diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c6dc787..32215d6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -5,13 +5,28 @@ ![Build my project 😎](https://github.com/chenjd/Render-Crowd-Of-Animated-Characters/workflows/Build%20my%20project%20%F0%9F%98%8E/badge.svg) #### Description: -Updated to Unity 2019 or later. +Using GPU to implement large-amount animation characters rendering. The animation map for vertex shader to modify the vertex position of the mesh at runtime. Useing GPU instancing to reduce draw calls. -Using GPU to achieve large number of animated characters rendering. +The initial version was released on GitHub on 30 Jul 2017, and of course, it is still on GitHub. However, if you can buy me **a cup of coffee**, I will be very +happy :-). +[:heart: Sponsor](https://github.com/sponsors/chenjd) -* anim map for vertex shader to modify the vertex position of the mesh at runtime. -* use gpu instancing to reduce draw call. +Recently I added support for Unity 2019, so it can be used from Unity 5.x to Unity 2019. + +And I will create a video tutorial to demonstrate how to use it. If you want to know more about the implementation behind it, you can read this [article](https://medium.com/chenjd-xyz/how-to-render-10-000-animated-characters-with-20-draw-calls-in-unity-e30a3036349a) I wrote. + +#### Features: +✓Using the animation map to modify the position of vertices of your characters at runtime to avoid a lot of cost of skin calculation. +✓Using GPU Instancing to reduce the number of draw calls, only 20 draw calls are +needed to render 10,000 soldiers playing attack actions in the demo scene. + +#### Changelog: +• Sep 8, 2020 – CI/CD pipeline on GitHub + +• Aug 29, 2020 – Support Unity 2019+ + +• 30 Jul 2017 – Initial release #### Model Resource Link: