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'New Map' feature description

rsudev edited this page Sep 10, 2018 · 4 revisions

The New Map (spring 2016) mirrors in most aspects first implementation with some notable exceptions.

  • It is based on the current mapsforge version (0.9.1 at the time of this writing)
  • This implies, that the latest mapsforge themes can be used (but not the Locus special ones)
  • It is offline only (no longer true since november 2016, online mode added meanwhile)
  • Mapsforge only, no Google maps yet

Due to the new underlying architecture, some new features and behavioral changes were possible

  • When displaying caches from a list and activating the live mode, the live caches are still filtered according to the hide found etc setting, while always all caches from the list are shown.
  • When displaying a single cache and then activating the live mode, the waypoints from the single cache stay always on the map, regardless of the number of the live caches shown and the waypoint threshold setting.
  • The navigation target can be changed through a new button on the popup
  • When tapping more than one cache, a selection list with all caches that were hit is shown
  • When in navigation mode, a long press on the map jumps into a waypoint creation dialog for the target cache and the selected location.
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