diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst index 0908c2d..5579a33 100755 --- a/README.rst +++ b/README.rst @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ More than that, TwitterSearch is: Installation ############ -TwitterSearch is also available on pypi and therefore can be installed via ``pip install TwitterSearch`` or ``easy_install TwitterSearch``. If you'd like to work with bleeding edge versions you're free to clone the ``devel`` branch. A manual installation can be done doing by downloading or cloning the repository and running ``python setup.py install`` within the directory of it. +TwitterSearch is also available on pypi and therefore can be installed via ``pip install TwitterSearch`` or ``easy_install TwitterSearch``. If you'd like to work with bleeding edge versions you're free to clone the ``devel`` branch. A manual installation can be done doing by downloading or cloning the repository and running ``python setup.py install``. Search Twitter ############## @@ -120,12 +120,12 @@ You may guess the resulting output, but here it is anyway: Interested in some more details? ################################ -If you'd like to get more information about how TwitterSearch works internally and how to use it with all it's possibilities have a look at the `latest documentation `_. A `changelog <./CHANGELOG.rst>`_ is also available within this repository. +If you'd like to get more information about how TwitterSearch works internally and how to use it with all it's possibilities have a look at the `latest documentation `_. A `changelog `_ is also available within this repository. Updating to 1.0.0 and newer ########################### -If you're upgrading from a version < 1.0.0 be aware that the API changed! As part of the process to gain fully `PEP-8 `_ compatibility all methods had to be renamed. The code changes to support the `PEP-8 naming scheme `_ is trivial. Just change the old method naming scheme from ``setKeywords(...)`` to the new one of ``set_keywords(...)``. +If you're upgrading from a version **< 1.0.0** be aware that the API changed! As part of the process to obtain `PEP-8 `_ compatibility all methods had to be renamed. The code changes to support the PEP-8 naming scheme are trivial. Just change the old method naming scheme from ``setKeywords(...)`` to the new one of ``set_keywords(...)``. Apart from this issue, four other API changes were introduced with version 1.0.0: @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Apart from this issue, four other API changes were introduced with version 1.0.0 In total those changes can be done quickly without browsing the documentation. -If you're unable apply those changes, you might consider using TwitterSearch versions < 1.0.0. Those will stay available through pypi and therefore will be installable in the future using the common installation methods like ``pip install -I TwitterSearch==0.78.6``.'Using the `release tags `_ is another easy way to navigate through all versions of this library. +If you're unable apply those changes, you might consider using TwitterSearch versions < 1.0.0. Those will stay available through pypi and therefore will be installable in the future using the common installation methods like ``pip install -I TwitterSearch==0.78.6``. Using the `release tags `_ is another easy way to navigate through all versions of this library. License (MIT) #############