REPO ReaPack||1|2 PACK "Extensions" "ReaPack.ext" "" 0 REPO ReaTeam Scripts||1|2 PACK "Cursor" "BuyOne_Move edit cursor to snap offset cursor; fades; take, stretch markers; media cues; razor edit area edges.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "BuyOne_Snap edit cursor to item edges, snap offset, fades within X ms across tracks (see settings).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor ahead five seconds.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor ahead one minute.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor ahead one second.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor ahead ten seconds.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor ahead thirty seconds.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor ahead two seconds.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor back five seconds.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor back one minute.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor back one second.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor back ten seconds.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor back thirty seconds.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor back two seconds.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor to start of first item in project.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Lokasenna_Move edit cursor to start of first item in selected tracks.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Cursor" "Place play cursor into view (when playing) or Center edit cursor (when stopped).eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "amagalma_Move edit cursor to closest item edge (among the selected items).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Cursor" "amagalma_Move edit cursor to closest item edge in project.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Cursor" "amagalma_Move edit cursor to next possible bad or missing items crossfade on selected tracks.lua" "1.06" 0 PACK "Cursor" "amagalma_Move edit cursor to next visible grid line.lua" "1.04" 0 PACK "Cursor" "amagalma_Move edit cursor to previous possible bad or missing items crossfade on selected tracks.lua" "1.06" 0 PACK "Cursor" "amagalma_Move edit cursor to previous visible grid line.lua" "1.06" 0 PACK "Cursor" "amagalma_Transport Play from start of arrange view - Stop at play cursor (editing).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Cursor" "az_Go To Timecode.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Cursor" "az_Play from mouse cursor with 2 sec shift (move edit cursor).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "cfillion_Copy current position to clipboard.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Cursor" "rodilab_Move cursor to nearest item edge in selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "spk77_Move edit cursor back by 1 frame (or 1 beat).eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "spk77_Move edit cursor forward by 1 frame (or 1 beat).eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "spk77_Move edit cursor to start of current measure.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Development" "Lokasenna_GUI library v2 (developer tools).lua" "2.12.3" 0 PACK "Development" "Lokasenna_GUI library v2.lua" "2.16.12" 0 PACK "Development" "Lokasenna_Run Lua script in debug mode.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Development" "Lokasenna_Run last Lua script in debug mode.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Development" "Lokasenna_Script Compiler.lua" "2.0.1" 0 PACK "Development" "Lokasenna_Scythe library v3 (developer tools).lua" "3.0.0" 0 PACK "Development" "Lokasenna_Scythe library v3.lua" "3.0.0" 0 PACK "Development" "X-Raym_Color_functions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Development" "amagalma_Find action or script name by its Command ID.lua" "2.01" 0 PACK "Development" "amagalma_Search for the selected action in the Action List, or the open script in the IDE, in ReaPack.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Development" "amagalma_Show the ReaPack ' about dialog ' of the given package entry, for the selected action in the Action List.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Development" "amagalma_Theme variable descriptions.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Development" "cfillion_Dump file to string literal.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Development" "cfillion_GFX Input Inspector.lua" "2.1" 0 PACK "Development" "cfillion_Interactive ReaScript.lua" "0.8.4" 0 PACK "Development" "cfillion_Joystick inspector.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Development" "cfillion_Search action by command ID or name.lua" "2.0.2" 0 PACK "Development" "pandabot_Convert image to Lua function.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Development" "willdevelop_Read tags (for plugin tag system).lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Development/RPP-Parser" "Reateam_RPP-Parser.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Development/RPP-Parser" "Reateam_RPP-Parser_test.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Development/RPP-Parser" "amagalma_Display all referenced media files in all projects residing in a folder path.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "BuyOne_(Un)Collapse envelope lanes.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "BuyOne_Move selected FX envelope in track to top_bottom_upwards_downwards.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "Lokasenna_Switch to next track envelope in selected tracks.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "amagalma_Clear multiple track envelopes for all selected tracks or for all tracks in project.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "amagalma_Set envelope segment under mouse cursor to 0 dB or center.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "amagalma_Toggle active take volume envelope visible for selected item(s).lua" "2.02" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "amagalma_Toggle take volume envelope visible for all takes of all items in project.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "amagalma_Toggle volume envelope visibility for selected tracks or items depending on mouse position or last context.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "amagalma_spk77_Adjust envelope point at mouse cursor via mousewheel.lua" "1.05" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "cfillion_Delete points before or after the edit cursor in selected envelope.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "cfillion_Delete points outside of the time selection in selected envelope.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "cfillion_Linear ramp selected envelope points.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "cool_MK ShaperStutter.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "edgemeal_Toggle active envelopes inlane for selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "edgemeal_Toggle envelope lanes for selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "edgemeal_Toggle visible envelopes inlane for selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "jreverb_Snap selected tcpfx envelope points to semitones.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "js_Envelope LFO generator and shaper.lua" "2.17" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "mespotine_Toggle height of selected track envelope.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "spk77_Adjust volume envelope point at mouse cursor via mousewheel.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "spk77_Compress or expand selected envelope points.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "spk77_Create envelope points from FX param values.lua" "0.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "spk77_Delete track FX envelope points in time selection (last focused FX) .lua" "0.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "Select all visible synchronous pooled instances of selected automation items across tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "amagalma_Insert pooled instances of automation items in all Razor Edit areas for each envelope type (according to envelope name).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "amagalma_Insert pooled instances of one automation item in all Razor Edit areas.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "amagalma_Insert pooled instances of one automation item in time selection for selected tracks and selected envelope.lua" "1.14" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "amagalma_Select all visible pooled instances of selected automation items in project.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "cfillion_Automation item selection bundle.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "cfillion_Enable or disable automation item loop.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "cfillion_Move right edge of selected automation items to end of time selection.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "cfillion_Split selected automation items at project markers and regions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "edgemeal_Set first selected point to last selected point value in AI.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "edgemeal_Set last selected point to first selected point value in AI.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "Lokasenna_Toggle take FX envelope visibility in selected items.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "Odedd_Convert item fades to take volume envelopes.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "amagalma_Change Take Volume (insert 4 points) for selected items (or selected take vol env) in time selection by set amount (Settings).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "amagalma_Change Take Volume (insert 4 points) for selected items (or selected take vol env) in time selection by set amount (down).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "amagalma_Change Take Volume (insert 4 points) for selected items (or selected take vol env) in time selection by set amount (up).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "amagalma_Clear all take envelopes for all selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "edgemeal_Toggle last touched take FX envelope.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "edgemeal_Toggle selected items take envelopes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "edgemeal_Toggle selected take envelopes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Copy take mute envelope from selected take to other takes in same group.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Copy take pan envelope from selected take to other takes in same group.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Copy take pitch envelope from selected take to other takes in same group.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Copy take volume envelope from selected take to other takes in same group.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Create take mute envelope from active take to other takes in item.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Create take pan envelope from active take to other takes in item.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Create take pan envelope from take pan.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Create take pitch envelope from active take in other takes in item.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Create take volume envelope from active take to other takes in item.eel" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Paste stored take mute envelope source to active takes in same group.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Paste stored take mute envelope source to active takes in selected items.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Paste stored take pan envelope source to active takes in same group.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Paste stored take pan envelope source to active takes in selected items.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Paste stored take pitch envelope source to active takes in same group.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Paste stored take pitch envelope source to active takes in selected items.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Paste stored take vol envelope source to active takes in same group.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Paste stored take vol envelope source to active takes in selected items.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Paste take envelopes from active take to other takes.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Store take envelope source.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "80icio_Floating FX bypass toggle.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "BryanChi_FX Devices.lua" "1.0beta9.6.3" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_(Un)Tag FX with (in)active envelopes (settings inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_(Un)Tag FX with (in)active parameter modulation (sett. inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_FX presets menu (guide inside).lua" "1.5" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_FX presets navigation.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_Generate .reabank file from FX preset list.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_Insert selected FX or FX chain presets in OR copy focused FX to selected objects.lua" "1.5" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_Link two FX parameters via parameter modulation (guide inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_List all linked FX parameters in the project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_Load FX chain on selected objects via file dialogue (guide inside).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_Lock FX and FX chains.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_Toggle (Un)Bypass input FX for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_Toggle bypass;offline state of all FX in a focused;selected item;take + visual indication (guide inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "BuyOne_Update FX chain at object selection when one FX window at a time enabled.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "FX" "Fabian_MFXlist.lua" "0.9.9beta" 0 PACK "FX" "Lokasenna_Adjust ReaSamplomatic 5000 Pitch Offset.lua" "2.1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "Lokasenna_Toggle FX bypass by track and slot.lua" "1.33" 0 PACK "FX" "amagalma_Calculate difference in LUFS for selected or all FX of focused FX chain.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "amagalma_Center in screen the floating FX or FX Chain.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "FX" "amagalma_Float centered exclusively the next FX for the current track.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "amagalma_Float centered exclusively the previous FX for the current track.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "amagalma_List parameters ID numbers and names for focused FX.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "FX" "amagalma_Re-open and float the last touched and closed FX.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "FX" "amagalma_Toggle wet 0-100% (or current value) for focused FX.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "cfillion_Monitoring FX bypass bundle.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "cfillion_Repair missing JSFX files in current project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "cfillion_Show ReaPack about dialog for the focused JSFX.lua" "0.1" 0 PACK "FX" "cfillion_Toggle input FX bypass for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "edgemeal_Copy FX from item under mouse to selected items.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "edgemeal_Display last touched FX parameter.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "edgemeal_Save and restore selected tracks floating FX windows (4 slots).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX" "edgemeal_Save selected tracks floating Input FX windows to slot.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "FX" "edgemeal_Toggle show monitoring FX chain.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX" "jrtaylormusic_Get and propagate last touched FX parameter to all instances.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "js_Track FX grouping.lua" "0.93" 0 PACK "FX" "kawa_TrackFXs_Routing_Matrix_DS_KW.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "larryseyer_Live keys scripts.lua" "1.0.0-1" 0 PACK "FX" "sexan_Lil FX Slot Homie.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "spk77_Link selected tracks FX parameters.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX" "tagirijus_FX list menu.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "FX" "tagirijus_Toggle bypass non-instrument FX on selected track.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "tompad_FX chain AB.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Add project markers as cue points to selected items and replace source files.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Argitoth_Select items with color of selected items.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "AtmanActive_Apply track-take FX to selected items and propagate new files to other items with same source.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Breeder_spk77_GlueTools.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Create pitch-rate (vari-speed) take envelope and render to new take.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Delete selected item(s) and select next or previous (settings inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Exclusively solo or mute only selected grouped items (settings inside).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Explode MIDI note rows (pitch) to new items (keyboard note order).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Explode multichannel MIDI to new one-channel items obeying keyboard note order.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Manipulate overlapping items in lanes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Move items from one track to many or from many to one.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Propagate items in current region to other regions by name, color or index.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Ripple edit per track when selected item length changes (settings inside).lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Split grouped items keeping splits in the same group as the originals.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Split selected MIDI item at every note or chord.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "BuyOne_Swap 2 items (select both).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Demoji_Next Variation.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "ED_Select items with take FX in active take.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "ED_Select items with take FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "ED_Set envelope to maximum value within time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "ED_Set envelope to minimum value within time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "ED_Toggle selecting all items on the track under mouse cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "FnA_Unselect First-Last Selected Item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "JRT_Split all items at time selection or edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "JerContact_Zero crossing loop maker for items.lua" "1.5" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Lokasenna_Fill selected MIDI item with notes... .lua" "1.61" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Lokasenna_Fill time selection with empty items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Lokasenna_Insert empty item for each selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Lokasenna_Pad item start and end with 15 frames of silence.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Lokasenna_Select all MIDI notes in selected items.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Lokasenna_Set item start and end (spot mode).lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Lokasenna_Shuffle selected items to mouse cursor.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Lokasenna_Smart fill gaps by stretching item tails.lua" "1.3.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Lokasenna_Trim items to specified length.lua" "1.10" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Lokasenna_Unselect all MIDI notes in selected items.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "MK Slicer (80icio MOD).lua" "1.10" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Mordi_Move selected items content to previous cue (align with snap offset).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "Mordi_spk77_Sort items by length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "ak5k_Drums to MIDI.lua" "0.1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "ak5k_Toms tool.lua" "0.1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Add all completely visible items in arrange viewport to selection (for all completely visible tracks).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Add all completely visible items in arrange viewport to selection (for selected tracks).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Apply track-take FX to items (mono output) and place in new track.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Apply track-take FX to items (stereo output) and place in new track.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Close gaps (remove space) between all items of selected tracks.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Close gaps (remove space) between selected items.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Crossfade any overlapping items (even on different tracks).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Delete CC-Text-Sysex events by type for selected midi items' active takes.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Delete and retain selected items in project.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Delete crossfade under mouse cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Explode takes of items across children tracks, optionally mute and lock original items.lua" "1.20" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Explode takes of items across tracks (according to source files).lua" "1.10" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Fill space between selected items with empty items.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Implode enclosed items as takes of longer items on the same track.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Implode items across tracks into takes (keep splits).lua" "1.05" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Move closest crossfade to mouse cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Nudge to source preferred position (used by BWF) for selected items' active takes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Remove selected items' active takes' source file cue points (WAV only) - NO UNDO.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Remove selected items' cue points and replace source file (WAV only).lua" "1.11" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Remove visible content (trim) behind items.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Remove visible fades from selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Set items' rate according to their BPM metadata tag, if present.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Smart Crossfade.lua" "1.61" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Snap MIDI item(s) edges to grid without changing content position.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Split item at mouse cursor position ( use defined crossfade and selection settings ).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Split items under mouse with selection option (selected items get priority over grouped).lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Toggle guide line size between full arrange or item height.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "amagalma_Toggle show editing guide line on item under mouse cursor in Main Window or in MIDI Editor.lua" "1.86" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "az_Fade tool (work on context of mouse, razor or time selection).lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "az_Open item copy in primary external editor with handles.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "az_Smart split items by mouse cursor.lua" "2.4" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "beaunus_Name item takes by last marker to cut item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "bfut_Extract loop section under mouse cursor to new item.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "bfut_Select items of less than 1 sample in length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "bfut_Split looped item into separate items.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "bfut_Trim to source media lengths (limit items lengths).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "bfut_Unselect items touching time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "bfut_Unselect items within time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "boringcactus_BeatPermute.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "cfillion_Move selected items to a FIPM lane.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "cfillion_Move selected items to one FIPM lane per color.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "cfillion_Set item end to cursor and resize trailing MIDI notes.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "cfillion_Show all saved nudge settings.lua" "3.0.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "cfillion_Split selected non-locked items at edit cursor.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "cool_MK Slicer.lua" "3.04" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "js_Comp items - Unmute item under mouse and mute overlapping items.lua" "0.90" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "js_Edit - Insert chased CCs at edit cursor in selected MIDI items.lua" "0.90" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "js_Remove all CCs, pitch, channel pressure and program change events from all tracks.lua" "2.00" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "js_Render items INTO next take (and toggle freeze active take).lua" "0.91" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "js_Render items INTO next take (apply track FX and toggle freeze active take FX).lua" "0.92" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mendel_Restore ripple mode from persistent ExtState.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mendel_Save ripple mode to persistent ExtState.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mordi_Align grouped items to selected items respectively.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mordi_Glue items, add take markers and name after first item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mordi_Move cursor or content to next or previous transient after X ms silence.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mordi_Move selected items to markers with the same name as the active take.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mordi_Move selected items to new individual tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "pandabot_Copy and paste rhythm.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "pandabot_Extend items by note divisions.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "pandabot_Isolate items by note divisions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "pandabot_Isolate time selection by note divisions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "pandabot_Select every N items within selection.eel" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "pandabot_Select every N tracks within selection.eel" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Duplicate items or tracks (depending on focus and time selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Explode multichannel items to mono items in new tracks (without render).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Implode items on same track into takes (align with snap offset).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Implode mono items into stereo item.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Limit items edges at source start and stop.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Match criteria (match with BWF and iXML metadata).lua" "1.5" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Move items to synchronize with the TimeRef of the first selected item (BWF metadata).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Move items, preserving crossfade lengths.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Move selected notes to a new MIDI item.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Reorganize vertically all items in selected tracks according to track index metadata.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Smart copy, and move cursor to start of items (if copying items).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Smart cut, and move cursor to start of items (if cuting items).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "rodilab_Trim oversized edges.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "solger_Smart split MIDI item.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Copy items and store positions.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Glue selected items preserving names.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Paste items and recall positions.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Remove contents of time sel (from selected items).eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Replace selected items with item under mouse cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Select every N-th item within time selection.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Select items within time selection on selected tracks.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Split all items at edit cursor.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Split all non-locked MIDI items at edit cursor.lua" "0.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Split all non-locked audio items at edit cursor.lua" "0.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Split and implode items across tracks into takes.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Split selected items at mouse cursor.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "tagirijus_Open item and center track.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "triode_Track-based item selection.lua" "0.72" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "BuyOne_Apply fade-in, fade-out and crossfade to selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "BuyOne_Fade presets.