diff --git a/kamelets/google-sheets-sink.kamelet.yaml b/kamelets/google-sheets-sink.kamelet.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..63488bd1c --- /dev/null +++ b/kamelets/google-sheets-sink.kamelet.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more +# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with +# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. +# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 +# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with +# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1 +kind: Kamelet +metadata: + name: google-sheets-sink + annotations: + camel.apache.org/kamelet.support.level: "Stable" + camel.apache.org/catalog.version: "4.1.0-SNAPSHOT" + camel.apache.org/kamelet.icon: "" + camel.apache.org/provider: "Apache Software Foundation" + camel.apache.org/kamelet.group: "Google Sheets" + camel.apache.org/kamelet.namespace: "GCP" + labels: + camel.apache.org/kamelet.type: "sink" +spec: + definition: + title: "Google Sheets Sink" + description: |- + Send data to Google Sheets and update/append values on a spreadsheet. + required: + - spreadsheetId + - clientId + - accessToken + - refreshToken + - clientSecret + type: object + properties: + spreadsheetId: + title: Spreadsheet ID + description: The Spreadsheet ID to be used as identifier + type: string + clientId: + title: Client Id + description: Client ID of the sheets application + type: string + format: password + x-descriptors: + - urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:password + - urn:camel:group:credentials + clientSecret: + title: Client Secret + description: Client Secret of the sheets application + type: string + format: password + x-descriptors: + - urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:password + - urn:camel:group:credentials + accessToken: + title: Access Token + description: OAuth 2 access token for google sheets application. This typically expires after an hour so refreshToken is recommended for long term usage. + type: string + format: password + x-descriptors: + - urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:password + - urn:camel:group:credentials + refreshToken: + title: Refresh Token + description: OAuth 2 refresh token for google sheets application. Using this, the Google Calendar component can obtain a new accessToken whenever the current one expires - a necessity if the application is long-lived. + type: string + format: password + x-descriptors: + - urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:password + - urn:camel:group:credentials + applicationName: + title: Application name + description: Google Sheets application name + type: string + operation: + title: Operation mode + description: Operation to execute (update or append) + type: string + enum: [ "update", "append" ] + default: append + example: append + range: + title: Cells range to write data to + description: the range of rows and columns in a sheet to get data from. + type: string + example: "A1:B3" + majorDimension: + title: Major Dimension + description: Specifies the major dimension that the given values should use (ROWS or COLUMNS). + type: string + enum: [ "COLUMNS", "ROWS" ] + default: "ROWS" + example: "ROWS" + columnNames: + title: Column Names + description: Optional custom column names that map to cell coordinates based on their position. + type: string + default: "A" + valueInputOption: + title: Value Input Option + description: Controls how the entered values should be be interpreted when adding them. + type: string + enum: [ "USER_ENTERED", "RAW" ] + default: "USER_ENTERED" + example: "USER_ENTERED" + dataTypes: + in: + default: json-struct + types: + json-struct: + format: "google-sheets:application-x-struct" + description: |- + Special Json representation of Google Sheets ValueRange object with just row and column values as a generic JsonNode. + Each cell value is represented by a Json property named after the respective row (A-Z) or column (1-n) depending on the given majorDimension. + Custom column names are supported in order to use custom property names instead of generic row (A-Z) or column (1-n) coordinates. + The given Json struct is ready to be transformed into a proper Google Sheets ValueRange object that can be used in the update/append values operation. + The data type uses a set of header entries to determine properties such as spreadsheetId, the target cell range, the majorDimension and so on. + headers: + CamelGoogleSheets.range: + title: Range + description: Cells range to write data to. + default: A:A + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.spreadsheetId: + title: Spreadsheet id + description: The Spreadsheet ID to be used as identifier. + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.majorDimension: + title: Major dimension + description: Specifies the major dimension that the given values should use (ROWS or COLUMNS). + default: ROWS + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.columnNames: + title: Column Names + description: Optional custom column names that map to cell coordinates based on their position. + default: A + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.valueInputOption: + title: Value Input Option + description: Controls how the entered values should be be interpreted when adding them. + default: USER_ENTERED + type: string + mediaType: application/json + dependencies: + - "mvn:org.apache.camel.kamelets:camel-kamelets-utils:4.1.0-SNAPSHOT" + - "camel:jackson" + - "camel:kamelet" + - "camel:google-sheets" + template: + from: + uri: "kamelet:source" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.spreadsheetId + simple: "{{spreadsheetId}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.range + simple: "{{?range}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.majorDimension + simple: "{{?majorDimension}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.columnNames + simple: "{{?columnNames}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.valueInputOption + simple: "{{?valueInputOption}}" + - transform: + to-type: "google-sheets:application-x-struct" + - to: + uri: "google-sheets:data/{{operation}}" + parameters: + spreadsheetId: "{{spreadsheetId}}" + clientId: "{{clientId}}" + accessToken: "{{accessToken}}" + refreshToken: "{{refreshToken}}" + clientSecret: "{{clientSecret}}" + applicationName: "{{?applicationName}}" + range: "{{?range}}" diff --git a/kamelets/google-sheets-source.kamelet.yaml b/kamelets/google-sheets-source.kamelet.yaml index 210333f79..c3553799c 100644 --- a/kamelets/google-sheets-source.kamelet.yaml +++ b/kamelets/google-sheets-source.kamelet.yaml @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ spec: type: string splitResults: title: Split Results - description: True if value range result should be split into rows or columns to process each of them individually. + description: True if value range result should be split into rows or columns to process each of them individually. type: boolean x-descriptors: - 'urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:checkbox' @@ -101,9 +101,62 @@ spec: description: the range of rows and columns in a sheet to get data from. type: string example: "A1:B3" - types: + majorDimension: + title: Major Dimension + description: Specifies the major dimension that the given values should use (ROWS or COLUMNS). + type: string + enum: [ "COLUMNS", "ROWS" ] + default: "ROWS" + example: "ROWS" + columnNames: + title: Column Names + description: Optional custom column names that map to cell coordinates based on their position. + type: string + default: "A" + dataTypes: + default: out: - mediaType: application/json + default: json + headers: + CamelGoogleSheets.range: + title: Range + description: Cells range to write data to. + default: A:A + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.spreadsheetId: + title: Spreadsheet id + description: The Spreadsheet ID to be used as identifier. + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.majorDimension: + title: Major dimension + description: Specifies the major dimension that the given values should use (ROWS or COLUMNS). + default: ROWS + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.columnNames: + title: Column Names + description: Optional custom column names that map to cell coordinates based on their position. + default: A + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.splitResults: + title: Split Results + description: True if value range result should