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WARNING: You are looking at unreleased Cilium documentation. Please use the official rendered version released here:

Getting Started Using Minikube

This guide uses minikube to demonstrate deployment and operation of Cilium in a single-node Kubernetes cluster. The minikube VM requires approximately 5GB of RAM and supports hypervisors like VirtualBox that run on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Install kubectl & minikube

  1. Install kubectl version >= v1.10.0 as described in the Kubernetes Docs.
  2. Install minikube >= v1.3.1 as per minikube documentation: Install Minikube.


It is important to validate that you have minikube v1.3.1 installed. Older versions of minikube are shipping a kernel configuration that is not compatible with the TPROXY requirements of Cilium >= 1.6.0.

minikube version
minikube version: v1.3.1
commit: ca60a424ce69a4d79f502650199ca2b52f29e631
  1. Create a minikube cluster:
minikube start --network-plugin=cni --memory=4096
  1. Mount the BPF filesystem
minikube ssh -- sudo mount bpffs -t bpf /sys/fs/bpf


In case of installing Cilium for a specific Kubernetes version, the --kubernetes-version vx.y.z parameter can be appended to the minikube start command for bootstrapping the local cluster. By default, minikube will install the most recent version of Kubernetes.

Install Cilium

Install Cilium as DaemonSet into your new Kubernetes cluster. The DaemonSet will automatically install itself as Kubernetes CNI plugin.

kubectl create -f /install/kubernetes/quick-install.yaml

Next steps

Now that you have a Kubernetes cluster with Cilium up and running, you can take a couple of next steps to explore various capabilities:

  • gs_http
  • gs_dns
  • gs_cassandra
  • gs_kafka