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "IXix_delete selected items active take envelopes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "Lokasenna_Item properties - Loop item source - On and Off.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "Lokasenna_Item selection follows the edit cursor for selected tracks.lua" "1.1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "Lokasenna_Toggle item under mouse cursor's image between notes and background.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "Lokasenna_Toggle selected item's image between notes and background.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "Lokasenna_Track selection follows item selection.lua" "1.1.2" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "Nantho_Item Auto-Gain Staging - Peak vs. RMS.lua" "1.0.0-1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "Nantho_item Auto Gain Staging - Peak vs. LUFS.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "acendan_Set subprojects in selected items to custom color slot.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "amagalma_Choose active take for item under mouse (show menu).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "amagalma_Disable 'No autofades property for selected items.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "amagalma_Enable 'No autofades' property for selected items.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "amagalma_Explode selected item active take to new track (remove take from original item).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "amagalma_Group selected items vertically.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "amagalma_Lock all items in project to their active take (mouse click will not change active take).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "amagalma_Name selected items notes after the region they are in.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "amagalma_Paste text from clipboard to selected items' notes (one line per item).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "amagalma_Switch unlocked items only to previous or next take bundle.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "cfillion_Set item volume control mode.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mordi_Rename take markers from 1 to X.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "rodilab_Loop section of audiomidi item source within time selection, if any.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "rodilab_Rename takes and item notes with BWF and iXML metadata.lua" "2.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "rodilab_Set items snap offset to max peak.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "spk77_Breeder_PL9_Copy paste item properties (incl BWF).eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "spk77_Export item names and time stamps to text file.lua" "0.2" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "spk77_Normalize selected items to given range.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "spk77_Rename items to track name.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "spk77_Trim item volumes.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "tagirijus_Toggle loop source on item under cursor in selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "willdevelop_Pitch scale generator.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "yatsumehole_Turn item pitch in the selected track into MIDI notes.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "BuyOne_Convert selected notes to dotted (settings inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "BuyOne_Copy or Move all notes and-or other MIDI events to specified MIDI channels.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "BuyOne_Copy or Move selected notes and-or other MIDI events in visible lanes to specified MIDI channels.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "BuyOne_Insert note at constant velocity depending on dummy toggle scripts.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "BuyOne_Insert note at constant velocity set via a dialogue (guide inside).lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "BuyOne_Move pitch cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "BuyOne_Move selected notes to a new MIDI item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "BuyOne_Paste notes at edit cursor obeying pitch cursor position.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "BuyOne_Switch to next;previous active CC envelope.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Buy_One_Time selection - set start ; end point.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "" "2.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "" "2.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "FnA_Join selected overlapping and consecutive notes with spacing below threshold - input and no input versions.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "JRT_Navigate-Next or previous note OR measure.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "JRT_Navigate-Zoom vertically OR move notes up or down ignoring key.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "JRT_Scroll view OR move notes up or down.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_CC Ryder.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Convert current scale to ix_scale.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Copy values from selected midi notes.lua" "1.33" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Delete all notes outside the current scale.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Delete note under mouse cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Delete selected notes outside the current scale.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Duplicate selected notes chromatically.lua" "1.5" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Duplicate selected notes diatonically.lua" "1.5.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Invert selected CC event values.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_MIDI Note Selector.lua" "2.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_MIDI Randomization Tool.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Mute all notes outside the current scale.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Mute selected notes outside the current scale.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Pedal Steel.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Select note and note row under mouse cursor.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Select notes above or below note number... .lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Set selected note lengths to at least X.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Lokasenna_Theory Helper.lua" "1.40" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Mordi-ahmusic_Search selected notes in scale finder.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "Mordi_Search selected notes in chord finder.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "amagalma_Delete CC-Text-Sysex events by type.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "amagalma_MIDI note velocity Statistics - compress or expand above and below threshold.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "cfillion_Set space between selected notes from grid size.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "cfillion_Step sequencing (replace mode).lua" "1.1.2" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "cfillion_Toggle MIDI preview on transport change.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "edgemeal_Close all floating MIDI windows.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "eriklandskov_Select all MIDI notes that share MIDI channel with selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "gofer_spk77_Smooth CCs.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Deselect all MIDI except in active channel of active take.lua" "2.10" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Deselect all events outside time selection (from all tracks).lua" "2.02" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Fit all selected events to time selection.lua" "2.00" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Fit selected events to time selection in lane under mouse.lua" "2.00" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Fit selected events to time selection in last clicked lane.lua" "2.00" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Insert CC or pitch at mouse position, leaving other selected.lua" "3.00" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Insert pitch reset at start of each selected note (all editable takes).lua" "0.90" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_LFO Tool (MIDI editor version, apply to existing CCs or velocities in lane under mouse).lua" "2.80" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_LFO Tool (MIDI editor version, apply to existing CCs or velocities in last clicked lane).lua" "2.80" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_LFO Tool (MIDI editor version, insert CCs in time selection in lane under mouse).lua" "2.80" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_LFO Tool (MIDI editor version, insert CCs in time selection in last clicked lane).lua" "2.80" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_LFO Tool (MIDI editor version, insert CCs under selected notes in lane under mouse).lua" "2.80" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_LFO Tool (MIDI editor version, insert CCs under selected notes in last clicked lane).lua" "2.80" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_MIDI Inspector.lua" "1.65" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Mouse editing - Connect nodes.lua" "4.20" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Mouse editing - Draw LFO.lua" "4.30" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Mouse editing - Draw ramp.lua" "4.55" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Mouse editing - Extract nodes.lua" "1.20" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Mouse editing - Multi tool.lua" "6.61" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Mouse editing - Run script that is armed in toolbar.lua" "2.10" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Mouse editing - Slice notes.lua" "4.21" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Mouse editing - Swipe select.lua" "2.21" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Notation - Select all notes that have customized display lengths or positions.lua" "3.10" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Notation - Select notes by notation keywords.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Notation - Select notes by user-supplied notation text.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Notation - Set beaming of selected notes to custom rhythm.lua" "2.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Notation - Set display length of selected notes to double and add staccato articulation.lua" "2.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Notation - Set display length of selected notes to quadruple and add staccatissimo articulation.lua" "2.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Notation - Set displayed length of selected notes to custom value.lua" "2.3" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Option - Selecting single note or CC in active take sets channel for new events.lua" "2.31" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Option - Switching active take sets channel for new events to channel of existing events.lua" "1.12" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Option - Toggle skip redundant events when inserting CCs.lua" "0.90" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Panic - Stop all keystroke intercepts by scripts.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Remove redundant CCs (from selected events in lane under mouse).lua" "3.20" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Remove redundant CCs (from selected events in last clicked lane).lua" "3.20" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Remove redundant CCs.lua" "3.20" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Select and deselect MIDI notes by step pattern.lua" "1.30" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Select channel for new events for inline MIDI editor under mouse.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Set time selection to selected events in lane under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Set time selection to selected events in last clicked lane.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Tilt selected events in lane under mouse to fit both sides.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "js_Zoom MIDI editor to 5 measures at mouse position.lua" "1.30" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "kl_Preset velocity.lua" "0.2" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "pandabot_Select every N notes within selection.eel" "1.2" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_Add to selection next note at same pitch.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_Add to selection previous note at same pitch.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_MIDI velocity tool.eel" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_Move edit cursor to start of next note + preview.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_Move edit cursor to start of next note.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_Move edit cursor to start of previous measure.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_Move edit cursor to start of previous note.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_Remove redundant CCs.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_Restrict polyphony.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_Select all MIDI notes and events right of cursor.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_Set random velocities for selected notes.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "spk77_Split selected takes to MIDI notes boundaries.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "talagan_Distribute MIDI notes evenly action.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "timtam_AccessiChords.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Inline Editor" "js_Deselect all MIDI except in active channel of inline MIDI editor under mouse.lua" "1.10" 0 PACK "MIDI Inline Editor" "js_Select CC lanes to show in MIDI item under mouse.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "MIDI Inline Editor" "js_Select CC lanes to show in selected MIDI items.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "MIDI Inline Editor" "js_Select channel for new events for MIDI editor under mouse.lua" "0.95" 0 PACK "Markers" "BuyOne_Insert project marker with current timestamp at edit;mouse cursor (options).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "BuyOne_Insert take marker with current timestamp at edit;mouse cursor in selected items;takes (options).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "BuyOne_Set markers and-or regions to random color(s).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "Hypex_Tempo marker list.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "Lokasenna_Fill time selection with markers.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Markers" "Lokasenna_Go to marker 00.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "Mordi_Create tempo-map from markers.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Find and Replace in Marker Region Names.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Markers" "amagalma_Go to marker (choose from menu list).lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Markers" "amagalma_Rename region at edit cursor after the first selected item.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Markers" "amagalma_Rename region at edit cursor after the first selected track.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Markers" "amagalma_Write project markers as media cues to selected items active takes source files.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Markers" "beaunus_Add markers for lyrics in selected items.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Markers" "cfillion_Copy and paste project markers and regions.lua" "1.1.2" 0 PACK "Markers" "cfillion_Delete last marker left of the play or edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "cfillion_Export markers to mkvmerge simple chapter format.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "cfillion_Insert regions at markers and vice versa in time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "daxliniere_Live recording take commenter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "js_Stretch tempo markers to edit cursor.lua" "0.90" 0 PACK "Markers" "mordi_Add project markers as take markers into selected items.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Markers" "mordi_Replace string in marker and region names.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "rekseffeks_protoolsmarkerjump.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Markers" "spk77_Duplicate previous marker.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "spk77_Move nearest marker to edit cursor.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "tormyvancool_Chapter marker for audiobooks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "BenjyO_Reset project start measure.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "BenjyO_Reset project start time.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "BenjyO_Set measure 1 to current edit cursor position (rounded).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "BuyOne_Close tab or quit REAPER without Save prompt (see settings).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "BuyOne_Export project tabs and import from dump (settings inside).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "BuyOne_Load instance of current project in another tab.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "BuyOne_Open recent projects in new tab (settings inside).lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "BuyOne_Save-Load window set #1-10 with Mixer scroll position.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "BuyOne_Scroll named track into view in the Mixer (guide inside).lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "JerContact_Open project based on file in clipboard.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "amagalma_Disable Project Bay option Automatically retain items when removed from project.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "amagalma_Enable Project Bay option Automatically retain items when removed from project.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "amagalma_Set project grid (via dropdown menu).lua" "1.04" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "amagalma_Set project samplerate to that of the first selected item (if different).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "amagalma_Toggle Project Bay option Automatically retain items when removed from project.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "cfillion_Normalize peaks display gain.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "cfillion_Set master track mono mode to L+R, L, R or L-R.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "cfillion_Set timecode at edit cursor.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "edgemeal_Do not process muted tracks toggle.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "edgemeal_Save project plugin info to text file.lua" "1.06-1" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "nickstomp_Import Export track group names.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Project Properties" "solger_ReaLauncher.lua" "2.5.2" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "amagalma_Add Razor Edit on selected tracks within Region bounds under mouse or edit cursor (keep other RE areas).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "amagalma_Create Razor Edit on selected tracks within Region bounds under mouse or edit cursor (clear other RE areas).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "amagalma_Crossfade items in Razor Edit area.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "amagalma_Delete all envelope points inside Razor Edit areas (do not add edge points).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "amagalma_Delete razor edit areas' contents moving later items (ripple per track).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "amagalma_Insert empty space at Razor Edit areas moving later items (ripple per track).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "amagalma_Remove all item fades within Razor Edit areas.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "amagalma_Set time selection to razor edits' start and end (selected tracks only).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "amagalma_Set time selection to razor edits' start and end.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "amagalma_Split media items at Razor Edit area edges (crossfades to the left of the splits).lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "az_Exclude tracks or envelopes from razor area depending on mouse placement.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "js_Razor edit - Apply LFO to razor areas by converting to temporary automation items.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "js_Razor edit - Enclose selected media items and automation items in minimal razor areas.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Regions" "BuyOne_Set region at play or edit cursor to a predefined color.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "BuyOne_Sort by length region bars displayed in lanes (respecting time sel.).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "HeDa_RegionMatrixAutoTrack.lua" "0.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "Mordi_Create single region from selected items (get name and color from folder track).lua" "1.2.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "Mordi_Set render matrix by comparing track names and region names.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Regions" "Thonex_Set region at edit cursor to time selection.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "Thonex_Set time selection to region at edit cursor.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "amagalma_Go to region marker (choose from menu list).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Regions" "ausbaxter_Save and Load region render matrix.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "cfillion_Nudge start or end of regions in time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "edgemeal_Select region in region manager window.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Regions" "epacheco_Create a single region with name and tail length from selected items.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Regions" "epacheco_Create a single region with name from selected items.lua" "1" 0 PACK "Regions" "micheldejoode_Mute - unmute tracks per region by Region Render Matrix.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "spk77_Create regions (with tail) from selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "stepanhlavsa_Big region progress bar for live use.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "tormyvancool_Chapter region for podcasts and recorded broadcasts.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Rendering" "BuyOne_Play a file when rendering is finished (guide inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Rendering" "BuyOne_Render each item in place separately (guide inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Rendering" "DSG_Render time selection to new track.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Rendering" "cfillion_Apply render preset.lua" "2.0.3" 0 PACK "Rendering" "rodilab_Render whole items in new take.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Rendering" "uorcun_Insert start and end markers to time selection for subprojects.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "Argitoth_Split selected items at stretch markers.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "Hypex_Item stretch list.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "js_Adjust audio items to tempo changes using stretch markers.lua" "0.90" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "js_Convert all stretch markers in selected items to slopes with starting rate 1.0, to protect transients.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "js_Convert all stretch markers in take under mouse to slopes with starting rate 1.0, to protect transients.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "spk77_Copy stretch markers from selected item to other items in group.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "spk77_Quantize stretch markers.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "Argitoth_Convert all takes pitch to rate.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "Argitoth_Convert all takes rate to pitch.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "BuyOne_Randomize active take in items (settings inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "BuyOne_Reverse order of all takes in items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "Mordi_Add count of same-named takes to selected takes names (starting from 1).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "Mordi_Move first character of active takes name to end (on selected items).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "Mordi_Namecount from x.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "Mordi_Set selected items active takes name to track name.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "Nagasaki45_Randomize active takes pan in selected items.lua" "0.1" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "amagalma_Draw Spectral Edits Tool.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "amagalma_Set all take markers' color for selected items in time selection.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "az_Propagate project Pitch Shift mode to all takes with default mode.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "cfillion_Select the item with highest or lowest pitch.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "cfillion_Toggle take FX bypass for selected items.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "edgemeal_Cycle item last selected take up-down.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "js_Sort takes by LUFS.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "myrrc_Toggle take two mono to stereo play (doubletrack mode).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "spk77_Pan active takes randomly.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "spk77_Randomize active takes pitch in selected items.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "spk77_Reset takes pan to center.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "BuyOne_Create time selection between two marked points from the closest to cursor on the left (guide inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "JRT_Extend selection to start of session.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "Lokasenna_Create time selection at edit cursor... .lua" "1.14" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "Lokasenna_Create time selection at play cursor... .lua" "1.14" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "Lokasenna_Move time selection left by time selection length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "Lokasenna_Move time selection right by time selection length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "Lokasenna_Set time selection from edit cursor to play cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "Lokasenna_Snap time selection or loop points to grid.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "cfillion_Extend time selection to cover selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "cfillion_Insert empty space from time selection at edit cursor (moving later items).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "edgemeal_Move time selection to cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "edgemeal_Playhead follower.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "edgemeal_Select muted items within time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "edgemeal_Select non-locked items in time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "edgemeal_Unselect items not within time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "js_Time selection - Insert empty beats at time selection (moving later items).lua" "1.10" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "rodilab_Play next item once.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "rodilab_Set time selection to fade under mouse cursor.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "spk77_Set time selection from edit cursor to end of items.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "spk77_Set time selection from edit cursor to end of selected tracks.eel" "2015.7.1" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "spk77_Set time selection to item fade-in.lua" "0.1" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "spk77_Set time selection to item fade-out.lua" "0.1" 0 PACK "Tracks" "cfillion_Remove empty tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "gus-lan_Select folder tracks of depth X.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "AZ_Toggle exclusive solo for track under mouse.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Argitoth_Set number of channels for selected tracks.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "BuyOne_(Re)Store Mixer scroll position per project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "BuyOne_Automatically increase height of selected tracks, decrease others'.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "BuyOne_Mute empty tracks with FX and optionally set their FX offline (guide inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "BuyOne_Navigate to track send destination or receive source track via menu.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "BuyOne_Save track template with items selected or within time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "BuyOne_Scroll to or exclusively show track(s) by name or index.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "BuyOne_Set sends;receives in selected tracks to the next mode (relative to the current).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "BuyOne_Set sends;receives in selected tracks to the same mode and cycle through the modes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "DP_Set track playback offset.lua" "1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "ED_Toggle free item positioning mode with track name marker.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "ICio_Set color gradient to children tracks starting from parent color.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "JRT_Mute and hide selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Lokasenna_Append selected track names with their first send destination.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Lokasenna_Create bus after selected tracks and reroute them.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Lokasenna_Create bus before selected tracks and reroute them.