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($(B)!0.5!(C) - (0, 0.5)$) .. (C)}] (D); \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{solution} \begin{exercise} Draw the deflection of the following beam: \begin{center} \tikzsetnextfilename{week3-2} \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (A) at (0, 0); \coordinate (D) at ($(A) + (8, 0)$); \coordinate (B) at ($(A)!0.3!(D)$); \coordinate (C) at ($(A)!0.7!(D)$); \path pic at (B) {roller support}; \path pic at (C) {roller support}; \draw[line width=3pt, blue!75] (A) -- (D); \path pic at (A) {pin support}; \path pic at (D) {pin support} ; \node[above=1mm] at (A) {A}; \node[above=1mm] at (B) {B}; \node[above=1mm] at (C) {C}; \node[above=1mm] at (D) {D}; \draw[force] ($(A)!0.5!(B)$) -- ++(0, 1) node[above] {\textbf{P}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{exercise} \begin{solution} \begin{center} \tikzsetnextfilename{week3-1b} \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (A) at (0, 0); \coordinate (D) at ($(A) + (8, 0)$); \coordinate (B) at ($(A)!0.3!(D)$); \coordinate (C) at ($(A)!0.7!(D)$); \path pic at (B) {roller support}; \path pic at (C) {roller support}; \draw[line width=3pt, blue!75] (A) -- (D); \path pic at (A) {pin support}; \path pic at (D) {pin support} ; \node[above=1mm] at (A) {A}; \node[above=1mm] at (B) {B}; \node[above=1mm] at (C) {C}; \node[above=1mm] at (D) {D}; \draw[force] ($(A)!0.5!(B)$) -- ++(0, 1) node[above] {\textbf{P}}; \draw[force, red] (A) -- ++(0, -1) node[below] {$V_A$}; \draw[force, red] (B) -- ++(0, -1) node[below] {$V_B$}; \draw[force', red] (C) -- ++(0, -1) node[below] {$V_C$}; \draw[force', red] (D) -- ++(0, -1) node[below] {$V_D$}; \draw[red, line width=1pt] (A) to[curve through={($(A)!0.5!(B) - (0, 0.5)$) .. (B) .. (C)}] (D); % \draw[purple, line width=1pt] (A) to[curve through={($(A)!0.5!(B) - (0, 0.5)$)}] (B); % \draw[red, line width=0.5pt] ($(A)!0.5!(B)$) -- ++(0, -1.5); % \draw ($(A)!0.5!(B) - (0, 0.5)$) circle[radius=0.1]; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{solution} \begin{exercise} Draw the deflection of the following beam: \begin{center} \tikzsetnextfilename{week3-3} \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (A) at (0, 0); \coordinate (D) at ($(A) + (8, 0)$); \coordinate (B) at ($(A)!0.3!(D)$); \coordinate (C) at ($(A)!0.7!(D)$); \path pic at (B) {roller support}; \path pic at (C) {roller support}; \draw[line width=3pt, blue!75] (A) -- (D); \path pic at (A) {pin support}; \path pic at (D) {pin support} ; \node[above=1mm] at (A) {A}; \node[above=1mm] at (B) {B}; \node[above=1mm] at (C) {C}; \node[above=1mm] at (D) {D}; \draw[force] ($(A)!0.5!(B)$) -- ++(0, 1) node[above] {$\textbf{P}_1$}; \draw[force] ($(C)!0.5!(D)$) -- ++(0, 1) node[above] {$\textbf{P}_2$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{exercise} \begin{solution} \begin{center} \tikzsetnextfilename{week3-1c} \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (A) at (0, 0); \coordinate (D) at ($(A) + (8, 0)$); \coordinate (B) at ($(A)!0.3!