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Add audible captcha support to pastiche
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This requires espeak in addition to figlet and will generate an audio
tag or a link to the wav file if the browser does not support the
audio tag. Tested with Firefox and lynx.
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ckeen committed Apr 16, 2014
1 parent 4d9d7b6 commit cdbcf50
Showing 1 changed file with 54 additions and 14 deletions.
68 changes: 54 additions & 14 deletions pastiche.scm
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,18 @@
(define-record captcha string figlet)

(define external-tools '("figlet" "espeak"))

(define (tool-exists? tool)
(let ((install-status 'not-checked))
(lambda ()
(when (eq? install-status 'not-checked)
(set! install-status
(handle-exceptions exn
(system* (string-append tool " -v >/dev/null 2>&1")))))

(define (create-captchas num #!key (min-captcha-len 4) (max-captcha-len 8))
;; returns an alist mapping captcha hashes to captcha records

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,6 +99,13 @@
(define (get-captcha captchas)
(list-ref captchas (random (length captchas))))

(define (string-as-wav s)
(let-values (((in out pid) (process "espeak" '("-s 10" "--stdout"))))
(fprintf out "~s" (list->string (intersperse (string->list s) #\space)))
(close-output-port out)
(let ((r (read-all in)))
(close-input-port in)

;;; Pastiche
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,19 +139,11 @@
(page-css ""))
(awful-settings handler)))

(define figlet-installed?
(let ((install-status 'not-checked))
(lambda ()
(when (eq? install-status 'not-checked)
(set! install-status
(handle-exceptions exn
(system* "figlet -v >/dev/null 2>&1"))))

(when (and use-captcha? (not (figlet-installed?)))
(print "WARNING: `use-captcha?' indicates that captchas are enabled but figlet "
"doesn't seem to be installed. Disabling captchas.")
(when (and use-captcha? (not (every tool-exists? external-tools)))
(print "WARNING: `use-captcha?' indicates that captchas are enabled but one of out external tools"
"doesn't seem to be installed."
"The needed tools are " (string-intersperse external-tools)
". Disabling captchas.")
(set! use-captcha? #f))

(when (and force-vandusen-notification?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,7 +228,18 @@
(if use-captcha?
`(("Type in the text below:" ,(text-input 'captcha-user-answer))
("" (pre (@ (id "captcha"))
,(captcha-figlet captcha))))
,(captcha-figlet captcha))
"Visually impaired? Let me spell it for you (wav file)"
(audio (@ (src ,(make-pathname base-path
(sprintf "captcha?hash=~a.wav" captcha-hash)))
(preload "metadata")
(controls "controls"))
(a (@ (href ,(make-pathname base-path
(sprintf "captcha?hash=~a.wav" captcha-hash))))
"Link to wav file")

`(("" ,(if force-vandusen-notification?
(hidden-input 'notify-irc "yes")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,8 +496,26 @@
title: "About Pastiche")

(define-page "captcha"
(lambda ()
((hash as-string))
(let* ((splitted (string-split hash "."))
(hash (car splitted))
(extension (cadr splitted)))
(cond ((and
(string=? extension "wav")
(alist-ref (car (string-split hash ".")) captchas equal?)) =>
(lambda (c)
(awful-response-headers '((content-type "audio/wav")))
`(literal ,(string-as-wav (captcha-string c)))))
(else `(p "Unable to find captcha file. Sorry."
,(sprintf "~s ~s" hash extension)
,@(map (lambda (c) (sprintf "captchas ~s" c)) captchas )))))))
no-template: #t)
) ;; end define-app

) ;; end pastiche

) ;; end module

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