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Lokasenna_Create folder to contain selected tracks.lua" "1.1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Lokasenna_Create send from selected tracks.lua" "1.40" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Lokasenna_Select tracks by name.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Lokasenna_Select tracks in selection with items.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Lokasenna_Select tracks in selection with no items.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Lokasenna_Show only specified tracks.lua" "1.5.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Mordi_Insert new track (inherit color from parent).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "Will-Develop_Random track order for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "airon_Show VCA Followers of selected VCA Leader.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "airon_vca_show_leaders.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "ak5k_Toggle track visibility by items in current region.lua" "0.2.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "amagalma_Cycle layout for track under mouse cursor (applies to other selected tracks if track selected).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "amagalma_Fit vertically all tracks into view (if possible).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "amagalma_Insert a new track as the last child for each selected track (optionally enumerate and name).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "amagalma_Normalize selected tracks - calculate only for the time selection, if present (peakRMSLUFS)....lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "amagalma_Route selected tracks to new Channel Selector track above them.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "amagalma_Smart track layout picker (categories with sub-menus).lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Bypass all input FX for selected tracks.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Disable audio or MIDI source of all sends on selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Duplicate tracks (preserving SWS track notes).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Explode selected tracks to mono tracks.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Remove hardware outputs of selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Rename selected tracks from clipboard lines.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Reset TCP height of selected tracks to default.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Reset stereo width of selected tracks to 100%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Select destination tracks of selected tracks sends recursively.lua" "" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Select source tracks of selected tracks receives recursively.lua" "1.2.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Select track FX by name.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Set audio source of all sends on selected tracks to all channels.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Set destination or source bus of MIDI sends on selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Toggle track FX bypass by name.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Toggle visibility of empty non-folder tracks.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "cfillion_Unselect hidden tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "edgemeal_Disable multichannel metering on selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "edgemeal_Enable playback offset for selected tracks.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "edgemeal_Enable track playback offset for selected tracks (Samples).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "edgemeal_Remove muted track sends from selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "edgemeal_Remove muted track sends.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "edgemeal_Select tracks with locked items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "edgemeal_Show VSTi from selected MIDI track sends.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "edgemeal_Unselect last (bottom) selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "jmieszkowski_Create folders from selected tracks based on their names and color them.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "jmieszkowski_Set the color of selected tracks from their parent tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "js_Autoincrement MIDI send channels of selected tracks.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "js_Propagate note and CC names of last clicked track to all selected tracks.lua" "1.10" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "js_Set MIDI send channel of selected tracks to channel of existing MIDI events in track.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "manup_SendBox.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mordi_Paste text from clipboard to selected tracks names (separate by newline).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mordi_Set media playback offset for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mordi_Sort selected tracks alphabetically.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "ook_Insert new track with two-way midiaudio send to selected track.lua" "0.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "patrickmartin_Setup Multi-Out VST.lua" "1.1beta" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "reaperblog_+3dB trim send levels on selected track.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "reaperblog_-3dB trim send levels on selected track.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "rodilab_Toggle hide tracks with no items in current time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "rodilab_Track name groups.lua" "1.50" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "spk77_Adjust all receive volumes on selected track by x dB.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "spk77_Adjust all send volumes on selected track by x dB.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "spk77_Rename tracks after first program change (for General MIDI).eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "spk77_Reset all tracks pan.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "spk77_Reset all tracks volume.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "spk77_Set pan for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "spk77_Set solo for send X.lua" "0.1.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "spk77_Set track names to first item (active take) name.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "spk77_Set track names to source filename (remove extension).eel" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "spk77_Set volume for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "spk77_Sexan_Folder Record and Monitor Arm To Children.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "tm_Set hardware outputs of selected tracks to post-fader.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "tm_Set hardware outputs of selected tracks to pre-fader (post-fx).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "tm_Set hardware outputs of selected tracks to pre-fader (pre-fx).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "triode_Adjust selected tracks sends via send window (or fader volume if no send window).lua" "1" 0 PACK "Various" "Airon_Colour Swatch.lua" "1.61" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_Adjust track, item, envelope points, FX parameters with mousewheel.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_Check length of custom action(s).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_Convert custom actions to Lua ReaScript.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_Cursor toggleable toolbars.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_Duplicate selected tracks, media or automation items with input box.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_Dynamic ReaperMenu (guide inside).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_Exclusive dummy toggles.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_REAPER Profile terminal.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_Scroll horizontally and;or move loop and;or time selection by user defined interval.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_Select source object of a focused FX chain or FX window.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_Select track of the currently focused track FX window.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "BuyOne_Skip marker(s) or region(s) with the keyword in the name.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "Dfk_Project map navigator.lua" "0.92" 0 PACK "Various" "ED_Smart toggle mute (items, automation items, tracks).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "FnA_Ensure toggle OFF (item grouping).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Various" "FnA_Ensure toggle ON (item grouping).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Various" "FnA_Solo in front dimming louder.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "FnA_Solo in front dimming quieter.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "FnA_Solo in front dimming with mousewheel.eel" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Various" "HeDa_AutoSend.lua" "0.2" 0 PACK "Various" "HeDa_Crop Region to selected item.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Various" "HeDa_View Scroll Bottom.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "HeDa_View Scroll Top.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "JamesHE_Audition Takes of Selected items.eel" "1.01" 0 PACK "Various" "JamesHE_Comps Display.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "JamesHE_gfx and string functions.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Add real-life timestamps.lua" "1.0.4" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Create action to open a file... .lua" "1.3.0" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Create mix bus and reroute all selected tracks to it.lua" "1.1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Create mix bus and reroute all top-level tracks to it.lua" "1.1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Enable metronome until playback reaches edit cursor.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Generate script from custom action.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Insert most recent exported file....lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Open Reaper folder.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Open Resource folder.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Radial Menu.lua" "2.7.4" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Refresh current theme.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Repeat Action.lua" "1.1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Reverse order of selected tracks.lua" "1.0.0" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Scroll mixer to first selected track.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Various" "Lokasenna_Toolbar button shortcuts.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Various" "PL9-amagalma_Source Time Position Tool v2.lua" "2.01" 0 PACK "Various" "PL9_Source Time Position Tool.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "ak5k_Low latency monitoring.lua" "2.2.1" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Add smart metronome click track below the selected track.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Adjust theme colors.lua" "2.19" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Backup Limit Automatic - Keep x number of most recent timestamped backups of current project file.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Backup Limit Manual - Keep x number of most recent timestamped backups of current project file.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Backup Limit Settings - Keep x number of most recent timestamped backups of current project file.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Backup Limit Stand-Alone - Keep x number of most recent timestamped backups of the selected project(s) (browse to specify).lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Calculate difference in LUFS when take and track FX are applied to selected item via dry run.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Chunk ViewerEditor.lua" "1.55" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Create Impulse Response (IR) of the FX chain of the selected track.lua" "2.14" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Distinguish visually the ripple editing modes.lua" "1.32" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Edgemeal_Get number of all actions in the Action List.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Enclose selected or focused FX in visible chain with ABLM2 Level Matching VST.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Go to track (mousewheel only) reverse.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Grid Settings button.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Horizontal Zoom preset bundle.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Implode items across tracks into takes (remove empty tracks).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Insert or remove space at project start (moving everything and optionally keep same arrange view position).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_ReaNoir track-item-take coloring utility.lua" "2.16" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Reaper GUI color controls XL.lua" "1.08" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Ripple recording.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Save current Horizontal Zoom as preset bundle.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Save current Vertical Zoom as preset bundle.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Set size of Vertical Zoom presets.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Show menu for dry run (calculate loudness) actions.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Show path from list menu (Resource, Selected Item, Project File, Record, Secondary Record, Render).lua" "1.12" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Simulate tempo with playrate.lua" "1.11" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Smart automatic record mode.eel" "1.01" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Smart contextual zoom.lua" "1.55" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Smooth scroll view left.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Smooth scroll view right.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Toggle Select all tracks, items or envelope points under mouse (smart select all).eel" "1.11" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Toggle behavior of Play-Stop buttons.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Toggle enclose focused FX chain with ABLM2 Level Matching VST.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Toggle enclose focused FX chain with AB_LM Level Matching VST or JSFX.lua" "1.36" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Toggle enclose selected or focused FX in visible chain with ABLM2 Level Matching VST.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Toggle enclose selected or focused FX in visible chain with AB_LM Level Matching VST or JSFX.lua" "1.36" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Toggle show media itemtake or automation item properties, depending on last touched context.lua" "1.00" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Transport Play (with memory - no undo).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Transport Play-Stop (with memory - no undo).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Transport Stop - Toggle position (with memory - no undo).lua" "1.11" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_Vertical Zoom preset bundle.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_gianfini_ReaNamer (track-item-region renaming utility).lua" "1.32" 0 PACK "Various" "amagalma_mespotine_Create MIDI Morse Message Item at edit cursor position, grid length duration, first selectedlast touched or first track.lua" "1.5" 0 PACK "Various" "ausbaxter_Render item columns.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Various" "" "2.0" 0 PACK "Various" "cfillion_Big Repeat Button.lua" "1.0.3" 0 PACK "Various" "cfillion_Enable or disable external timecode synchronization.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "cfillion_Find shortcut in the Action List.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Various" "cfillion_Open preferences page.lua" "1.0.3" 0 PACK "Various" "cfillion_Project underrun monitor (xrun).lua" "2.1" 0 PACK "Various" "cfillion_Song switcher.lua" "1.5" 0 PACK "Various" "edgemeal_Maximize foreground window.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "edgemeal_Restore foreground window.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "edgemeal_Toggle snap grid settings.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "jrtaylormusic_Toggle snap globally (Main and MIDI Editor).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "js_Hotstrings.lua" "0.90" 0 PACK "Various" "mespotine_Show item name as tooltip.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mschnell_Mute Track X.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "pandabot_ChordGun.lua" "1.9" 0 PACK "Various" "patrickmartin_Split at transients and create regions named from pitches.lua" "1.0beta" 0 PACK "Various" "rodilab_Color palette.lua" "2.21" 0 PACK "Various" "rodilab_Smart remove.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "rodilab_Smart select all (depending on focus, tracks selected and time selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "sexan_Project time counter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "spk77_Clock.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "spk77_Convert MIDI notes to stretch markers.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "spk77_Convert stretch markers to MIDI notes.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "spk77_Info display (mouse cursor context).eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "spk77_Insert empty space at time selection (prevent moving locked items).eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "spk77_Time display tool.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "spk77_Track FX selector.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "spk77_Track IO mixer.lua" "0.2016.06.25" 0 PACK "Various" "spk77_Track Tags.lua" "0.4.6" 0 PACK "Various" "tagirijus_Delete backups in project folder.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "tagirijus_Prevent item extend on record.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Various" "tagirijus_Save project and move backups.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "timtam_IntelliFreeze.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "tompad_MusicMath.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "tompad_Practice coach.lua" "1.0.5" 0 PACK "Various" "tompad_obliques.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Various" "vo_Pomodoro.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Video" "js_Video - Automatically adjust size of thumbnail items when zooming.lua" "0.92" 0 PACK "Video" "js_Video - Create thumbnail items in selected track for selected video items.lua" "0.91" 0 PACK "Video" "js_Video - Extract thumbnails of video items to empty, MIDI or video processor items.lua" "0.93" 0 PACK "Video" "yatsumehole_Auto screen flipping videos.lua" "1.0" 0 REPO ReaTeam JSFX||1|2 PACK "Distortion" "Loudener.jsfx" "1.2" 0 PACK "Distortion" "RCInflator2_Ideal.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Distortion" "RCInflator2_Oxford.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Distortion" "TiaR_Ze Morpho Dist.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Distortion" "rcjach_RCInflator.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Dynamic" "ersh_Transient Controller 2.jsfx" "2.1.1" 0 PACK "Dynamic" "sinefabula_Hard Clipper.jsfx" "0.1" 0 PACK "Filter" "TiaR_Lattice Filter.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Filter" "bellesondes_eq1979.jsfx" "0.95" 0 PACK "MIDI" "MB_MIDI Event Filter.jsfx" "2.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "MB_ReautoMate.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "TJA_MIDI Performer2.jsfx" "0.6.4" 0 PACK "MIDI" "TJA_MIDI note-banked CC multiplier.jsfx" "0.1.2" 0 PACK "MIDI" "XQ_Drum Converter.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI" "XQ_Drum Deviator.jsfx" "4.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "XQ_Drum Equalizer.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI" "bertbouwhuis_MIDI controller for S8 looper with fade in and out.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "bor-T_MIDI_XY_Pad_Controller.jsfx" "0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI" "boreg_MIDI routing matrix.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "cfillion_MIDI Taps Repeater.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "cfillion_MIDI note length control.jsfx" "1.0.4" 0 PACK "MIDI" "cfillion_Note Duplicator.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "cfillion_Sustain pedal to note length.jsfx" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI" "ee33_Triggered Random Modal Riffer.jsfx" "1" 0 PACK "MIDI" "erantalmor_MIDI Rhythm Trainer.jsfx" "1.15" 0 PACK "MIDI" "juan_r_Keyboard MirrorInvert (Juan_R).jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "juan_r_MIDI Floating Split.jsfx" "0.02a" 0 PACK "MIDI" "juan_r_MIDI Fret and Pick.jsfx" "1.03" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mathphreak_Learningbaby.jsfx" "2.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mbncp_Legato Control.jsfx" "0.3" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mbncp_PitchWheel.jsfx" "0.2" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mschnell_MIDI CC fluctuation.jsfx" "2.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mschnell_MIDI MPE to single channel.jsfx" "2.3" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mschnell_MIDI PB x X.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mschnell_MIDI Slider and MIDI CC.jsfx" "1.4" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mschnell_MIDI glissando.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mschnell_MIDI route via GMEM.jsfx" "1.4" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mschnell_Note On under X velocity to Note Off and send All Notes Off.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mschnell_Send All Notes Off.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mschnell_Slider to MIDI NRPM.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mschnell_XY Pad.jsfx" "2.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "polgo_MIDI Envelocity.jsfx" "1.2" 0 PACK "MIDI" "polgo_MIDI Varocity.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI" "rekseffeks_MIDI CC to pitchbend.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "talagan_MIDI CC Bistate Button.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "talagan_MIDI CC Mapper X.jsfx" "5.2" 0 PACK "MIDI" "urtzurd_MIDI Glissando.jsfx" "0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI" "willdevelop_MIDI Note Repeater [Default Key Map B1 - A4].jsfx" "2.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "willdevelop_MIDI Velocity Filter.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "willdevelop_MIDI every note the same.jsfx" "2.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "willdevelop_every_note_the_same.jsfx" "2.0" 0 PACK "Misc" "TiaR_PM_Resynth.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Misc" "brumbear_LiveBeatRepeater.jsfx" "1.50" 0 PACK "Misc" "brumbear_LiveScrubberDucky.jsfx" "0.7" 0 PACK "Modulation" "TiaR_ChopChop.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Modulation" "TiaR_Ze Big Chorus.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Modulation" "TiaR_Ze Little Scanner Chorus.jsfx" "1.06" 0 PACK "Modulation" "mschnell_Delay_Modulator.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "Reverb" "TiaR_HadamVerb.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Routing" "MDF_51 to DMS.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Routing" "MDF_DMS to 51.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Routing" "MDF_DMS to FOA.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Routing" "MDF_DMS to Quad.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Routing" "MDF_DMS to Stereo.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Routing" "MDF_FOA to DMS.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Routing" "MDF_Quad to DMS.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Routing" "mschnell_Midi_Route_Note_On.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Synth" "TiaR_2op PM Synth.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Synth" "TiaR_Chua Oscillator.jsfx" "0.2" 0 PACK "Synth" "TiaR_Complex X Filter Synth.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Synth" "TiaR_Shepard Paradoxical Synth.jsfx" "1.02" 0 PACK "Synth" "TiaR_Ze Cheesy Harmonic Synth.jsfx" "0.3" 0 PACK "Synth" "TiaR_Ze DigiThArmOrgan.jsfx" "0.1" 0 PACK "Synth" "TiaR_Ze Musette Organ.jsfx" "1.2" 0 PACK "Synth" "TimeWaster_ReaRack Modular Synth.jsfx" "2.3.7" 0 PACK "Utility" "CoreyScogin_AutoMixer.jsfx" "1.3.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "CoreyScogin_TimeDelayByDistance.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "ReaperBlog_-12dB Dim.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "ReaperBlog_Macro Controller.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "ReaperBlog_Multichannel Volume Trim 2.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "ReaperBlog_Multichannel Volume Trim.jsfx" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "TimeWaster MIDI-Mouse.jsfx" "0.1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "az_Automute.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "belovw_Goniometer.jsfx" "0.18alpha" 0 PACK "Utility" "dylanmadigan_Automatic Gain Stager.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "jcgurango_MIDI Arranged Looper.jsfx" "0.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "jcgurango_Pre-Arranged Looper.jsfx" "0.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "jsh_Inline Input Viewer (MCP embedded).jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "jw_gfxscope-beat-retrigger.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_Dual Time adjustment.jsfx" "2.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_Inter Track Parameter Modulation.jsfx" "2.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_MIDI CC2SYSEX.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_MIDI Convert to CC.jsfx" "5.2" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_MIDI Display 3 CCs.jsfx" "2.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_MIDI Display Patch Name.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_MIDI Fade.jsfx" "2.3" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_MIDI Trigger CC.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_MIDI Volume Control.jsfx" "3.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_Midi Auto Engage.jsfx" "3.2" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_Midi CC Table.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_Multi_Sin_Generator.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_Mute monitor when recording.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "mschnell_Slider to Midi PS.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "nofish_Volume utility +-10db (sample accurate automation).jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "zenomod_VU Meter (ZenoMOD) - UserThemes.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "zenomod_VU Meter (ZenoMOD).jsfx" "1.7.7" 0 REPO ReaTeam Themes||1|2 PACK "Mods" "Lokasenna_Default_5.0_Nitpicky_Edition.theme" "15.01" 0 PACK "Mods" "Pet_Default_v5_Dark.theme" "1.3" 0 PACK "Mods" "Pet_Default_v5_Dark_Extended.theme" "2.0" 0 PACK "Mods" "cfillion_Default v4.0 + width.theme" "1.0" 0 PACK "Mods" "oleggoryachev_RADO-V5-ARTEK.theme" "1" 0 REPO ReaTeam LangPacks||0|2 REPO ReaTeam Extensions||1|2 PACK "API" "ak5k_ReaBlink.ext" "0.4.4" 0 PACK "API" "js_ReaScriptAPI.ext" "1.310" 0 PACK "API" "reaper_imgui.ext" "" 0 PACK "Control Surfaces" "ak5k_ReaSolotus REAPER Solo bus extension.ext" "0.1.6" 0 PACK "Control Surfaces" "brumbear_ReaKontrol.ext" "1.10" 0 PACK "FX" "ak5k_ReaFab Fabulous REAPER plug-in controller extension.ext" "0.3.11" 0 PACK "FX" "ak5k_ReaLlm REAPER Low latency monitoring plug-in extension.ext" "0.5.0" 0 REPO MPL Scripts||1|2 PACK "Automation Items" "mpl_Convert selected envelope points to automation item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Automation Items" "mpl_Generate pooled automation item for selected envelope from item audio.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Automation Items" "mpl_Insert 1 measure long automation item for last touched parameter.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "mpl_Duplicate envelope points.lua" "1.05" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "mpl_Split all track envelopes at selected envelope points positions.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Adjust normalized last touched parameter by X units (MIDI, OSC, mousewheel).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Adjust normalized last touched parameter.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Bind last touched controller to last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Bypass all FX except instruments on all tracks.lua" "1.51" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Bypass all FX except instruments on selected tracks.lua" "1.51" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Bypass all the selected track FX starting after focused FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Bypass all the selected track FX starting from focused FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Cubase AB floating FX make equal.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Cubase AB floating FX.lua" "1.05" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Decrease LFO speed for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Delete bypassed fx from selected tracks.lua" "1.13" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Delete offline fx from selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Disable LFO for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Disable parameter modulation for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Enable LFO for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Enable parameter modulation for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Float instrument on selected track.lua" "1.04" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Float instrument on track under mouse cursor.lua" "1.06" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Generate reabank from focused FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Increase LFO speed for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Insert focused FX to selected tracks, preserve parameters.