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三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁 (Wang Huning, The Culprit of Three Dynasties) #196

cirosantilli opened this issue Feb 23, 2021 · 2 comments
anti-ccp google-bomb not-shitpost


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cirosantilli commented Feb 23, 2021郝雪森-三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁.adoc

== 【23】三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁





王沪宁还策划帮助朝鲜核导实现拥核,多次金王密谈而毁川金会谈使朝鲜上当而一度疏远中共。王还多次与塔利班等国际恐怖组织密谈,中共是苏垮台后全球最大恐怖组织,种种事实证明名“无”其实的全球恐怖组织的幕后总后台,是三朝罪恶元凶中共谍报机关及决策机构中共政研室掌门王沪宁。为什么美国几十年未剿尽小小塔利班残余,我断言他们常躲与阿接壤的中国境内。塔利班和朝鲜是最合王沪宁极左专制恐怖口味的。还策划资助委瑞内拉劝说古巴企图策划全球反美阵容,策划“新共产国际大会”和马毛邪教传播输出及习独裁的“中国梦”。策划修宪破除邓后的接班制全面回归红色独裁专制,策划一带一路浮夸“国造2025”吹嘘“厉害我的国”。中共政策研究室根据情报分析制定决策,要赶上美国唯有扩大黑客网军抢窃美尖端技术,实施千人计划和留学生情报队伍,及逼迫外企尖端技术转让。甚至疯狂到超文革,红色教育从幼儿园娃娃抓起并渗透香港教育,妄想红色王朝在国际上领先崛起。策划破坏美中贸易谈判, 鼓吹新“长征”还要求用学习毛泽东著作与美打贸易战。引来美方冻结贪官境外资产断了外逃路,摆出与美国“决一死战”姿态,策划严控网络严管民众回归毛时的闭关锁国过紧日子的红色恐怖。破坏邓小平的香港“一国两制”扶持傀儡港首泡制恶法,日本G20前习一出国王令党媒大反美。“送中”恶法出笼正是针对习玩女人一书抓港人“合法”化的高极黑做法,习玩女人一书立即炒热。一来搞臭习近平,二来逼习反美极左转至悬岩边,G20时习无法起程无法与美及国际社会和解。王沪宁还策划制定武统台湾的與论准备和决策计划等等,愚弄引诱习做统领全球极左命运共同体的“世界领袖”。王罪大恶极与毛邓江李有一拼,有些没头脑的人易被隐谋多年的王沪宁那“夹着尾巴做人”所蒙蔽,这足以证明王水平文化和人格低劣,将低俗戏言捧作“座右铭”,王沪宁承认有见不得人的尾巴而要夹着是不让人给揪着踩到,他这水平文化也不可能写出虽荒谬较系统的“三个代表”“科学发展观”“习思想”之类,这都是政研室谋士们之作。。

当务之急是全国上下并促共党内部一起欣起捣王高潮,彻底打倒王沪宁,清算其历经三朝的罪恶。王沪宁愚弄习助长毛派,倒了江派团派和邓家,也捣了习的根基太子党,内外树敌公愤极大下场必定最惨。毛泽东死前没有遭清算是中共还未倒,但在最后一次新冷战的决战中王一定会最惨!美国应对全球恐怖国际总后台王沪宁制裁和通辑, 操纵习近平的三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁不倒,不仅中国大陆无宁日,世界也面临中共新法西斯的威胁!(详请搜索郝雪森2019.6.12

== 【22】习近平咋怕民主制而川普怎称他好友


== 【21】川普若与习签约落陷阱不挽救则连任无望



== 【20】要求政府就两个问题向美国人民和国会作以检讨



== 【19】短评一,刘昕仕途暗淡







答案:图为64根蜡烛 (大陆请别转贴答案)



== 【18】纪念六四大陆全国"六月飞雪"活动倡议书



== 【17】给习总女儿习明泽的公开信



== 【16】若用这三张王牌中共必垮川普成为终结共产邪恶的英雄必赢得连任




== 【15】王沪宁如此策划令习近平再活不过两年



== 【14】美中贸易战谁胜谁负,只需看中共是否仍然推行王沪宁极左路线

美中贸易谈判过程中和履行协议期间,中共不肃清而是仍然推行王沪宁学毛文革极左路线 ,这时与之达成协议而不是加紧惩罚中共则是最大失败。美方要求中方结构性改革,中方只是书面承诺却行动仍向极左倒退,达成这种协议美方就是投降。

中共三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁一惯极左仇美,中共若不肃清其路线,倒退拒绝政改,继续内外号召反美,支持反美国家,打击西方民主自由世界,企图一路称霸世界,是极端危险的。中共从不循规蹈矩 ,有极左的中共世界必乱无经济秩序可言。眼下只需看中共是否有意釆纳其党内"平反六四"的意见,对六四学运人士的打压是否加剧,就可看出中共有无改的诚意。

面对倒退的中共,美国和西方世界唯有团结一致对付它。除了大陆不断暴发突发事件危急中共,外部世界只有在经济上施压能起作用,如果这一点也放弃,绝无胜算可言。是考验川普有无里根的政治远见智慧和魄力的时候,也是能造就人类终结共产邪恶的世纪英雄之时刻。在此贸易战掀起意识形态冷战的关键时刻,希望川普留名于史的是一代伟大的政治家,而不是只图眼前商场利益而有幸官场一游的商人。祥请搜索: 郝雪森

== 【13】大陆军民今年要特别严防流血事件发生


大陆同胞一定要防范"六四"等大流血事件重演,关注三朝罪恶元凶幕后最有实权的王沪宁,广告天下揭穿其阴谋.请大家转发告知共军官兵们:共军绝大多数来自平民,在被派处理突发事件时,宁可向老天爷开枪,也绝不能向同胞父老兄弟姐妹们开枪!!离中南海近的可调转枪口. 祥请搜索: 郝雪森

== 【12】已到中国变革复兴最佳时期,合力打倒三朝最恶元凶王沪宁!

三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁一惯极左,其受益于小学肆学却因文革政治需要保送外语班而翻身和其父的马毛灌输,一生堕入马毛伪政治学仕途偏门.苏亡江恐理论危机,看上王聚谋士赶编的强权独裁谬论,左转被邓南巡阻止,王策江应合邓搞经改却停政改.阻止平反64,镇压法轮功,抗美军援前南斯拉夫核助朝鲜财输委内瑞拉,胡上台王吹和谐延续江时王路线.亦小学水平虚荣且蠢的习上台给王更大机会,大倒退修宪仿毛独裁,全面根固文革式马毛邪教,浮夸一带一路国造2025,金王多次密谈想扭转川金会谈等挑起与美冷战,王豪赌是自杀并断送中共,还除最后障碍习的根基太子党,习蠢到倒退打父脸,挣眼看王挖坑埋自己.王极左习与美打贸易战,使全球反共反谍反洗钱连带发酵,断送官员携家逃境外的后路,老百姓与各帮派官员都成了王极左倒退的人质.王要实现其隐谋多年的野心,唯有操控更庸的习傀儡学毛专横独裁,不惜让全国上下过苦日子.除习,几乎所有人都明白.( 中共必诱以川普家业和连任需要,但从不履行协议,必应借违约逐步打死中共,中共危境被动不会撕毁协议也无能报复,中共不亡必严重祸害全世界!祥请搜索:郝雪森

== 【11】打倒中共幕后操手王沪宁,六四和法轮功事件才有望翻案,朝核问题才有望解决


中共自六四政治危机和前苏东欧垮台的信仰危机后,江泽民等中共领导人全靠王沪宁的诡辩“理论”撑门面维持一直动荡的政局,法轮功并没有把矛头指向江泽民等中共领导人.中共领导人都是没经竞选的众所周知的庸人,特别是习近平,竟然是没念过初高中的小学毕业生,文革上的工农兵大学和在职校外马列法学博士更是极假.江泽民等中共领导人之所以会用残酷镇压手段,实际上是听信了中共政策研究室王沪宁对政治的分析后,幕后操作江泽民等对法轮功和六四事件延续三届二十余年的定调和阻止翻案,及在朝核问题都是耍王沪宁阴阳两面法,并正在逐步倒退至去毛臭标签的文革意识形态.这是显而易见的事实!只有先彻底揭露和打倒中共幕后操手王沪宁,六四和法轮功事件才有望翻案,朝核问题才有望解决,大陆才可能前进. 2018年1月2日

== 【10】告全国同胞书和致中共汪洋李克强等高官的公开信




此关键时刻,每个中国人必须行动起来! 大造舆论,制造或寻找并参与终结中共的每一件力所能及的大事或小事,摧毁中共,复兴发展中西结合五权分立统一的中华民国。





== 【9】中国新党筹建公告






将不从政不参与候选的创始人:郝雪森 2018.7.30.请转发,或区块链

== 【8】 王沪宁愚弄习近平大倒退与美冷战必断送中共



== 【7】 王沪宁加快倒退愚弄习近平走毛独裁路,决心与美冷战妄想成为世界霸主




== 【6】 大陆复兴中华民国









== 【5】总结百年号召百姓:三字今(经)


