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Head over there for various focused dev environments and some tips in the for making clipboard work in case it doesn't out of the box.


I was looking for an ephermal (so docker-based) nvim dev environment for javascript, python and go that I could use both via remote as well as local development. I wanted something that I can easiliy share with team-members and use on many devices, when I found AGhost's work. Maybe it is not smart but I wanted to combine the three different languages and toolsets in one container so this is what we have got here.


It was tested and works reasonably well for JS development remote via OSX/iterm2/ssh and also when host and client are on the same machine without ssh. The go-part is not tested, the python-part not begun, the build structure is messy.

build & usage prerequisites

  1. You need a docker host on Linux basis (only tested on Ubuntu 18.04 so far with upstream docker, not the dist package)
  2. For the client-side, on OSX I recommend iterm2 so that OSC 52 clipboard-"sharing" may work

how to build

  1. git clone this repo
  2. Modify the bin/ to include the files and folders in the mounting that you need.
  3. sudo apt-get install build-essential in case you don't have it yet
  4. make build
  5. make coffee
  6. add the lines in .bashrc_host.dist to the .bashrc or .bash_aliases on the docker-host for convenient starting and attaching to your dev-terminal. Change the paths so they point to the repo and reload the .bashrc via source ~/.bashrc
  7. start and attach via envstart && envattach

example workflow

  1. log in via ssh to your remote host
  2. attach via envattach (optional envstart) to the running container.
  3. work on your workspaces/whatever you do.
  4. Use the gc command for a nice two-windows commit mode
  5. When your work is done, leave the container via docker ctrl-p ctrl-q
  6. come back any time with envattach
  7. If you want to reboot your host from time to time or restart the container, consider saving the nvim session in a folder that is mounted.

known issues & notes

  • the username within the environment will be the same as the onethat you build the container with.