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dariodepa75 committed Mar 14, 2019
1 parent 95567ef commit c6bdb32
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Showing 331 changed files with 107,175 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .firebaserc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"projects": {
"default": "chat-v2-dev"
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# chat21-ionic ver 1.0

### next release
- (da fare) immagine senza bordo nel msg conversazione
- (da fare) apri immagine nel dettaglio conversazione in una nw finestra
- (da fare) aggiungo br nel messaggio
- (da fare) ottimizzare view contatti (css header, titolo, <-, img profile, cache)

### 1.0.11
- enables authentication outside of tiledesk domains

### 1.0.8
- fixes bug on new conversation (detail conversation hidden)

### 1.0.7
- fixes bug on change user (logout/login)
- fixes bug on change conversation selected and conversation archived selected

### 1.0.6
- fixes bug leave group and close group

### 1.0.5
- add button login on tiledesk (if hostname is tiledesk)

### 1.0.3
- change color css conversation selected
- change position blue point on new message
- fixes bug css archived conversations (image, point, header, icon)
- fixes bug link in message
- fixes bug button 'Request detail' only support-group
- fixes bug truncate message in list conversations
- load image profile from firestore url in conv. list, info conv., Participants
- fixes bug user info: load image profilo
- fixes bug info conversation on first load
- change get 'date last access' for id in support-group (sostituito senderAuthInfo.authVar.uid con requester_id)
- fixes bug conversation selected for first open (blank page)
- fixes bug open page 'message info' (message selected = null)

### 1.0.2
- added timestamp = firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP in send message
- fixes bug spinner il list conversations
- fixes bug load image profile
- deleted IonicImageLoader
- fixes bug info conversation (load image) in archived conversations
- change css in the header of list conversation
- added number of conversations with new messages
- fixes bug image conversation in info conversation
- change css in the conversation list (new message, close message)
- fixes bug load image on firebase storage
- added IonicImageLoader for load and cache images
- fixes bug cache for user (conversation list, contacts and settings)
- add IonicStorageModule
- add popup on videochat
- fixes bug format date last access
- fixed bug local time in send
- add num version in package
- add npm publish

### 0.934
- link projectId open in _blank
- change the color of the text message to in the selected conversation
- fixes bug on metadata conversation
- fixes bug multiple sound on changed / added message

### 0.933
- add user status in header detail conversation
- modified css detail conversation
- adds
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
FROM nginx:alpine

COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY platforms/browser/www/ .
661 changes: 661 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
Chat21 is the core of the open source live chat platform [](

# Features #
With Chat21-ionic you can:
* Send a direct message to a user (one to one message)
* View the messages history
* The read receipts feature allows your users to see when a message has been sent, delivered and read
* Conversations list view with the last messages sent (like Whatsapp)
* With the Presense Manager you can view when a user is online or offline and the inactivity period
* Responsive design (desktop and mobile)
* View the user profile with fullname and email
* Login with email and password (Use firebase email and password authentication method )
* Signup with fullname, email, password and profile picture
* Contacts list view with fulltext search for fullname field

# Live Demo #
Visit to see a live demo of chat21-ionic.
<img src="" alt="A screenshot of chat21-ionic demo" style="max-width:100%;">

# Documentation #
In progress

# Prerequisites #
* Install nodejs: ``
* Install git: ``
* Install Ionic CLI and Cordova : ``
* A Firebase project. Create one free on ``
* "Chat21 Firebase cloud functions" installed. Instructions:``

# Installation #
* Clone this repository. Run: `git clone` in the folder in which you'd like to contain the project.
* Next you will need to get all your node_modules back into your application. All these modules are based on your package.json file. In the project folder “chat21-ionic” run: `npm install`

# Firebase Configuration #
* Create account Firebase
* Create a Firebase project in the Firebase console, if you don't already have one.

## Firebase DB Configuration ##
* in the Firebase console click 'Add Firebase to your web app' and copy
var config = {
apiKey: "<your api key>",
authDomain: "<your authDomain>",
databaseURL: "<your databaseURL>",
projectId: "<your projectId>",
storageBucket: "<your storageBucket>",
messagingSenderId: "< your messagingSenderId >"
* Update app.module.ts:
* go to the root of your project
* open /src/app/app.module.ts and replace `firebaseConfig : {...}` whit
firebaseConfig : {
apiKey: "<your api key>",
authDomain: "<your authDomain>",
databaseURL: "<your databaseURL>",
projectId: "<your projectId>",
storageBucket: "<your storageBucket>",
messagingSenderId: "< your messagingSenderId >"
* Config Firebase auth
In the Firebase Console open the Authentication section > SIGN IN METHOD tab you need to enable the Email/password Sign-in Provider and click SAVE. This will allow users to sign-in the Web app with their Email
* Update app.module.ts:
* open `/src/app/app.module.ts` and change tenant name (optional)
* Update firebase-messaging-sw.js:
* open `/src/firebase-messaging-sw.js` and replace messagingSenderId: "..." with < your messagingSenderId >
More info here :
* Update manifest.json:
* open `/src/manifest.json` and replace "name": "chat21-ionic" and "short_name": "chat21-ionic" with the name of your project (optional)