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Insert focused FX to selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_InstrumentRack.lua" "1.12" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_LearnEditor.lua" "2.03" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_ModulationEditor.lua" "1.04" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Offline all the track FX before focused FX (including focused FX).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Offline all the track FX before focused FX.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Offline all the track FX starting from focused FX.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Offline bypassed fx on selected tracks.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Open FX browser and close FX browser when FX is inserted.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Pan focused FX track 10% left.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Pan focused FX track 10% right.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Pan focused FX track at center.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Random modulated parameters LFO phase on selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Randomize Track FX parameters.lua" "2.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Remove MIDI learn from focused FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Remove MIDI learn from selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Remove OSC learn from focused FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Remove OSC learn from selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Reset FX chain pin mapping.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Restore focused FX parent track bypass states.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Retrospective record of focused FX parameter tweaks - dump.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Retrospective record of focused FX parameter tweaks - log (background).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Route FX chain followed by focused FX to 3-4 pair.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Save focused FX parent track bypass states.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO direction to centered for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO direction to negative for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO direction to positive for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO shape to sine for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO speed to 0.5 beat for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO speed to 1 beat for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO speed to 2 beats for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO square to random for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO square to saw L for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO square to saw R for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO square to sine for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set LFO square to triangle for last touched parameter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set auxilary input as a modulation for last touched parameter.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set last touched parameter value (via deductive brutforce).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set main input as a modulation for last touched parameter.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Set selected track FX outputs to incremental stereo pairs.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Show instrument in FX chain on selected track.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Show instrument in FX chain on track under mouse cursor.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Show last touched FX parameter info.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Show plugin path for focused FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Show selected envelope FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Sort focused FX presets alphabetically.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Toggle FX oversampling.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Toggle auto bypass on silence.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Toggle bypass FX with latency (PDC) higher than X samples.lua" "1.06" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Toggle float instrument on track under mouse cursor.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Toggle mute all tracks contain FX with latency (PDC) higher than X samples.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Toggle mute focused FX track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Toggle offline FX with latency (PDC) higher than X samples.lua" "1.07" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Toggle parameter modulation for last touched parameter.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Toggle soft pseudo bypass focused FX.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Toggle solo focused FX track.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_Toggle solo for selected FX.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX" "mpl_XYPad (background).lua" "2.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Add note into RS5k instance name on selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Add or replace source of item under mouse cursor for RS5k instance on selected track.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Add or replace source of selected item for RS5k instance on its track.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Add or replace source of selected item for RS5k instance on selected track.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Add or replace source of selected item for RS5k instance on track under mouse cursor.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Build harmonic series bands for focused ReaEQ.lua" "1.07" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Bypass all UAD FX on all tracks.lua" "1.11" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Collect and replace selected tracks RS5k instances samples into project folder.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Convert RS5k MIDI item into source based audio items (drum mode).lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Create ReaComp sidechain routing (always new renamed instance).lua" "1.08" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Create ReaComp sidechain routing (ask for track IDs).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Create ReaComp sidechain routing (inversed source destination).lua" "1.05" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Create ReaComp sidechain routing.lua" "1.06" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Create ReaGate sidechain routing (ask for track IDs).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Create ReaGate sidechain routing (inversed source destination).lua" "1.05" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Create ReaGate sidechain routing.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Explode selected track RS5k instances to new tracks.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Export RS5k sample into item on same track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Export selected item to RS5k instance on same track as chromatic source.lua" "1.05" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Export selected items to RS5k instances on selected track (drum mode).lua" "1.18" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Export selected items to RS5k instances on selected track (use original source).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Export selected items to RS5k instances on selected track (use original source, wait for input).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Export selected items to RS5k instances on selected track.lua" "1.17" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Export selected items to single RS5k instance on selected track (use original source).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Export selected items to single RS5k instance on selected track.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Float Fre(a)koscope on master channel.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Float Fre(a)koscope on selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Float RS5k instance by last incoming note.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Float RS5k related to input note on last touched track.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Float s(M)exoscope on master channel.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Generate DC offset envelope from asymmetric waveform.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_List next sample in directory for RS5k on selected track.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_List next sample in directory for focused RS5k.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_List previous sample in directory for RS5k on selected track.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_List previous sample in directory for focused RS5k.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_List random impulse in directory for focused ReaVerb.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_List random sample in directory for focused RS5k.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_List samples in directory for focused RS5k (MIDI, OSC, Mousewheel).lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Move sample selection for focused RS5k (MIDI, OSC, Mousewheel).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Open and Close Media Explorer when single item is inserted, export chromatically to RS5k (background).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Open and Close Media Explorer when single item is inserted, export it to RS5k (background).lua" "1.05" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Port focused ReaEQ bands to spectral edits on selected items.lua" "1.11" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_RS5K_manager_MIDIBUS_choke.jsfx" "1.01" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_RS5k manager (background).lua" "3.20" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_RS5k_manager_MacroControls.jsfx" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Remove ReaEQ from selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Reverse focused RS5k instance sample.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Scale focused ReaEQ bands gain down.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Scale focused ReaEQ bands gain up.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Set FCS mode for focused RS5k.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Set Note mode for focused RS5k.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Set RS5k sample start offset based on sample peak.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Set Sample mode for focused RS5k.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Set selected tracks ReaGate threshold to peak hold level.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Solo last touched ReaEQ band (alter).lua" "1.04" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Solo last touched ReaEQ band.lua" "1.05" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Sort by note start RS5k instances on selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Sort focused ReaEQ bands by frequency.lua" "1.05" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Split focused ReaEQ to LR routing.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Toggle 64x oversampling for all ReaComp instances.lua" "1.22" 0 PACK "FX specific" "mpl_Toggle solo focused ReaXcomp band X.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Functions" "mpl_Various_functions.lua" "3.61" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Convert selected looped items to multiple splits.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Duplicate items bar relative.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Duplicate items until end of time selection.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Explode stereo take into 2 mono takes in place and normalize.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Fit selected items to MIDI notes boundaries.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Invert item selection in selected tracks.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Move items to edit cursor if they are same named as their parent tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Move items to tracks with same name.lua" "1.06" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Move selected items to selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Remove Items, confirm if multiple.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Remove item under mouse cursor.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Remove selected overlapped items.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Select items named as selected item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Smart duplicate items N times.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Smart duplicate items grid relative.lua" "1.14" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Smart duplicate items.lua" "1.32" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Snap selected items to each other.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Split item under mouse cursor at mouse cursor.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "mpl_Stretch selected items to edit cursor preserve snapoffset.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Align item position by SMPTE code on last channel.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Align selected track items vertically (free positioned mode).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Change pan for item under mouse cursor active take (mousewheel).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Change volume for item under mouse cursor (mousewheel).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Create snap offset at maximum peak in first second of take.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Cut extension from selected item names.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Mute item under mouse cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Normalize selected items takes loudness to XdB.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Normalize selected items to middle loudness between them.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Rename items on selected tracks incrementally.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Select items by pattern.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Set fadein of item under cursor to mouse position.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Set fadeout of item under cursor to mouse position.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Stretch item to project tempo.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Toggle solo selected track items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_Unlock selected items for 30 seconds.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "JSFX" "Convert Pitch(L) Gate(R) pair from Reaktor Blocks to MIDI.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX" "DC offset.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX" "MappingPanel_master.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX" "MappingPanel_slave.jsfx" "1.2" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Chord - reverse positions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Chord voicing - clear internal data.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Chord voicing - randomize.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Chord voicing - select higher note under play cursor.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Chord voicing - select higher notes.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Chord voicing - select lower note under play cursor.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Chord voicing - select lower notes.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Export selected items as MIDI files into project path.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Interpolate MIDI item envelopes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_MIDI note names generator.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Quantize selected MIDI notes ends.lua" "1.14" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Quantize selected MIDI notes positions.lua" "1.13" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Remove selected takes MIDI data.lua" "1.11" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Select first notes in selected passages.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Send short NoteOn MIDI message to virtual keyboard.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "mpl_Snap takes to scale.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Add CC64 off to channel 0 of active MIDI Editor take.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Add CC64 on to channel 0 of active MIDI Editor take.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Adjust MIDI Editor grid (mousewheel).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Adjust selected notes pitch (mousewheel).lua" "2.02" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Convert noteOn with velocity 0 to noteOff.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Copy selected CC.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Copy selected notes velocities.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Cycle grid values MIDI Editor (mousewheel).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Fit selected notes to MIDI item edges.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Float instrument relevant to MIDI editor.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Move edit cursor to first note of active MIDI editor take.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Note selector.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Paste selected CC.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Paste selected notes velocities.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Remove MIDI AfterTouch.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Remove MIDI CC.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Remove MIDI CC64 (hold pedal).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Remove MIDI CC64-69 (all pedals).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Remove MIDI PitchWheel.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Remove MIDI ProgramChange.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Remove gaps between notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Select high pitch MIDI notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Set selected CC.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Smart duplicate events.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Snap selected notes to scale.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Solo MIDI Editor active take track.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Split selected notes to equal parts.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Stretch selected MIDI notes positions by custom x.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Stretch selected MIDI notes positions by x0.5.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Stretch selected MIDI notes positions by x2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Strum selected notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI editor" "mpl_Zoom horizontally, change grid relatively (mousewheel).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Navigation" "mpl_Move cursor to next phrase in items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Navigation" "mpl_Move cursor to next selected item edge, keep overlapping condition.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Navigation" "mpl_Move cursor to previous phrase in items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Navigation" "mpl_Move edit cursor to first note of selected item.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Navigation" "mpl_Select following phrase.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Navigation" "mpl_Set time selection from edit cursor to end of current region.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Navigation" "mpl_Set time selection from edit cursor to start of current region.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Regions" "mpl_Convert CUE file into markers (DDP formatted).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "mpl_Convert CUE file into markers.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Regions" "mpl_Go to next marker id.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "mpl_Shift regions and markers to edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Conditional bounce-in-place.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Disable add rendered files to project after render.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Enable add rendered files to project after render.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Glue and Render selected items as seamless loops.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Render inversed midi.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render bounds to entire project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render bounds to time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render directory to 'Render' in REAPER folder.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render directory to 'Render' in project folder.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render directory to desktop.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render filename.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render format to FLAC.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render format to MP3 128kbps CBR (LAME).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render format to MP3 maximum bitrate and quality (LAME).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render format to Video MP4 MJPEG.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render format to WAV 16 bit.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render format to WAV 24 bit.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render format to WAV 32 bit.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render source to master.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render source to selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Render" "mpl_Set render source to stems.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Ruler" "mpl_Add time signature.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Ruler" "mpl_Adjust arrange grid (mousewheel).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Ruler" "mpl_Cycle grid values (mousewheel).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Ruler" "mpl_Set project grid (MIDI CC and OSC only).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Ruler" "mpl_Zoom horizontally, change grid relatively (mousewheel).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Ruler" "mpl_Zoom horizontally, change grid relatively, preserve grid visibility and snap state (mousewheel).lua" "2.03" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "mpl_Copy selected item stretch markers.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "mpl_Move take content under stretch markers 10ms left.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "mpl_Move take content under stretch markers 10ms right.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "mpl_Paste and replace stretch markers to selected items.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "mpl_Quantize stretch markers in selected items to zero crossings.lua" "1.10" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "mpl_Remove all non-1x stretch markers from selected takes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "mpl_Stretch marker guard.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "mpl_Tape start selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Stretch Markers" "mpl_Tape stop selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Subprojects" "mpl_Move selected items to selected subprojects.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Check is multichannel item mono sourced, convert to mono if need.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Rename active take as (itemname)_bounce_(date time).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set active take color darker.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set active take color lighter.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to Dirac LE.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to ReaReaRea.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to Rrreeeaaa.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to Rubber Band.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to Simple windowed (fast).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to SoundTouch.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to elastique 2.2.8 efficient.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to elastique 2.2.8 pro.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to elastique 2.2.8 soloist.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to elastique 3.3.0 efficient.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to elastique 3.3.0 pro.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to elastique 3.3.0 soloist.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items pitch shift mode to project default.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items stretch marker fade size to 10ms.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items stretch marker fade size to 15ms.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items stretch marker fade size to 2.5ms.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items stretch marker fade size to 5ms.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items time stretch mode to Balanced.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items time stretch mode to No pre-echo reduction.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items time stretch mode to Project default.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items time stretch mode to Tonal-optimized.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Takes Properties" "mpl_Set selected items time stretch mode to Transient-optimized.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tempo" "mpl_Import Cubase tempo map.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tempo" "mpl_Toggle gradually transition for tempo marker before edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Editing" "mpl_Create layer track from selected instruments tracks.lua" "1.06" 0 PACK "Tracks Editing" "mpl_Implode mono track session to stereo items relative to LR at the trackname end.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Tracks Editing" "mpl_Import media folder content as structured tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Color project tracks by user defined filter and color.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Create FX send from selected tracks (custom).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Create send between selected tracks and track under mouse cursor.lua" "1.18" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Delete x characters from selected track names.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Disable master or parent send for track under mouse cursor.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Enlarge selected track (background).lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Enlarge selected track, define height (background).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Go to first receive track (send source).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Go to first send destination track.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Invert selected tracks solo to mute states.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Monitor selected track with track 1.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Move selected tracks faders to 0dB relative to holded peak.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Pan selected tracks with LR at the end of trackname respectively.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Prepare MIDI input for last touched track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Rename selected tracks as first FX.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Reset color for all children tracks to their top level folders.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Search tracks.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Select last track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Select next track with instrument.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Select previous instrument track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Select track of floating FX.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Select tracks with instruments.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Set hardware MIDI output to GM.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Set parent channels according to index for selected tracks.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Set selected tracks MIDI input device to TouchOSC bridge.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Set selected tracks audio input device to Guit.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Set selected tracks audio input device to Lambda guitar.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Set selected tracks audio input device to Mic.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Set solo for random selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Set stereo as parent channels for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Set track offset in seconds.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Solo track with opened FX chain.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Sort selected tracks by color.lua" "1.4.2" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Swap master channels (cycle width 100...-100).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_TalkBack Track 1 (MIDI CC and OSC only).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Toggle MIDI hardware output by name (UMC).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Toggle between normal and supercollapsed selected folders state.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Toggle parent and regular send for selected tracks, ignore MIDI when regular.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Toggle recarm on track under mouse cursor.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Toggle reverse pan flag and invert color of track under mouse cursor.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Toggle reverse volume flag and invert color of track under mouse cursor.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Toggle set midi routing mode for all selected tracks sends.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Toggle show only selected tracks in mixer.