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Ciniki is a modular platform for managing small business information.


Ciniki is released as a set of modules which can be reused individually or as a package. To pull down all the code, run the following command:

git clone git://
cd ciniki
git submodule update --init

If this is running locally, then the ssl and logs directories should be created, and the site directory needs to be writable by www-data to enable the install script.

mkdir logs
mkdir ssl
sudo chown www-data site

Setup Web Server

Setup your web server with a new site, which has the root of the site folder inside ciniki.

Ubuntu with Apache2

cd /etc/apache2/sites-available

Copy the default site conf from site/ciniki-api/core/docs/apache2.virtualhost.ssl

Edit the file for the settings on your server.

Now link the file into sites-enabled

cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
sudo ln -s ../sites-available/

Setup the rewrite module

cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
sudo ln -s ../mods-available/rewrite.load

Setup SSL

FIXME: Add instructions for SSL cert generation

Restart Apache

Before restarting apache, makes sure to run configtest and validate the site config.

sudo apache2ctl configtest
sudo apache2ctl restart

Setup database

Create the database for Ciniki. It is recommended to create a username and password specific to this database.

Here is a sample grant statement for the required privileges in MySQL.

GRANT alter, create, create temporary tables, delete, index, insert, lock tables, select, update ON <instancename>.\* to 'ciniki'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<min32randomcharacterpassword>';

Setup the proper character set so tables have enough room:

ALTER DATABASE dreamcymbals CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;

Setup Email Robot

The Ciniki Robot will take care of cron jobs, and emails alerts to approriate people. The reason to include Robot in the name, is so users understand easily this is coming from an automated system and not a human.

  1. Make sure the email address you're going to use is available and forwarded to somebody who will read it. Any bounced messages etc will be sent this address.

  2. Ensure mail services are running for outbound mail.

Run the installer

Open your browser and go to the domain you installed ciniki to, and run the install script.


Manual Configuration

cd site
ln -s ciniki-mods/core/scripts/rest.php ciniki-rest.php
ln -s ciniki-mods/core/scripts/json.php ciniki-json.php
ln -s ciniki-mods/core/scripts/manage.php ciniki-manage.php
ln -s ciniki-mods/core/scripts/login.php ciniki-login.php
mkdir ciniki-cache
mkdir ciniki-storage

Setup config files

cp ciniki-api/core/docs/ciniki.ini.default ciniki-api.ini
cp ciniki-manage/core/docs/ciniki.ini.default ciniki-manage.ini

Don't forget to setup the address in the and config variables in ciniki-api.ini


When running this on mac with the native PHP5, the follow macports need to be installed:

  1. php5-imagick
	sudo port install php56-mysql (don't know if needed???)
		- this will install apache2 in /opt/local/
	sudo port install php56-imagick
    sudo port install php56-intl
  1. Setup /etc/php.ini file to include the line:


Instructions for Developers to install are located in DEV-INSTALL.txt


Ciniki is free software, and is released under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt.


Super repo for complete ciniki code







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