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Geckos Team 0 - Momentum Clone


Our group will be cloning the Momentum Extension. The extension is a home page replacement on the Chrome browser. It can be accessed by opening a new window or tab.

To see the live demo 👉

Features for the MVP

  • Time
  • Greeting with Name
  • Weather
  • Todo
  • Links for Bookmarking
  • Randomized wallpaper
  • Random quoutes

Team Members

  • Jon Maldia
  • Nari Roh
  • Kiran Shuaib



  1. To deploy in your local machine, clone or download this repo
  2. cd into the project directory
  3. Run yarn install to add all the dependencies
  4. Run yarn start to run the application

Deployment to Chrome

  1. Run yarn build to build the "build" folder
  2. In your Chrome browser, navigate to chrome://extensions
  3. Make sure the "Developer mode" in the top right corner is turned on.
  4. Click "LOAD UNPACKED" and select the "build" folder


  1. Clone the repo - $ git clone
  2. Switch to the development branch - $ git checkout development
  3. Switch to your feature/working branch
    • When creating a new branch:
      • $ git checkout -b feature-addTime-#12-jon
      • this will create the branch and immediately switch to that branch
    • When switching back to an existing branch:
      • $ git checkout feature-addTime-#12-jon

Working with Git and Github

  1. Switch to development - $ git checkout development
  2. $ git pull origin development from development before you start coding (all the time)
  3. Switch to your feature/working branch
    • Naming your branch (consists of 4 parts):
      1. issue type (feature, bug, style, refactor)
      2. issue name
      3. waffle card #
      4. your name
    • Separate the 4 parts with dashes
    • Use camel case for parts that are more than 2 words
    • Example
      • feature-addTime-#12-jon
  4. Merge the new code - $ git merge origin development
  5. Make commits often
  6. Push to GitHub when you are done with your feature - $ git push origin <feature-branch>

Pull Requests

  1. Go to Github, look for your pushed branch, and issue a Pull Request (PR)
  2. Select both team members as the reviewers

Merging PRs

  1. Look for the PR
  2. Make sure that the branches selected are the development branch and a feature branch
  3. Compare the changes
  4. Fix any conflicts
  5. Merge if no conflict exists


Add-project-description-here | Voyage-5 |






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Contributors 4