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Toggle show tracks if edit cursor crossing any of their items.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Toggle show tracks if play cursor crossing any of their items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "mpl_Toggle show tracks if time selection crossing any of their items.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Transport" "mpl_Play from item under mouse cursor.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Transport" "mpl_Transport Play Stop (obey longest negative track offset).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Transport" "mpl_Trigger record after recent audio event, set channel input.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "mpl_Trigger record after recent input MIDI event.lua" "2.01" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Adjust items or envelope points positons (mousewheel).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Align takes.lua" "2.27" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Check REAPER password, quit if not match.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Delete non-existing scripts from ActionList.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Detect item tempo.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Dump Retrospective Record log.lua" "2.05" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_ImportSessionData.lua" "2.11" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Input audio check selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_InteractiveToolbar.lua" "2.30" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_InteractiveToolbar_RefreshGUI.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Item spacer.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Mapping Panel (background).lua" "2.06" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Open and Close Media Explorer when item is inserted (background).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Peak follower tools.lua" "1.11" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_PitchEditor.lua" "1.13" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_ProjectPlaylist (background).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Quantize Tool.lua" "3.19" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Reset audio and MIDI devices.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Sampling tool.lua" "1.04" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_SendFader (background).lua" "2.08" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Set REAPER password.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Spectral editing tools - perform.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Spectral editing tools.lua" "1.04" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Spectral search.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_TaskScheduler.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Transient shaper.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Visual Mixer.lua" "2.20" 0 PACK "Various" "mpl_Write LUFS compensation to trim volume every bar.lua" "1.0" 0 REPO X-Raym Scripts||1|2 PACK "Color" "X-Raym_Display color of selected tracks items and takes in the console.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Color" "X-Raym_Select items with same color as mouse context (or first selected item) on selected tracks.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Color" "X-Raym_Set selected takes or items color from their visible color.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Color" "X-Raym_Set selected tracks and takes color from HEX value.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Color" "X-Raym_Set selected tracks and takes color.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Color" "X-Raym_Set selected tracks items and takes color from mouse context.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Cursor" "X-Raym_Automatically set edit cursor pos at mouse position if mouse over ruler.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "X-Raym_Go to start of next region.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "X-Raym_Go to start of previous region (strict).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "X-Raym_Go to start of previous region.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "X-Raym_Move edit cursor to end of region under play or edit cursor and play.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "X-Raym_Move edit cursor to end of region under play or edit cursor.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "X-Raym_Move edit cursor to first selected item snap offset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "X-Raym_Move edit cursor to next frame.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Cursor" "X-Raym_Move edit cursor to previous frame.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Cursor" "X-Raym_Move edit cursor to start of region under play or edit cursor and play.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Cursor" "X-Raym_Move edit cursor to start of region under play or edit cursor.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "X-Raym_Fade out master envelope at each selected items end.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "X-Raym_Move edit cursor to next envelope point.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "X-Raym_Move edit cursor to previous envelope point.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "X-Raym_Randomize selected envelope points value.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "X-Raym_Round selected envelope points value.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "X-Raym_Select envelope point at edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "X-Raym_Set or Offset selected envelope points value.lua" "2.0.3" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "X-Raym_Set selected envelope points value from value at edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "X-Raym_Unselect envelope point at edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Across Tracks" "X-Raym_Copy visible armed envelope of last touched track and paste to selected tracks.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Across Tracks" "X-Raym_Copy visible armed envelope points in time selection of last touched track and insert in selected tracks.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Across Tracks" "X-Raym_Merge visible armed envelopes of selected track to selected tracks VCA like).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "X-Raym_Delete automation items in time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Automation Items" "X-Raym_Select all automation items below length threshold on selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope point on edit cursor position from next point value.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope point on edit cursor position from previous point value.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope point on next point position from previous point value.lua" "1.1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope point on previous point position from next point value.lua" "1.1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at regular interval and set all points to linear.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from X to Y preserving edges on choosen envelopes.lua" "1.6.3" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from XdB to XdB preserving edges on Volume envelope.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from center to center preserving edges.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from center to max preserving edges.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from center to max.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from center to min preserving edges.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from center to min.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from max to center preserving edges.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from max to center.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from max to max preserving edges.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from max to min preserving edges.lua" "1.2.4" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from max to min.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from min to center preserving edges.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from min to center.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from min to max preserving edges.lua" "1.2.4" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from min to max.lua" "1.1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add envelope points at time selection edges from min to min preserving edges.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add point on envelopes at edit cursor with center value.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add point on envelopes at edit cursor with max value.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add point on envelopes at edit cursor with min value.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add point on envelopes at edit cursor.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add points before and after selected points.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add points on envelopes at markers.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Add points on envelopes at regions.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Clean inactive and hidden envelopes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Copy envelope points in time selection and paste at edit cursor preserving destination edges.lua" "1.2.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Copy envelope points in time selection and paste at edit cursor.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Copy envelope values at edit cursor and insert at time selection.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Copy envelope values at edit cursor and paste at time selection.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Delete envelope points at cursor position.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Delete envelope points below consecutive threshold (envelope smoother).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Delete envelope points preserving edges if time selection.lua" "1.2.3" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Delete envelope points.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Delete selected points on selected tracks visible armed envelope.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Hide envelope and set it as inactive.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Invert envelope points selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Invert envelope points values preserving edges if time selection.lua" "1.5" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Invert envelope points values.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Quantize envelope points.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Replace envelope points by linear points at regular interval.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Reset envelope with default value.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Reset envelope with value at edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Reset envelope with value estimated by regular intervals.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Reset selected envelope points to center default value.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Select envelope points in visible armed envelope of selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Select redundant envelope points.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Set envelope as active and armed.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Set flat points value in time selection preserving edges if time selection.lua" "1.6" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Set flat points value in time selection.lua" "1.6" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Set or Offset envelope points preserving edges if time selection.lua" "1.6" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Set or Offset envelope points value.lua" "1.6" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Set selected tracks parameters values with envelopes values at edit cursor.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Toggle certain envelopes properties.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Toggle envelope fader scaling.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Toggle envelopes active state property.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/On Tracks" "X-Raym_Trim selected tracks parameters values with envelopes values at edit cursor.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "X-Raym_Apply selected items pitch offset to their pitch envelope and reset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "X-Raym_Create take pitch envelope (random points - with GUI).eel" "0.2018.04.19" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "X-Raym_Offset selected items pitch envelope.lua" "1.1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "X-Raym_Pan active takes randomly (normal distribution) with GUI - OneSeed.eel" "0.2018.04.19" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "X-Raym_Pan active takes randomly (normal distribution)_OneSeed.eel" "0.2014.11.20" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Create take pan envelope from take pan.eel" "0.2014.11.20" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Pan active takes randomly (normal distribution) with GUI.eel" "0.2018.04.19" 0 PACK "Envelopes/Takes" "spk77_Pan active takes randomly (normal distribution).eel" "0.2014.11.20" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Bypass inactive take FX of selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Insert FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Leave open only focused FX and minimize the others.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Propagate last focused FX parameters values but bypass to similarly named FX on child tracks (real-time).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Set Color RGB paramaters of named FX to its track color.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Set FX name offline on all tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Set FX name offline on selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Set FX name online on all tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Set inactive take FX of selected items offline.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Set selected tracks FX parameter value from last focused FX last touch parameter.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Set selected tracks FX parameters values from last focused FX (real-time) (all instances).lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Set selected tracks FX parameters values from last focused FX (real-time).lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Set selected tracks FX parameters values from last focused FX.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Toggle JS Pitch Shifter and Reapitch on selected tracks according to record arm.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Toggle all FX except those with (ON) and (OFF) suffixes.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Toggle focused FX chain panel.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "X-Raym_Toggle selected tracks FX except those with (ON) and (OFF) suffixes.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Functions" "X-Raym_Functions - console debug messages.eel" "1.7" 0 PACK "Functions" "spk77_Button colors.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Functions" "spk77_Get max peak val and pos from take_function.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Functions" "spk77_Get take RMS.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Functions" "spk77_Save table to file and load table from file_functions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Functions" "spk77_class.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Functions" "spk77_slider class.lua" "0.1" 0 PACK "Functions" "spk_slider_class.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Align selected items across tracks.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Convert selected looped items into independent items.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Convert selected looped items into items and pooled midi.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Copy selected items and paste at mouse position.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Create empty items on selected tracks from selected midi takes notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Create seamless loops from selected items sections inside time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Delete selected items and ripple edit adjacent items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Delete selected items sections in time selection if cursor enter time selection and ripple new items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Expand first selected item per track to end of last selected ones and delete inbetween ones.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Expand first selected item to next item end.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Expand item under mouse to next item end.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Expand left edge of item under mouse to edit cursor keeping snap offset position and apply to other selected items.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Expand selected items left edge to the previous item position if close enough.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Expand selected items length to start and end of their source.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Expand selected items length to the next item position if close enough.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Explode multi channel items on two tracks without render (stereo).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Explode selected items on tracks below.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Glue selected items independently.eel" "0.9" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Implode selected items on same track into takes preserving position.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move item position of item under mouse to edit cursor according to ripple state preserving end.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move item position of item under mouse to edit cursor according to ripple state.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move items to start preserving groups timing relative positions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move left edge and content of item under mouse to edit cursor according to ripple state.eel" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move left edge of item under mouse to edit cursor according to ripple state.eel" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move right edge and content of item under mouse to edit cursor according to ripple state.eel" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move right edge of item under mouse to edit cursor according to ripple state.eel" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move selected items on first selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move selected items position left according to their snap offset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move selected items position right according to their snap offset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move selected items to end of previous items on all visible tracks.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move selected items to first track with same color.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move selected items to next item on all visible tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move selected items to next item on their track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Move selected items up to the top visible track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Multiply selected items length by two avoiding overlapping with next item.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Quantize selected items edges at grid unit inside them if possible.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Quantize selected items start and end to closest frame inside them.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Quantize selected items start and end to closest frame.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Quantize selected items to closest marker position.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Quantize selected items to closest region start.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Quantize selected items to next marker position.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Quantize selected items to previous marker position.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Remove item under mouse (restoring fades).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Replace similar MIDI takes by pools.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Set item under mouse start and end to items selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Set selected takes playrate keeping snap offset position and adjusting length.lua" "2.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Shift selected takes source audio content position randomly.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Shuffle order of selected items columns keeping snap offset positions and parent tracks.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Shuffle order of selected items keeping snap offset positions and parent tracks.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Snap selected items to region or marker with same name as their active take.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Snap selected items to the previous item end on their track.eel" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Sort selected items columns order by item names alphabetically keeping snap offset positions per track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Sort selected items columns order by item notes alphabetically keeping snap offset positions per tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Sort selected items order by item notes alphabetically keeping snap offset positions per tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Sort selected items order by takes names alphabetically keeping snap offset positions per tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Split first selected item at edit carret position in SWS notes window.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Split selected items according to items on first selected track and delete new items at spaces.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Split selected items according to items on first selected track and keep new items at spaces.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Split selected items according to items on selected tracks.lua" "1.1.3" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Split selected items at regions.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Split selected items at their take markers positions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Split selected items every X seconds intervals.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Stretch selected items with new length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Stutter edit selected media items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Trim items by common time section in selection columns.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Trim left edge of item under mouse or the next one to mouse cursor without changing fade-in end.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Trim left edge of item under mouse or the next one to mouse cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Trim left edge of item under mouse or the next one without changing fade-in end.lua" "2.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Trim left edge of item under mouse to edit cursor without changing fade-in end.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Trim left edge of selected items to first transient.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Trim right edge of item under mouse or the previous one to mouse cursor without changing fade-out start.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Trim right edge of item under mouse or the previous one to mouse cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Trim right edge of item under mouse to edit cursor without changing fade-out start.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Trim right edge of selected items to last transient.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Trim selected items at first and last transient.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_Unloop selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "X-Raym_mpl_Expand selected takes length and rate to edit cursor and propagate to other item in selection.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Glue selected items preserving names.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "spk77_Quantize items to grid using item snap offset.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "Viente_X-Raym_BPM Converter.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Add all items left to selected items to items selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Add all items on selected track into item selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Add all items right to selected items to items selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Add empty source take to selected items.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Add named and colored take markers to selected takes at play cursor position.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Add stretch markers to selected items at grid divisions.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Add stretch markers to selected items at tempo markers.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Add take markers from project markers to selected takes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Apply selected active takes volume to their items volume.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Apply volume of previous item on track to selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Color selected items according to their MIDI content.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Color selected items according to their source file name.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Color selected items from regions at their middle position.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Color selected items from regions.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Copy first selected item volume value into clipboard.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Copy selected items colors as CSV to clipboard.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Copy selected items notes as CSV to clipboard.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Copy selected items positions as CSV to clipboard.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Crossfade selected items across tracks.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Delete take markers outside of selected items boundaries.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Display TagLib metadatas of first selected item active take.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Display list of selected media items active take names in the console.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Display sum of length of selected media items in the console.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Exclude items with or without fades from selection.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Export selected items as tab-delimited regions CSV.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Group selected items according to their order in selection per track.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Group selected items vertically by position.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Invert selected items fades.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Invert tracks (reverse vertically) of selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Keep selected items with X channels only.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Keep selected only X items randomly.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Keep selected only active takes audio under or over peak volume threshold.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_List all audio takes paths in the console.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Move selected items snap offset to next cue.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Move selected items snap offset to previous cue.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Move selected items to named tracks.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Multiply selected items rate by X and adjust length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Nudge active takes volume randomly (normal distribution) with GUI.eel" "1.0.3" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Nudge selected items volume +0.1db.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Nudge selected items volume +0.5db.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Nudge selected items volume -0.1db.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Nudge selected items volume -0.5db.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Offset selected items volume by their track fader value.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Offset selected media items source positions by snap offset length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Pan selected takes from -x to +x.eel" "1.2.2" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Pan selected takes from left to right.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Pan selected takes from right to left.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Paste clipboard content into selected items notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Paste value in clipboard as selected items volume.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Propagate items selection to all similary-named active takes on track.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Propagate selected items FX to all items with same active take name.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Randomize take pitch (normal distribution with GUI).eel" "0.2018.19.04" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Randomize take playback rate (normal distribution).eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Randomize take playback rate.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Remove selected items images.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Rename first selected item take and associated MIDI pools.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Rename selected items active take from multiline clipboard content.