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Issue #3159: Add test locales, releasenotes generation, non-compilabl…
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…e resources check steps (#3292)
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MEZk authored and romani committed Jun 21, 2016
1 parent 5872586 commit e99c680
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 0 deletions.
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions wercker.yml
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,92 @@ build:
name: setup mvn local repo
code: |-
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Dmaven.repo.local=${WERCKER_CACHE_DIR}"
mvn -version
# unit tests (oraclejdk8)
- script:
name: tests
code: |-
mvn clean integration-test failsafe:verify
# unit tests in German locale (oraclejdk8)
- script:
name: tests de
code: >
mvn clean integration-test failsafe:verify -DargLine='-Duser.language=de -XX:-UseSplitVerifier'
# unit tests in Spanish locale (oraclejdk8)
- script:
name: tests es
code: >
mvn clean integration-test failsafe:verify -DargLine='-Duser.language=es -XX:-UseSplitVerifier'
# unit tests in Finnish locale (oraclejdk8)
- script:
name: tests fi
code: >
mvn clean integration-test failsafe:verify -DargLine='-Duser.language=fi -XX:-UseSplitVerifier'
# unit tests in French locale (oraclejdk8)
- script:
name: tests fr
code: >
mvn clean integration-test failsafe:verify -DargLine='-Duser.language=fr -XX:-UseSplitVerifier'
# unit tests in Chinese locale (oraclejdk8)
- script:
name: tests zh
code: >
mvn clean integration-test failsafe:verify -DargLine='-Duser.language=zh -XX:-UseSplitVerifier'
# unit tests in Japanese locale (oraclejdk8)
- script:
name: tests ja
code: >
mvn clean integration-test failsafe:verify -DargLine='-Duser.language=ja -XX:-UseSplitVerifier'
# unit tests in Portuguese locale (oraclejdk8)
- script:
name: tests pt
code: >
mvn clean integration-test failsafe:verify -DargLine='-Duser.language=pt -XX:-UseSplitVerifier'
# unit tests in Turkish locale (oraclejdk8)
- script:
name: tests tr
code: >
mvn clean integration-test failsafe:verify -DargLine='-Duser.language=tr -XX:-UseSplitVerifier'
# java 8 compile (oraclejdk8)
- script:
name: java 8 inputs should NOT be in resources-noncompilable
code: >
if [ $(grep -rl --include='*.java' '//Compilable with Java8' src/test/resources-noncompilable | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
echo 'OK';
echo 'please move all java8 resources to src/test/resources' && false;
# Releasenotes generation - validaton
- script:
name: Releasenotes generation
code: >
if [ "${WERCKER_GIT_BRANCH}" != "master" ]; then return 0; fi
&& git clone && cd contribution/releasenotes-xdoc-builder
&& mvn clean compile package
&& cd ../../ && git clone && cd checkstyle
&& LATEST_RELEASE_TAG=$(git describe $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)) && cd ../
&& CS_RELEASE_VERSION=$(mvn -q -Dexec.executable='echo' -Dexec.args='${project.version}' --non-recursive org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.3.1:exec | sed 's/-SNAPSHOT//' )
&& java -jar contribution/releasenotes-xdoc-builder/target/releasenotes-xdoc-builder-1.0-all.jar
-localRepoPath checkstyle -startRef ${LATEST_RELEASE_TAG} -releaseNumber ${CS_RELEASE_VERSION} -authToken ${GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN}
&& cat releasenotes.xml

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