diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2777baf20..fc482a44c 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ There are already a number of great Drag & Drop libraries out there (for instanc | lockToContainerEdges | Boolean | `false` | You can lock movement of the sortable element to it's parent `SortableContainer` | | lockOffset | `OffsetValue`\* | [`OffsetValue`\*, `OffsetValue`\*] | `"50%"` | When`lockToContainerEdges`is set to`true`, this controls the offset distance between the sortable helper and the top/bottom edges of it's parent`SortableContainer`. Percentage values are relative to the height of the item currently being sorted. If you wish to specify different behaviours for locking to the _top_ of the container vs the _bottom_, you may also pass in an`array`(For example:`["0%", "100%"]`). | | getContainer | Function | | Optional function to return the scrollable container element. This property defaults to the `SortableContainer` element itself or (if `useWindowAsScrollContainer` is true) the window. Use this function to specify a custom container object (eg this is useful for integrating with certain 3rd party components such as `FlexTable`). This function is passed a single parameter (the `wrappedInstance` React element) and it is expected to return a DOM element. | -| getHelperDimensions | Function | [Function](https://github.com/clauderic/react-sortable-hoc/blob/master/src/SortableContainer/index.js#L74-L77) | Optional `function({node, index, collection})` that should return the computed dimensions of the SortableHelper. See [default implementation](https://github.com/clauderic/react-sortable-hoc/blob/master/src/SortableContainer/index.js#L74-L77) for more details | +| getHelperDimensions | Function | [Function](https://github.com/clauderic/react-sortable-hoc/blob/master/src/SortableContainer/index.js#L74-L77) | Optional `function({node, index, collection})` that should return the computed dimensions of the SortableHelper. See [default implementation](https://github.com/clauderic/react-sortable-hoc/blob/master/src/SortableContainer/defaultGetHelperDimensions.js) for more details | | helperContainer | HTMLElement | Function | `document.body` | By default, the cloned sortable helper is appended to the document body. Use this prop to specify a different container for the sortable clone to be appended to. Accepts an `HTMLElement` or a function returning an `HTMLElement` that will be invoked before right before sorting begins | | disableAutoscroll | Boolean | `false` | Disables autoscrolling while dragging |