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Rename selected items active takes from REAPER MIDI notes to Kontakt notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Rename selected items with clipboard content.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Rename selected takes from CSV input.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Rename selected takes from regions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Reset item snap offset.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Reset selected items active take stretch markers position.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Reset selected items auto-fades.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Reset stretch marker under mouse position.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Reset take playback rate from snap offset.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Round selected items volume - one decimal.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Search and replace in selected active takes names.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Search and replace in selected items takes names.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Select all items below length threshold on selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Select all items in current region at edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Select item under mouse automatically (background).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Select items with same source as first selected item.lua" "1.0.3" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set item under mouse snap offset at mouse cursor position.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set item under mouse snap offset value to selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set or offset selected takes pan.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set or offset selected takes rate by semitone adjusting item length and fades and clearing preserve pitch.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected audio takes gain by columns according to takes average RMS.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected audio takes gain by columns according to takes max peak.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected item active takes to random colors.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected items active take sources offline.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected items active take sources online.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected items fade-in fade-out length.lua" "1.3.3" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected items fade-in to snap offset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected items fade-out to snap offset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected items inactive takes sources offline.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected items inactive takes sources online.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected items notes from multiline clipboard content.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected items notes to their current region name.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected items sources TagLib metadatas.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected items take names by columns according to track under mouse or first track with selected items.lua" "2.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected takes volume from -x to +x.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Set sequential mono channel modes on selected items.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Smooth selected items stretch markers transitions by adjusting slope and right rate (including last marker).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Smooth selected items stretch markers transitions by adjusting slope and right rate.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Snap closest stretch marker to mouse position.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Snap stretch marker under mouse to closest grid line.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Snap stretch marker under mouse to edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Take FX list_ReaImGui.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Toggle selected active takes reverse arround their snap offset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Toggle selected active takes reverse preserving snap offset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Toggle selected items active take sources online-offline.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "X-Raym_Toggle selected items inactive takes sources online-offline.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "mpl_X-Raym_Unlock selected items for 5 seconds.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "timatkins_Set selected items active take according to take under mouse colour.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Properties" "tritonality_X-Raym_Cubase_Style_SelectTrack_On_ItemSelect.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX" "X-Raym_4 Mono channels switcher.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX" "X-Raym_4 Stereo channels switcher.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX" "X-Raym_Mute on loop.jsfx" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "JSFX" "X-Raym_Silence meter.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX" "X-Raym_Tone generator with playstate.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "JSFX/MIDI" "X-Raym_16 pads MIDI Notes Map.jsfx" "1.15" 0 PACK "JSFX/MIDI" "X-Raym_Last MIDI event monitor.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX/MIDI" "X-Raym_MIDI CC Channel Router.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX/MIDI" "X-Raym_MIDI CC Mapper (-24 +24 range).jsfx" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "JSFX/MIDI" "X-Raym_MIDI note generator.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX/MIDI" "X-Raym_MIDI notes octave transpose shift.jsfx" "1.2.2" 0 PACK "JSFX/MIDI" "X-Raym_MIDI notes sequence from CSV file.jsfx" "2.0.1" 0 PACK "JSFX/MIDI" "X-Raym_MIDI single note map.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX/MIDI" "X-Raym_Note On under X velocity to Note Off.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "JSFX/MIDI" "X-Raym_Note to CC.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI" "X-Raym_Export first selected MIDI item as CSound file.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "X-Raym_Insert MIDI note in selected items active take.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI" "X-Raym_MIDI Lyrics karaoke viewer for Ultrastar_GUI.lua" "1.0.4" 0 PACK "MIDI" "X-Raym_Remove selected items MIDI CC events lanes where all events are equal to 0.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "FnA_Select-Unselect notes in grid over mouse.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "FnA_Select-Unselect notes in grid under mouse.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Add 10 to selected notes velocity.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Add a MIDI marker named Page at edit cursor.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Duplicate selected notes as fifth and octave triads.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Duplicate selected notes as fifth.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Duplicate selected notes as fourth.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Export active take in MIDI editor as CSV of notes and velocity.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Insert CC linear ramp events between selected ones if consecutive.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Insert MIDI lyrics event under each selected notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Insert MIDI notes at project markers.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Insert and-or edit project marker at current position.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Insert sysex events at time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Move selected notes to pitch under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Mute selected notes in open MIDI take randomly.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Remove project marker at current position.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Repeat notes selection pattern from time selection to next notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Select all MIDI notes and events right of mouse.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Select only MIDI notes above active note row pitch cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Select only MIDI notes below active note row pitch cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Select-Unselect all MIDI notes over mouse based on grid.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Select-Unselect all MIDI notes over mouse.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Select-Unselect all MIDI notes under mouse based on grid.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Select-Unselect all MIDI notes under mouse.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Select-Unselect all MIDI notes with same pitch left of the mouse.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Select-Unselect all MIDI notes with same pitch right of the mouse.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Select-Unselect highest MIDI notes in active take.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Select-Unselect lowest MIDI notes in active take.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Set selected notes velocity to 100.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Shift MIDI lyrics events message after edit cursor to one event on the left.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Shift MIDI lyrics events message after edit cursor to one event on the right.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Toggle mute track with take in MIDI editor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Trim MIDI note under mouse end to edit cursor and ripple edit.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "X-Raym_Trim MIDI note under mouse start to edit cursor and ripple edit.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "X-Raym_Focus arrange view.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "X-Raym_Play-Stop arrange view from media explorer context.lua" "1.0.3" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "X-Raym_Preview media explorer and play-stop project arrange view simultaneously.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "X-Raym_Reset media explorer volume to 0dB.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "X-Raym_Set media explorer volume down a bit.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "X-Raym_Set media explorer volume up a bit.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Project" "X-Raym_Open most recent project.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Project" "X-Raym_Save project and keep only X backups.lua" "1.0.7" 0 PACK "Razor Edit" "X-Raym_Set selected tracks razor edit area to time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Add all regions to render queue individually.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Add envelope markers from selected envelope points.lua" "1.0.3" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Add italic markup to current region name.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Add musical notes to current region name.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Color current region or regions in time selection randomly with same color.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Color current region or regions in time selection randomly.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Convert tempo and time signature markers into project markers.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Create markers at selected items snap offset.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Create named marker X seconds after last item end.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Create named marker from selected items position.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Create project markers from selected takes markers.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Create regions from selected items notes and color.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Create regions from selected takes and from track name.eel" "1.2" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Export markers and regions as Davinci Resolve EDL file.lua" "1.5.2" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Export markers and regions as tab-delimited CSV file.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Export markers as YouTube timecode for video description.lua" "1.1.2" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Export regions as file.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Import markers and regions from tab-delimited CSV file.lua" "1.2.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Insert markers at grid lines in time selection (named and colored with regions).lua" "1.0.4" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Insert markers at grid lines in time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Insert or update start and end marker from time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Merge consecutive regions as dialog lines.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Merge consecutive regions with same name.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Merge overlapping regions with same name.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Merge region under cursor and the next one.eel" "2.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Regions clock.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Search and replace in markers names.lua" "2.0.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Search and replace in regions names.lua" "2.0.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Set closest edge of closest region to edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Snap all markers to grid.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Snap all regions to grid.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Split region under cursor.eel" "1.2" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Swap regions names and subtitles notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "X-Raym_Swap regions names and subtitles preserving break lines.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Subprojects" "X-Raym_snooks_Explode selected subprojects to child tracks.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Templates/Script Preset" "X-Raym_Parent script of preset script_template.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Templates/Script Preset" "X-Raym_Preset script_template.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tempo and Time Signature" "X-Raym_Delete all tempo markers.eel" "1.1" 0 PACK "Tempo and Time Signature" "X-Raym_Insert time signature markers from selected items.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tempo and Time Signature" "X-Raym_Round all tempo markers BPM.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tempo and Time Signature" "X-Raym_Set selected tempo envelope points value.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tempo and Time Signature" "X-Raym_Tap tempo.lua" "1.1.2" 0 PACK "Tempo and Time Signature" "michaeltonight_daxliniere_X-Raym_Display notes length at edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Conversion" "X-Raym_Convert selected audio item notes into source TagLib comments.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Conversion" "X-Raym_Convert selected audio take sources TagLib comments to item notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Conversion" "X-Raym_Convert selected item notes to take name.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Conversion" "X-Raym_Convert selected takes name to item notes.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Conversion" "X-Raym_Swap selected item notes and take name preserving break lines.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Conversion" "X-Raym_Swap selected item notes and take name.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Create one text item on first selected track from last selected items notes.lua" "1.5" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Create one text item on first selected track from selected items notes.lua" "1.5" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Create one text item on first selected track from selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Create one text item with dialog dash on first selected track from selected items notes.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Create text items on first selected track from grid lines division in time selection (named and colored with regions).lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Create text items on first selected track from markers.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Create text items on first selected track from regions subtitles.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Create text items on first selected track from regions.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Create text items on first selected track from selected items groups.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Create text items on first selected track from selected items notes.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Create text items on first selected track from selected takes name.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Merge consecutive and short text items on selected tracks by pair with color.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Merge consecutive and short text items on selected tracks by pair with dialog dash.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Merge overlapping and consecutive similar text items on selected tracks.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Merge selected text items notes adding dialog dash.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Creation" "X-Raym_Merge selected text items notes.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Add background color markup to selected items notes.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Add bold markup to selected items notes.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Add font color markup to selected items notes.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Add italic markup to selected items notes.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Add musical notes to selected items notes.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Add text to selected items notes (Items Notes Processor).lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Add underline markup to selected items notes.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Delete all HTML markup from selected items notes.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Delete background color markup from selected items notes.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Delete bold markup from selected items notes.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Delete breaklines markup from selected items notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Delete font color markup from selected items notes.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Delete italic markup from selected items notes.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Delete musical notes from selected items notes.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Delete selected items notes.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Delete underline markup from selected items notes.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Insert multiple lines lorem ipsum to selected items notes.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Insert single line lorem ipsum to selected items notes.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Lowercase selected items notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Search and replace in selected items notes.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Formatting" "X-Raym_Uppercase selected items notes.lua" "2.0.3" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Subtitles" "HeDa_X-Raym_Export selection as SRT subtitles with offset and color.lua" "1.4.2" 0 PACK "Text Items and Item Notes/Subtitles" "HeDa_X-Raym_Export selection as SRT subtitles with offset.lua" "1.5.2" 0 PACK "Theme" "X-Raym_Theme auto-refresher (background).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Theme" "X-Raym_Theme color tweaker.lua" "0.7.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Display first selected track width and height.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Display selected track pan compensated by width.eel" "0.9" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Import tracks from file.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Insert one new child track for each selected tracks.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Invert master track stereo left right width.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Invert selected tracks pan.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Invert selected tracks stereo left right width.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Move selected tracks down on visible track list.lua" "2.0.2" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Move selected tracks down to the bottom on visible track list.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Move selected tracks up on visible track list.lua" "2.0.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Move selected tracks up to the top of the visible track list.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Mute selected tracks unmuting unselected ones or unmute if already muted.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Rename and recolor tracks created by Vordio from a Premiere Pro XML export.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Rename selected track sends based on their source track name.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Rename selected tracks with counter for child tracks and uppercase for parent tracks.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Rename tracks with first VSTi and its preset name.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Rename tracks with first VSTi preset name.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Reset all tracks to default TCP height.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Restore all tracks visibility.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Restore selected tracks parameters grouping.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Round selected tracks pan.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Save all tracks visibility.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Save selected tracks parameters grouping.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Scroll vertically to track by name and select it.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Search and replace in selected tracks names.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select all rec armed tracks and unselect the others.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select next visible track only with conditional solo exclusive.eel" "1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select only tracks of selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select only tracks with Latch automation mode.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select only tracks with Read automation mode.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select only tracks with Touch automation mode.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select only tracks with Trim automation mode.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select only tracks with Write automation mode.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select previous visible track only with conditional solo exclusive.eel" "1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select track under mouse parent track.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select track under mouse top level parent track.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select tracks with certain words in their SWS notes.lua" "1.0.3" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Select tracks with dual pan mode.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Set or offset selected tracks volume pan and width value.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Set parents tracks names to uppercase and childs ones to camelcase.lua" "2.0.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Set selected tracks channels number.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Set track under mouse as last touched.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Set visible only tracks with items under play or edit cursor_background.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Solo exclusive selected tracks.eel" "1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Solo selected tracks unsoloing unselected ones or unsolo if already solo.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Sort all tracks alphabetically.lua" "1.2.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Sort selected tracks order according to their first item positions.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Toggle selected tracks solo (no undo).lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Toggle track compact state between normal and tiny children - Copie.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Toggle track compact state between normal and tiny children.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Unhide - set visible tracks with items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Track Properties" "X-Raym_Unselect tracks with certain words in their SWS notes.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Decrease master playrate by 05%.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Decrease master playrate by 10%.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Increase master playrate by 05%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Increase master playrate by 10%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Increase-Decrease master playrate by x%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Name selected tracks with their track layout.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Play first selected item once from first snap offset position.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Play from mouse cursor position and solo track under mouse for the duration - and select track.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Play from mouse cursor position and solo track under mouse parent and select track.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Play selected items once from first snap offset position.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Record or stop and rename newly created items with clipboard content.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to 150%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to 200%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to 25%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to 30%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to 40%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to 50%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to 60%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to 70%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to 75%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to 80%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to 90%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Set master playrate to x%.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Snap edit cursor to nearest grid if snap is enabled.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Solo exclusive track under mouse and play.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Solo in place exclusive track under mouse and play.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Transport" "X-Raym_Toggle play from mouse cursor position and solo track under mouse for the duration - and select track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Change last touched track layout_background.lua" "2.1.2" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Change transport theme element background color according to ripple state.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Click at X Y screen position relative to focused window.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Click at X Y screen position.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Copy filtered action names list to clipboard.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Detect selected and master tracks clips - peaks over 0dB - position.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Display script infos in the console.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Duplicate lines in clipboard content.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Export first selected track MIDI as UltraStar txt file.lua" "1.0.13" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Focus SWS Notes window.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Generate a combination of three random words to clipboard.lua" "1.0.2" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Import UltraStar txt.lua" "1.0.10" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Insert UltraStar lyrics from project to items MIDI notes on first selected track.lua" "1.0.4" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Insert UltraStar lyrics from project to items MIDI notes on first selected track_background.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Insert empty space at edit cursor (popup).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Intercept spacebar key_background.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Move edit cursor to time 0 or to project start.lua" "2.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Open project folder in explorer or finder.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Remove content of time selection preserving time selection and relative play cursor in place.eel" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Render selected tracks individually through master.lua" "2.1" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Ripple check.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Save mouse cursor X Y screen position relative to focused window.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Save mouse cursor X Y screen position.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Set SWS global startup action extstate value to Off.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Set SWS global startup action extstate value to On.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Set SWS project startup action extstate value to Off.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Set SWS project startup action extstate value to On.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Set UltraStar project metadata.