be split into rows or columns to process each of them individually. + default: true + type: boolean + types: + json: + format: "application-json" + description: |- + Json representation of a GoogleSheets ValueRange object that holds all values for the given cell range. + Or Json array of values for a single row/column in the range when 'splitResults' mode is enabled. + mediaType: application/json + json-struct: + format: "google-sheets:application-x-struct" + description: |- + Special Json representation of Google Sheets ValueRange object with just row and column values as a generic JsonNode. + Each cell value is represented by a Json property named after the respective row (A-Z) or column (1-n) depending on the given majorDimension. + Custom column names are supported in order to use custom property names instead of generic row (A-Z) or column (1-n) coordinates. + The produced Json struct is ready to be transformed back into a proper Google Sheets ValueRange object that can be used in an update/append values operation. + mediaType: application/json dependencies: - "camel:jackson" - "camel:kamelet" @@ -124,4 +177,19 @@ spec: steps: - marshal: json: {} + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.spreadsheetId + simple: "{{spreadsheetId}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.range + simple: "{{?range}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.majorDimension + simple: "{{?majorDimension}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.columnNames + simple: "{{?columnNames}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.splitResults + simple: "{{?splitResults}}" - to: "kamelet:sink" diff --git a/library/camel-kamelets-utils/pom.xml b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/pom.xml index b4f56daa7..b5886188f 100644 --- a/library/camel-kamelets-utils/pom.xml +++ b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/pom.xml @@ -97,6 +97,11 @@ camel-google-storage provided + + org.apache.camel + camel-google-sheets + provided + @@ -112,6 +117,12 @@ ${junit-jupiter-version} test + + org.junit.jupiter + junit-jupiter-params + ${junit-jupiter-version} + test + org.junit.jupiter @@ -120,6 +131,13 @@ test + + org.skyscreamer + jsonassert + ${jsonassert-version} + test + + org.apache.logging.log4j diff --git a/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/CellCoordinate.java b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/CellCoordinate.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..60553b299 --- /dev/null +++ b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/CellCoordinate.java @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +/* + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more + * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + +package org.apache.camel.kamelets.utils.format.converter.google.sheets; + +import java.util.List; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import java.util.stream.IntStream; + +import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper; + +public class CellCoordinate { + + private int rowIndex; + private int columnIndex; + + /** + * Prevent direct instantiation + */ + CellCoordinate() { + super(); + } + + /** + * Construct grid coordinate from given cell identifier representation in A1 form. For instance convert + * cell id string "A1" to a coordinate with rowIndex=0, and columnIndex=0. + * + * @param cellId + * @return + */ + public static CellCoordinate fromCellId(String cellId) { + CellCoordinate coordinate = new CellCoordinate(); + + if (cellId != null) { + coordinate.setRowIndex(getRowIndex(cellId)); + coordinate.setColumnIndex(getColumnIndex(cellId)); + } + + return coordinate; + } + + /** + * Evaluate the column index from cellId in A1 notation. Column name letters are translated to numeric column index values. + * Column "A" will result in column index 0. Method does support columns with combined name letters such as "AA" where this is + * the first column after "Z" resulting in a column index of 26. + * + * @param cellId + * @return + */ + protected static int getColumnIndex(String cellId) { + char[] characters = cellId.toCharArray(); + List chars = IntStream.range(0, characters.length) + .mapToObj(i -> characters[i]) + .filter(c -> !Character.isDigit(c)) + .map(Character::toUpperCase) + .map(Character::getNumericValue) + .collect(Collectors.toList()); + + if (chars.size() > 1) { + int index = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < chars.size(); i++) { + if (i == chars.size() -1) { + index += chars.get(i) - Character.getNumericValue('A'); + } else { + index += ((chars.get(i) - Character.getNumericValue('A')) + 1) * 26; + } + } + return index; + } else if (chars.size() == 1) { + return chars.get(0) - Character.getNumericValue('A'); + } else { + return 0; + } + } + + /** + * Evaluates the row index from a given cellId in A1 notation. Extracts the row number and translates that to an numeric + * index value beginning with 0. + * + * @param cellId + * @return + */ + protected static int getRowIndex(String cellId) { + char[] characters = cellId.toCharArray(); + String index = IntStream.range(0, characters.length) + .mapToObj(i -> characters[i]) + .filter(Character::isDigit) + .map(String::valueOf) + .collect(Collectors.joining()); + + if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(index)) { + return Integer.parseInt(index) - 1; + } + + return 0; + } + + /** + * Evaluates column name in A1 notation based on the column index. Index 0 will be "A" and index 25 will be "Z". Method also supports + * name overflow where index 26 will be "AA" and index 51 will be "AZ" and so on. + * + * @param columnIndex + * @return + */ + public static String getColumnName(int columnIndex) { + String alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; + StringBuilder columnName = new StringBuilder(); + + int index = columnIndex; + int overflowIndex = -1; + while (index > 25) { + overflowIndex++; + index -= 26; + } + + if (overflowIndex >= 0) { + columnName.append(alphabet.toCharArray()[overflowIndex]); + } + + columnName.append(alphabet.toCharArray()[index]); + + return columnName.toString(); + } + + /** + * Special getter for column name where user is able to give set of user defined column names. When given column index is resolvable via custom names + * the custom column name is returned otherwise the evaluated default column name is returned. + * + * @param columnIndex + * @param columnStartIndex + * @param columnNames + * @return + */ + public static String getColumnName(int columnIndex, int columnStartIndex, String ... columnNames) { + String columnName = getColumnName(columnIndex); + + int index; + if (columnStartIndex > 0) { + index = columnIndex % columnStartIndex; + } else { + index = columnIndex; + } + + if (index < columnNames.length) { + String name = columnNames[index]; + if (columnName.equals(name)) { + return columnName; + } else { + return name; + } + } + + return columnName; + } + + public int getRowIndex() { + return rowIndex; + } + + /** + * Specifies the rowIndex. + * + * @param rowIndex + */ + public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex) { + this.rowIndex = rowIndex; + } + + public int getColumnIndex() { + return columnIndex; + } + + /** + * Specifies the columnIndex. + * + * @param columnIndex + */ + public void setColumnIndex(int columnIndex) { + this.columnIndex = columnIndex; + } +} diff --git a/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/GoogleSheetsJsonStructDataType.java b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/GoogleSheetsJsonStructDataType.