== 【4】习近平成为多线撑傀儡的政局预测


皆知习近平小学毕业遇文革,初高中未读却保送工农兵大学,后以红二代当官在职读马列,为"博士"太假!天资不足好虚荣,乃无知者无所畏惧,愚蠢者易被愚弄。但没人弄习就动弹不得, 操纵玩弄多线撑傀儡习的有王沪宁刘鹤等“高参”。对刘等来说弄习出成绩有利仕途,而对王来说习无成绩下台才继之有望,习受两相反作用力左右。



== 【3】 若有下届则19大最大赢家王沪宁任总书记可能性最大





== 【2】 操纵江泽民欺骗胡锦涛玩弄习近平的王沪宁是在幕后最有实权的人








等到习近平上台之后,王沪宁更是将习玩于股掌之中,引入昏梦境地,令其独揽全部大权,也不顾及前台的习近平言行前后矛盾,左右摇摆,举国上下对立,内忧外患。利用反腐打击异己和党内政敌,那些巨贪的党内几个大佬和一大堆红色家族暴发户一个也没抓,打倒的唯一一个红二代薄熙来还是在胡温手上抓的。王沪宁利用习近平的无知愚笨和虚荣心,利令痴昏(没智)学毛搞个人崇拜,逆民意反世潮搞倒退,明显致使习近平给跟随胡耀邦赵紫阳创立改革路线的其父亲习仲勋一记响亮的耳光。 由此可见习近平的确是无知者无所畏惧,愚蠢者易被愚弄。



王沪宁一个高小肆业生竟是中共二十余年来幕后真正最有实权的人,也许有人不信。但是,想想中共党魁习近平,连他也实际上只是一个小学毕业生,这又如何解释呢?这就是中共由毛泽东建立的用人特色。毛泽东学秦始皇焚书坑儒, 重用无才无能但很听话的奴才。只不过,若说的好听,王沪宁很像王岐山比习近平江泽民等机灵得多,说的不好听,王沪宁比习近平江泽民等老练狡猾得多。所以中共历史上高层腐败分子政治流氓低庸之辈层出不穷,祸国殃民至今依然,中共倒台绝对为期不远了。 2017.10.16

== 【1】 这位可敬的老奶奶教子可谓名留青史



这次署假回家,哥哥酒后告诉我一个惊人的秘密。前几个月,他得知母亲病危准备赶回家,在他打工的城市的火车站,发现钱被偷了. 为母亲筹到的医疗费全完了,哥心急如焚。返回打工住地时,哥遇上女同事的一个亲人,想到此人是在一家很富贵的夫人家做工,便起了歹念。哥跟踪此人来到了那富贵的夫人家院门外,计划深夜偷窃钱物。等到晚上十点左右时,忽然下起大暴雨,哥乘机跳进大院,并爬上了紧靠二搂一有亮灯的窗户的一棵茂密大树。不久室内电话铃声响了,哥看到一老奶奶开始通话:

“......,你爸不在了,我就每次都要反复提醒你,你身为总书记一国之主,你的责任太大!......”,哥听到这句后,吓了一大跳,想走,可又不敢动,好象一下去就会有人抓住他. 他畏缩在茂密的枝叶中,最后决定等下一阵雷雨时逃走。此时,他还能清楚地听到那老奶奶的训话:


“你可能意识不到问题的实质和严重性,这里没别人,我要用'冷水'泼醒你!我做母亲的,最清楚你们几姐弟中,谁读书好,谁的水平能耐如何。这些你也应该有自知之明, 再加上你其实只有小学文凭, 你的能耐就一清二楚众所周知了。你刚进初一就文革停学,初中高中都没学过。后来保送清华上大学, 都知道那是可交白卷只是为了镀金的文凭。再后来你又当官在职读啥马列博士,国人谁会不知道这是假文凭?一个没啥能耐智慧且只念过小学只学过小学语文的人,管理这么大的国家, 你能离得开秘书半步?你完全被你周围的人利用和摆布,背离了你的父亲还蒙在鼓里, 你是活在他们编织的梦里!”老奶奶的这番话说的很激动也很不客气。

我哥虽是打工仔,可也有作为一个大专毕业生对时政应有的理解, 他心想,东西是不能去偷,但能偷听到如此“国家大事”,没有白冒险一回,哥似乎是屏住呼吸倾听着:


“你爸有过两次只向我一人暴露过内心深处的真实思想,第一次是四人帮倒台后你爸被平反恢复工作时. 他说解放后二十多年里,毛泽东学斯大林给人民带来古今中外前所未有的苦难和浩劫. 毛所建立的体制必须改革,所以你爸在深圳搞了中国第一个改革试点。第二次是六四镇压学运以及苏联东欧共产党纷纷倒台后,你爸被迫退下时,他说中国迟早也会有苏联和东欧同样的结局. 要你们姐弟们远离政治,最好远离大陆,而你却没有做到。不过,你爸也理解你的苦衷,你四年工农兵大学是坐飞机只学了些马列毛思想,你无法从事所学化工专业。你也去过国外试了一段时期,体面的工作一件也干不了,不体面的工作你又不会去做. 工农兵大学除了学会26个英文字母,你也不认识几个英文单词。这也是你不能随前妻出国而离婚的原因之一,你只有留国内从政,有红二代金牌撑着,你爸理解你的这种无奈处境。但是他留给我的遗言反复强调要我常常提醒你: 在这个体制内当官要牢牢记住, 1, 只能做改革派; 2,只能顺世潮顺民意做对民众有益的亊. 只有这样今后才可能不被清算,你爸临终时也只对你这件事很不放心”。

“你身边周围那几个人,若不是只会阿谀奉承的小丑,就是很有心计的野心家,你就是被他们这些'高参'左右摆布。所以让国人越来越对你失望, 如此再进一步便是祸国殃民, 你必定遗臭万年,你周围的'高参'一个也逃不了,必遭严惩! 你职位最高,因此今后最大的野心家也只能出在你身边。他们只有让你学毛搞假民主只集中,独断独行,他们才有破格出头的机会,种种的违规破格打破格局对他们高升是必要的,对你就没有必要却有很大的风险,他们也不会顾及你留下骂名。”

“现在是最关键的时期! 要么学你父亲, 像个真正的男子汉, 大胆改革, 失败了也问心无愧。不行,回不了头就给我辞职. 你别无选择! 让别人或老百姓赶下台那就晚了,不仅会留下骂名,还可能落个前罗马尼亚的齐奥塞斯库的下场!一想到这点,我这做母亲的天天都无法安心。”

“和你讲的这些,也许是我一生留给你的最后的心里话,可以留给今后来证明. 智慧对任何人无论对庸人或能人来说都是有限的,能倾听大多数人的意见则是最大的智慧,对你来说是要多思而后行!”




原本我不愿写下哥哥这企图行窃之事,但是,一想到老奶奶忧国忧民,如此正直可敬的品德,我决定公之于众,更值得新时代年轻人学习!面对国家如此危难之际, 一位高龄老奶奶都能如此大义凛然, 年轻人能无动于衷吗?

(有向这位高龄老奶奶致敬的读者请留言) 郝雪森 2016年9月10日

== [23] Wang Huning, the culprit of crimes in the Three Dynasties

Continental revision of the constitution, Hong Kong’s evil laws, Taiwan’s military reunification of North Korea, the breaking of the contract, the US-China Cold War, etc. are all grand plans by Wang Huning to fool Xi Jinping’s thought of the ultra-left community of destiny

The heinous crimes committed by the CCP over the past half century of stealing the country were planned by Mao Zedong in the early stage, Deng Xiaoping around 6.4 in the middle stage, and Wang Huning, the chief criminal of the three dynasties, Mao’s ultra-left follower in the later stage.

Wang Huning's Gao Xiaosiye was sent to the "College Foreign Language Class" because of the political and intelligence needs of the Cultural Revolution, and his red career turned, so Wang's essence is ultra-left. He grew up in a low-level alley in Shanghai, and because of his nature, he also contributed to his sloppy personality, so it is also said that he has the nature of a "chameleon" and "pug" who change hands. In mainland China, people like Wang Huning who study Marxism-Leninism politics so-called "law" majors cannot find professional counterparts in all countries except North Korea and Cuba, especially in civilized developed countries. The post-CCP belief crisis is the most important "talent" to save the party. This is why workers, peasants, and soldiers fake "college students" like Wang Huning have made such a success. They are most familiar with the violent and terrifying "politics" of Mao Zedong's previous campaigns, methods of court infighting and brutal class struggle. Wang Huning's rise to the top depends on his fake "political science" capital and title. He is not a real talent, and those who are capable of doing practical things and have a bit of real talent may be found in his team of advisers and secretaries. Wang Huning's "true talent and real learning" is nothing more than a person who has only been in elementary school for four years. He has honed his methods and experience in society, especially in the CCP's officialdom for most of his life. "College students" are all the same. If they cannot engage in their original "professions", they all rely on red capital to enter politics. During the June 4th student movement, all walks of life overwhelmingly supported the students. Wang Huning once went to France to escape and plan. He also joined the anti-student movement signature and became a rare anti-student movement. After the June 4th and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the CCP’s ideological crisis Jiang Zemin came to power with the fallacy of "stable and unified leadership" and the subsequent "new authority" concocted by Wang Huning, the only contingency adviser. After the left turn was blocked by Deng Xiaoping's southern tour, Wang planned to follow Deng's economic reforms but gradually terminated and reversed the political reforms in an all-round way. Therefore, after June 4th, all major decisions and crisis problems were placed on the table of Wang Huning of the Policy Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, making Wang Huning the person with the most decision-making power behind the scenes that the CCP could not get rid of during the three dynasties. He has been operating with a huge amount of money for decades. He is a secret service agency and an important institution and base for planning and decision-making. Wang Huning himself and his first father-in-law and family members who are the key to his official career have backgrounds in intelligence work. The Central Political Research Office is so important that Wang Huning would rather give up the vice president of the country and the principal of the Central Party School in order to seize the CCP's intelligence and decision-making power after he became permanent. Later, besides Xi Jinping, he was the leader of the education working group on the theme of "Don't forget the original heart and keep the mission in mind", one of the several core leading groups of the Communist Party of China. From then on, the public opinion he manipulates will be based on the promotion of "never forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind", and create the well-known so-called "Xi Thought" which is actually "Wang Thought". Since Wang led the Central Political Research Office to start making decisions, he planned to suspend Deng Xiaoping's line of compromise with the United States and return to Mao's ultra-left anti-American line. Helping the former Yugoslavia provide intelligence to knock down the US plane and release the embassy in China, triggering the bombing of the embassy, which set off the only large-scale nationwide demonstration after June 4th, and started to fight against the United States. Later, he helped Jiang Zemin provide information that the Falun Gong Association surpassed the CCP organization, planned and decided to suppress the Falun Gong group that did not point the finger at Jiang at the beginning of the persecution, and planned and decided to stop the voices inside and outside the party for nearly 30 years to redress June 4th.