(D)$); \coordinate (C) at ($(A)!0.7!(D)$); \path pic at (B) {roller support}; \path pic at (C) {roller support}; \draw[line width=3pt, blue!75] (A) -- (D); \path pic at (A) {pin support}; \path pic at (D) {pin support} ; \node[above=1mm] at (A) {A}; \node[above=1mm] at (B) {B}; \node[above=1mm] at (C) {C}; \node[above=1mm] at (D) {D}; \draw[force] ($(A)!0.5!(B)$) -- ++(0, 1) node[above] {$\textbf{P}_1$}; \draw[force] ($(C)!0.5!(D)$) -- ++(0, 1) node[above] {$\textbf{P}_2$}; \draw[force, red] (A) -- ++(0, -1) node[below] {$V_A$}; \draw[force, red] (B) -- ++(0, -1) node[below] {$V_B$}; \draw[force, red] (C) -- ++(0, -1) node[below] {$V_C$}; \draw[force, red] (D) -- ++(0, -1) node[below] {$V_D$}; \draw[red, line width=1pt] (A) to[curve through={($(A)!0.5!(B) - (0, 0.5)$) .. (B) .. (C) .. ($(C)!0.5!(D) - (0, 0.5)$)}] (D); \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{solution} \begin{exercise} Using the \emph{force method} to determine the deflection at $C$ of the following portal frame. The cross sections of the truss members is given by $C_1$, that of the horizontal beam members by $C_2$, and that of the vertical members by $C_3$. \begin{center} \tikzsetnextfilename{week5-portal-frame} % \tikzexternaldisable \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[line width=3pt, blue!75] (0, 0) coordinate (node-A) node[left, text=black] {$A$} -- ++(0, 6) coordinate (node-B) node[above left, text=black] {$B$} -- ++(2.75, 0) coordinate (node-D) node[above right, text=black] {$D$} -- ++(2.75, 0) coordinate (node-F) node[above right, text=black] {$F$} -- ++(0, -6) coordinate (node-G) node[left, text=black] {$G$}; \draw[line width=2pt, blue!75] (node-B) -- ($(node-B)!0.5!(node-D) - (0, 2)$) coordinate (node-C) node[below, text=black] {$C$} -- (node-D) -- ($(node-D)!0.5!(node-F) - (0, 2)$) coordinate (node-E) node[below, text=black] {$E$} -- (node-F) (node-C) -- (node-E); \draw pic[draw, line width=1.5pt, blue!75] at ($(node-B)!0.07!(node-C)$) {pin connection}; \draw pic[draw, line width=1.5pt, blue!75] at (node-C) {pin connection}; \draw pic[draw, line width=1.5pt, blue!75] at ($(node-C)!0.5!(node-E)!0.95!(node-D)$) {pin connection}; \draw pic[draw, line width=1.5pt, blue!75] at (node-E) {pin connection}; \draw pic[draw, line width=1.5pt, blue!75] at ($(node-F)!0.07!(node-E)$) {pin connection}; \draw[force] (node-D) -- ++(0, 1) node[above] {\SI{5}{\kN}}; \path pic at (node-A) {pin support}; \path pic at (node-G) {roller support}; \draw[dim edge] (node-A) -- ++(0, -1) coordinate (node-A-dim-down); \draw[dim edge] (node-B) -- ++(0, 0.5) coordinate (node-B-dim-up); \coordinate (node-D-dim-up) at ($(node-D) + (0, 0.5)$); \draw[dim edge] (node-F) -- ++(0.5, 0) coordinate (node-F-dim-right); \draw[dim edge] (node-G) -- ++(0.5, 0) coordinate (node-G-dim-right); \draw[dim edge] (node-G) -- ++(0, -1) coordinate (node-G-dim-down); \draw[dim edge] (node-A) -- (node-C |- node-A) coordinate (node-A-dim-inner); \draw[dim edge] (node-C) -- (node-A |- node-C) coordinate (node-C-dim-inner); \draw[dim length] (node-A-dim-down) -- (node-G-dim-down) node[below] {\SI{550}{\mm}}; \draw[dim length] (node-B-dim-up) -- (node-D-dim-up) node[above] {\SI{275}{\mm}}; \draw[dim length] (node-F-dim-right) -- (node-G-dim-right) node[right] {\SI{600}{\mm}}; \draw[dim length] ($(node-A)!0.5!