diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index ba2b148..10ccb94 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,12 +1,34 @@ # Changes to backpack.css 🎒 +## 3.0.0 (November 24, 2020) + +- Replace [Normalize.css](https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/) with [sanitize.css](https://csstools.github.io/sanitize.css/) as sanitize.css is being actively developed on compared to Normalize.css. Plus, sanitize.css contains many useful opinionated styles, and in general, it's a more modern CSS library. Adopting sanitize.css also meant that quite a few of the backpack.css styles got removed. To see exactly what backpack.css uses from sanitize.css visit the library's entry point [`src/index.css`](src/index.css) file. ([#70](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/70)). +- In keeping with backpack.css's philosophy of starting on an even playing field when it comes to styling, the following changes got made: + - Make table headers be left-aligned and not bold ([#68](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/68)). + - Make button elements be left-aligned instead of their default center-alignment ([#55](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/55)). +- Remove all print styles as backpack.css is an opinionated CSS foundation that is best suited to applications. Therefore, the need for print styles isn't there compared to a content-heavy site, such as a blog ([#74](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/74)). +- Introduce a [`postcss.config.js`](postcss.config.js) file considering two PostCSS plugins are used and maybe more in the future ([#72](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/72)). +- Turn off margins, paddings, and borders on only the elements that need it instead of the prior `*:not(input)` selector. +- Remove all IE related CSS and update the Browserslist query as backpack.css moves to a more modern support policy. See the "Browser support" section in the [`README.md`](README.md) ([#62](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/62)). +- Began work on the new test suite; this will be a work-in-progress for a while. In the meantime, to test for visual regressions when adding new styles to backpack.css, or to see your changes, use the [HTML5 Test Page](https://github.com/cbracco/html5-test-page) which can be accessed in the browser when running `yarn test` (is available at http://localhost:3000/html5-test-page.html) ([#20](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/20)). See the "Testing" section in [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](CONTRIBUTING.md). +- Add ESLint as there are a few JS files now, mainly configuration files. Plus, JS linting is needed for the new test suite mentioned in the preceding bullet point ([#65](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/65)). Also, add linting for HTML files ([#66](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/66)). +- Introduce [logical properties and values](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Logical_Properties#:~:text=CSS%20Logical%20Properties%20and%20Values%20is%20a%20module%20of%20CSS,previously%20defined%20in%20CSS%202.1.) where applicable. +- Apply a pointer cursor to labels with a `for` attribute to indicate that a label will shift focus to its associated control ([#59](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/59)). +- Bring back the license comment in the library's entrypoint [`src/index.css`](src/index.css) file ([#63](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/63)). +- Apply a more readable underline for links using `text-decoration-skip-ink: auto;`. +- Change the built CSS file from `backpack.css` to `index.css`. +- Move any tooling configuration applied in `package.json` to specific config files. For example, `lint-stage` and `husky`. +- Add to the `.vscode` settings and extensions. +- Bump dependencies. +- It's possible a few updates got missed. However, the library's `.css` files are very well-documented if more information is needed. + ## 2.2.0 (April 02, 2020) -- Improve the publishing experience ([#22](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/22)) +- Improve the publishing experience ([#22](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/22)). ## 2.1.0 (March 29, 2020) -- Set up linting ([#9](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/9)) +- Set up linting ([#9](https://github.com/chris-pearce/backpack.css/issues/9)). - Update the `CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md` to the latest version. - Grammar and punctuation fix applied across the board. - Change the build branch name from `lib` to `dist`.