During the Hu-Wen period, Wang advocated "harmony" with the Jiang faction, so that the Hu-Wen period continued Jiang Shiwang's line. Then Xi Jinping, who was only vain and stupid at elementary school level, came to power, giving Wang Huning a greater opportunity to publicly regress. There are currently three main factions in the Communist Party. One is the newly formed Xi faction, the other is the Jiang faction, and the other is the Tuan faction. In Wang Huning's heart, the Jiang faction and the Tuan faction have no possibility of succeeding, and the Xi faction and Xi's root princelings have also been marginalized by Wang's politics. If the CCP regime has not collapsed due to outsiders, only by removing Xi within the party can the power change be completed and Wang's ambitions realized. If Xi Jinping is suppressed by Mao Dengjiang in an emergency and his hands are stained with blood, it will definitely come to an end. The only one in the party who can clean up the mess is Wang Huning, who has survived three dynasties. The Jiang faction and the Tuan faction will not allow each other to replace Xi. Therefore, major emergencies such as the "anti-extradition" in Hong Kong and the protests of the mainland people are just opportunities for Wang Huning and Mao to rise to the top in fear of chaos in the world. If not, after his ultra-left line is exposed and defeated, especially after North Korea is annoyed at his instigation and makes him lose the only crisis place to escape, this "chameleon" may change his face and turn right in the future, and even follow Putin to steal the fruits of the collapse of the communist party. The king never had any other chance.

Wang Huning also planned to help the DPRK to realize its possession of nuclear weapons and missiles. Many secret talks between the King of Kim and the destruction of the Trump-Kim talks made North Korea fooled and once alienated the CCP. Wang also had many secret talks with the Taliban and other international terrorist organizations. The CCP is the largest terrorist organization in the world after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Various facts have proved that the "no" real global terrorist organization is behind the scenes. Wang Huning, head of the Political Research Office. Why the United States has not wiped out the remnants of the small Taliban for decades, I assert that they often hide in China bordering Afghanistan. The Taliban and North Korea are most in line with Wang Huning's ultra-left autocratic terror taste. It also plans to fund Venezuela to persuade Cuba to attempt to plan a global anti-American lineup, plan the "New Communist International Conference" and the "Chinese Dream" of the horse-hair cult's spread and output and Xi's dictatorship. Planning to amend the constitution to abolish the succession system after Deng Deng fully returned to the red dictatorship, and planning the Belt and Road Initiative to exaggerate "Made in China 2025" boasting "powerful my country". The CCP Policy Research Office makes decisions based on intelligence analysis. To catch up with the United States, the only way is to expand the hacker network army to steal cutting-edge technology from the United States, implement the Thousand Talents Program and intelligence teams for overseas students, and force foreign companies to transfer cutting-edge technology. Even crazy enough to surpass the Cultural Revolution, red education started from kindergarten and penetrated into Hong Kong education, delusional to the rise of the red dynasty in the international arena. Planning to sabotage the US-China trade negotiations, advocating a new "Long March" and demanding to use Mao Zedong's works to fight a trade war with the US. It attracted the United States to freeze the overseas assets of corrupt officials and cut off the escape route. It assumed the posture of "fighting to the death" with the United States, and planned to strictly control the Internet and control the people's return to Mao. Hong Kong's "one country, two systems" that undermined Deng Xiaoping supported the puppet Hong Kong leader to create evil laws, and Japan's former G20 Xi Jinping made the party media anti-American. The release of the evil law of "Sending China" is precisely the extremely black method of "legalizing" Hong Kong people in Xiwannvwomen's book. One is to stigmatize Xi Jinping, and the other is to force Xi to turn to the extreme left of the anti-Americanism. During the G20, Xi Jinping cannot start and cannot reconcile with the United States and the international community. Wang Huning also planned to formulate the theoretical preparations and decision-making plans for military reunification of Taiwan, etc., to fool and lure Xi to become the "world leader" who leads the global ultra-left community with a shared future. The crimes of the king are as great as those of Mao, Deng, Jiang and Li. Some mindless people are easily deceived by Wang Huning's "behavior with his tail between his legs" who has been conspiring for many years. This is enough to prove that Wang's culture and personality are inferior, and he regards vulgar jokes as his "motto" Wang Huning admits that there are shady tails and he wants to keep them from being grabbed and stepped on. It is impossible for him to write the absurd and systematic "Three Represents", "Scientific Outlook on Development", and "Xi Thought" at his level of culture. And so on, these are the works of the advisers in the Political Research Office. .

The top priority at the moment is to urge the whole country and the Communist Party to rejoice in the upsurge of smashing Wang Huning, completely overthrowing Wang Huning, and liquidating his crimes that have gone through three dynasties. Wang Huning tricked Xi into fueling the Maoist faction, brought down the Jiang faction and the Deng family, and also destroyed Xi's foundational princelings. If there is great public indignation at home and abroad, the end will be the worst. Mao Zedong was not liquidated before his death because the CCP has not yet fallen, but in the last decisive battle of the new Cold War, Wang will definitely be the worst! The United States should deal with the sanctions and sanctions against Wang Huning, the backstage of the global terrorist international headquarter. Wang Huning, the culprit of the three dynasties who manipulated Xi Jinping, will not fall. Not only will there be no peace in mainland China, but the world will also face the threat of the CCP’s neo-fascist! (For details, please search for Hao Xuesen 2019.6.12

==【22】Why is Xi Jinping afraid of democracy and how does Trump call him a friend

The "college students of workers, peasants and soldiers" recommended by the Cultural Revolution after Xi graduated from primary school and the "Dr. Can't help but note the phonetic in the manuscript. It can be seen that he has extremely poor knowledge, IQ and ability, and is insanely sick. He cannot make a report without the phonetic script. Xi, like Mao, never answered reporters' questions off-the-cuff, let alone participated in election debates, so he was most afraid of democracy and the opening of the media, and was afraid of revealing his secrets and being eliminated from power. Xi and his father were deeply persecuted by Mao's dictatorship, and his father was nearly killed by Mao for 16 years. During the Cultural Revolution, Xi was only 13 years old and was imprisoned for criticism. He fled home from starvation and asked his mother to cook, but his mother went out to report it, which was horrible. Fools are more vain when they are exalted, and it is their nature to act black. Xi thought was fooled by Wang Huning and regressed to the Cultural Revolution, which is tantamount to liquidating the reform and opening up initiated by Xi's father. Why does Trump always say that Xi is a friend? Because Xi had been to the United States, he had sex with beautiful spies and signed to join the spy code X53. The US Intelligence Agency will never hide this detailed history of the boss of the mainland from the president. With this handle, how could Xi reject Trump as a friend? Or at least the same way but only different? The "friend" that Trump always likes to say is so shocking and meaningful. Because of this, Xi was caught between Trump and Wang Huning, the culprit of the crimes of the three dynasties, and Wang Huning, the backstage of the Global Terrorist International.

==【21】Trump will be re-elected hopelessly if he falls into the trap of signing a contract with Xi

Hong Kong’s evil-law million-dollar parade shocked the world, but the CCP still hasn’t said it will stop the evil law; it still hasn’t stopped its anti-American propaganda, and it will never stop the ultra-left line of Wang Huning, the backstage of the International Headquarters of Global Terror, the culprit of the crimes of the three dynasties. The CCP signed the contract urgently to alleviate the domestic and foreign difficulties, and the CCP has no habit and record of keeping the contract. I predict that the CCP will not even announce the original intention of the talks or the agreement in Chinese. Don’t think about repenting. Wang Huning made Xi defeat Liu He and still let Liu talk. It is obvious that he signed the contract first and then plans to break the contract, which makes Trump Difficult to be re-elected to help Biden come to power to hope for a turnaround. All concessions made by the United States must be fulfilled, but the CCP will never fulfill its promises and still have a breather. Trump is prone to fall into the trap and surrender.

