Template for Comsat Spring 4 MVC + JSP view + Annotation configuration, using Gradle.
###1. Technologies used
- Cargo with Tomcat 7 or 8
- Gradle 2
- Comsat with Spring Framework 4.1.6.RELEASE (Spring controller requests will be served by more efficient Quasar fibers rather than Java threads)
- JSTL 1.2
- Logback 1.1.3
- Boostrap 3
###2. To Run this project locally
$ git clone https://github.com/circlespainter/spring4-mvc-gradle-annotation-hello-world
$ gradle [-Penv=tomcat7] cargoRunLocal
Access http://localhost:8080/spring4-mvc-gradle-annotation-hello-world/hello/<yourname>
###4. Project Demo Please refer to this article Gradle - Spring 4 MVC Hello World + Annotation