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4336a10c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/GoogleSheetsJsonStructDataType.java @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +/* + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more + * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + +package org.apache.camel.kamelets.utils.format.converter.google.sheets; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collections; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Objects; +import java.util.Optional; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; +import com.google.api.services.sheets.v4.model.ValueRange; +import org.apache.camel.CamelExecutionException; +import org.apache.camel.InvalidPayloadException; +import org.apache.camel.Message; +import org.apache.camel.component.google.sheets.internal.GoogleSheetsConstants; +import org.apache.camel.component.google.sheets.stream.GoogleSheetsStreamConstants; +import org.apache.camel.kamelets.utils.format.converter.json.Json; +import org.apache.camel.spi.DataType; +import org.apache.camel.spi.DataTypeTransformer; +import org.apache.camel.spi.Transformer; +import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper; + +/** + * Data type supports generic JsonNode representation of Google Sheets row and column values. + * Transforms generic JsonNode struct to/from a Google Sheets ValueRange object. + * Supports both inbound and outbound transformation depending on the given message body content. + * When Google Sheets ValueRange object is given as message body (e.g. as a result of a get values operation) the transformer will transform into generic Json struct. + * When generic Json struct is given as a message body transformer will transform into a proper ValueRange object that is ready to be used in an update/append values operation. + * Implementation also supports splitResults setting where a set of values is split into its individual items. + */ +@DataTypeTransformer(name = "google-sheets:application-x-struct") +public class GoogleSheetsJsonStructDataType extends Transformer { + + private static final String ROW_PREFIX = "#"; + + @Override + public void transform(Message message, DataType fromType, DataType toType) { + final Optional valueRange = getValueRangeBody(message); + + String range = message.getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", "A:A").toString(); + String majorDimension = message.getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "majorDimension", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS).toString(); + String spreadsheetId = message.getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "spreadsheetId", "").toString(); + String[] columnNames = message.getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "columnNames", "A").toString().split(","); + + boolean splitResults = Boolean.parseBoolean(message.getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "splitResults", "false").toString()); + + if (valueRange.isPresent()) { + message.setBody(transformFromValueRangeModel(message, valueRange.get(), spreadsheetId, range, majorDimension, columnNames)); + } else if (splitResults) { + message.setBody(transformFromSplitValuesModel(message, spreadsheetId, range, majorDimension, columnNames)); + } else { + String valueInputOption = message.getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption", "USER_ENTERED").toString(); + message.setBody(transformToValueRangeModel(message, spreadsheetId, range, majorDimension, valueInputOption, columnNames)); + } + } + + /** + * Constructs proper ValueRange object from given generic Json struct. + * @param message + * @param spreadsheetId + * @param range + * @param majorDimension + * @param valueInputOption + * @param columnNames + * @return + */ + private ValueRange transformToValueRangeModel(Message message, String spreadsheetId, String range, String majorDimension, String valueInputOption, String[] columnNames) { + try { + List jsonBeans = bodyAsJsonBeans(message); + + ValueRange valueRange = new ValueRange(); + List> values = new ArrayList<>(); + + if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(jsonBeans)) { + final ArrayList properties = createCoordinateNameSpec(range, majorDimension, columnNames); + + for (String json : jsonBeans) { + Map dataShape = Json.MAPPER.reader().forType(Map.class).readValue(json); + + if (dataShape.containsKey("spreadsheetId")) { + spreadsheetId = Optional.ofNullable(dataShape.remove("spreadsheetId")) + .map(Object::toString) + .orElse(spreadsheetId); + } + + List rangeValues = new ArrayList<>(); + properties + .stream() + .filter(specEntry -> !Objects.equals("spreadsheetId", specEntry)) + .forEach(specEntry -> rangeValues.add(dataShape.getOrDefault(specEntry, null))); + + values.add(rangeValues); + } + } + + valueRange.setMajorDimension(majorDimension); + valueRange.setValues(values); + + message.setHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.SPREADSHEET_ID, spreadsheetId); + message.setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "spreadsheetId", spreadsheetId); + message.setHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE, range); + message.setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", range); + message.setHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION, majorDimension); + message.setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "majorDimension", majorDimension); + message.setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption", valueInputOption); + message.setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "values", valueRange); + + return valueRange; + } catch (InvalidPayloadException | JsonProcessingException e) { + throw new CamelExecutionException("Failed to apply Google Sheets Json struct " + + "data type on exchange", message.getExchange(), e); + } + } + + /** + * Construct generic Json struct from given ValueRange object. + * Json struct represents the row and column values only. + * @param message + * @param valueRange + * @param spreadsheetId + * @param range + * @param majorDimension + * @param columnNames + * @return + */ + private List transformFromValueRangeModel(Message message, ValueRange valueRange, String spreadsheetId, String range, String majorDimension, String[] columnNames) { + final List jsonBeans = new ArrayList<>(); + + try { + if (valueRange != null) { + if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(valueRange.getRange())) { + range = valueRange.getRange(); + } + RangeCoordinate rangeCoordinate = RangeCoordinate.fromRange(range); + + if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(valueRange.getMajorDimension())) { + majorDimension = valueRange.getMajorDimension(); + } + + if (ObjectHelper.equal(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, majorDimension)) { + for (List values : valueRange.getValues()) { + final Map model = new HashMap<>(); + model.put("spreadsheetId", spreadsheetId); + int columnIndex = rangeCoordinate.getColumnStartIndex(); + for (Object value : values) { + model.put(CellCoordinate.getColumnName(columnIndex, rangeCoordinate.getColumnStartIndex(), columnNames), value); + columnIndex++; + } + jsonBeans.add(Json.MAPPER.writer().writeValueAsString(model)); + } + } else if (ObjectHelper.equal(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS, majorDimension)) { + for (List values : valueRange.getValues()) { + final Map model = new HashMap<>(); + model.put("spreadsheetId", spreadsheetId); + int rowIndex = rangeCoordinate.getRowStartIndex() + 1; + for (Object value : values) { + model.put(ROW_PREFIX + rowIndex, value); + rowIndex++; + } + jsonBeans.add(Json.MAPPER.writer().writeValueAsString(model)); + } + } + } + + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new CamelExecutionException("Failed to apply Google Sheets Json struct " + + "data type on exchange", message.getExchange(), e); + } + + return jsonBeans; + } + + /** + * Construct generic Json struct from given split values model. + * Json struct represents the row and column values only. + * In split mode one single row/column is handled as an individual result. + * @param message + * @param spreadsheetId + * @param range + * @param majorDimension + * @param columnNames + * @return + */ + private String transformFromSplitValuesModel(Message message, String spreadsheetId, String range, String majorDimension, String[] columnNames) { + try { + final List values = bodyAsJsonBeans(message); + + final Map model = new HashMap<>(); + model.put("spreadsheetId", spreadsheetId); + + if (values != null) { + if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(message.getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE))) { + range = message.getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE).toString(); + } + RangeCoordinate rangeCoordinate = RangeCoordinate.fromRange(range); + + if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(message.getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION))) { + majorDimension = message.getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION).toString(); + } + + if (ObjectHelper.equal(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, majorDimension)) { + int columnIndex = rangeCoordinate.getColumnStartIndex(); + for (Object value : values) { + model.put(CellCoordinate.getColumnName(columnIndex, rangeCoordinate.getColumnStartIndex(), columnNames), value); + columnIndex++; + } + } else