v2.3 Bug fixes and performance enhancements
Xavi Rubio (xrubio) noted a bug in the published version and releases 2.1 and 2.2, in checking the ordering of triples. This has now been fixed. We did not directly integrate his pull request since he changed the way edge weights are handled and we had good reasons for the original method, and we may integrate his changes to the use of Multiprocessing for the seriationEvaluation workers in the next release after further testing. We also rewrote the spatial/geographic bootstrap significance test (enabled with --spatialsignificance and --spatialbootstrapN = 10000, etc) for much better performance (4.8x boost). We also cleaned up a bit of debugging output that wasn't switched off, and the program now cleans up its temporary pickle file directory, which is now located properly under /tmp. IDSS now tags every simulation run with a UUID, which is recorded along with the Git commit and release number in a metadata output file, AND into MongoDB database if you use the mongodb command line driver script instead of the plain driver.