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Various" "X-Raym_Toggle Sonarworks SoundID monitor FX instance Calibration state.lua" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "spk77_X-Raym_Play and recording clock.eel" "1.1.1" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Find and go to next items on selected tracks with input text as notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Focus media explorer.lua" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Go and zoom to next selected item without losing selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Go and zoom to previous selected item without losing selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Offset play cursor continous play position.eel" "0.5" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Scroll arrange view if mouse reaches reaper window edges.lua" "1.1.3" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Scroll arrange view if mouse reaches screen edges.lua" "1.2.4" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Scroll vertically down a little bit.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Scroll vertically to first selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Scroll vertically up a little bit.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Toggle video window full screen.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Toggle video window opacity.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "View" "X-Raym_Zoom to region at edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Web Interfaces" "X-Raym_Convert Lyrics track items notes for dedicated web browser interface.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Web Interfaces" "X-Raym_Convert first selected track items notes for scrolling web browser interface.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Web Interfaces" "X-Raym_Convert region names for dedicated web browser interface.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Web Interfaces" "X-Raym_Convert region subtitles for dedicated web browser interface.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Web Interfaces" "X-Raym_Lyrics.www" "1.3" 0 PACK "Web Interfaces" "X-Raym_Scrolling Lyrics.www" "1.0.2" 0 REPO Reaticulate||1|1 PACK "MIDI Articulations" "Reaticulate: an articulation management system for REAPER" "0.5.10" 0 REPO ReJJ||1|2 PACK "ReEQ" "ReEQ.jsfx" "1.2.0" 0 PACK "ReSpectrum" "ReSpectrum.jsfx" "1.1.4" 0 REPO Saike Tools||1|2 PACK "Abyss" "saike_abyss.jsfx" "0.05" 0 PACK "Amaranth" "Amaranth.jsfx" "0.26" 0 PACK "Basics" "BandSplitter.jsfx" "0.19" 0 PACK "Basics" "MS-20.jsfx" "1.05" 0 PACK "Basics" "Saike Stereo Bub II.jsfx" "0.06" 0 PACK "Basics" "Saike Stereo Bub III.jsfx" "0.08" 0 PACK "Basics" "Saike_Morph.jsfx" "0.18" 0 PACK "Basics" "Saike_Pitch_Shift.jsfx" "0.02" 0 PACK "Basics" "Saike_Routing_Utility.jsfx" "0.07" 0 PACK "Basics" "Tanh_Saturator_AA.jsfx" "1.16" 0 PACK "Basics" "Tight_Compressor.jsfx" "0.19" 0 PACK "Basics" "ToneStacks.jsfx" "0.07" 0 PACK "Basics" "Transience.jsfx" "0.03" 0 PACK "Basics" "saike_never_odd_or_even.jsfx" "0.05" 0 PACK "Basics" "saike_smooth.jsfx" "0.05" 0 PACK "Basics" "wahriffic.jsfx" "0.04" 0 PACK "DuskVerb" "saike_duskverb.jsfx" "0.13" 0 PACK "FMFilter" "FM Filter.jsfx" "0.21" 0 PACK "Filther" "Filther.jsfx" "3.13" 0 PACK "Modizer" "modizer.jsfx" "0.04" 0 PACK "NOTT" "nott.jsfx" "0.16" 0 PACK "Nostalgizer" "saike_nostalgizer.jsfx" "0.14" 0 PACK "Nuker" "saike_nuker.jsfx" "0.02" 0 PACK "PhaseMangler" "saike_phase_mangler.jsfx" "0.05" 0 PACK "Poprocks" "poprocks.jsfx" "0.01" 0 PACK "Ravager" "Ravager_MB.jsfx" "0.14" 0 PACK "ReaBee" "ReaBee.jsfx" "0.02" 0 PACK "Reflectosaurus" "Reflectosaurus.jsfx" "0.105" 0 PACK "Ripple" "ripple.jsfx" "0.04" 0 PACK "SatanVerb" "SatanVerb.jsfx" "0.11" 0 PACK "SequencedFX" "SequencedFX.jsfx" "0.122" 0 PACK "SpectrumAnalyzer" "LoadSpectrum.lua" "0.84" 0 PACK "SpectrumAnalyzer" "SaikeMultiSpectralAnalyzer.jsfx" "5.0.32" 0 PACK "SpectrumAnalyzer" "SaikeMultiSpectralAnalyzer_MK2.jsfx" "1.6" 0 PACK "SpectrumAnalyzer" "StereoManipulator.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "SpectrumAnalyzer" "StereoSpectrumSplit.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Squashman" "Squashman.jsfx" "0.82" 0 PACK "Swellotron" "Swellotron.jsfx" "0.10" 0 PACK "Yutani" "Saike_FMFilter2.jsfx" "0.20" 0 PACK "Yutani" "Saike_Yutani.jsfx" "0.85" 0 PACK "bric-a-brac" "saike_bric_a_brac.jsfx" "0.38" 0 PACK "lavaverb" "saike_lava.jsfx" "0.25" 0 PACK "partials" "saike_partials.jsfx" "0.64" 0 PACK "reajs_compatibility" "saike_plugins_reajs.jsfx" "0.001" 0 PACK "saike_midi_arp" "saike_midi_arp.jsfx" "0.32" 0 REPO Tukan||1|2 PACK ".." "BusTools (Tukan)" "1.5.2" 0 PACK ".." "Compressor 2 (Tukan)" "1.1.8" 0 PACK ".." "Console Meter (Tukan)" "1.0.1" 0 PACK ".." "D#-Treasure (Tukan)" "1.0.6" 0 PACK ".." "DeNoiser (Tukan)" "1.1.0" 0 PACK ".." "Delaymachine (Tukan)" "1.1.4" 0 PACK ".." "Delaymachine2 (Tukan)" "1.1.2" 0 PACK ".." "EQ 1.1 (Tukan)" "1.1.1" 0 PACK ".." "EQT-1A (Tukan)" "1.1.1" 0 PACK ".." "Envelope (Tukan)" "1.1.1" 0 PACK ".." "Exciter+Sub (Tukan)" "1.1.3" 0 PACK ".." "ExpGate 2 (Tukan)" "1.1.1" 0 PACK ".." "Goniometer (Tukan)" "1.1.1" 0 PACK ".." "Guitar Stuff (Tukan)" "1.0.3" 0 PACK ".." "LA-1A (Tukan)" "1.7" 0 PACK ".." "Limiter 2 (Tukan)" "1.1.3" 0 PACK ".." "Meter (Tukan)" "1.1.9" 0 PACK ".." "Modulation (Tukan)" "1.5.0" 0 PACK ".." "NC76 (Tukan)" "1.1.6" 0 PACK ".." "PreAmp (Tukan)" "1.2.0" 0 PACK ".." "Series 2 (Tukan)" "0.9.7" 0 PACK ".." "Sphinx (Tukan)" "1.0.2" 0 PACK ".." "SumChannel (Tukan)" "1.5.1" 0 PACK ".." "SumThing (Tukan)" "0.8.4" 0 PACK ".." "Tape (Tukan)" "1.1.6" 0 PACK ".." "Tool (Tukan)" "1.1.0" 0 PACK ".." "Tukan reverb bundle (Tukan)" "1.1.5" 0 REPO Geraint's JSFX||1|2 PACK "Delay" "Atlantis Reverb" "1.2.7" 0 PACK "Delay" "Cross-Polyphonic-FM" "1.0.9" 0 PACK "Delay" "Echo-Cycles" "1.2.4" 0 PACK "Delay" "Ripple" "1.0.4" 0 PACK "Delay" "Spring-Box" "1.1.6" 0 PACK "Delay" "Stereo Alignment Delay" "1.3.0" 0 PACK "Delay" "Vibrato" "1.1.4" 0 PACK "Distortion" "Bad Connection" "2.1.3" 0 PACK "Distortion" "Sandwich Amp" "1.0.10" 0 PACK "MIDI" "Droplets" "1.3.4" 0 PACK "MIDI" "MIDI Gate" "1.2.2" 0 PACK "MIDI" "MIDI Harmony" "1.0.4" 0 PACK "Pitch Correction" "Warble" "1.0.9" 0 PACK "Synth" "Hammer And Chord" "1.5.5" 0 PACK "Synth" "Hammer And String" "1.0.4" 0 PACK "Synth" "Humonica" "3.0.4" 0 PACK "Synth" "Learning Sampler" "1.0.10" 0 PACK "Synth" "PadSynth" "1.1.11" 0 PACK "Synth" "Soft-Bell" "1.0.12" 0 PACK "Utility" "Level Meter" "0.1.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "Panalysis" "1.1.7" 0 PACK "Utility" "Piano Display" "1.0.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "Smooth Limiter" "1.1.2" 0 PACK "Utility" "Spectrum Matcher" "1.7.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "Vocoder" "1.0.1" 0 REPO SonicAnomaly JSFX||1|2 PACK "Plugins" "5.1 Master Limiter.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "Bass Professor Mark II.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "Bassprofessor.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "HBC-2.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "HBC-5.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "Leet Delay 2.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "QuadraCom.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "SEGX2 Gate.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "SLAX.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "Skope2.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "Stero2SurroundRotator.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "Surround Pan 2.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "Transpire.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "TriLeveler2.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Plugins" "VOLA2.jsfx" "1.0" 0 REPO me2beats Scripts||1|2 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Copy active take envelopes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Copy selected track volume envelope points.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Delete envelope at mouse.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Delete envelope for last touched parameter.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Edit nearest envelope point from mouse.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Edit selected envelope point.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Insert new envelope point at mouse (obey snapping).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Move cursor to last selected envelope selected point.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Move cursor to selected envelope selected point.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Move envelope points X sec right or left.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Move selected envelope down.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Move selected envelope points X sec right or left (without input box).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Move selected envelope points X sec right or left.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Move selected envelope up.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Paste envelopes to active takes of selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Paste saved points to selected track volume envelope.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Show selected envelope FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "me2beats_Toggle show selected envelope FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Add fx by name to selected track.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Add fx by name to track under mouse.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Close all fx windows.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Close last touched floating FX window.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Copy focused FX (with automation) to selected tracks.lua" "0.8" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Permanent fx size (defer).lua" "0.6" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Remove focused track fx.lua" "0.9" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Rename current FX preset (of focused FX).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Searcher.lua" "0.96" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Select last touched FX.lua" "0.95" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Set preset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Set random preset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Set random user preset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Toggle all FX offline for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Toggle all input FX bypass for selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "FX" "me2beats_Toggle bypass focused fx.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Close all midi editors.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Copy FX of item under mouse to selected items (active takes).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Copy first track item to mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Copy item to mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Copy items positions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Copy take start offset to clipboard (don't round).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Copy take start offset to clipboard.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Decrease active takes pitch linearly (-1 semitone).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Delete 'freeze' in tracks items names.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Delete 'untitled MIDI item' in items names.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Delete muted items from selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Delete small notes at item edges (active take).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Destutter items.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Duplicate items (fill time selection).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Duplicate items to track at mouse (select new items).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Duplicate selected area of items (replace area).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Duplicate selected area of items (replace area, use loop selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Duplicate selected items to selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Fit first item end to second item start (stretch).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Fit item to notes (active take).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Increase active takes pitch linearly (+1 semitone).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Increase selected items volume linearly.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Insert 2 bars midi item at mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Insert 4 bars midi item at mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Insert 4 bars midi item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Insert a bar midi item at mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Invert item selection on selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Match selected items tempo to project tempo.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move cursor to center of selected item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move item content left one grid unit.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move item content right one grid unit.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move item one measure left.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move item one measure right.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move items left or right by grid size (mousewheel).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move items to selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move items to start of project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move items to time selection end.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move items to time selection start.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move selected items to new track in named folder.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move selected items to next item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move selected items to next track (create track if doesn't exist).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move selected items to next track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move selected items to previous item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Move selected items to previous track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Normalize items (active takes) with track volume compensation.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Nudge active take volume.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Nudge selected items volume down by 1 db.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Nudge selected items volume up by 1 db.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Nudge selected items volume.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Paste items at copied positions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Pool active takes of selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Quantize MIDI note positions to project grid.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Remove even items starting from selected one.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Remove item under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Remove items and select next item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Remove odd items starting from selected one.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Remove selected items envelopes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Rename takes 2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Rename takes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select even items starting from selected one.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select item in next track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select item in previous track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select item near mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select items from cursor to end of project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select items from mouse to end of project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select items from start of project to cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select items from start of project to mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select items on track at mouse (obey region).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select odd items starting from selected one.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select only even items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select only item near mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select only items from cursor to end of project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select only items from mouse to end of project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select only items from start of project to cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select only items from start of project to mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select only items on track at mouse (obey region).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select only odd items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select take (by name).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Select take (by number).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set active takes to random pitch (-12..+12).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set active takes to random pitch (-7..+7).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set crossfade shape to type 2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set distance between items (with input box).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set distance between items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set ends of items to cursor (stretch takes).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set item rate to 1 (move item start).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set items fade in to default length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set items fade in.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set items fade out to default length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set items fade out.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set items length to 0.5 (stretch items).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set items length to 2 (stretch items).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set items volume to 0 db.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set items volume.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set min and max velocity for selected notes (silent).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set min and max velocity for selected notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set min and max velocity for take notes (silent).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set min and max velocity for take notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set selected item notes end to end of item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set selected items fades.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Set selected items length to length of item under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Split items in half.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Split items with given length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Split items with given length_2 (without input box).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Split items with given length_2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Split selected items according to first selected track items (delete gaps).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Split selected track items according to first selected track items (delete gaps).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Stutter items (mousewheel).lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Stutter items.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Switch item source file to random in folder.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Toggle mute for muted items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Toggle open inline editors of item at mouse.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Toggle open items inline editors (+ zoom).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Toggle open items inline editors.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Toggle random active takes reverse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Toggle select item near mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Toggle select only item near mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Transpose audio items or midi items notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Transpose selected track audio items or midi items notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Trim end of selected item to end of time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Trim first item end and second item start to edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Trim items edges to nearest measure start.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Trim sel items edges to nearest grid divisions (increase items length).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Trim sel items edges to nearest grid divisions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Trim sel items edges to nearest measure (increase items length).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Trim sel items left edges to nearest grid divisions (increase items length).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Trim sel items left edges to nearest grid divisions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Trim sel items right edges to nearest grid divisions (increase items length).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Trim sel items right edges to nearest grid divisions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Trim start of selected item to start of time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Unselect item near mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Unselect items less than 1 32 grid size.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Items" "me2beats_Unselect items less than 1 32 measure.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Add notes of current measure to selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Adjust value for event under mouse (mousewheel).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Auto set selected notes pitch to last touched note pitch (defer).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Delete all notes in time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Delete all notes with velocity less than 10.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Delete all notes with velocity less than X.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Delete small notes at item edges (MIDI Editor).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Duplicate selected events.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Go to start of current measure (MIDI Editor).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Increase selected notes volume linearly 0.9.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Move cursor to start of current measure (MIDI Editor).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Move notes up or down (mousewheel).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Restore MIDI editor view, slot 1.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Restore MIDI editor view, slot 2.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Restore MIDI editor view.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Restore time selection (MIDI Editor).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Reverse horizontally 2 selected notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Save MIDI editor view, slot 1.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Save MIDI editor view, slot 2.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Save MIDI editor view.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Save time selection (MIDI Editor).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select note near mouse (add to selection).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select notes in every 1 beat (add to selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select notes in every 2 beat (add to selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select notes in every 3 beat (add to selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select notes in every 4 beat (add to selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select only chord under mouse.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select only even notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select only note near mouse.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select only note under mouse.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select only notes in every 1 beat.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select only notes in every 2 beat.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select only notes in every 3 beat.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select only notes in every 4 beat.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select only notes with lowest pitch (from selected notes).lua" "1.12" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Select only odd notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set min and max velocity for selected notes (MIDI Editor).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set min and max velocity for selected notes (silent, MIDI Editor).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set min and max velocity for take notes (MIDI Editor).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set min and max velocity for take notes (silent, MIDI Editor).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set note ends to start of next note (legato).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set note ends to start of next note with same pitch (legato).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set notes length to length of note under mouse.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set selected notes to one random channel.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set selected notes to random channels.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set take notes to one random channel.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set take notes to random channels.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Set velocity for selected notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Shuffle selected notes (preserving chords).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Solo track with active midi editor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Split MIDI item at notes starts.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Split notes (select left).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Split notes (select right).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Toggle select chord under mouse.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Trim position of note at mouse (NO UNDO).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Trim position of note at mouse.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "MIDI Editor" "me2beats_Trim positions of notes at mouse (defer).lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Add marker with offset.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Copy markers in time selection to cursor (relative to time selection start).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Copy selected regions to cursor (with contents, move later items).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Copy selected regions to project end (with contents).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Duplicate region at mouse (with items, insert time).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Duplicate regions in time selection (with items, insert time).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Insert markers from time selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Join selected regions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Remove selected regions contents (moving later items and loop points).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Remove selected regions contents (moving later items).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Remove tempo markers from time selection.lua" "1.11" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Select region at cursor (keeping current selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Select region at cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Select region at mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Select time from the first region to last region.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Set time selection to nearest markers from cursor.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Set time selection to nearest markers from mouse.lua" "1.03" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Set time selection to nearest project or tempo markers from cursor.lua" "1.13" 0 PACK "Markers and regions" "me2beats_Set time selection to nearest project or tempo markers from mouse.lua" "1.13" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "me2beats_Auto open folder with media item active take source media.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "me2beats_Close Media Explorer.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "me2beats_Open Media Explorer.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "me2beats_Open folder with media item active take source media.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Other" "me2beats_Adjust grid (mousewheel).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Other" "me2beats_Adjust metronome volume.lua" "0.5" 0 PACK "Other" "me2beats_Close toolbar 1.lua" "0.5" 0 PACK "Other" "me2beats_Disable swing grid.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Other" "me2beats_Enable swing grid.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Other" "me2beats_Open toolbar 1.lua" "0.5" 0 PACK "Other" "me2beats_Restore project grid.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Other" "me2beats_Save project grid.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Go to first playing project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Go to first project tab.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Go to last playing project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Go to last project tab.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Go to next playing project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Go to previous playing project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Project tabs - toggle between slots 1-2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Restore saved project tab, slot 1.