if (ObjectHelper.equal(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS, majorDimension)) { + int rowIndex = rangeCoordinate.getRowStartIndex() + 1; + for (Object value : values) { + model.put(ROW_PREFIX + rowIndex, value); + rowIndex++; + } + } + } + + return Json.MAPPER.writer().writeValueAsString(model); + } catch (InvalidPayloadException | JsonProcessingException e) { + throw new CamelExecutionException("Failed to apply Google Sheets Json struct " + + "data type on exchange", message.getExchange(), e); + } + } + + /** + * Try to convert message body to a ValueRange object if possible. + * Returns empty optional when message body conversion is not applicable. + * @param message + * @return + */ + private static Optional getValueRangeBody(Message message) { + if (message.getBody() instanceof ValueRange) { + return Optional.of(message.getBody(ValueRange.class)); + } + + String jsonBody = message.getBody(String.class); + if (jsonBody != null) { + try { + ValueRange valueRange = Json.MAPPER.reader().readValue(jsonBody, ValueRange.class); + return valueRange.getValues() != null ? Optional.of(valueRange) : Optional.empty(); + } catch (IOException e) { + return Optional.empty(); + } + } + + return Optional.empty(); + } + + /** + * Converts message body to list of Json objects. Supports different message body types such as + * List, String, InputStream. + * @param message + * @return + * @throws JsonProcessingException + */ + private static List bodyAsJsonBeans(Message message) throws JsonProcessingException, InvalidPayloadException { + if (message.getBody() == null) { + return Collections.emptyList(); + } + + if (message.getBody() instanceof List) { + return message.getBody(List.class); + } + + String body = message.getMandatoryBody(String.class); + if (Json.isJsonArray(body)) { + return Json.arrayToJsonBeans(Json.MAPPER.reader().readTree(body)); + } else if (Json.isJson(body)) { + return Collections.singletonList(body); + } + + return Collections.emptyList(); + } + + /** + * Construct row and column coordinate names for given range. + * Supports mapping of custom column names to proper row/column coordinates. + * @param range + * @param majorDimension + * @param columnNames + * @return + */ + public static ArrayList createCoordinateNameSpec(String range, String majorDimension, String ... columnNames) { + ArrayList names = new ArrayList<>(); + + RangeCoordinate coordinate = RangeCoordinate.fromRange(range); + if (ObjectHelper.equal(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, majorDimension)) { + createSchemaFromRowDimension(names, coordinate, columnNames); + } else if (ObjectHelper.equal(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS, majorDimension)) { + createSchemaFromColumnDimension(names, coordinate); + } + + return names; + } + + /** + * Create dynamic json schema from row dimension. If split only a single object "ROW" holding 1-n column values is + * created. Otherwise, each row results in a separate object with 1-n column values as property. + * @param properties + * @param coordinate + * @param columnNames + */ + private static void createSchemaFromRowDimension(ArrayList properties, RangeCoordinate coordinate, String ... columnNames) { + for (int i = coordinate.getColumnStartIndex(); i < coordinate.getColumnEndIndex(); i++) { + properties.add(CellCoordinate.getColumnName(i, coordinate.getColumnStartIndex(), columnNames)); + } + } + + /** + * Create dynamic json schema from column dimension. If split only a single object "COLUMN" holding 1-n row values is + * created. Otherwise, each column results in a separate object with 1-n row values as property. + * @param properties + * @param coordinate + */ + private static void createSchemaFromColumnDimension(ArrayList properties, RangeCoordinate coordinate) { + for (int i = coordinate.getRowStartIndex() + 1; i <= coordinate.getRowEndIndex(); i++) { + properties.add("#" + i); + } + } +} diff --git a/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/RangeCoordinate.java b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/RangeCoordinate.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..403e84e1e --- /dev/null +++ b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/RangeCoordinate.java @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +/* + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more + * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + +package org.apache.camel.kamelets.utils.format.converter.google.sheets; + +import java.util.StringJoiner; + +public final class RangeCoordinate extends CellCoordinate { + + public static final String DIMENSION_ROWS = "ROWS"; + public static final String DIMENSION_COLUMNS = "COLUMNS"; + + private int rowStartIndex; + private int rowEndIndex; + + private int columnStartIndex; + private int columnEndIndex; + + /** + * Prevent direct instantiation + */ + private RangeCoordinate() { + super(); + } + + /** + * Construct range coordinates from range string representation in A1 form. For instance convert + * range string "A1:C2" to a coordinate with rowStartIndex=1, rowEndIndex=2, columnStartIndex=1, columnEndIndex=3. + * + * Supports missing range ends with "A5" resulting in rowStartIndex=5, rowEndIndex=6, columnStartIndex=1, columnEndIndex=2. + * @param range + * @return + */ + public static RangeCoordinate fromRange(String range) { + RangeCoordinate coordinate = new RangeCoordinate(); + + String rangeExpression = normalizeRange(range); + + if (rangeExpression.contains(":")) { + String[] coordinates = rangeExpression.split(":", -1); + + coordinate.setRowStartIndex(getRowIndex(coordinates[0])); + coordinate.setColumnStartIndex(getColumnIndex(coordinates[0])); + coordinate.setRowEndIndex(getRowIndex(coordinates[1]) + 1); + coordinate.setColumnEndIndex(getColumnIndex(coordinates[1]) + 1); + } else { + CellCoordinate cellCoordinate = CellCoordinate.fromCellId(rangeExpression); + coordinate.setRowIndex(cellCoordinate.getRowIndex()); + coordinate.setColumnIndex(cellCoordinate.getColumnIndex()); + coordinate.setRowStartIndex(cellCoordinate.getRowIndex()); + coordinate.setColumnStartIndex(cellCoordinate.getColumnIndex()); + coordinate.setRowEndIndex(cellCoordinate.getRowIndex() + 1); + coordinate.setColumnEndIndex(cellCoordinate.getColumnIndex() + 1); + } + + return coordinate; + } + + /** + * Removes optional sheet name from range expression if any. + * @param range + * @return + */ + private static String normalizeRange(String range) { + if (range.contains("!")) { + return range.substring(range.indexOf('!') + 1); + } else { + return range; + } + } + + /** + * Get all names of columns included in this range. + * @return + */ + public String getColumnNames() { + StringJoiner delimitedList = new StringJoiner(","); + for (int i = columnStartIndex; i < columnEndIndex; i++) { + delimitedList.add(CellCoordinate.getColumnName(i)); + } + return delimitedList.toString(); + } + + public int getRowStartIndex() { + return rowStartIndex; + } + + /** + * Specifies the rowStartIndex. + * + * @param rowStartIndex + */ + public void setRowStartIndex(int rowStartIndex) { + this.rowStartIndex = rowStartIndex; + } + + public int getRowEndIndex() { + return rowEndIndex; + } + + /** + * Specifies the rowEndIndex. + * + * @param rowEndIndex + */ + public void setRowEndIndex(int rowEndIndex) { + this.rowEndIndex = rowEndIndex; + } + + public int getColumnStartIndex() { + return columnStartIndex; + } + + /** + * Specifies the columnStartIndex. + * + * @param columnStartIndex + */ + public void setColumnStartIndex(int columnStartIndex) { + this.columnStartIndex = columnStartIndex; + } + + public int getColumnEndIndex() { + return columnEndIndex; + } + + /** + * Specifies the columnEndIndex. + * + * @param columnEndIndex + */ + public void setColumnEndIndex(int columnEndIndex) { + this.columnEndIndex = columnEndIndex; + } +} diff --git a/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/json/Json.java b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/json/Json.java index cbcbe57c9..b1ce762d4 100644 --- a/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/json/Json.java +++ b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/json/Json.java @@ -17,7 +17,15 @@ package org.apache.camel.kamelets.utils.format.converter.json; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Iterator; +import java.util.List; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode; +import org.apache.camel.util.StringHelper; public final class Json { @@ -26,4 +34,74 @@ public final class Json { private Json() { // prevent instantiation of utility class } + + /** + * Checks given value to be a Json array of object representation. + * @param value + * @return + */ + public static boolean isJson(String value) { + if (value == null) { + return false; + } + + return isJsonObject(value) || isJsonArray(value); + } + + /** + * Checks given value could be JSON object string. + * @param value + * @return + */ + public static boolean isJsonObject(String value) { + if (value == null || value.isEmpty() || value.isBlank()) { + return false; + } + + final String trimmed = value.trim(); + + return trimmed.charAt(0) == '{' && trimmed.charAt(trimmed.length() - 1) == '}'; + } + + /** + * Checks given value could be JSON array string. + * @param value + * @return + */ + public static boolean isJsonArray(String value) { + if (value == null || value.isEmpty() || value.isBlank()) { + return false; + } + + final String trimmed = value.trim(); + + return trimmed.charAt(0) == '[' && trimmed.charAt(trimmed.length() - 1) == ']'; + } + + /** + * Converts array json node to a list of json object strings. Used when splitting a + * json array with split EIP. + * @param json + * @return + * @throws JsonProcessingException + */ + public static List arrayToJsonBeans(JsonNode json) throws JsonProcessingException { + List jsonBeans = new ArrayList<>(); + + if (json.isArray()) { + Iterator it = json.elements(); + while (it.hasNext()) { + Object item = it.next(); + if (item instanceof TextNode) { + jsonBeans.add(StringHelper.removeLeadingAndEndingQuotes(((TextNode) item).asText())); + } else { + jsonBeans.add(MAPPER.writeValueAsString(item)); + } + } + + return jsonBeans; + } + + return jsonBeans; + } } diff --git a/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/datatype/transformer/google-sheets-application-x-struct b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/datatype/transformer/google-sheets-application-x-struct new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0af4a3fea --- /dev/null +++ b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/datatype/transformer/google-sheets-application-x-struct @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more +# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with +# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. +# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 +# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with +# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# + +class=org.apache.camel.kamelets.utils.format.converter.google.sheets.GoogleSheetsJsonStructDataType diff --git a/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/GoogleSheetsJsonStructDataTypeTest.java b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/GoogleSheetsJsonStructDataTypeTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ceba8aac --- /dev/null +++ b/library/camel-kamelets-utils/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/kamelets/utils/format/converter/google/sheets/GoogleSheetsJsonStructDataTypeTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,429 @@ +package org.apache.camel.kamelets.utils.format.converter.google.sheets; + +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.Collections; +import java.util.Iterator; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.UUID; +import java.util.stream.Stream; + +import com.google.api.services.sheets.v4.model.ValueRange; +import org.apache.camel.Exchange; +import org.apache.camel.component.google.sheets.internal.GoogleSheetsConstants; +import org.apache.camel.component.google.sheets.stream.GoogleSheetsStreamConstants; +import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext; +import org.apache.camel.spi.DataType; +import org.apache.camel.support.DefaultExchange; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; +import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; +import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments; +import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource; +import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert; +import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONCompareMode; + +public class GoogleSheetsJsonStructDataTypeTest { + + private final GoogleSheetsJsonStructDataType dataType = new GoogleSheetsJsonStructDataType(); + private DefaultCamelContext camelContext; + + private String spreadsheetId; + + @BeforeEach + void setup() { + this.camelContext = new DefaultCamelContext(); + this.spreadsheetId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); + } + + public static Stream transformFromSplitValuesData() { + return Stream.of( + Arguments.of("A1", "Sheet1", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, "A", Collections.singletonList("a1"), + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"A\":\"a1\"}"), + Arguments.of("A1:A5", "Sheet1", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS, "A", Arrays.asList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5"), + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"#1\":\"a1\",\"#2\":\"a2\",\"#3\":\"a3\",\"#4\":\"a4\",\"#5\":\"a5\"}"), + Arguments.of("A1:B2", "Sheet1", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, "A", Arrays.asList("a1", "b1"), + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"A\":\"a1\",\"B\":\"b1\"}"), + Arguments.of("A1:B2", "Sheet1", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, "Foo,Bar", Arrays.asList("a1", "b1"), + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"Foo\":\"a1\",\"Bar\":\"b1\"}"), + Arguments.of("A1:B2", "Sheet1", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS, "A", Arrays.asList("a1", "a2"), + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"#1\":\"a1\",\"#2\":\"a2\"}") + ); + } + + public static Stream transformFromValueRangeData() { + return Stream.of( + Arguments.of("A1:A5", "Sheet1", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, "A", + Arrays.asList(Collections.singletonList("a1"), + Collections.singletonList("a2"), + Collections.singletonList("a3"), + Collections.singletonList("a4"), + Collections.singletonList("a5")), + Arrays.asList("{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"A\":\"a1\"}", + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"A\":\"a2\"}", + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"A\":\"a3\"}", + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"A\":\"a4\"}", + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"A\":\"a5\"}")), + Arguments.of("A1:A5", "Sheet1", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, "Foo", + Arrays.asList(Collections.singletonList("a1"), + Collections.singletonList("a2"), + Collections.singletonList("a3"), + Collections.singletonList("a4"), + Collections.singletonList("a5")), + Arrays.asList("{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"Foo\":\"a1\"}", + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"Foo\":\"a2\"}", + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"Foo\":\"a3\"}", + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"Foo\":\"a4\"}", + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"Foo\":\"a5\"}")), + Arguments.of("A1:A5", "Sheet1", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS, "A", + Collections.singletonList(Arrays.asList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5")), + Collections.singletonList("{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"#1\":\"a1\",\"#2\":\"a2\",\"#3\":\"a3\",\"#4\":\"a4\",\"#5\":\"a5\"}")), + Arguments.of("A1:B2", "Sheet1", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, "A", + Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList("a1", "b1"), Arrays.asList("a2", "b2")), + Arrays.asList("{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"A\":\"a1\",\"B\":\"b1\"}", + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"A\":\"a2\",\"B\":\"b2\"}")), + Arguments.of("A1:B2", "Sheet1", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, "Foo,Bar", + Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList("a1", "b1"), Arrays.asList("a2", "b2")), + Arrays.asList("{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"Foo\":\"a1\",\"Bar\":\"b1\"}", + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"Foo\":\"a2\",\"Bar\":\"b2\"}")), + Arguments.of("A1:B2", "Sheet1", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS, "A", + Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList("a1", "a2"), Arrays.asList("b1", "b2")), + Arrays.asList("{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"#1\":\"a1\",\"#2\":\"a2\"}", + "{\"spreadsheetId\":\"%s\", \"#1\":\"b1\",\"#2\":\"b2\"}")) + ); + } + + @ParameterizedTest + @MethodSource("transformFromSplitValuesData") + public void testTransformFromSplitValues(String range, String sheetName, String majorDimension, String columnNames, + List> values, String expectedValueModel) throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + + inbound.getMessage().setBody(values); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "splitResults", true); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "spreadsheetId", spreadsheetId); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", sheetName + "!" + range); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "majorDimension", majorDimension); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "columnNames", columnNames); + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + + String model = inbound.getMessage().getBody(String.class); + JSONAssert.assertEquals(String.format(expectedValueModel, spreadsheetId), model, JSONCompareMode.STRICT); + } + + @ParameterizedTest + @MethodSource("transformFromValueRangeData") + public void testTransformFromValueRange(String range, String sheetName, String majorDimension, String columnNames, + List> values, List expectedValueModel) throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + + ValueRange valueRange = new ValueRange(); + valueRange.setRange(sheetName + "!" + range); + valueRange.setMajorDimension(majorDimension); + valueRange.setValues(values); + + inbound.getMessage().setBody(valueRange); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "spreadsheetId", spreadsheetId); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "columnNames", columnNames); + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") + List model = inbound.getMessage().getBody(List.class); + Assertions.assertEquals(expectedValueModel.size(), model.size()); + Iterator modelIterator = model.iterator(); + for (String expected : expectedValueModel) { + JSONAssert.assertEquals(String.format(expected, spreadsheetId), modelIterator.next(), JSONCompareMode.STRICT); + } + } + + @Test + public void testTransformToEmptyValueRange() throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "spreadsheetId", spreadsheetId); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", "A1"); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption", "RAW"); + + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + Assertions.assertEquals(spreadsheetId, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.SPREADSHEET_ID)); + Assertions.assertEquals("A1", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE)); + Assertions.assertEquals(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION)); + Assertions.assertEquals("RAW", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption")); + + ValueRange valueRange = (ValueRange) inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "values"); + Assertions.assertEquals(0L, valueRange.getValues().size()); + } + + @Test + public void testTransformToValueRangeRowDimension() throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", "A1:B1"); + + String model = "{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"A\": \"a1\"," + + "\"B\": \"b1\"" + + "}"; + inbound.getMessage().setBody(model); + + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + Assertions.assertEquals(spreadsheetId, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.SPREADSHEET_ID)); + Assertions.assertEquals("A1:B1", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE)); + Assertions.assertEquals(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION)); + Assertions.assertEquals("USER_ENTERED", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption")); + + ValueRange valueRange = (ValueRange) inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "values"); + Assertions.assertEquals(1L, valueRange.getValues().size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("b1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(1)); + } + + @Test + public void testTransformToValueRangeColumnNames() throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", "A1:B1"); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "columnNames", "Foo,Bar"); + + String model = "{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"Foo\": \"a1\"," + + "\"Bar\": \"b1\"" + + "}"; + inbound.getMessage().setBody(model); + + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + Assertions.assertEquals(spreadsheetId, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.SPREADSHEET_ID)); + Assertions.assertEquals("A1:B1", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE)); + Assertions.assertEquals(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION)); + Assertions.assertEquals("USER_ENTERED", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption")); + + ValueRange valueRange = (ValueRange) inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "values"); + Assertions.assertEquals(1L, valueRange.getValues().size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("b1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(1)); + } + + @Test + public void testTransformToValueRangeColumnDimension() throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", "A1:A2"); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "majorDimension", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS); + + String model = "{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"#1\": \"a1\"," + + "\"#2\": \"a2\"" + + "}"; + inbound.getMessage().setBody(model); + + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + Assertions.assertEquals(spreadsheetId, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.SPREADSHEET_ID)); + Assertions.assertEquals("A1:A2", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE)); + Assertions.assertEquals(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION)); + Assertions.assertEquals("USER_ENTERED", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption")); + + ValueRange valueRange = (ValueRange) inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "values"); + Assertions.assertEquals(1L, valueRange.getValues().size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("a2", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(1)); + } + + @Test + public void testTransformToValueRangeMultipleRows() throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", "A1:B2"); + + List model = Arrays.asList("{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"A\": \"a1\"," + + "\"B\": \"b1\"" + + "}", + "{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"A\": \"a2\"," + + "\"B\": \"b2\"" + + "}"); + inbound.getMessage().setBody(model); + + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + Assertions.assertEquals("A1:B2", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE)); + Assertions.assertEquals(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION)); + Assertions.assertEquals("USER_ENTERED", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption")); + + ValueRange valueRange = (ValueRange) inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "values"); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().size()); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().get(0).size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("b1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(1)); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().get(1).size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a2", valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("b2", valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(1)); + } + + @Test + public void testTransformToValueRangeMultipleColumns() throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", "A1:B2"); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "majorDimension", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS); + + List model = Arrays.asList("{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"#1\": \"a1\"," + + "\"#2\": \"a2\"" + + "}", + "{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"#1\": \"b1\"," + + "\"#2\": \"b2\"" + + "}"); + + inbound.getMessage().setBody(model); + + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + Assertions.assertEquals("A1:B2", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE)); + Assertions.assertEquals(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION)); + Assertions.assertEquals("USER_ENTERED", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption")); + + ValueRange