This repository contains the implementation of Product Quantization Trees (PQT) for large scale nearest neighbor search.
author = "Patrick Wieschollek and Oliver Wang and Alexander Sorkine-Hornung and Hendrik P.A. Lensch",
title = "Efficient Large-scale Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search on the GPU",
booktitle = "IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
pages = "",
month = "June",
year = "2016",
url = ""
This experimental implementation is the first running on the GPU outperforming previous CPU approaches.
Just by
git clone --recursive
To build this project you need
- cmake
- A C++11 capable compiler
- The CUDA toolkit and the CUDA samples.
- GFlags and GoogleTesting (as git submodules)
We use Toolkit v7.5, gcc 4.8.4 on Ubuntu 14.04 for Nvidia Titan X.
To handle datasets and efficiently read them from (ram-)disk we converted the official datasets from SIFT1M, SIFT1B in our own format:
Each *.umem
, *.imem
, *.fmem
has the following layout (header and content)
uint number_of_vectors
uint dimen_of_vector
... header are 20 bytes, next data start at byte 20:
T consecutive array of data, each entry is a T
* .umem: `uint uint 0 0 ... 0 0 uint8_t uint8_t uint8_t uint8_t uint8_t uint8_t ... uint8_t`
* .imem: `uint uint 0 0 ... 0 0 int int int int int int ... int`
* .fmem: `uint uint 0 0 ... 0 0 float float float float float float ... float`
We provide script to convert these datasets
./convert_fvecs --fvecs src/path/to/db.fvecs --umem dst/path/to/db.umem
./convert_bvecs --bvecs src/path/to/db.bvecs --umem dst/path/to/db.umem
./convert_ivecs --ivecs src/path/to/db.ivecs --imem dst/path/to/db.imem
Building the index structure (Product-Quantization-Tree) is done by tool_createdb
. This creates the index structure, prepares the database and dump all intermediate values into binary files.
Possible Flags (see ./tool_createdb -h
- device "selected cuda device"
- c1 "number of clusters in first level"
- c2 "number of refinements in second level"
- p "parts per vector"
- dim "expected dimension for each vector"
- lineparts "vectorparts for reranking informations"
- chunksize "number of vectors per chunk"
- hashsize "maximal number of bins"
- basename "prefix for generated data"
- dataset "patch to vector dataset"
The query process is done batchwise using tool_query
. The accompanying example return the best and second best found vector. For possible Flags see ./tool_query -h