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cfculhane committed Jul 13, 2020
1 parent e25916e commit 884c029
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Showing 12 changed files with 194 additions and 173 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions constants/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import numpy as np

angular_iter = 12
angular_range = np.arange(angular_iter, dtype=np.int8)
angular_iter = 12
angular_range = np.arange(angular_iter, dtype=np.int8)

anglesteps_cos = np.array([np.cos(np.radians(i * 360/angular_iter)) for i in angular_range], dtype=np.float64)
anglesteps_sin = np.array([np.sin(np.radians(i * 360/angular_iter)) for i in angular_range], dtype=np.float64)
number_row = np.arange(1, len(anglesteps_cos)+1, 1)
zeros = np.zeros(len(number_row), dtype=int)
anglesteps_cos = np.array([np.cos(np.radians(i * 360 / angular_iter)) for i in angular_range], dtype=np.float64)
anglesteps_sin = np.array([np.sin(np.radians(i * 360 / angular_iter)) for i in angular_range], dtype=np.float64)
number_row = np.arange(1, len(anglesteps_cos) + 1, 1)
zeros = np.zeros(len(number_row), dtype=int)
129 changes: 65 additions & 64 deletions engine/
@@ -1,46 +1,47 @@
import cv2
import time
import numpy as np

import cv2

import config
from engine.processor import Shape
from constants.engine_constants import *
from engine.processor import Shape
from utilities.general_operations import to_int, tuple_int

class Engine:
def __init__(self, eyeloop): = True #Access this to check if Core is running. = True # Access this to check if Core is running.

self.eyeloop = eyeloop
self.model = config.arguments.model # Used for assigning appropriate circular model.
self.model = config.arguments.model # Used for assigning appropriate circular model.

if config.arguments.markers == False: # Markerless. -m 0 (default)
if config.arguments.markers == False: # Markerless. -m 0 (default)
self.place_markers = lambda: None
else: # Enables markers to remove artifacts. -m 1
else: # Enables markers to remove artifacts. -m 1
self.place_markers = self.real_place_markers
self.marks = []
self.marks = []

if config.arguments.tracking == 0: # Recording mode. --tracking 0
if config.arguments.tracking == 0: # Recording mode. --tracking 0
self.iterate = self.record
else: # Tracking mode. --tracking 1 (default)
else: # Tracking mode. --tracking 1 (default)
self.iterate = self.track

self.angle = 0
self.extractors = []

self.std = -1 # Used for infering blinking.
self.mean = -1 # Used for infering blinking.
self.std = -1 # Used for infering blinking.
self.mean = -1 # Used for infering blinking.

max_cr_processor = 3
self.cr_processors = [Shape(type = 2) for _ in range(max_cr_processor)]
self.pupil_processor= Shape()
max_cr_processor = 3
self.cr_processors = [Shape(type=2) for _ in range(max_cr_processor)]
self.pupil_processor = Shape()

# Via "gui", assign "refresh_pupil" to function "processor.refresh_source"
# when the pupil has been selected.
self.refresh_pupil = lambda x: None
self.refresh_pupil = lambda x: None

def load_extractors(self, extractors:list = []) -> None:
def load_extractors(self, extractors: list = []) -> None:
self.extractors = extractors

def real_place_markers(self) -> None:
Expand All @@ -51,10 +52,13 @@ def real_place_markers(self) -> None:
for i, mark in enumerate(self.marks):
if (i % 2) == 0:
mark[1] - self.pupil_processor.corners[0][1]:self.marks[i + 1][1] - self.pupil_processor.corners[0][
mark[0] - self.pupil_processor.corners[0][0]:self.marks[i + 1][0] - self.pupil_processor.corners[0][
0]] = 100
#odd marks or no pupil yet.
# odd marks or no pupil yet.

def run_extractors(self) -> None:
Expand All @@ -80,27 +84,26 @@ def record(self) -> None:
timestamp = time.time()

self.dataout = {
"time" : timestamp,
"frame" : config.importer.frame,
"blink" : -1,
"cr_dim" : -1,
"cr_cen" : -1,
"cr_ang" : -1,
"pupil_dim" : -1,
"pupil_cen" : -1,
"pupil_ang" : -1
"time": timestamp,
"frame": config.importer.frame,
"blink": -1,
"cr_dim": -1,
"cr_cen": -1,
"cr_ang": -1,
"pupil_dim": -1,
"pupil_cen": -1,
"pupil_ang": -1



def arm(self, width, height, image) -> None:
self.norm = (width + height) * .003
self.norm_cr_artefact = int(6 * self.norm)

self.mean = np.mean(image)
self.base_mean = -1
self.blink = 0

Expand All @@ -111,21 +114,21 @@ def arm(self, width, height, image) -> None:


self.pupil_processor.binarythreshold = float(np.min(self.source))*.7
self.pupil_processor.binarythreshold = float(np.min(self.source)) * .7
for cr_processor in self.cr_processors:
cr_processor.binarythreshold = float(np.min(self.source))*.7
cr_processor.binarythreshold = float(np.min(self.source)) * .7

def check_blink(self, threshold = 5) -> bool:
def check_blink(self, threshold=5) -> bool:
Analyzes the monochromatic distribution of the frame,
to infer blinking. Change in mean during blinking is very distinct.

mean = np.mean(self.source)
mean = np.mean(self.source)
delta = self.mean - mean
self.mean = mean

