diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 4d694d21ebe..e648f2e575e 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -7,6 +7,67 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate +### Compatibility + +Changes in behavior of note that are not guaranteed to be compatible across releases: + +- *(help)* `help` subcommand shows long help like `--help`, rather than short help (`-h`), deprecated `clap::AppSettings::UseLongFormatForHelpSubcommand` (#3440) +- *(help)* Pacman-style subcommands are now ordered the same as usage errors (#3470) +- *(help)* Pacman-style subcommands use standard alternate syntax in usage (#3470) + +### Deprecations + +- `clap::Command` is now preferred over `clap::App` (#3089 in #3472) + - `clap::command!` is now preferred over `clap::app_from_crate` (#3089 in #3474) + - `clap::CommandFactory::command` is now preferred over `clap::IntoApp::into_app` (#3089 in #3473) +- *(help)* `help` subcommand shows long help like `--help`, rather than short help (`-h`), deprecated `clap::AppSettings::UseLongFormatForHelpSubcommand` (#3440) +- *(error)* Deprecate `clap::AppSettings::WaitOnError`, leaving it to the user to implement +- *(validation)* `clap::Command::subcommand_required(true).arg_required_else_help(true)` is now preferred over `clap::AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp` (#3280) +- *(builder)* `clap::AppSettings` are nearly all deprecated and replaced with builder methods and getters (#2717) +- *(builder)* `clap::Arg::id` and `clap::ArgGroup::id` are now preferred over `clap::Arg::name` and `clap::ArgGroup::name` (#3335) +- *(help)* `clap::Command::next_help_heading` is now preferred over `clap::Command::help_heading` (#1807, #1553) +- *(error)* `clap::error::ErrorKind` is now preferred over `clap::ErrorKind` (#3395) +- *(error)* `clap::Error::kind()` is now preferred over `clap::Error::kind` +- *(error)* `clap::Error::context()` is now preferred over `clap::Error::info` (#2628) + +Note: All items deprecated in 3.0.0 are now hidden in the documentation. (#3458) + +### Features + +- *(matches)* Add `clap::ArgMatches::value_source` to determine what insert the value (#1345) +- *(help)* Override derived display order with `clap::Command::next_display_order` (#1807) +- *(error)* Show possible values when an argument doesn't have a value (#3320) +- *(error)* New `clap::Error::context` API to open the door for fully-custom error messages (#2628) + - *(error)* `clap::error::ErrorKind` now implements `Display` + +### Fixes + +- *(builder)* Some functions were renamed for consistency and fixing spelling issues +- *(builder)* Allow `clap::Command::color` to override previous calls (#3449) +- *(parse)* Propagate globals with multiple subcommands (#3428) +- *(validation)* Give `ArgRequiredElseHelp` precedence over `SubcommandRequired` (#3456) +- *(validation)* Default values no longer count as "present" for conflicts, requires, `clap::Command::arg_required_else_help`, etc (#3076, #1264) +- *(assert)* Report invalid defaults (#3202) +- *(help)* Clarify how to handle `-h` conflicts (#3403) +- *(help)* Make it easier to debug the addition of help flags (#3425) +- *(help)* Pacman-style subcommands are now separated with spaces (#3470) +- *(help)* Pacman-style subcommands are now ordered the same as usage errors (#3470) +- *(help)* Pacman-style subcommands use standard alternate syntax in usage (#3470) +- *(error)* Be consistent in showing of required attributes between errors / usage (#3390) +- *(error)* Show user's order of possible values, like in `--help` (#1549) +- *(error)* Allow customizing error type in `clap::error::Result` (#3395) + +### Performance + +- *(error)* Reduced stack size of `clap::Error` (#3395) + +### Documentation + +- *(builder)* Correct data take accepted for `clap::Arg::validator` +- *(derive)* Clarify `parse` attribute +- *(tutorial)* Demonstrate custom parsing +- *(example)* Consistently list out required feature flags (#3448) + ## [3.0.14] - 2022-02-01 ### Features diff --git a/clap_complete/CHANGELOG.md b/clap_complete/CHANGELOG.md index 6af0fd57b5e..5c790d29617 100644 --- a/clap_complete/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/clap_complete/CHANGELOG.md @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate +### Fixes + +- Fish: escape possible values (#3467) + ## [3.0.6] - 2022-02-05 ### Fixes