The CCP will do whatever it takes to achieve its goals. Corruption is a very effective method used by the CCP. I predict that Xi will give gifts such as benefits to Trump or the family business of important officials. He will not leave any evidence. Why not give it a try? I assert that after the talks or the signing of the contract, the CCP’s official media will declare victory, and the extreme left will take the opportunity to build momentum. Is there still room for improvement? ! If the CCP really wants to change its ways, it is sufficient to agree to two points first: first, dismantling the network firewall and unimpeded communication is beneficial to free trade; second, zero tariffs on both sides are beneficial to the two peoples. This is the minimum guarantee for free trade. I predict that China will write it into the agreement Not on paper either. After more than two years of trade war, Trump will not be able to win re-election if there is no change in China. The way to save it is to immediately plan that the CCP will inevitably never change or will definitely breach the contract. The trade war will gradually escalate and completely destroy the CCP, so that Trump can be re-elected (please search: Hao Xuesen

== [20] Ask the government to review two issues with the American people and Congress

The daughter of the CCP dictator Xi Jinping, who is the greatest threat to world peace, has been studying in the United States for several years. It is reported that the U.S. government has used our taxpayers’ money to send personnel to protect her for a long time. Like all foreign students, she came to study voluntarily. She is not a visiting guest. Why should she be protected for a long time? We are a privileged society with unequal birth?! Are there any preferential treatment for the family members of high-ranking Chinese officials? How to cancel almost everyone Have green cards and how to implement repatriation? Xi's family decided to get the funds and green cards for Xi's daughter and others. The government must comprehensively review, explain and apologize for the crimes of the three dynasties Wang Huning, Xi Jinping and Jiang Li and other families.

Second, the "Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act" can impose sanctions such as freezing assets in the United States on foreign officials who commit human rights violations or corruption. As the CCP's senior officials and their families have dominated the mainland's economic lifeline and are known to be corrupt, their private companies have violated US sanctions against several countries, and their human rights violations are the highest in the world. Does the government have plans and actions to implement the provisions of the above-mentioned accountability law in the next step? Will they freeze their illegally obtained assets? I appeal to all members of Congress, society and citizens who have the right to know, and urge the government to explain these two issues and formulate an error correction plan, such as promulgating the "Accountability Regulations for CCP Officials' Corruption and Human Rights Violations." Because these are the key strategies that can deal the deadliest blow to the CCP’s disintegration due to the escalation of civil strife for the sake of world peace. (Hao Xuesen

== 【19】Short Comment 1, Liu Xin's official career is bleak

Judging from Liu Xin’s several days of suspension preparations and the promotion by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Central Propaganda Department and the official media, the debate between the anchors of China and the United States was originally going to be broadcast live, but the sudden change to a dialogue instead of live broadcast is probably the reason for Liu and his wife. If Liu’s German husband For the sake of the children, I don't want to show up so much for the knowingly declining regime. So when Liu Xin opened his mouth, he denied that it was a member of the CCP who declared that he would not speak for the CCP. If Liu Shitu stops later, it will prove this point. (Hao Xuesen

Second, the mainland test questions:

Try to count how many roots there are in the picture below in a few seconds:

íííííí ì í ì í í ì ì í ì í ì í ì í í ì ì í í ì í ì í ì ì í ì ì í ì í ì ì ì

Method 1: Use a few seconds to roughly count and then recognize the picture and associate it;

Method 2: After counting the upper spikes, check the calculation with your IQ.

Answer: The picture shows 64 candles (Please do not repost the answer in mainland China)

Hao Xuesen Original 2019.6.4

(For details, please search for Hao Xuesen

== [18] Proposal for commemorating the "June Snow" event across the mainland

When I was in mainland China, I had a neighbor who would light a candle in the window every June 4th evening, and I later learned that it was to commemorate 6.4. After going abroad, I found that only foreign countries have activities to commemorate 6.4, but there are no commemorative activities in China. This morning, I thought of the national "June Snow" event in mainland China to commemorate 6.4: cut the white paper into 64 sheets, about 9.X12 cm (cut 4 sheets of 16 sheets of ordinary manuscript paper), and use 30 sheets at a time for the 30th anniversary this year On June 4th, throw it from the entrance of a building or a running bus, or anywhere without a monitoring head. It is better to throw it on a high floor, forming a "June Snow" scene. It can be thrown away at any time and place of the year! Make the small paper 64K form a normal association with 6.4, gradually expand the commemorative scale in the mainland, and also print 64K 6.4 massacre pictures or text.

Compatriots in mainland China who sympathize with the 6.4 student movement, start now, and "June Snow" will float anywhere in the country! Please help forward it (for details, please search for Hao Xuesen

== 【17】An open letter to Mr. Xi's daughter, Xi Mingze

Miss Xi Mingze: You know your father's knowledge and ability better than anyone else, and the only ones who can influence his decision-making are the people around him and you. He is currently imitating Mao's ultra-left dictatorship, and he must have listened to Wang Huning. But only you will really think about your father. You have been in the United States for many years, and it is said that you are studying in the United States now. It is important not only to your father and family, but also to our country and the world that the difference and ultimate fate of those in power who choose democracy or dictatorship should be made clear. Your father was devastated by Wang Huning and others, and he was under great mental pressure. It would be dangerous to develop.

The only way for your father to escape is to follow the tide of the world and follow the will of the people. As the party leader, it is not easy to give up this dictatorial party and government, but this is also the reason that the world can forgive after the transformation. To look back, you must severely punish Wang Huning, the culprit of the crimes of the three dynasties, return to the reform and opening up initiated by your grandfather, comprehensively reform the political system, and integrate into the world's civilized and democratic society, so that you can leave your name in history.

If you know your mistakes and don't correct them, your father must be one of the few historical sinners, and you probably don't want this to be the case. The people around your father must have different ideas from yours, because you should not have their huge desire for power. However, you are the only one who can make your father sober, and your weight in his heart should be unmatched by others. You are most likely to convert your father and tell your father that if he does not convert you will not return or will not return home. Find a place to hide, and the party leader's daughter applied for political asylum to make a world anecdote, and it can also be recorded in history. If you don't do this, you will regret it for the rest of your life, don't believe it, and don't wait and see! (Hao Xuesen

== [16] If you use these three trump cards, the CCP will collapse. Trump will become the hero who ends the evil of communism and will win re-election.

Wang Huning fooled Xi Jinping to follow Mao's ultra-left backwardness, bringing the CCP to the brink of total collapse. If Trump uses the following three trump cards to exert pressure, the CCP will definitely not survive two years and collapse.

The first is that the trade war should be escalated as soon as possible. Don’t have any illusions when negotiating with the CCP. The CCP has never been trusted. It can only escalate sanctions or even impose 40% tariffs as soon as possible by breaking promises, so that the CCP’s economy will collapse first; the second is to promote social unrest through multiple channels , frequent outbreaks of large-scale popular protests; the third is the deadliest big trump card, which is to provoke the escalation of the CCP’s internal strife, the widespread corruption of senior CCP officials and the vast majority of assets have been transferred abroad. Freezing of overseas assets of corrupt senior officials. Selecting a few members first can shock the entire corrupt high-level. Internal fighting will escalate and accelerate collapse, which will be very effective. It is best to choose a few members from the Xi family, the ultra-left Wang Li family, and the Jiang Li red dignitaries to freeze their overseas assets, and the CCP will collapse in chaos. The countries sanctioned by the United States are mainly supported by the CCP’s secret support from these powerful family companies, and it is logical to freeze their overseas assets on this ground.

If Trump makes concessions or reaches a mitigation agreement, allowing the CCP to breathe without resolving unfair trade, it will be extremely detrimental to Trump's re-election campaign in November next year. Only by taking advantage of the escalation of the trade war, the turmoil in the mainland and the intensification of internal strife, the CCP will quickly collapse, and the United States and its allies will win the Cold War to end the evil of communism.

==【15】Wang Huning's plan made Xi Jinping live no more than two years

The practice is to send workers, peasants and soldiers to "college" to fly after elementary school graduation, which is worse than Mao Zedong's junior high school performance. Therefore, Mao and Xi did not dare to answer reporters' questions on the spot, and they would make mistakes if they left the secretary's draft speech. The obvious difference between Wang and Mao is that Mao seldom appeared in public and had no nervous mental pressure, so he lived to be over 80 years old, and the transition of a civilized country was also to avoid excessive mental pressure. However, Wang Huning, the culprit behind the crimes of the three dynasties, made Xi frequently hold meetings, visits and speak at meetings, which is quite different from Mao's mental pressure. It can be seen from Xi's lecture notes that have been circulated recently that Xi has continued to suffer from serious mental panic. Xi Jinping has been in politics for decades, and even the words commonly used in speeches such as "Sixiang", "sincere", "meeting", "system", and "refugees" are familiar to most elementary school students. After reading tens of thousands of times, they still can't remember the phonetic notation in the manuscript. Some people find it hard to believe that seniors are black. I said that Xi has sustained and serious mental panic and morbid psychology. Xi has aged rapidly in recent years, his face is yellow and bloodless, and his hair is white. Maybe it is his daughter's "image" planning, in recent years Gradually showing a little gray hair false makes people feel "real" psychologically.