# print("delta", delta)
# print("delta", delta)
if abs(delta) > 1.1:
self.blink = 10
Expand All @@ -134,8 +137,7 @@ def check_blink(self, threshold = 5) -> bool:

self.blink -= 1
return False

self.blink = 0

return True

Expand All @@ -159,7 +161,9 @@ def track(self) -> None:
offsetx, offsety = -self.pupil_processor.corners[0]
offsetx, offsety = 0, 0
_, pupil_area = cv2.threshold(cv2.GaussianBlur(self.pupil_source, (self.pupil_processor.blur, self.pupil_processor.blur), 0), 60 + self.pupil_processor.binarythreshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
_, pupil_area = cv2.threshold(
cv2.GaussianBlur(self.pupil_source, (self.pupil_processor.blur, self.pupil_processor.blur), 0),
60 + self.pupil_processor.binarythreshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)

for cr_processor in self.cr_processors:
Expand All @@ -169,8 +173,8 @@ def track(self) -> None:
self.cr_artifacts(cr_processor, offsetx, offsety, pupil_area)
cr_center, cr_width, cr_height, cr_angle, cr_dimensions_int = cr_processor.ellipse.parameters()

self.refresh_pupil(self.pupil_source) #lambda _: None when pupil not selected in gui.
self.place_markers() #lambda: None when markerless (-m 0).
self.refresh_pupil(self.pupil_source) # lambda _: None when pupil not selected in gui.
self.place_markers() # lambda: None when markerless (-m 0).

if self.pupil_processor.track():
self.pupil =
Expand All @@ -189,18 +193,16 @@ def track(self) -> None:

self.dataout = {
"time" : timestamp,
"frame" : config.importer.frame,
"blink" : blink,
"cr_dim" : (cr_width, cr_height),
"cr_cen" : cr_center,
"cr_ang" : cr_angle,
"pupil_dim" : (pupil_width, pupil_height),
"pupil_cen" : pupil_center,
"pupil_ang" : pupil_angle
"time": timestamp,
"frame": config.importer.frame,
"blink": blink,
"cr_dim": (cr_width, cr_height),
"cr_cen": cr_center,
"cr_ang": cr_angle,
"pupil_dim": (pupil_width, pupil_height),
"pupil_cen": pupil_center,
"pupil_ang": pupil_angle

Expand All @@ -223,7 +225,7 @@ def release(self) -> None:
""" = False

Expand All @@ -235,15 +237,14 @@ def release(self) -> None:

def update_feed(self, img) -> None:

self.source = img.copy()
self.pupil_source = img.copy()


def cr_artifacts(self, cr_processor, offsetx:int, offsety:int, pupil_area) -> None:
def cr_artifacts(self, cr_processor, offsetx: int, offsety: int, pupil_area) -> None:
Computes pupillary overlaps and acts to remove these artifacts.
Expand All @@ -253,12 +254,13 @@ def cr_artifacts(self, cr_processor, offsetx:int, offsety:int, pupil_area) -> No
cr_center_int = tuple_int(cr_center)
larger_width, larger_height = larger_radius = tuple(int(1.2 * element) for element in cr_dimensions_int)

cr_width_norm = larger_width * self.norm
cr_width_norm = larger_width * self.norm
cr_height_norm = larger_height * self.norm

dimensional_product = larger_width * larger_height

arc = [dimensional_product / np.sqrt((cr_width_norm * anglesteps_cos[i])**2 + (cr_width_norm * anglesteps_sin[i])**2) for i in angular_range]
arc = [dimensional_product / np.sqrt(
(cr_width_norm * anglesteps_cos[i]) ** 2 + (cr_width_norm * anglesteps_sin[i]) ** 2) for i in angular_range]
cos_sin_arc = [(to_int(anglesteps_cos[i] * arc[i]), to_int(anglesteps_sin[i] * arc[i])) for i in angular_range]

hit_list = zeros.copy()
Expand All @@ -267,11 +269,10 @@ def cr_artifacts(self, cr_processor, offsetx:int, offsety:int, pupil_area) -> No
cos, sin = arc_element
x = cr_center_int[0] + offsetx + cos
y = cr_center_int[1] + offsety + sin

n = 1

while n < self.norm_cr_artefact:
n += 1
if pupil_area[y, x] != 0:
hit_list[i] = i + 1
Expand All @@ -282,7 +283,6 @@ def cr_artifacts(self, cr_processor, offsetx:int, offsety:int, pupil_area) -> No

if np.any(hit_list):
delta = np.count_nonzero(number_row - hit_list)

Expand All @@ -296,5 +296,6 @@ def cr_artifacts(self, cr_processor, offsetx:int, offsety:int, pupil_area) -> No
cos, sin = cos_sin_arc[element - 1]
x = cr_center_int[0] + cos
y = cr_center_int[1] + sin
cv2.ellipse(self.pupil_source, cr_center_int, larger_radius, cr_angle, element * 40-40, element*40, 0, 4) #normalize qqqq
#cv2.line(self.pupil_source, cr_center_int, (x, y), 0, 4) #normalize linewidth qqqq
cv2.ellipse(self.pupil_source, cr_center_int, larger_radius, cr_angle, element * 40 - 40,
element * 40, 0, 4) # normalize qqqq
# cv2.line(self.pupil_source, cr_center_int, (x, y), 0, 4) #normalize linewidth qqqq

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