From 4b04fb48a9592fe57fad8e25865f833aff976258 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gabriel Horner Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 16:57:19 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] starting commandline piping --- lib/boson/runners/bin_runner.rb | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/boson/runners/bin_runner.rb b/lib/boson/runners/bin_runner.rb index 5079d3f..bb5e761 100644 --- a/lib/boson/runners/bin_runner.rb +++ b/lib/boson/runners/bin_runner.rb @@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ class BinRunner < Runner :option_commands=>{:type=>:boolean, :desc=>"Toggles on all commands to be defined as option commands" } } #:nodoc: + PIPE = '+' + class <true) - return - else - raise + all_cmds = [[@command, @args]] + @all_args.slice(1..-1) + output = all_cmds.inject('') {|acc, (command,args)| + begin + args = translate_args(args, acc) + Boson.full_invoke(command, args) + rescue ArgumentError + if $!.class == OptionCommand::CommandArgumentError || ($!.message[/wrong number of arguments/] && + (cmd = Command.find(command)) && cmd.arg_size != args.size) + print_error_message "'#{command}' was called incorrectly." + Boson.invoke(:usage, command, :one_line=>true) + return + else + raise + end end - end + } render_output output end + def translate_args(args, piped) + args.nil? || args.empty? ? piped : args + end + def parse_args(args) + @all_args = split_array_by(args, PIPE) + args = @all_args[0] @option_parser = options = @option_parser.parse(args.dup, :opts_before_args=>true) new_args = @option_parser.non_opts [new_args.shift, options, new_args] end + def split_array_by(arr, divider) + arr.inject([[]]) {|results, element| + (divider == element) ? (results << []) : (results.last << element) + results + } + end + def render_output(output) if (!Scientist.rendered && !View.silent_object?(output)) ^ @options[:render] ^ Boson.repo.config[:no_auto_render]