Wang Ruozai's "Xi Thought" is a famous saying that has never been spoken in ancient and modern China and abroad, which aggravates Xi's mental pressure, and predicts that Xi, who is nearly 70 years old, will not survive for two years and die anytime, anywhere. The purpose of Wang's plan to amend the constitution is not to clearly arrange for Xi's successor. After Xi's death, the Standing Committee may be Wang. Wang Jiumou never joined a gang and was easy to accept, but neither the Jiang faction nor the Tuan faction would let the other party take power. The ambition that Wang has planned for decades can be realized, except for the emergence of high-level people in the chaotic situation of Xi Jinping, who will inspire the people to think about change and move towards democracy. (Auspicious please search: Hao Xuesen

==【14】Who wins and loses in the US-China trade war, just depends on whether the CCP still implements Wang Huning's ultra-left line

During the process of US-China trade negotiations and the implementation of the agreement, the CCP did not eliminate but still pursued the ultra-left line of Wang Huning’s imitation of Mao’s Cultural Revolution. At this time, reaching an agreement with it instead of stepping up punishment for the CCP is the biggest failure. The U.S. demands structural reforms from China, but China only makes written promises, but its actions are still regressing to the extreme left. Reaching such an agreement is a surrender for the U.S. side.

Wang Huning, the chief criminal of the CCP’s three dynasties, has always been extreme leftist and hostile to the United States. If the CCP does not clear up its line, regress and reject political reform, continue to call for anti-Americanism at home and abroad, support anti-American countries, attack the Western democratic and free world, and attempt to dominate the world all the way, it will be extremely dangerous . The CCP never follows the rules, and the world with the ultra-left CCP will be chaotic and there will be no economic order at all. Right now, we only need to see whether the CCP intends to adopt its opinion of "rehabilitating June 4th" within the party, and whether the suppression of the June 4th student movement is intensified, and we can see the sincerity of the CCP not to reform.

Facing the retreating CCP, the United States and the Western world can only unite to deal with it. Except for the continuous outbreaks of emergencies in the mainland that endanger the CCP, the outside world can only work through economic pressure. If this is also given up, there is absolutely no chance of winning. It is a time to test whether Trump has the political vision, wisdom and courage of Reagan, and it is also a time to create a hero of the century for mankind to end the evil of communism. At this critical moment when the trade war has set off an ideological cold war, it is a generation of great politicians who hope that Trump will be remembered in history, not businessmen who are lucky enough to visit the officialdom just for the immediate business interests. Please search: Hao Xuesen

==【13】The army and civilians in the mainland should take special precautions against bloodshed this year

It is the most turbulent period in the political situation in the mainland, and major emergencies are likely to occur. At present, Wang Huning is fooling Xi Jinping to imitate Mao’s dictatorship, which is close to the state of Cultural Revolution terror. The collapse of the Soviet Union. The current political structure of the Communist Party. There are three main factions in the internal struggle, one is the new Xi faction, the other is the Jiang faction, and the other is the Tuan faction. The possibility of succession, Xi’s foundational princeling party has also been marginalized by the king’s politics. If the CCP’s regime does not collapse because of outsiders, the party can only go to Xi to make a coup. If Xi learns from Mao’s suppression in an emergency, his hands will be stained with blood, and he will definitely leave In the end, the only one in the party who can clean up the mess is Wang Huning, who has survived three dynasties. The Jiang faction and the Tuan faction will not allow each other to replace Xi. Wang Huning, like Mao, feared that the world would not be chaotic and rose to the top. It would definitely make Xi Jinping bloody and suppress to "suicide", and he would use tricks to replace it. Wang has no other chances other than this.

Compatriots in the mainland must prevent the recurrence of the "June 4th" and other bloody incidents, pay attention to Wang Huning, the most powerful person behind the crimes of the three dynasties, and advertise to the world to expose his conspiracy. Please forward and inform the officers and soldiers of the Communist Army: the vast majority of the Communist Army is from civilians. When dispatched to deal with emergencies, I would rather shoot at God than at my fellow brothers and sisters!! The muzzle near Zhongnanhai can be adjusted. Please search: Hao Xuesen

== [12] It is the best time for China's reform and revival, join forces to defeat Wang Huning, the most evil culprit of the three dynasties!

Wang Huning, the culprit of the crimes of the Three Dynasties, was used to the extreme left. He benefited from elementary school learning, but because of the political needs of the Cultural Revolution, he turned over and was indoctrinated by his father's horse hair. Crisis, seeing the fallacies of power dictatorship compiled by counselor Wang Ju, turned left and was stopped by Deng Nanxun. Wang Cejiang joined Deng to carry out economic reform but stopped political reform. Prevented the rehabilitation of 64, suppressed Falun Gong, resisted the US military, aided the former Yugoslavia, nuclear aided North Korea Lost to Venezuela, Hu came to power and Wang played a harmonious continuation of Jiang Shiwang's line. The vain and stupid Xi, who is also elementary school level, came to power to give Wang more opportunities, regressed and amended the constitution to imitate Mao's dictatorship, fully rooted in the Cultural Revolution-style horse-hair cult, and exaggerated the Belt and Road national construction In 2025, the King of Kings had several secret talks to reverse the Trump-Kim talks and provoke a cold war with the United States. Wang made a big bet that he would commit suicide and ruin the CCP. He also removed the foundational princelings that were the last obstacle to Xi. Bury yourself. Wang Jizuo and Xi’s trade war with the United States has fueled global anti-communist, anti-espionage, and anti-money laundering, ruining the way for officials to flee abroad with their families. The common people and officials of various gangs have become hostages for Wang Jizuo’s regress. Wang wants To realize its long-conceived ambition, the only way to control the more mediocre Xi is a puppet-like Maoist dictatorship, and he does not hesitate to make the whole country suffer. Except for Xi, almost everyone understands. (The CCP must lure Trump’s family business and the need for re-election , but never fulfilled the agreement, Bing used the breach of contract to gradually kill the CCP, the CCP will not tear up the agreement passively in danger, and will not be able to retaliate. If the CCP does not die, it will seriously harm the whole world!

== [11] Overthrow Wang Huning, the man behind the scenes of the CCP, the June 4th and Falun Gong incidents are expected to be overturned, and the North Korean nuclear issue is expected to be resolved

Suppressing Falun Gong and finally setting the tone for June 4th to stop the reversal of the verdict and deal with the major issues of North Korea’s nuclear threat to world peace and equality. On the surface, it was Jiang Zemin and his two successors, but in fact it was Wang Huning who was behind the scenes who played the decisive role!

Since the June 4th political crisis of the CCP and the crisis of belief in the collapse of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Jiang Zemin and other CCP leaders have relied on Wang Huning's sophistry "theory" to maintain the turbulent political situation. Falun Gong did not point the finger at Jiang Zemin and other CCP leaders. The CCP The leaders are all well-known mediocre people who have not been elected, especially Xi Jinping, who turned out to be a primary school graduate who never went to middle school or high school. The reason why people use brutal suppression methods is that after listening to the analysis of politics by Wang Huning, the policy research office of the CCP, Jiang Zemin and others manipulated behind the scenes to set the tone for Falun Gong and the June 4th incident for more than 20 years and prevent the verdict from being reversed. The North Korean nuclear issue is playing both sides of Wang Huning’s yin and yang, and is gradually regressing to the Cultural Revolution ideology with the label of hair removal. This is an obvious fact! Only by thoroughly exposing and overthrowing the CCP’s behind-the-scenes manipulator Wang Huning, the June 4th and Falun Gong incidents can be hoped Only by overturning the case can the North Korean nuclear issue be resolved and the mainland move forward. January 2, 2018

== [10] Letter to Compatriots and Open Letter to CCP Wang Yang Li Keqiang and other senior officials

Compatriots across the country, Wang Yang, Li Keqiang and other high-level CCP officials:

U.S. President Trump started the cold war to end the evil communism by means of a trade war, and the day when the Chinese people will be truly liberated is not far away. The collapse of the CCP's internal and external crises is inevitable. Don’t expect Xi Jinping, who is ignorant and vain and has only received primary school education. He will only bring disaster to the country and the people and accelerate the demise of the CCP under the fools of ultra-leftists like Wang Huning.

The CCP is in the state of the Soviet Union before its collapse, which is even worse. This has doubled Trump's confidence and determination to become the hero of ending communism.

At this critical moment, every Chinese must take action! Create public opinion, create or find and participate in every major or small event within the ability to end the CCP, destroy the CCP, and revive and develop the Republic of China, which combines the separation of five powers and the unity of China and the West.

In order to achieve a smooth and peaceful evolution, avoid turmoil and reduce social costs, it is ideal to have Yeltsin-like characters. Wang Yang Li Keqiang and other high-ranking CCP officials who have a conscience, it is time for you to make a choice and act immediately, and this opportunity cannot be missed. You have Trump's same chance to go down in history as the hero who ended communism. For CCP members, especially high-ranking officials, if they do not act, they will be condemned or judged, and it will bring harm to their families, so they must think twice.

My compatriots, for us and future generations, take action to revive and develop the unified Republic of China!

Signature: Hao Xuesen

(Please search for this article and forward it more after the pages with the most signatures are signed)

==【9】Announcement on the establishment of the New Chinese Party

The Chinese nation is at a critical juncture, and the opportunity for the rejuvenation of the Republic of China in the mainland is coming. We are preparing to establish the "China New Political Party" or "Chinese New Party" for short.

