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File metadata and controls

60 lines (43 loc) · 2.08 KB

Rewrite GWT Integration

This enables the HTML5 History.pushState(...) support in your application, which will now use pretty/URLs whenever possible instead of the '#' anchor tag with 'name=value' pairs. Note that you must modify your place tokenization to process the new information.

Get Started

  1. Include Rewrite GWT in your application's POM file:

  2. Include Rewrite GWT in your App.gwt.xml file:

     <inherits name="org.ocpsoft.rewrite.gwt.Rewrite" />
  3. Enable bookmarking by routing some or all URLs back to your host application file. Below is a recommended rule format (replace /index.jsp with the path to your application):

     public class HistoryRewriteConfiguration extends HttpConfigurationProvider
        public static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HistoryRewriteConfiguration.class);
        public Configuration getConfiguration(ServletContext context)
           return ConfigurationBuilder
        public int priority()
           return 0;
  4. Run your application!


This project is looking for your feedback! What would make your task easier? How can we simplify this experience?


  • Implement GWT 'name=value' pair tokenization mapping support.