## Run App on Browser ##
* Now you will need to serve the app. Run: `ionic serve` in the terminal. (Update the plugins if required)

## Deploy Chat21 Firebase Cloud Functions ##
* Readme:

## Create build browser ##
* Run: `cordova platform add browser@latest`
* Run: `ionic cordova build browser`

## Upload project on firebase hosting ##
* Install the Firebase CLI. run: `npm install -g firebase-tools`
* Run: `firebase login`
(these steps can be avoided if you have already done before)
* Change directories in the terminal to your desired project directory(run: `cd platforms/browser`) and run: `firebase init`
* select hosting (press Spacebar to select) and press return
* select your project and press return
* answer the following questions:
* "what do you want to use as your public directory?" www and press return
* "configure as a single-page app?" N and press return
* "file www/index.html alredy exists. Overwrite?" N and press return
* Run: `firebase deploy`
* In your firebase consol click hosting and click on link your project

## Run on Android and iOS
* Run on simulator : `ionic cordova run android`
* Run on device : `ionic cordova run android --device`

* Run on simulator : `ionic cordova run ios`
* Run on device : `ionic cordova run ios --device`
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions app.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"name": "chat21-ionic-dev",
"description": "App Description",
"repository": "",
"logo": "",
"keywords": ["ionic2", "heroku", "pereless360"]
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="com.ionicframework.listautenti875753" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
<name>Chat21 Ionic chat </name>
<description>Chat21 Ionic3 chat for browser and mobile (ios and android).</description>
<author email="" href="">Frontiere21 SRL</author>
<content src="index.html" />
<access origin="*" />
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<allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
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<allow-navigation href="" />
<engine name="android" spec="^7.1.4" />
<engine name="browser" spec="^5.0.4" />
<engine name="osx" spec="~4.0.1" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-console" spec="^1.1.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-device" spec="^1.1.7" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" spec="^4.1.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-statusbar" spec="^2.4.2" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" spec="^1.3.3" />
<plugin name="cordova-sqlite-storage" spec="^2.6.0" />
<plugin name="ionic-plugin-keyboard" spec="^2.2.1" />
<plugin name="phonegap-plugin-push" spec="^2.2.3">
<variable name="SENDER_ID" value="1096415488178" />
<plugin name="" spec="^1.1.0" />
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions curl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: key=AAAA_0d0qLI:APA91bHytQr_aYxLz3Qf9e8RRx-mNwKZyctlEnOjFlI-XaogTiwsNia7zbBo9hPU0lQ5wIbUDY92RWshfiZ1BMUNgLlBR59T9QJ15BAgzf3B2zMTU_t52--Slp_oaeE2khdJQDReB5WJ" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"notification": {"title": "Portugal vs. Denmark", "body": "5 to 1","icon": "firebase-logo.png","click_action": "http://localhost:8100"},"to": "eFQnRKTO8DI:APA91bHmVd3ZuuXK7iiKJAJ3dkQLQRhsbqKPsObjKtiThCuyhS80n6sMhT1nx5dyfDvltid6wuDh-HU56UAj9hs9ztycNViSzgchF38KBA03rBArvgHwFsgr5mPu_i7ipiBQCeldtdR6"}' ""
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
npm version patch
version=`node -e 'console.log(require("./package.json").version)'`
echo "version $version"

echo 'URL_VER: ---->'$URL_VER

if [ "$version" != "" ]; then
git tag -a "v$version-RC" -m "`git log -1 --format=%s`"
echo "Created a new tag, v$version"
git push --tags
npm publish --tag RC

sed -i -e "s/$URL_VER/g" src/utils/constants.ts
ionic cordova platform add browser --save
ionic cordova build browser

cp -p src/firebase-messaging-sw.js platforms/browser/www/
cp -p src/manifest.json platforms/browser/www/
cd platforms/browser/www
aws s3 sync . s3://tiledesk-dashboard/chat/dev/$URL_VER/
cd ../../../

echo new version deployed on s3://tiledesk-dashboard/chat/dev/$URL_VER/
echo available on$URL_VER/index.html
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
environment=$(< src/utils/constants.ts)
start="CURR_VER_PROD = '0."
build=${one%%$end*} #two=${one%,*} -> %% prendo la prima istanza; % prendo la seconda
NEW_BUILD=$(($build + 1))
sed -i -e "s/$start$build/$start$NEW_BUILD/g" src/utils/constants.ts
# ng build --prod --base-href /$NEW_BUILD/
#ionic cordova build browser --prod

ionic cordova platform add browser --save
ionic cordova build browser

cp -p src/firebase-messaging-sw.js platforms/browser/www/
cp -p src/manifest.json platforms/browser/www/

cd platforms/browser/www
aws s3 sync . s3://tiledesk-dashboard-pre/chat/
cd ../../../

#aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E2DTAKWHWQ7C3J --paths "/*"

echo new version deployed on s3://tiledesk-dashboard-pre/chat/
echo available on

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