The purpose of the New Party of China is to create a new social model of the Chinese nation to benefit the people and set an example for the international family.

The current goal is to revive the Republic of China on the mainland and plan cross-strait reunification, reestablish and develop Mr. Sun Yat-sen's "Three Principles of the People" and "separation of five powers" social model combining Chinese and Western; urge Xi Jinping to abandon the Marxist-Leninist cult, and urge it to announce its dissolution or change its name to reorganize it The party and the government announced the opening of the party's ban on newspapers, the implementation of freedom of speech, etc., and urged it to restore the Republic of China in the mainland. Under this premise, we call on Chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad and all social organizations to accept Xi Jinping as the interim president of the newly revived "Republic of China" in the mainland during the peaceful transition period in the mainland until the national election within one or two years. Advance parliamentary elections and the perfection of the new constitution, as well as preparations for general elections.

In the Internet information society, our party temporarily declares to join the party on any web page or social media or email, and there is a screenshot of the name and date as the basis for the application method to issue a party member certificate in the preliminary review. After the official founding of the party in the mainland, all the referees who have accumulatively reached the specified number of people at the top will be the representatives of the first party congress after passing the preliminary examination to join the party.

Issues such as the direction and development of our party are waiting for your participation, participation, organization and contribution, and at the same time, we are recruiting talents of pillars.

The founder who will not be involved in politics and will not participate in the candidate: Hao Xuesen 2018.7.30. (please forward, or block chain

== [8] Wang Huning fooled Xi Jinping and the US Cold War will ruin the CCP

Xi Jinping promised to open up. If it is really reopened, it will be out of control, and the end will be the collapse of the CCP. If there is no concession, the trade war will lead to the collapse of the CCP’s economy. It is a special special zone with new characteristics for the rich and powerful, and the mainland will not be opened again.

Manipulating or even fooling Xi Jinping, such as Wang Huning, is used to making Xi sway from side to side regardless of his face, and tossing things upside down. Concession is a tactic to delay the attack, wait and see, and make changes until the survival of the CCP is in danger. , Suppression of Falun Gong, military aid to the former Yugoslavia, nuclear aid to North Korea, promotion of vested interest groups, great retrogression and even constitutional amendments to consolidate dictatorship and autocracy to fully root in the Maoist Marxist-Leninist cult of the Cultural Revolution, the expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative, Made in China 2025, King Jin secretly talked about wanting to reverse the Trump-Kim Talks, etc. and the Cold War with the United States, all the ultra-left tactics are Wang Huning! He is committing suicide and ruining the CCP, and smashing the last political opponent Xi’s root princelings. This article about exposing the king has been disseminated on the whole network inside and outside the mainland for two years. He is the first person in the whole network to smash the king. Please search: Hao Xuesen

==【7】Wang Huning speeds up retrogression to fool Xi Jinping into taking the road of Maoist dictatorship, determined to fight the US Cold War and dream of becoming a world hegemon

I have analyzed in an article that Wang manipulated Jiang Zemin to deceive Hu Jintao to play with Xi Jinping. He is the most powerful person behind the CCP. After being promoted to the Standing Committee, he stepped up to fool Xi in order to complete "Xi Thought", and gave up some positions to continue to control the Political Research Office.

In the early 1990s, Jiang Zemin sought advice from Jiang Zemin for his budding theory of Mao-style dictatorship and new authoritative politics. Jiang had no idea. Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour prevented Jiang from going backwards, and Hu Wen, who was the Supreme Emperor, did not go back as he wished for ten years. After Xi came to power , Wang is very clear that Xi is vain and stupid by nature and has only received elementary school education, so he is easy to be fooled. In order to complete "Xi Thought", Xi will regress and take the road of Maoist dictatorship. Reconciliation with North Korea is even more determined to risk a cold war with the United States. Abandoning nuclear weapons and reconciliation with the CCP is to ensure this. In addition to US concessions or war settlements. In fact, a new cold war is formed, forcing the US to resolve the danger of the North Korean nuclear program. Just like the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Sino-US economic war must bring down the CCP. North Korea is helpless and collapses quickly, no need for a hot war.

Wang left and right

Xi spends huge sums of money to export his ideology to the Western world and expand his power, fooling Xi into thinking about the "Chinese Dream" of world leaders. Left. But there is no standard of good and evil, right and wrong, any form of left or right can be changed, and no matter whether there is Wuxi as a puppet or not, he must pay extensive attention to the CCP's movements that are actually controlled by him! (Hao Xuesen

== [6] Rejuvenation of the Republic of China in the Mainland

Chinese people all over the world take action to unify China under the banner of the founding father Sun Yat-sen! 2018 will be a symbolic year for the CCP’s domestic and foreign difficulties to collapse. The only economy it relies on for survival will face an unprecedented crisis. The United States will cut taxes, the mainland’s state-owned enterprises will be burdened, foreign companies will withdraw, capital will flow out, and business closures will lead to unemployment. Depreciation, declining living standards, widening gap between rich and poor, serious bubbles in the stock market and property market, etc. Once North Korea goes to war, it will aggravate the nuclear pollution in Northeast Korea, the pollution of biological and chemical weapons on a larger scale, and the influx of refugees, and the damage will be no less than that of North Korea. The intensification of public grievances and the CCP's internal strife have made the situation more turbulent, which is very likely to bring the CCP's dark dictatorship to an end. During this important historical period in China and the world, Chinese people all over the world took action to promote the peaceful revival of the Republic of China on the mainland. The Republic of China was a great achievement established by Sun Yat-sen leading the people to overthrow the feudal society that had lasted for thousands of years. The Republic of China, which was revived and unified on the mainland, is a real superpower.

Special advance claims:

  1. The existing Communist Party and affiliated parties, groups, labor unions and other organizations in the mainland can survive as long as they abandon the violent and terrifying communist cult and hand over all illegal party or social assets. Its officials in various government agencies can also be retained in the reserved institutions, provided that the assets illegally occupied by individuals are turned over and the corresponding certification is accepted, otherwise they will be dealt with according to law. Release all political prisoners of conscience. As long as the Kuomintang and other political parties and organizations in Taiwan do not advocate unconstitutional claims such as Taiwan independence, they can participate in and discuss state affairs together with overseas pro-democracy movements or qigong groups developing in the mainland.

  2. After the rejuvenation of the Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao became special administrative regions, retaining the current Tibet, Xinjiang, Guangxi, Ningxia and other autonomous regions, enjoying a high degree of autonomy. Inner Mongolia can also have jurisdiction over Outer Mongolia to unify Mongolia and return it to the Republic of China and other neighboring countries with a high degree of autonomy. It is also possible to follow suit voluntarily. Retain the division of the current administrative regions of the mainland and retain the full-time personnel until the establishment of the Examination Yuan.

  3. In order to reverse the rare disparity between the rich and the poor in the mainland, in view of the fact that the wealth of most of the rich and all the officials and red families in the mainland is obtained illegally, preparations should be made to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor in an all-round way. The national asset assessment is based on the per capita assets of the middle class in the city as a reference, and the assets of red families and official nouveau riche that exceed this baseline are collected globally, including bank deposits and real estate. can be reserved later.

  4. Remove Mao’s corpse hall, abolish the RMB, and replace it with the new Republic of China Yuan. The long-term residence of each household is divided into a house in the city and a piece of land in the countryside. The data before the disintegration of the CCP shall prevail. Abolish the CCP’s household registration system and other evil rules and laws, and give priority to the establishment and implementation of human rights, environment and food safety regulations. Based on the original Constitution of the Republic of China, a sound constitution and a democratic system with separation of five powers.

  5. Chinese people all over the world carry out the "Looking for the President of the Republic of China" campaign to prepare for the election. There are no restrictions such as party affiliation, region, gender, etc., looking for two pairs of running partners for the president and vice president who have both ability and integrity, and welcome the historical moment of the rejuvenation of the Republic of China in the mainland!

