A collection of scripts, systemd units and docker images which make it easy to setup centralized TLS certificate management with git as a backend.
The executables provided by certhub only depend on openssl
and any of the
following supported ACME clients: Certbot or Lego. Certhub includes DNS-01
challenge hooks for nsupdate
and Lexicon.
In order to use the systemd units, git
and git-gau is required.
Navigate to the releases page and pick the latest certhub-dist.tar.gz
tarball. Copy it to the target machine and unpack it there.
$ scp dist/certhub-dist.tar.gz me@example.com:~
$ ssh me@example.com sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf ~/certhub-dist.tar.gz
Preferred method: Build a distribution tarball, copy it to the target machine and unpack it there.
$ make dist
$ scp dist/certhub-dist.tar.gz me@example.com:~
$ ssh me@example.com sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf ~:certhub-dist.tar.gz
Alternative method: Check out this repository on the traget machine and
install it directly. The destination directory can be changed with the prefix
variable in order to change the installation prefix to something else than
$ make all
$ sudo make prefix=/opt/local install
Sphinx is necessary in order to build the man pages and the users guide. This
step can be skipped by using the install-bin