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Observability Framework



NOTE: The following help example output may be stale.

TODO: Create a make target to update this snippet.

of help
# INFO[0000]root.go:59 Logging Enabled. Level : info
# Observability Framework
# Usage:
#   of [command]
# Available Commands:
#   aci         Commands for the ACI integration
#   help        Help about any command
#   snmp        Commands for the SNMP integration
#   version     Display version information
# Flags:
#   -h, --help               help for of
#       --log-level string   Log Level (default "info")
# Use "of [command] --help" for more information about a command.


of version
# INFO[0000]root.go:38 Logging Enabled. Level : info
# (metadata=(program=of, license=Apache-2.0, url=, versionInfo=(version=2464b98, branch=issue-110.12, revision=2464b98), buildInfo=(language=go, languageVersion=go1.13.1, user=vagrant, date=2019-10-09T15:59:30+0000))


ACI Handler

of aci handler

This subcommand starts a daemon that scrapes APIC servers in Cisco ACI clusters for their fault lists and then notifies Prometheus Alertmanager to fire and resolve Alertmanager alerts.


SNMP Handler

of snmp handler

Starts a daemon for processing SNMP trap notifications into Alertmanager alerts.

Docker Image

docker pull${DOCKER_TAG}


Here's an example of how to profile memory for of aci handler and generate a PDF report for that.

export PROFILER_MODE=mem  # cpu, mem, mutex, block

of aci handler --aci-host REDACTED --aci-password REDACTED --aci-user REDACTED --am-url https://localhost:9093

# Run until you see faults are scraped, then CTRL+C to exit.

make reports

# Now you should have `./mem.pprof.pdf`.


for Project Layout

for Error Handling

for Profiling

for Testing

Repo Layout


Here are some general rules that apply regardless of the directory or Go package:

  • SHOULD include unit tests.
    • Regardless of the directory, please include per-.go file test files as practical. For example, if you have a file called foo.go, then you SHOULD probably also have a foo_test.go to hold matching unit tests.
  • MUST use go modules for all dependencies.
  • MUST support the building of ALL cmd executables in the shared /Dockerfile. Each command MUST compile to a static binary and not require Go on the build host. See:
  • Where imported, named-version packages SHOULD be import-aliased back to their dependency name (e.g. postgres) -- and they may be combined as needed to form executable commands (e.g. of-handler-apic vs. of-handler-snmp).
  • If two named versions of a single dependency's implementation pkg must be imported, you MUST alias each named-version like this: postgresv1alpha1 (for package v1alpha1) and postgresv1 (for package v1). Try to avoid that situation by forking widely-used named-version code to a new named-version package.

Directories / Go Packages


This directory contains files like LICENSE, NOTICE,, go.mod, go.sum.

The only Go file that is allowed here is a minimalistic main.go that bootstraps the of command using spf13/cobra. We don't wrap cobra yet, because doing so would be complicated.

No other .go files may be added to /.


(e.g. package v1 in a directory like /pkg/v1)

Each package in this directory pattern SHOULD:

  • Contain a version-named set (e.g. v1) of domain types and interfaces for the Observability Framework.
  • Have NO external dependencies, with the only exception being unavoidable dependencies on the Go standard library.

Each package matching this pattern MUST NOT:

  • Import any code from directories: /cmd, /wrap. This rule is necessary to keep our domain types and interfaces decoupled from their implementations and avoid circular package dependencies as these are not supported by Go.

Where no external dependency exists, packages in /pkg MAY:

  • Implement its own interfaces. Here's a somewhat contrived example of a compliant scenario:
package v999alpha1  //

import "fmt"

// Domain Types

// APIVersion represents a named version of an API (e.g. "v1alpha1", "v1").
type APIVersion string

// Implementations (with very trivial standard-library dependencies)

// String implements the APIVersionStringer interface.
func (v APIVersion) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)


Each directory in /wrap MUST contain Go code in named-version packages that wrap one external or standard library dependency (see below).


(e.g. package v2alpha1 package in a directory like /wrap/postgres/v2alpha1)

Each package matching this pattern SHOULD:

  • Implement not define domain types and interfaces as imported from /pkg/$named_version for no more than one external dependency.
  • Be named for its dependency and version.
    • For example, if the package we depend on is called postgres, the first-draft package for that would be package v1alpha1 inside /wrap/postgres/v1alpha1.
  • Be the definitive place we implement that external dependency. In this way, over in cmd we SHOULD only import our own wrappers of external dependencies. Exceptions (even on standard library's http) should be avoided if at all possible.

Each package matching this pattern MAY:

  • Within reason, import any other package under the /wrap directory.


(package cmd contains source code for the of executable)

We embed subcommands in the of executable for all Observability Framework use cases. The cmd package and any subpackages in it contain the source code for the of executable. In the cmd package we wire together named-version packages in /wrap with those in /pkg.

For example, of snmp handler starts the OF's handler API server for processing SNMP notifications into Alertmanager alerts. That is, of snmp handler does effectively the same thing as am-client-snmp or am-snmp-client-go have done for us in the past.

The cmd package and any subpackages for it pattern MAY:

  • Import a couple of external dependencies to simplify the building of a CLI. For example, we chose to directly import cobra and not wrap it to simplify our lives.

Each package in this directory pattern SHOULD:

  • NOT import any non-standard-lib external depedencies not related to the "MAY" list directly above this one.
  • NOT try to avoid or skip wrapping your external dependency over in /wrap.


The of command is to become the core Go command of the Observability Framework. That is, we plan to ship one combined static binary that can assume mutliple personalities (e.g. am-apic-client AND am-snmp-client), not unlike the hashicorp/vault's vault command has subcommands server and agent.

This command SHOULD eventually support multiple named-version /pkg and /wrap packages, but for now a tightly coupling to a single named-version for any /pkg or /wrap packages is allowed.


This directory will contain mocks for all of the above. The form that this directory takes is flexible right now -- and so its design is left open until further notice.


No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4

