtualRowSelected", 2, function(params){console.log(" item select listenr"); console.log(params); }) ;*/ document.querySelector('#picb').addEventListener('click', function() { if(document.getElementById("picb").checked == true) { rowindex=0; //$('.ag-body-viewport').scrollTop(0); gridOptions.api.ensureIndexVisible(1); window.setTimeout(function(){ $('.ag-row').each(function(){ startcounter++; //$(this).find('.ag-selection-checkbox').prop('checked', true); //$(this).find('.ag-selection-checkbox').attr('checked','checked'); $(this).find('.ag-selection-checkbox').trigger('click'); row=$(this).attr("row"); }); console.log("row click set===>"+row); gridOptions.api.addVirtualRowListener("virtualRowRemoved", rowindex,callback) ; },1000); } else { startcounter=0; rowindex=0; row=0; gridOptions.api.deselectAll(); } }); // do http request to get our sample data - not using any framework to keep the example self contained. // you will probably use a framework like JQuery, Angular or something else to do your HTTP calls. var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'olympicWinners.json'); httpRequest.send(); httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (httpRequest.readyState == 4 && httpRequest.status == 200) { var httpResponse = JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText); setRowData(httpResponse); } }; });