Hao Xuesen 2017,12,30

== [5] Summarize the century and call on the common people: three characters today (jing)

My China, for thousands of years. Suffering vicissitudes, feudalism extended. Sun Yat-sen, with great insight. Smash the dynasty, build the Republic of China. Advocate the three peoples, divide the five powers. Democracy, strong system, Chinese and Western, civilized. Create great achievements, extraordinary fate. World War II From the beginning, the situation changed. The Japanese invaded, the danger of national subjugation. Chiang Kai-shek, the declaration of the war of resistance. Protected the country, dedicated to the loyalty. Tortured by the people. The Communist Party, the evil Yuan. The Soviet, the puppet garden. Stalin, Qianer led. Mao Zedong, the big traitor. Evil hooligans, the most insane. Conspiracy with Japan and Russia, civil war Tim. False liberation, real abyss. Learn from the Emperor Qin, burn books. Set up household registration, limit freedom, set up privileges, strict hierarchy, engage in sports, top the Cultural Revolution, destroy culture, practice morality. Eighty million people died unjustly. .Red family, all ascended to heaven. Nouveau riche, aroused public grievances. Student movement, massacre of the city. Hu Yaobang, political reform. Zhao Ziyang, both trapped. June Fourth incident, turning point. .Jiang Zemin, greedy. Harvesting alive, dying in hospital. Gathering corrupt officials, gathering red family members. Engaging in monopoly, hanging between the rich and the poor. Fake anti-corruption, corruption everywhere. Li Peng and others, Hongguidian. , Crime inspection. Hu Wen run, flag sacrifice ceremony. Xi Jinping, clown performance. Primary school students, doctors. , no derogation. Learning from Lao Mao, worshiping love. Thinking of dictatorship, regressing to the original. Human rights mourning, Internet surveillance. Wang Huning, hooligan face. , infamy. New century, bright and bright. Universal morality, democracy first. Dictatorship declines, freedom works. Compatriots wake up, wake up and sleep. Destroy the red, the struggle rises. The communist eradication, the whole people wish. , The country is strong. Create history. Revival chapter. World peace, happy ending. (For details, please Google: Hao Xuesen

==【4】Political forecast of Xi Jinping becoming a puppet supported by multiple lines

Author: Hao Xuesen

We all know that Xi Jinping graduated from elementary school and encountered the Cultural Revolution. He was admitted to the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University without entering junior high school. Not talented enough to be vain, but the ignorant have nothing to fear, and the stupid are easily fooled. However, if no one practiced Xi, they could not move. Wang Huning and Liu He and other "high-level participants" manipulated and manipulated multi-line puppet Xi. For Liu et al., making achievements in learning is beneficial to his official career, but for Wang, it is hopeful that Xi will step down if he fails to achieve results. Xi is subject to two opposing forces.

The National People's Congress Liu and others may conspire to use the president to create a political reform show. The positioning of the shocking party is not clear, but it is useless for Xi to remain king. Learning from Mao's dictatorship and completing "Xi Thought" is the key to Wang's manipulation of Xi. Liu's father died in the Cultural Revolution and hated Mao and wanted to amend the constitution to remove Mao. Constitutional amendments and policies will be the result of compromise, or learn from Putin’s presidential system and the nationalization of the military, while Xi is still a dictatorial puppet. Or the constitution deletes some leftist rhetoric, but is essentially anti-Western. The presidential system can even weaken Li Keqiang and other non-Xi Standing Committee members. Like Mao’s dictatorship and cult of personality, Xi will be infamous and step down. Wang Huning took the opportunity to clean up the mess. The bitch’s memorial archway is his characteristic politics without right or wrong. Wang Li, Zhao Liu, Ding Chen, and other "senior officials" Xi's army are all over 60 years old. If we don't implement the presidential system and follow the old rules, it will be difficult to get promoted and continue our political life.

To amend the constitution, remove names or leave a sentence of "Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the third period." What can be changed is that each National People's Congress is held half a year after the party congress, during which many departments are semi-paralyzed.

== [3] If there is a next term, Wang Huning, the biggest winner of the 19th National Congress, is most likely to be the general secretary

Author: Hao Xuesen

I published one of the three articles on Beijing, "Wang Huning, who manipulated Jiang Zemin, deceived Hu Jintao, and played Xi Jinping, is the most powerful person behind the scenes", revealing and predicting that Wang Huning, who was originally very popular, ordered the main official website to delete only one person's resume According to the information, the situation of Wang Qishan and Li Zhanshu being criticized by the scandal was avoided by making a false appearance.

This dark horse Wang Huning is the biggest winner: 1. Successfully entered the Standing Committee. 2. Let Xi take power but not become the party chairman. If Xi becomes the party chairman, he will be re-elected at the 20th National Congress. Among the top 20 members of the Standing Committee who can remain in office, he is the only one who can be accepted by Xi and the majority. 4. The three remaining members of the Standing Committee are easy to make enemies to restrain Xi, and Xi has only one hardcore member who is less than expected, and it is difficult for Xi to get rid of him. 5 , he is the least willing to abolish and has not abolished the turmoil. Xi Jinping still has more constraints if he wants to be re-elected. 6, his new job was the executive secretary of the CCP before taking over, the party school principal and political thought and theory, etc. for more than 20 years. .It's no coincidence that it's at least 6 points in his favor, it's him behind the scenes!

He doesn't care what names Jiang, Hu, and Xi leave in the history, and he may not leave his own infamy. The situation forces him to follow the trend of the times to launch political reforms, at least to learn from Putin's presidential system. The next step may be to stabilize Xi's power, but there is no need for success. Xi has made enemies but is neutral and controls the political situation. Xi’s thoughts can’t be separated from him. He lures Xi’s interests to make him stunned (unwise) like Mao’s personality cult. After five years of laughing stock and farce, Xi Jinping is indeed an ignorant man without fear, and a foolish man is easy be fooled.

== [2] Wang Huning, who manipulated Jiang Zemin to deceive Hu Jintao and played Xi Jinping, is the most powerful person behind the scenes

Author: Hao Xuesen

{blank}[When I started school last year, I wrote the article "This Respectable Grandmother Taught Her Son Can Be a Name in History" (Mother Xi taught Xi Jinping that his phone was tapped) and published it on the "Beijing Spring" website. I am interested in its dynamics. I spent most of my spare time collecting and analyzing it in a year. I feel the need to write something to reveal the truth and characteristics of the CCP’s political arena]

After Mao Zedong, the greatest historical sinner unprecedented in Chinese and foreign history, launched the Cultural Revolution catastrophe and caused the CCP to turmoil and decline, Deng Xiaoping rescued it with economic reforms imitating the West, and escaped the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. However, in terms of the CCP’s primary ideological politics and line, the debate and crisis of “surname society and capital” is also the biggest problem facing Jiang Zemin, who came to power after the June 4th Tiananmen Square massacre. In fact, Wang Huning has the substantive behind-the-scenes control over the subsequent CCP. The characteristics of the CCP’s politics are that it is not talents produced by the black box operating private transactions, so the real power is controlled by the secretaries behind the scenes, especially in the hands of political "zhixiang".

Who is Wang Huning? Like Xi Jinping and others, he was a person who was in primary school at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution or dropped out of junior high school to "make revolution". Some were recommended to go to the "Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University"? Some entered the university after the extremely low level of the "College Entrance Examination" after the Cultural Revolution. Most of these "college workers, peasants and soldiers" can't really engage in their majors after graduation, so many of them, like Xi Jinping, have speculatively changed their careers. Except for the "political department" majors in the mainland, those who majored in Marxism-Leninism politics in the mainland cannot find counterpart jobs in most countries or civilized developed countries and must change their careers. After the great crisis, it is the most important "talent" to save the party. This is the reason why "college students" like Wang Huning are so successful. They are most familiar with Mao Zedong's previous experience of infighting in the palace and the "politics" of brutal class struggle and violent seizure of power. As a reminder, as mentioned above, Wang Huning's level of success is due to his capital and title in the "political science" of the Communist Party of China and Leninism. It is not a great real talent. Those who are capable of doing practical things and have a little real talent may be among his secretaries. can be found. Wang Huning's "true talent and real learning" is nothing more than a person who has only been in elementary school for four years, and has spent most of his life in society honing his means and experience in the CCP's field (only this is similar to Wang Qishan). Wang Huning may still not know the most elementary and basic concepts such as geometry, algebra, physics and chemistry, and he has never listened to a junior high school Chinese teacher. They were the biggest beneficiaries of Mao Zedong's favor during the Cultural Revolution, and they are the rare people in the CCP who have the real "red gene" and the dual characteristics of chameleons.

Wang Huning is the person who has made major decisions on the ideological, theoretical and political line of the CCP since the death of Deng Xiaoping. Three months after Deng Xiaoping's death in 1997, he participated in the writing of Jiang Zemin's important speech on May 29. Under the guise of being neither left nor right, he planned a policy of only carrying out economic reforms and not political reforms. Jiang Zemin after Deng Xiaoping In the "Three Represents", "Scientific Outlook on Development" and "Chinese Dream" and other programs formulated by Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping, there is no mention of political system reform. In fact, in the past two decades, there has been no political reform at all. On the contrary, it has retreated step by step in the direction of Mao's ultra-left.

Wang Huning provided Jiang Zemin with the theory of "Three Represents", thereby manipulating Jiang Zemin's political thoughts and line decisions, becoming the chief "intellectual assistant" that Jiang had to rely on, advising Jiang Zemin, cracking down on political opponents in the party, and using corruption to lure and The red capitalists and the red families have been recruited to form a large vested interest group, monopolizing the lifelines of the major economies in the mainland, rampant corruption throughout the mainland, and dominating the political arena to harm the country and the people for a decade or two.

After Hu Jintao came to power, Wang Huning was still the chief "intellectual supporter" that he couldn't get rid of. He also used the "scientific outlook on development" to decorate the facade. He tricked and Jiang Zemin's gang threatened to make Hu Jintao follow his "harmonious" proposition, accept the rampant actions of Jiang faction officials and vested interest groups, continue the Jiang faction's political line, and further expand The economic embezzlement and monopoly of various red families has seriously deteriorated the living environment of the people.

