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Signed-off-by: Byron Ruth <>
  • Loading branch information
bruth committed Jan 13, 2015
1 parent 14064f9 commit 593f5ab
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Showing 2 changed files with 84 additions and 72 deletions.
105 changes: 76 additions & 29 deletions
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Contributing

First off, thank you for considering a contribution! Before you submit any code, please read the following Developer's Certificate of Origin (DCO):
First off, thank you for considering a contribution!

Before you submit any code, please read the following Developer's Certificate of Origin (DCO):

By making a contribution to the Cilantro project ("Project"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,44 +33,38 @@ This DCO simply certifies that the code you are submitting abides by the clauses

## Logistics

- If you do not have write access to the repo (i.e. not a core contributor), create a fork of Cilantro
- Branches are used to isolate development and ensure clear and concise intent of the code. Always do your work in a branch off the `master` branch. This will be a mirror of the work-in-progres (WIP) branch for the current major version, e.g. `2.x`. Name the branch after the issue and number, e.g. `issue-123`. If there is no issue number, [please create one first]( before starting your work.
- If working on existing files, ensure the coding style is kept consistent with the code around it. If creating new files or you are unsure of a pattern or preference please consult the [style guides](
- If you do not have write access to the repo (i.e. not a core contributor), create a fork
- Branches are used to isolate development and ensure clear and concise intent of the code.
- Always do your work in a branch off the `master` branch.
- Leave a comment on the issue you want to work on to get a conversation started.
- Issues marked with [status:help-wanted]( are isolated issues that are good for new contributors.
- Or, [create a new issue]( if you have a question or idea.
- Name the branch after the issue number you are working on, e.g. `issue-123`.
- Ensure the coding style matches the code in the repository. Consult our [style guides]( if you are unsure.

### JSHint

The repository has a `.jshintrc` file that will enforce certain rules and conventions on the JavaScript source code. Files should not have any JSHint errors warnings when being committed. Most likely [there is a plugin]( you can install for your favorite editor to show errors after each save to the file.

## Modules

The Cilantro codebase is broken up into individual modules using the [Asynchronouse Module Definition (AMD)]( [RequireJS]( is for it's rich feature set, it's die-hard [author](, and it's powerful optimizer [r.js](

### Module _Aggregator_
## Dependencies

Cilantro has the convention of keeping modules small (under ~200 lines) and putting them under their directory. For example, if a module named `views.js` grew too large in size, we follow the pattern:
- Node + NPM
- Ruby + Sass

- Create a directory named after the module, i.e. `views`
- Break up module's contents into separate modules under the directory
- Replace the contents of the module using the following template
## Setup

], function(_, /* mods... */) {
# Clone the cilantro repo or a fork; go into the directory
git clone && cd cilantro

// Get the slice of arguments that represent the modules
// (after underscore)
var mods = [], 1);
# Installs the dev depenencies including Grunt
npm install

// Merge the mods into an empty object that will be exported
return _.extend.apply(_, [{}].concat(mods));
# Run Grunt 'work' task to perform the initial compilation of .scss files, it
# finishes by starting a `watch` process.
grunt work

Whatever each module exports, it will be _aggregated_ into a single object which is representative of the original module's content. This is a transparent change for other modules that depend on the `views` module, but ensures maintainability when a module gets too large.

## Testing

Cilantro tests are written using the Jasmine framework which employs the Behavior Driven Development (BDD) paradigm. Tests live under the `spec/` directory and are defined as AMD modules (like the rest of the codebase; see above). The directory structure of the tests should mimic the structure of the modules under `src/js/cilantro` for consistency. For example:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,14 +104,65 @@ define(['cilantro'], function(c) {

### Live Server

Some tests requires a live server of the OpenMRS Harvest demo running at `http://localhost:8000`. To install and setup the demo (only needed once) simply do:
Most of the tests requires a live server of the OpenMRS Harvest demo running at `http://localhost:8000`. To install and setup the demo (only needed once) simply do:

virtualenv harvest-openmrs-env
cd harvest-openmrs-env
source bin/activate
git clone --branch demo git://
git clone --branch demo git://
cd harvest-openmrs
pip install -r requirements.txt
python bin/ runserver

To run the tests, simply do:

grunt test

## Distribution

Distribution builds should only be created off the `develop` branch. This:

- Bumps the version to the final, e.g. `2.0.3-beta` to `2.0.3`
- Tags a release
- Freshly compiles and optimizes code
- Creates zip and tarball binaries
- Prints instructions to push and upload it to GitHub
- Bumps the patch version, e.g. `2.0.3` to `2.0.4-beta`

grunt release

## Patterns

### Modules

The Cilantro codebase is broken up into individual modules using the [Asynchronouse Module Definition (AMD)]( [RequireJS]( is for it's rich feature set, it's die-hard [author](, and it's powerful optimizer [r.js](

Modules should be kept small (under ~500 lines). Most of the time modules can be broken up into smaller modules in a directory named after itself. For example, if a module named `views.js` grew too large in size, we follow the pattern:

- Create a directory named after the module, i.e. `views`
- Break up module's contents into separate modules under the directory
- Replace the contents of the module using the following template

], function(_, /* mods... */) {

// Get the slice of arguments that represent the modules
// (after underscore)
var mods = [], 1);

// Merge the mods into an empty object that will be exported
return _.extend.apply(_, [{}].concat(mods));

Whatever each module exports, it will be _aggregated_ into a single object which is representative of the original module's content. This is a transparent change for other modules that depend on the `views` module, but ensures maintainability when a module gets too large.
51 changes: 8 additions & 43 deletions
@@ -1,52 +1,17 @@
# Cilantro

[![Build Status](]( [![Bitdeli Badge](]( "Bitdeli Badge") [![devDependency Status](](
[![Build Status](]( [![devDependency Status](](

- **Documentation**:
- **Demo**:
Official client for [Harvest](

## Development

_Interested in contributing? Please read the guide prior to sending pull requests._

### Dependencies

- Node + NPM
- Ruby + Sass

### Setup

# Clone the cilantro repo or a fork; go into the directory
git clone && cd cilantro
## Documentation

# Installs the dev depenencies including Grunt
npm install

# Run Grunt 'work' task to perform the initial compilation of .scss files, it
# finishes by starting a `watch` process.
grunt work
## Demo

### Testing

To run the tests, simply do:

grunt test

### Distribution

Distribution builds should only be created off the `develop` branch. This:

- Bumps the version to the final, e.g. `2.0.3-beta` to `2.0.3`
- Tags a release
- Freshly compiles and optimizes code
- Creates zip and tarball binaries
- Prints instructions to push and upload it to GitHub
- Bumps the patch version, e.g. `2.0.3` to `2.0.4-beta`
## Development

grunt release
See the [contributing]( guide.

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