valueRange = (ValueRange) inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "values"); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().size()); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().get(0).size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("a2", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(1)); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().get(1).size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("b1", valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("b2", valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(1)); + } + + @Test + public void testTransformToValueRangeAutoFillColumnValues() throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", "A1:C2"); + + List model = Arrays.asList("{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"A\": \"a1\"," + + "\"C\": \"c1\"" + + "}", + "{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"A\": \"a2\"," + + "\"B\": \"b2\"" + + "}"); + + inbound.getMessage().setBody(model); + + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + Assertions.assertEquals("A1:C2", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE)); + Assertions.assertEquals(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION)); + Assertions.assertEquals("USER_ENTERED", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption")); + + ValueRange valueRange = (ValueRange) inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "values"); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().size()); + Assertions.assertEquals(3L, valueRange.getValues().get(0).size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(0)); + Assertions.assertNull(valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(1)); + Assertions.assertEquals("c1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(2)); + Assertions.assertEquals(3L, valueRange.getValues().get(1).size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a2", valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("b2", valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(1)); + Assertions.assertNull(valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(2)); + } + + @Test + public void testTransformToValueRangeAutoFillRowValues() throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", "A1:C3"); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "majorDimension", RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS); + + List model = Arrays.asList("{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"#1\": \"a1\"," + + "\"#3\": \"c1\"" + + "}", + "{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"#1\": \"a2\"," + + "\"#2\": \"b2\"" + + "}"); + + inbound.getMessage().setBody(model); + + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + Assertions.assertEquals("A1:C3", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE)); + Assertions.assertEquals(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_COLUMNS, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION)); + Assertions.assertEquals("USER_ENTERED", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption")); + + ValueRange valueRange = (ValueRange) inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "values"); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().size()); + Assertions.assertEquals(3L, valueRange.getValues().get(0).size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(0)); + Assertions.assertNull(valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(1)); + Assertions.assertEquals("c1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(2)); + Assertions.assertEquals(3L, valueRange.getValues().get(1).size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a2", valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("b2", valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(1)); + Assertions.assertNull(valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(2)); + } + + @Test + public void testTransformToValueRangeWithJsonArray() throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", "A1:B2"); + + String body = "[{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"A\": \"a1\"," + + "\"B\": \"b1\"" + + "}," + + "{" + + "\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\"," + + "\"A\": \"a2\"," + + "\"B\": \"b2\"" + + "}]"; + inbound.getMessage().setBody(body); + + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + Assertions.assertEquals("A1:B2", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE)); + Assertions.assertEquals(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION)); + Assertions.assertEquals("USER_ENTERED", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption")); + + ValueRange valueRange = (ValueRange) inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "values"); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().size()); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().get(0).size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("b1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(1)); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().get(1).size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a2", valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("b2", valueRange.getValues().get(1).get(1)); + } + + @Test + public void testTransformToValueRangeWithJsonObject() throws Exception { + Exchange inbound = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); + inbound.getMessage().setHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "range", "A1:B2"); + + String body = "{\"spreadsheetId\": \"" + spreadsheetId + "\", \"A\": \"a1\", \"B\": \"b1\" }"; + inbound.getMessage().setBody(body); + + dataType.transform(inbound.getMessage(), DataType.ANY, DataType.ANY); + + Assertions.assertEquals("A1:B2", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.RANGE)); + Assertions.assertEquals(RangeCoordinate.DIMENSION_ROWS, inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsStreamConstants.MAJOR_DIMENSION)); + Assertions.assertEquals("USER_ENTERED", inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "valueInputOption")); + + ValueRange valueRange = (ValueRange) inbound.getMessage().getHeader(GoogleSheetsConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "values"); + Assertions.assertEquals(1L, valueRange.getValues().size()); + Assertions.assertEquals(2L, valueRange.getValues().get(0).size()); + Assertions.assertEquals("a1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(0)); + Assertions.assertEquals("b1", valueRange.getValues().get(0).get(1)); + } +} diff --git a/library/camel-kamelets/src/main/resources/kamelets/google-sheets-sink.kamelet.yaml b/library/camel-kamelets/src/main/resources/kamelets/google-sheets-sink.kamelet.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..63488bd1c --- /dev/null +++ b/library/camel-kamelets/src/main/resources/kamelets/google-sheets-sink.kamelet.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more +# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with +# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. +# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 +# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with +# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1 +kind: Kamelet +metadata: + name: google-sheets-sink + annotations: + camel.apache.org/kamelet.support.level: "Stable" + camel.apache.org/catalog.version: "4.1.0-SNAPSHOT" + camel.apache.org/kamelet.icon: "" + camel.apache.org/provider: "Apache Software Foundation" + camel.apache.org/kamelet.group: "Google Sheets" + camel.apache.org/kamelet.namespace: "GCP" + labels: + camel.apache.org/kamelet.type: "sink" +spec: + definition: + title: "Google Sheets Sink" + description: |- + Send data to Google Sheets and update/append values on a spreadsheet. + required: + - spreadsheetId + - clientId + - accessToken + - refreshToken + - clientSecret + type: object + properties: + spreadsheetId: + title: Spreadsheet ID + description: The Spreadsheet ID to be used as identifier + type: string + clientId: + title: Client Id + description: Client ID of the sheets application + type: string + format: password + x-descriptors: + - urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:password + - urn:camel:group:credentials + clientSecret: + title: Client Secret + description: Client Secret of the sheets application + type: string + format: password + x-descriptors: + - urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:password + - urn:camel:group:credentials + accessToken: + title: Access Token + description: OAuth 2 access token for google sheets application. This typically expires after an hour so refreshToken is recommended for long term usage. + type: string + format: password + x-descriptors: + - urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:password + - urn:camel:group:credentials + refreshToken: + title: Refresh Token + description: OAuth 2 refresh token for google sheets application. Using this, the Google Calendar component can obtain a new accessToken whenever the current one expires - a necessity if the application is long-lived. + type: string + format: password + x-descriptors: + - urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:password + - urn:camel:group:credentials + applicationName: + title: Application name + description: Google Sheets application name + type: string + operation: + title: Operation mode + description: Operation to execute (update or append) + type: string + enum: [ "update", "append" ] + default: append + example: append + range: + title: Cells range to write data to + description: the range of rows and columns in a sheet to get data from. + type: string + example: "A1:B3" + majorDimension: + title: Major Dimension + description: Specifies the major dimension that the given values should use (ROWS or COLUMNS). + type: string + enum: [ "COLUMNS", "ROWS" ] + default: "ROWS" + example: "ROWS" + columnNames: + title: Column Names + description: Optional custom column names that map to cell coordinates based on their position. + type: string + default: "A" + valueInputOption: + title: Value Input Option + description: Controls how the entered values should be be interpreted when adding them. + type: string + enum: [ "USER_ENTERED", "RAW" ] + default: "USER_ENTERED" + example: "USER_ENTERED" + dataTypes: + in: + default: json-struct + types: + json-struct: + format: "google-sheets:application-x-struct" + description: |- + Special Json representation of Google Sheets ValueRange object with just row and column values as a generic JsonNode. + Each cell value is represented by a Json property named after the respective row (A-Z) or column (1-n) depending on the given majorDimension. + Custom column names are supported in order to use custom property names instead of generic row (A-Z) or column (1-n) coordinates. + The given Json struct is ready to be transformed into a proper Google Sheets ValueRange object that can be used in the update/append values operation. + The data type uses a set of header entries to determine properties such as spreadsheetId, the target cell range, the majorDimension and so on. + headers: + CamelGoogleSheets.range: + title: Range + description: Cells range to write data to. + default: A:A + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.spreadsheetId: + title: Spreadsheet id + description: The Spreadsheet ID to be used as identifier. + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.majorDimension: + title: Major dimension + description: Specifies the major dimension that the given values should use (ROWS or COLUMNS). + default: ROWS + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.columnNames: + title: Column Names + description: Optional custom column names that map to cell coordinates based on their position. + default: A + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.valueInputOption: + title: Value Input Option + description: Controls how the entered values should be be interpreted when adding them. + default: USER_ENTERED + type: string + mediaType: application/json + dependencies: + - "mvn:org.apache.camel.kamelets:camel-kamelets-utils:4.1.0-SNAPSHOT" + - "camel:jackson" + - "camel:kamelet" + - "camel:google-sheets" + template: + from: + uri: "kamelet:source" + steps: + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.spreadsheetId + simple: "{{spreadsheetId}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.range + simple: "{{?range}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.majorDimension + simple: "{{?majorDimension}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.columnNames + simple: "{{?columnNames}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.valueInputOption + simple: "{{?valueInputOption}}" + - transform: + to-type: "google-sheets:application-x-struct" + - to: + uri: "google-sheets:data/{{operation}}" + parameters: + spreadsheetId: "{{spreadsheetId}}" + clientId: "{{clientId}}" + accessToken: "{{accessToken}}" + refreshToken: "{{refreshToken}}" + clientSecret: "{{clientSecret}}" + applicationName: "{{?applicationName}}" + range: "{{?range}}" diff --git a/library/camel-kamelets/src/main/resources/kamelets/google-sheets-source.kamelet.yaml b/library/camel-kamelets/src/main/resources/kamelets/google-sheets-source.kamelet.yaml index 210333f79..c3553799c 100644 --- a/library/camel-kamelets/src/main/resources/kamelets/google-sheets-source.kamelet.yaml +++ b/library/camel-kamelets/src/main/resources/kamelets/google-sheets-source.kamelet.yaml @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ spec: type: string splitResults: title: Split Results - description: True if value range result should be split into rows or columns to process each of them individually. + description: True if value range result should be split into rows or columns to process each of them individually. type: boolean x-descriptors: - 'urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:checkbox' @@ -101,9 +101,62 @@ spec: description: the range of rows and columns in a sheet to get data from. type: string example: "A1:B3" - types: + majorDimension: + title: Major Dimension + description: Specifies the major dimension that the given values should use (ROWS or COLUMNS). + type: string + enum: [ "COLUMNS", "ROWS" ] + default: "ROWS" + example: "ROWS" + columnNames: + title: Column Names + description: Optional custom column names that map to cell coordinates based on their position. + type: string + default: "A" + dataTypes: + default: out: - mediaType: application/json + default: json + headers: + CamelGoogleSheets.range: + title: Range + description: Cells range to write data to. + default: A:A + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.spreadsheetId: + title: Spreadsheet id + description: The Spreadsheet ID to be used as identifier. + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.majorDimension: + title: Major dimension + description: Specifies the major dimension that the given values should use (ROWS or COLUMNS). + default: ROWS + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.columnNames: + title: Column Names + description: Optional custom column names that map to cell coordinates based on their position. + default: A + type: string + CamelGoogleSheets.splitResults: + title: Split Results + description: True if value range result should be split into rows or columns to process each of them individually. + default: true + type: boolean + types: + json: + format: "application-json" + description: |- + Json representation of a GoogleSheets ValueRange object that holds all values for the given cell range. + Or Json array of values for a single row/column in the range when 'splitResults' mode is enabled. + mediaType: application/json + json-struct: + format: "google-sheets:application-x-struct" + description: |- + Special Json representation of Google Sheets ValueRange object with just row and column values as a generic JsonNode. + Each cell value is represented by a Json property named after the respective row (A-Z) or column (1-n) depending on the given majorDimension. + Custom column names are supported in order to use custom property names instead of generic row (A-Z) or column (1-n) coordinates. + The produced Json struct is ready to be transformed back into a proper Google Sheets ValueRange object that can be used in an update/append values operation. + mediaType: application/json dependencies: - "camel:jackson" - "camel:kamelet" @@ -124,4 +177,19 @@ spec: steps: - marshal: json: {} + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.spreadsheetId + simple: "{{spreadsheetId}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.range + simple: "{{?range}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.majorDimension + simple: "{{?majorDimension}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.columnNames + simple: "{{?columnNames}}" + - set-header: + name: CamelGoogleSheets.splitResults + simple: "{{?splitResults}}" - to: "kamelet:sink"