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Allowing search and deserialization of single field or deep nested fi…
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christkv committed Apr 29, 2012
1 parent 93414b5 commit 757b261
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Showing 3 changed files with 664 additions and 602 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions include/bson.hrl
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
-define (get_float (N), N:64/float-little).
-define (get_bits32 (B7,B6,B5,B4,B3,B2,B1,B0), B7:1,B6:1,B5:1,B4:1,B3:1,B2:1,B1:1,B0:1,_:24).

%% Check if it fits in different values
% Check if it fits in different values
-define (fits_int32 (N), -16#80000000 =< N andalso N =< 16#7fffffff).
-define (fits_int64 (N), -16#8000000000000000 =< N andalso N =< 16#7fffffffffffffff).
-define (fits_int64 (N), -16#8000000000000000 =< N andalso N =< 16#7fffffffffffffff).
59 changes: 49 additions & 10 deletions src/bson.erl
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

% Exported functions for the bson parser
-export ([serialize/1, deserialize/1, deserialize/2]).
-export ([serialize/1, deserialize/1, deserialize/2, deserialize/3]).
-export ([utf8/1, bin/1, bin/2, minkey/0, maxkey/0, javascript/1, javascript/2, regexp/2, gen_objectid/1, objectid/1, objectid/3, timestamp_to_bson_time/1, bsom_time_to_timestamp/1]).
-export ([hexstr_to_bin/1]).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,15 +205,50 @@ serialize_array(Number, [Head|Tail]) ->
serialize_array(_, []) -> [].

% Deserialize document
deserialize(BinDoc) ->
deserialize(BinDoc) when is_binary(BinDoc) ->
deserialize(BinDoc, pl).

deserialize(BinDoc, Type) ->
deserialize(BinDoc, Type) when is_binary(BinDoc) and is_atom(Type) ->
deserialize_doc(BinDoc, Type, doc).

deserialize(BinDoc, KeyToScanFor, Type) when is_binary(BinDoc), is_binary(KeyToScanFor), is_atom(Type) ->
% Binary length
Length = byte_size(BinDoc),
% Split the binary info search key parts
Keys = binary:split(KeyToScanFor, <<".">>, [global]),
% Search for the object and return it deserialized
FoundIndex = search_for_object(Keys, BinDoc, 0, Length, Type),
% Build the end Object type based on the provided type
FinalObject = case Type of
pl ->
dict ->
orddict ->
% Verify that we found an index
case is_number(FoundIndex) of
true ->
% Actual start of the element
ActualIndex = FoundIndex - 1,
% Cut out from this point
deserialize_elements_pl(binary:part(BinDoc, ActualIndex, Length - ActualIndex), FinalObject, Type, doc, single);
_ -> {err, nomatch}

search_for_object([Head|Tail], BinDoc, Index, Length, Type) ->
% erlang:display(binary_to_list(Head)),
Match = binary:match(BinDoc, Head, [{scope, {Index, Length - Index}}]),
% Ensure we error on no match found
case Match of
nomatch -> {err, nomatch};
{NewIndex, NewLength} ->
search_for_object(Tail, BinDoc, NewIndex, Length - NewIndex, Type)
search_for_object([], _, FoundIndex, _, _) -> FoundIndex.

deserialize_doc(BinDoc, Type, DocType) ->
% erlang:display("============================================== deserialize_doc"),
% erlang:display(Type),
deserialize_doc(BinDoc, Type, DocType) when is_binary(BinDoc), is_atom(Type), is_atom(DocType) ->
% Grab the size of the doc
<<NumberOfBytes:32/unsigned-little,Rest/binary>> = BinDoc,
% Build the end Object type based on the provided type
Expand All @@ -233,13 +268,17 @@ deserialize_doc(BinDoc, Type, DocType) ->
{err, illegalDocumentSize};
true ->
% Legaly sized document start parsing
deserialize_elements_pl(Rest, FinalObject, Type, DocType)
deserialize_elements_pl(Rest, FinalObject, Type, DocType, multi)

% Deserialize all the elements
deserialize_elements_pl(Rest, Object, ResultType, DocType) ->
deserialize_elements_pl(Rest, Object, ResultType, DocType, Single) ->
% Unpack the type of object parameter
<<Type:8/unsigned-little, DocRest/binary>> = Rest,

% erlang:display("deserialize_elements_pl=============================="),
% erlang:display(Type),

% Switch on type
CurrentObject = case Type of
16#2 ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,9 +495,9 @@ deserialize_elements_pl(Rest, Object, ResultType, DocType) ->

% Keep parsing if we have more data left, we check against > 1 as the last byte is padding for the doc
byte_size(FinalRest) > 1 ->
(byte_size(FinalRest) > 1) and (Single == multi) ->
% Keep processing
deserialize_elements_pl(FinalRest, CurrentObject, ResultType, DocType);
deserialize_elements_pl(FinalRest, CurrentObject, ResultType, DocType, Single);
true ->
Expand Down

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