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#Introducion This repository will hold the codes I write for solving the questions on leetcode. Meanwhile, I want to tell myself to improve the abilities the way I have to push some codes solving the questions on leetcode everyday. Ok, Let's go! #The first day Time: Jan 5, 2017

question: 1.Two Sum

min-Elapsed time: 6ms

#The second day Time: Jan 6, 2017

question: 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

min-Elapsed time: 12ms

#The third day Time: Jan 8, 2017

question: 4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays

Elapsed time: 36ms function "findMedianSortedArray"

Elapsed time: 79ms function "findMedianSortedArray1"

#The fourth day Time: Jan 9, 2017

question: 5. LongestPalindromicSubstring

min-Elapsed time: 6ms

#The fifth day Time: Jan 10, 2017

question: 6. ZigZag Conversion

min-Elapsed time: 16ms

#The sixth day Time: Jan 12, 2017

question: 7.Reverse Integer

min-Elapsed time: 9ms

#The seventh day Time: Jan 13, 2017

question: 8.String to integer

min-Elapsed time: 9ms

#The eighth day Time: Feb 25, 2017

question: 10.Regular Expression Matching

Elapsed time: 12ms function"isMatch"

Elapsed time: 9ms function"DP"

Elapsed time: 236ms function"recursive"

#The ninth day Time: Feb 27, 2017

question: 77.Combinations

Elapsed time: 76ms function"recursive"

#The tenth day Time: Mar 1, 2017

question: 263.Ugly Number

Elapsed time: 6ms function "isUgly"

Elapsed time: 6ms function "isUgly1"

question: 264.Ugly Number2

Elapsed time: 6ms

#The 11th day Time: Mar 8, 2017

question: 22.MergeTwoSortedList

Elapsed time: 9ms

question: 88.MergeSortedArray

Elapsed time: 9ms function "Merge"

Elapsed time: 3ms function "Merge1"

#The 12th day Time: Mar 11, 2017

question: 15.3Sum

Elapsed time: 125ms

#The 13th day Time: Mar 13, 2017

question: 15.4Sum

Elapsed time: 35ms

#The 14th day Time: Mar 14, 2017

question: 95.UniqueBinarySearchTreesII

Elapsed time: 16ms

#The 15th day Time: Apr 16, 2017

question: 9.PalindromeNum

Elapsed time: 133ms

#The 16th day Time: Apr 17, 2017

question: 537.ComplexNumberMultiplication

Elapsed time: 3ms


This repository contains the codes I write for solving the questions on leetcode






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