After Xi Jinping came to power, Wang Huning put Xi in the palm of his hand and led him into a dream state, allowing him to monopolize all the power, regardless of the inconsistency of Xi Jinping's words and deeds at the front desk, swaying left and right, the whole country is against each other, internal and external troubles. Using anti-corruption to attack dissidents and political enemies in the party, none of the corrupt party bosses and a large number of red family nouveau riche were arrested. The only red second generation Bo Xilai who was brought down was still caught by Hu Wen. . Wang Huning took advantage of Xi Jinping's ignorance, stupidity and vanity to make the foolish (unwise) learn from Mao to engage in a personality cult, and to go against public opinion and the trend of the world to regress, which obviously caused Xi Jinping to give a loud note to his father, Xi Zhongxun, who followed Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang's reform line slap in the face. It can be seen that Xi Jinping is indeed ignorant and fearless, and stupid people are easy to be fooled.

This is how Wang Huning played with Xi Jinping to his heart's content. To give a recent example, the United Nations General Assembly, which Trump attended for the first time not long ago, should have been the one that Xi Jinping most wanted to attend as the world's other boss. However, if Xi goes to the UN General Assembly, if Wang Huning goes with him as usual, he will surely become the focus of the scandal before the 19th National Congress just like Li Zhanshu. There was no chance, so it made Xi not attend the UN General Assembly. For Li Zhanshu, participating in the UNGA with Xi was an opportunity to eliminate the impact of scandals and consolidate his position. Wang Huning did not want Xi to attend the UNGA, so he did not go. Wang Huning was very popular in the previous period, but immediately turned low-key after the Beidaihe party and Wang Qishan Li Zhanshu were exposed, just to avoid the edge, and then returned to the carbine at the 19th National Congress. To give another example, when Hu Jintao retired naked from the 18th National Congress, Xi Jinping was so moved that he almost shed tears. However, in the past four or five years, Wang Huning has instigated Xi to attack the "young" Hu Jintao's Youth League officials with all his strength, in addition to attacking the old Jiang faction personnel. If someone asks Wang Huning why he repays his kindness with revenge, he will say, Hu's kindness to Xi is not to Wang Huning's kindness to me, what should I do if all the regiment sent people up? Therefore, it is said that Hu Jintao proposed to remove the "Three Represents" and "Scientific Outlook on Development" from the party constitution. One is to attack Wang Huning, and the other is to secretly prevent the 19th Party Constitution from being written into Xi's stuff.

Wang Huning has been working in politics in a low-key manner behind the scenes for more than 20 years, hiding his big conspiracy, that is, only by letting Xi Jinping act as a puppet to try his best to monopolize the power at the front desk, and learn what Mao Zedong said, so that he can manipulate behind the scenes to achieve his ultimate goal. If Xi Jinping's personnel arrangements for the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China are hindered and he cannot get what he wants, Wang Huning will basically be done.

Some people may not believe that Wang Huning, a high school student, is actually the most powerful person behind the scenes of the CCP for more than 20 years. But when you think about Xi Jinping, the leader of the Communist Party of China, even he is really just a

A primary school graduate, how to explain this? This is the characteristic of the CCP's employment established by Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong followed Qin Shihuang's example of burning books and burying Confucianism, and reused incompetent but obedient slaves. However, if it sounds nice, Wang Huning is much more clever than Xi Jinping, Jiang Zemin, etc. like Wang Qishan. Therefore, in the history of the CCP, high-level corrupt elements, political hooligans and low-level people have emerged one after another, causing harm to the country and the people. The fall of the CCP is definitely not far away. 2017.10.16

== [1] This respectable grandma godson can be said to be famous in history

Hao Xuesen

----Talk about what my brother heard from the general secretary's mother when he was a thief for the first time

This time when I went home on vacation, my brother told me an amazing secret after drinking. A few months ago, he learned that his mother was critically ill and was about to rush home. At the train station in the city where he worked, he found that the money had been stolen. When he returned to his place of work, he met a relative of his female colleague. Thinking that this person was working in a very wealthy wife's family, he had evil thoughts. Brother followed this person to the gate of the wealthy lady's house, planning to steal money and things late at night. At about ten o'clock in the evening, there was a heavy rainstorm. Brother took the opportunity to jump into the compound and climbed a dense tree next to a lighted window in the second arm. Soon the indoor phone rang, and I saw an old woman start talking:

"..., your father is gone, I have to remind you repeatedly every time, as the general secretary and the lord of the country, you have too much responsibility!..." Brother heard this After the sentence, he was startled and wanted to leave, but he didn't dare to move, as if someone would catch him as soon as he went. He cowered in the dense branches and leaves, and finally decided to wait for the next thunderstorm to escape. At this time, he could still clearly hear the old woman's lecture:

"I don't want to hear your excuses! Many of your father's old subordinates hinted to me that you and your father are not on the same path. I tell you, you want to go backwards and run counter to the reform path created by your father. I will never promise!"

"You may not realize the essence and seriousness of the problem. There is no one else here. I will pour 'cold water' on you to wake you up! As a mother, I know best who among your siblings is good at studying and who is capable. You should also be self-aware of these things. In addition, you only have a primary school diploma, so everyone knows your abilities. You were suspended from school during the Cultural Revolution when you first entered junior high school. That is a diploma that can be handed in blank papers just for gold-plated. Then you became an official and studied for a doctorate in Marxism-Leninism. Who in the country would not know that this is a fake diploma? A person who has no ability and wisdom and has only studied elementary school Chinese, In managing such a big country, how can you be half a step away from the secretary? You are completely used and manipulated by the people around you, and you have betrayed your father and are still kept in the dark. You are living in the dreams they wove!" These words were very excited and very impolite.

Although my brother is a wage earner, he also has an understanding of current affairs as a college graduate. He thought to himself that things should not be stolen, but it is not a waste of risk to overhear such a "national event". is to hold your breath and listen:

"Want to go back to the era of Mao during the Cultural Revolution?" Forget those years when you and your father were labeled as 'counter-revolutionaries' and were wrestled? Forgot what your dad told you repeatedly after he was forced to step down? You are confused, too confused! I have repeatedly said that you can only leave your name in history if you use the right person. If you use the wrong person, you will be infamous for thousands of years and ruin your father's reputation! I will not rest in peace when I die."

"Your dad only revealed his true thoughts to me twice. The first time was when your dad was rehabilitated and returned to work after the fall of the Gang of Four. It brought unprecedented suffering and catastrophe. The system established by Mao must be reformed, so your father launched China’s first reform pilot in Shenzhen. The second time was after the June 4th suppression of the student movement and the collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. When my father was forced to resign, he said that sooner or later China would have the same ending as the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. He asked you brothers and sisters to stay away from politics, preferably from the mainland, but you failed to do so. However, your father also understands your difficulties , your four years at the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University took a plane and only learned some Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thoughts, you couldn’t pursue the chemical engineering major you studied. You also went abroad for a period of time for an experiment, and you couldn’t get a decent job. You don’t know how to do it. In addition to learning 26 English letters in the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University, you don’t know a few English words. This is one of the reasons why you can’t go abroad with your ex-wife and divorce. Keep it up, your father understands your helpless situation. But the last words he left to me repeatedly emphasized that I should always remind you: when you become an official in this system, you must firmly remember that, 1, you can only be a reformer; 2, You can only follow the trend of the times and follow the will of the people and do things that are beneficial to the people. Only in this way can you not be liquidated in the future, and your father was only very worried about you when he was dying."

"The people around you are either flattering clowns or scheming and ambitious people. You are at the mercy of these 'high-ranking officials'. So let the people of the country be more and more disappointed in you, and so on. It is a disaster for the country and the people. You will be infamous for thousands of years, and none of the "high-level candidates" around you will be able to escape, and they will be severely punished! You have the highest position, so the most ambitious people in the future can only come out of your side. They can only let you imitate Mao. Democracy only concentrates and acts arbitrarily, so they have a chance to break through the rules. All kinds of violations and breaking the rules are necessary for them to advance, but it is not necessary for you but there is a great risk, and they will not care about your infamy. "

"Now is the most critical period! Either learn from your father, act like a real man, reform boldly, and have a clear conscience if you fail. No, resign if you can't turn around. You have no choice! Let others or ordinary people step down It's too late, not only will you leave a bad name, but you may also end up like the former Romanian Ceausescu! Thinking of this, I, a mother, can't feel at ease every day."

"These things I told you may be the last words I leave to you in my life, which can be left to prove in the future. Wisdom is limited for anyone, no matter for mediocre or capable people, and can listen to most people. Your opinion is the greatest wisdom, for you, you need to think before you act!"


About half an hour later, there was another thunderstorm, and my brother hurriedly climbed down the tree to escape over the wall.

The above grandma's words are just a few words that she repeatedly emphasized and impressed my brother. In the past half an hour, the grandma has repeatedly taught a lot, mainly around these contents.

Originally, I didn't want to write about my brother's attempt to steal, but when I thought of the old lady's upright and respectable character of worrying about the country and the people, I decided to make it public, which is more worthy of learning by young people in the new era! In the face of such a crisis for the country, an elderly grandma can be so righteous, how can young people remain indifferent?

(Readers who pay tribute to this elderly grandma, please leave a message) Hao Xuesen September 10, 2016

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cirosantilli commented Mar 28, 2021

Hi adward321,


Thanks for pointing me out to the bot + mention attack: I swear it wasn't me. Wumaos were actually using it in the first place: #191 which is how I learnt about it and documented it.

@cirosantilli cirosantilli changed the title 三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁 (The Culprit of Three Dynasties Wang Huning) 三朝罪恶元凶王沪宁 (Wang Huning, The Culprit of Three Dynasties) Aug 3, 2023
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