# Full example config for PureLine using default powerline symbols # and custom 256 color . ~/repos/pureline/configs/powerline_full_256col.conf # All modules are enabled. Uncomment/comment to enable/disable a module declare -a PL_MODULES=( # Module Background Foreground 'time_module MyLightGrey Black' # 'battery_module MyBlue Black' # 'user_module MyLime Black' 'ssh_module MyYellow Black' 'virtual_env_module MyBlue Black' 'path_module MyBlue Black' 'read_only_module MyRed White' 'background_jobs_module MyPurple White' 'git_module MyGreen Black' 'return_code_module MyRed White' 'newline_module' 'prompt_module MyDarkGrey White' ) # Module Options PL_PATH_TRIM=4 # 0 Full path, 1, Current, 2+ trim level PL_SSH_SHOW_HOST=false PL_SYMBOLS[ssh]="𝔖"