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Restore saved project tab, slot 2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Restore saved project tab.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Save active project tab, slot 1.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Save active project tab, slot 2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Save active project tab.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Save all projects as new versions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Save all unsaved (dirty) projects as new versions.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Projects" "me2beats_Stop all playing projects but current one.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Auto select track with focused FX (defer).lua" "1.31" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Auto solo for selected tracks (defer).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Auto solo for selected tracks (defer, obey track grouping).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Clear track name.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Close focused track fx window.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Copy track name to clipboard.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Create child track for track at mouse (move items).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Create child track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Create folder from each selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Create folder from selected track to track at mouse (+rename folder).lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Create folder from selected tracks (+rename folder).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Create folder from selected tracks.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Delete track under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Delete tracks (don't delete unselected children).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Duplicate tracks without envelopes and items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Duplicate tracks without items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Duplicate tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Go to highest track with selected item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Go to lowest track with selected item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Go to next soloed track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Go to previous soloed track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Hide mcp sends area.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Insert and select track after selected track or folder.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Load note names from file to selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Load note names to selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Move items to new tracks (duplicate tracks).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Nudge selected track volume.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Nudge selected tracks volume down by 1 db.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Nudge selected tracks volume up by 1 db.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Nudge tracks volume down 0.5 db.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Nudge tracks volume up 0.5 db.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Remove focused track fx.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Remove muted tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Remove tracks with no items (except tracks with sends and hidden tracks).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Remove tracks with no items (except tracks with sends).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Remove tracks with no items and no fx (except tracks with sends, receives and hardware outputs).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Remove tracks with no items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore saved track selection, slot 1 (persist).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore saved track selection, slot 2 (persist).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore saved track selection, slot 3 (persist).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore selected tracks (add to selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore selected tracks, slot 1 (add to selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore selected tracks, slot 1+2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore selected tracks, slot 1.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore selected tracks, slot 2 (add to selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore selected tracks, slot 2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore selected tracks, slots 1+2 (add to selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore selected tracks, slots 1+2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Restore selected tracks.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Save selected tracks, slot 1 (persist).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Save selected tracks, slot 1.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Save selected tracks, slot 2 (persist).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Save selected tracks, slot 2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Save selected tracks, slot 3 (persist).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Save selected tracks.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select all receives.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select all sends.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select all tracks but children.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select all tracks in selected track groups.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select all tracks with hardware outputs.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select all tracks with name X (without input box).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select last track in folder.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select next hidden track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select only first track with name X (without input box).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select only highest track with selected item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select only last track.lua" "1.01" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select only lowest track with selected item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select previous hidden track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select several tracks - Shift+Down.lua" "0.9" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select several tracks - Shift+Up.lua" "0.9" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks - Shift+Down 2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks - Shift+Up 2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks from first track to selected one (but hidden tracks).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks from first track to selected one.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks from selected track to last one (but hidden tracks).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks from selected track to last one.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks from selected track to track at mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks with no items (except tracks with sends and hidden tracks).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks with no items (except tracks with sends).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks with no items and no fx (except tracks with sends, receives and hardware outputs).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks with no items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Select tracks with the same color as selected one.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Send track under mouse to selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Set name of track at mouse to selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Set pan for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Set pan for track under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Set same color to children.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Set same icon to children.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Set selected tracks color to color of track under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Set selected tracks name to name of track under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Show selected track receives fx windows.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Show selected track sends fx windows.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Show-hide children of selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Smart insert track (keep track height).lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Smart insert track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle exclusive solo for selected tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle exclusive solo for track under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle folder collapsed.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle mute for muted tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle mute track under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle read-latch for track with focused FX (no undo).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle read-latch for track with focused FX.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle select track at mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle show-hide saved selected tracks, slot 1.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle show-hide saved selected tracks, slot 2.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle show-hide saved tracks, slot 1 (persist).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle show-hide saved tracks, slot 2 (persist).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle show-hide saved tracks, slot 3 (persist).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle solo for soloed tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Toggle solo track under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Translit (all tracks names).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_Translit (sel tracks names).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_View - scroll to end of tracklist.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks" "me2beats_View - scroll to start of tracklist.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Copy BPM.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Go to measure 8.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Go to measure.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Go to the rightmost item end.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Horizontal zoom to project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Horizontal zoom to selected items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Master playrate - toggle between current rate and 1.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move cursor to closest marker.lua" "1.02" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move cursor to end of project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move cursor to measure 8.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move cursor to measure.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move cursor to nearest grid division.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move cursor to start of loop.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move cursor to start of project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move cursor to the rightmost item end.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move time selection end left one measure.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move time selection end right one measure.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move time selection left one measure.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move time selection right one measure.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move time selection start left one measure.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Move time selection start right one measure.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Paste BPM.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Play-stop and record off.lua" "1.11" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Record - toggle wait for MIDI note.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Record.lua" "1.11" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Restore cursor position (defer).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Save cursor position.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Set loop selection to bar at edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Set loop selection to bar at play cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Set loop selection to beat at edit cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Set loop selection to beat at play cursor.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Set playrate.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Set project bpm according to selected take name bpm.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Stop all projects.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Toggle zoom to loop selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Vertical zoom to project.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Vertical zoom to tracks with items, minimize others.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Wait for MIDI note - play-stop.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Wait for MIDI note - stop recording.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Zoom horizontally if ruler is at mouse (otherwise scroll vertically).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Zoom to loop selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Transport and navigation" "me2beats_Zoom to mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Why we need MoveTrack(idx) function" "me2beats_Create folder from selected tracks (+rename folder) 2.lua" "0.7" 0 PACK "Why we need MoveTrack(idx) function" "me2beats_Sort tracks alphabetically.lua" "0.1" 0 REPO ACendan Scripts||1|2 PACK "Development" "acendan_Lua Utilities.lua" "7.0" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "acendan_Copy selected items take envelope to selected automation envelope.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "acendan_Insert automation items on all selected tracks envelopes in time selection.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "acendan_Open envelope for selected tracks and create automation items for track items.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Envelopes" "acendan_Set closest envelope point shape at mouse cursor.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Append selected items BWF metadata subfield to item name.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Append selected items BWF metadata subfield to item notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Clear glitchy stutter generator stored values.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Copy first selected item active take pitch shift mode.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Copy selected items to selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Copy selected items to track - prompt for track.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Count number of selected items in media explorer.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Count number of unique samples in selected items.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Glue each item in selected track separately.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Horizontal reorder selected items by color.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Import selected item names from text file.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_MixPre split items by channel to new tracks and name with metadata.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Mousewheel adjust pitch of item under cursor.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Mousewheel adjust source volume of item active take under cursor.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Mousewheel adjust volume of item under cursor.lua" "1.6" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Mousewheel to change volume for all selected items.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Mousewheel to move selected items up down tracks.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Mousewheel to zoom items peaks view gain.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Organize selected items by channel count on new tracks.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Organize selected items by similar names on new tracks.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Paste selected items active take pitch shift mode.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Random glitchy stutter generator.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Reset item properties pitch adjustment and playback rate to default.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Restore stretch markers in selected items from named project markers.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Save stretch markers in selected items as named project markers.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Select next item in track keep current selection.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Set distance between items to X seconds track respective.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Set distance between items to XXXX milliseconds track respective.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Set selected items BWF metadata subfield to track name.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Shuffle Mode_Move all items left continuously background.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Sort selected items order by item names alphabetically ignoring capitalization.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Split selected item by channel to new tracks.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Stretch selected items to fit between nearest markers.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Trim left edge of item under mouse to mouse cursor without changing fade-in end.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Trim left edge of selected items by amount....lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Trim right edge of item under mouse to mouse cursor without changing fade-in end.eel" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Trim right edge of selected items by amount....lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_Trim selected items at last zero crossing.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Items Editing" "acendan_mpl_Search items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Action Marker_Move play cursor to left edge start of random selected item.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Add marker to end of project regions prompt for name.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Add marker to end of selected items prompt for name.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Create tempo markers from notes in selected MIDI items then restore project markers.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Export markers and regions for Izotope RX relative to items with shared take source.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Insert marker at start of selected items with item name.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Insert marker at start of selected items with sel item number.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Insert markers at start or end of selected items prompt for name.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Insert markers every x seconds after edit cursor.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Move markers in project by time.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Remove CHAP prefix from project markers for FLAC cues.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Remove pound hashtag prefix from project markers for WAV cues.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Rename project markers with CHAP prefix for FLAC cues.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Rename project markers with pound hashtag prefix for WAV cues.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Markers" "acendan_Snap cursor to nearest marker and scroll to associated @TRACK.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "acendan_Add custom user columns for SoundMiner iXML Metadata.lua" "1.5" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "acendan_Export current column arrangement setup to file.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "acendan_Filter media explorer for selected media item names.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "acendan_Filter media explorer for selected media items source files.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "acendan_Import column arrangement setup from file.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Media Explorer" "acendan_Remove all custom user metadata columns.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Metadata" "acendan_Export project render metadata settings to file.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Metadata" "acendan_Import project render metadata settings from file.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Razor Edits" "acendan_Snap edit cursor to nearest razor edit edge in first selected track.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Razor Edits" "acendan_Snap edit cursor to nearest razor edit edge in track under mouse.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Add prefix or suffix to regions in time selection.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Change region color if region exceeds length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Create one region for all items on selected tracks.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Create one region for selected items across tracks and link to parent in RRM.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Create separate regions around each set of X selected items.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Create unique regions for overlapping items on selected track.lua" "1.6" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Create unique regions for selected items and link to parent track in RRM.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Create unique regions for selected items and link to track in RRM.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Enumerate selected regions in manager.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Extend all regions by length.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Extend all regions left edge by length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Extend regions in time selection by length.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Extend regions in time selection left edge by length.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Import region names from text file.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Rename regions from nearest markers.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Set nearest regions edges to selected media items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Set region color near edit cursor to SWS custom color.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Shrink overlapping regions edges to time selection.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Shrink overlapping regions to edges of selected media items.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Stretch overlapping regions edges to time selection.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Regions" "acendan_Stretch overlapping regions to edges of selected media items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Rendering" "acendan_Create multichannel render from selected tracks with mono items.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Rendering" "acendan_Load render directory from slot.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Rendering" "acendan_Save render directory to slot.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Rendering" "acendan_Set up SoundMiner iXML metadata markers in project render metadata settings.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "acendan_Continuously select all items in time selection background.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "acendan_Create time selection from edit cursor to mouse cursor.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "acendan_Extend right edge of time selection by x seconds.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "acendan_Extend time selection left to start of project and select items.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "acendan_Select from edit cursor to start of project (items and time selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Time Selection" "acendan_Select from mouse cursor to start of project (items and time selection).lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "acendan_Clear Saved URL By Track Name.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "acendan_Insert new track respect folders.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "acendan_Search all tracks for FX by name.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "acendan_Select tracks when making marquee selection.lua" "2.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "acendan_Store and Open saved URL by track name.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Tracks Properties" "acendan_View Saved URLs By Track Name.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "Parallel Joiner (Linear).jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "Parallel Joiner x3.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "Parallel Joiner.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "Parallel Splitter x3.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "Parallel Splitter.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "acendan_Bounce In Place.lua" "1.8" 0 PACK "Utility" "acendan_Center Control.jsfx" "1.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "acendan_De-Click Discontinuous Waveform.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "acendan_Playrate - Jump to target playrate.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "acendan_Playrate - Set target playrate value.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Utility" "acendan_Tempo Marker Manager.lua" "2.1" 0 PACK "Utility" "acendan_reaperblog_Duplicate items or tracks depending on focus and time selection.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Various" "acendan_Auto generate scripts to open web interfaces.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "acendan_GUI_Display first selected item properties.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Various" "acendan_Game recommendation engine.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "acendan_Insert random FX plugin on selected track.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Various" "acendan_Move unused projects MediaFiles in selected directory to separate folder.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Various" "acendan_Open file from path in project notes.lua" "1.0" 0 PACK "Various" "acendan_Organize TeamTalk conference recording media items by timestamp and user number in name.lua" "1.1" 0 PACK "Various" "acendan_Randomly deliver affirmations nvk_Game Audio Affirmations once an hour.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Various" "acendan_UCS Renaming Tool - Media Explorer Filter.lua" "4.2" 0 PACK "Various" "acendan_UCS Renaming Tool - Send To Interface.lua" "8.2.5" 0 PACK "Various" "acendan_Universal Category Renaming Tool.lua" "8.2.5" 0 PACK "Video" "acendan_Create video processor text items for all project markers on new track.lua" "1.4" 0 PACK "Video" "acendan_Create video processor text items for all project regions on new track.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Video" "acendan_Prompt to match project frame rate with first video item import - background.lua" "1.3" 0 PACK "Video" "acendan_Set project video frame rate keeping session timecode start.lua" "1.2" 0 PACK "Web Interfaces" "acendan_UCS Renaming Tool Setup.www" "8.2.5" 0 REPO chkld JSFX||1|2 PACK "plugins" "amp_sim.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "bass_squeezer.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "bus_comp.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "cabinet_sim.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "chug_thug.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "consolidator.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "correlation_meter.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "dc_filter.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "dc_offset.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "eq_560.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "filthy_delay.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "foldback_distortion.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "gate_expander.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "hard_clipper.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "impulse_generator.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "interpolated_noise.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "knee_clipper.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "m-s_fader.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "mic_combiner.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "phase_scope.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "reference_noise.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "ring_mod.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "signal_crusher.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "sine_clipper.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "soft_clipper.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "stereo_bleed_remover.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "stereo_checker.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "stereo_pan.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "telephone.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "test_signals.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "track_comp.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "volume_range_trim.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "volume_trim.jsfx" "1.0" 0 PACK "plugins" "wave_scope.jsfx" "1.0" 0 REPO myrrc scripts||1|2 PACK "MIDINoteNames" "AddictiveDrums2.txt" "0.0.1" 0 PACK "Mods" "INQUASAR Dark Matter.theme" "1.0" 0 PACK "Rendering" "ad2mixrender.lua" "0.02" 0