This is a simple, light and optimized image-to-ascii and ascii-to-image converter. It now supports image and video.
This conversion is implemented by mapping the intensity of pixel to characters with different shape.
-f | --file
is input image path.
-s | --scale
controls the output size.
-a | --aspect
controls the aspect of height and width.
-w | --write-file
is the output ascii txt path.
# lazy style: the default output is ${img_file}.txt
python -f imgs/erke.jpg
# adjust sampling step, the output is larger if it is samller
python -f imgs/erke.jpg -s 2
# complete style
python -f imgs/erke.jpg -s "auto" -w out.txt
You can adjust the font size of text editor for better view.
It calls the text drawing API of PIL
to implement the rendering of ascii text to image.
python -f imgs/kenan.txt -w imgs/kenan_ascii.jpg
python -f videos/kenan.mp4 -s 1 -e 360 -w res/kenan.gif -p 10 --step=10 --scale=0.25 --sampling-step=6
More videos to see BaiduYun.