(node-A-dim-inner)$) -- ($(node-C-dim-inner)!0.5!(node-C)$) node[right] {\SI{400}{\mm}}; \coordinate (c1-top-left) at ($(node-F) + (3, 0)$); \draw[line width=1pt, blue, fill=blue!50] (c1-top-left) -- ++(0.45, 0) coordinate (c1-top-right) -- ++(0, -0.45) coordinate (c1-bottom-right) -- ++(-0.45, 0) coordinate (c1-bottom-left) -- cycle; \node at ($(c1-top-left)!0.5!(c1-bottom-left) - (0.5, 0)$) {$C_1$}; \draw[dim edge] (c1-top-left) -- ++(0, 0.25) coordinate (c1-left-edge); \draw[dim edge] (c1-top-right) -- ++(0, 0.25) coordinate (c1-right-edge); \draw[dim edge] (c1-top-right) -- ++(0.25, 0) coordinate (c1-top-edge); \draw[dim edge] (c1-bottom-right) -- ++(0.25, 0) coordinate (c1-bottom-edge); \draw[dim length] (c1-left-edge) -- (c1-right-edge) node[above=1mm] {\SI{15}{\mm}}; \draw[dim length] (c1-top-edge) -- (c1-bottom-edge) node[right=1mm] {\SI{15}{\mm}}; \coordinate (c2-bottom-left) at ($(node-F)!0.5!(node-G) + (3, 0)$); \draw[line width=1pt, blue, fill=blue!50] (c2-bottom-left) -- ++(0, 0.9) coordinate (c2-top-left) -- ++(0.9, 0) coordinate (c2-top-right) -- ++(0, -0.9) coordinate (c2-bottom-right) -- cycle; \node at ($(c2-top-left)!0.5!(c2-bottom-left) - (0.5, 0)$) {$C_2$}; \draw[dim edge] (c2-top-left) -- ++(0, 0.25) coordinate (c2-left-edge); \draw[dim edge] (c2-top-right) -- ++(0, 0.25) coordinate (c2-right-edge); \draw[dim edge] (c2-top-right) -- ++(0.25, 0) coordinate (c2-top-edge); \draw[dim edge] (c2-bottom-right) -- ++(0.25, 0) coordinate (c2-bottom-edge); \draw[dim length] (c2-left-edge) -- (c2-right-edge) node[above=1mm] {\SI{30}{\mm}}; \draw[dim length] (c2-top-edge) -- (c2-bottom-edge) node[right=1mm] {\SI{30}{\mm}}; \coordinate (c3-bottom-left) at ($(node-G) + (3, 0)$); \draw[line width=1pt, blue, fill=blue!50] (c3-bottom-left) -- ++(0, 1.2) coordinate (c3-top-left) -- ++(1.2, 0) coordinate (c3-top-right) -- ++(0, -1.2) coordinate (c3-bottom-right) -- cycle; \node at ($(c3-top-left)!0.5!(c3-bottom-left) - (0.5, 0)$) {$C_3$}; \draw[dim edge] (c3-top-left) -- ++(0, 0.25) coordinate (c3-left-edge); \draw[dim edge] (c3-top-right) -- ++(0, 0.25) coordinate (c3-right-edge); \draw[dim edge] (c3-top-right) -- ++(0.25, 0) coordinate (c3-top-edge); \draw[dim edge] (c3-bottom-right) -- ++(0.25, 0) coordinate (c3-bottom-edge); \draw[dim length] (c3-left-edge) -- (c3-right-edge) node[above=1mm] {\SI{40}{\mm}}; \draw[dim length] (c3-top-edge) -- (c3-bottom-edge) node[right=1mm] {\SI{40}{\mm}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{exercise} \begin{solution} This is a trick question, there is no solution to type out right now. \end{solution} \printsolutionstype{exercise} \end{document}