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Add repl_ln.clj, a repl that supports line numbers
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scgilardi committed Dec 2, 2008
1 parent 6e73def commit 433ce4a
Showing 1 changed file with 198 additions and 0 deletions.
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions src/clojure/contrib/repl_ln.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
;; Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved. The use and
;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Common Public
;; License 1.0 ( which can be found
;; in the file CPL.TXT at the root of this distribution. By using this
;; software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of
;; this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this
;; software.
;; A repl with a custom "read" hook that provides support for line
;; numbers.
;; scgilardi (gmail)
;; Created 28 November 2008

(ns clojure.contrib.repl-ln
(:import (clojure.lang Compiler LineNumberingPushbackReader RT Var)
( InputStreamReader OutputStreamWriter PrintWriter)
(java.util Date))
(:use clojure.contrib.def))

;; Private

(defstruct- repl-info
:name :started :name-fmt :prompt-fmt :serial :thread :depth)

(defvar- +name-formats+
{"%S" "%1$d" "%T" "%2$d" "%D" "%3$d"}
"For set-name, maps our dynamic value codes to arg positions in
the call to format in repl-name")

(defvar- +prompt-formats+
{"%S" "%1$d" "%T" "%2$d" "%D" "%3$d" "%L" "%4$d" "%N" "%5$s"}
"For set-prompt, maps our dynamic value codes to arg positions in
the call to format in repl-prompt")

(defvar- +info-format+
["Name: %s"
"Started: %s"
"Name-fmt: \"%s\""
"Prompt-fmt: \"%s\""
"Serial: %d"
"Thread: %d"
"Depth: %d"
"Line: %d"])

(defvar- +info-defaults+
(struct-map repl-info
:name-fmt "repl-%S"
:prompt-fmt "%S:%L %N=> "
:depth 0)
"Default/root values for repl info")

(defonce- *serial-number* (ref 0)
"Serial number counter")

(defonce- *info* +info-defaults+
"Info for this repl")

(defn- set-info!
"Replaces the value thread-locally bound to *info* with a new map with
updated values. Args are sequential inline key value pairs."
[& args]
(set! *info* (apply assoc *info* args)))

(defn- repl-name
"Returns the repl name based on *info*"
(let [{:keys [name-fmt-internal serial thread depth]} *info*]
(format name-fmt-internal serial thread depth)))

(defn- repl-prompt
"Returns the repl prompt based on *info*, line number, and namespace"
(let [{:keys [prompt-fmt-internal serial thread depth]} *info*
line (.getLineNumber *in*)
namespace (ns-name *ns*)]
(format prompt-fmt-internal serial thread depth line namespace)))

(defn- skip-whitespace
"Reads and skips whitespace characters from stream s. Returns :eos on end
of stream, :eol on end of line, or false on non-whitespace."
(loop [c (.read s)]
(cond (= c -1) :eos
(#{\return \newline} (char c)) :eol
(or (Character/isWhitespace c) (= c \,)) (recur (.read s))
:else (do (.unread s c) false))))

(defn- read-hook
"Read hook that keeps the compiler's line number in sync with that of our
input stream, prompts only when there is nothing remaining to read on the
previous input line, and calls the Clojure reader only when there's
something to read on the current line."
(loop [c (skip-whitespace *in*)]
(cond (= c :eos) eof
(= c :eol)
(print (repl-prompt))
(var-set Compiler/LINE (.getLineNumber *in*))
(recur (skip-whitespace *in*)))
:else (read *in* false eof))))

;; Public

(defn set-repl-name
"Sets the repl name. Include the following codes in the name to make the
corresponding dynamic values part of it:
%S - repl serial number
%T - thread id
%D - nesting depth in this thread
The default name is \"repl-%S\""
(set-info! :name-fmt name-fmt)
(loop [[[code fmt] & more] (seq +name-formats+)
name-fmt name-fmt]
(if code
(recur more (.replace name-fmt code fmt))
(set-info! :name-fmt-internal name-fmt)))
(let [name (repl-name)]
(set-info! :name name)
(var-set Compiler/SOURCE name))

(defn set-repl-prompt
"Sets the repl prompt. Include the following codes in the prompt to make
the corresponding dynamic values part of it:
%S - repl serial number
%T - thread id
%D - nesting depth in this thread
%L - input line number
%N - namespace name
The default prompt is \"%S:%L %N=> \""
(set-info! :prompt-fmt prompt-fmt)
(loop [[[code fmt] & more] (seq +prompt-formats+)
prompt-fmt prompt-fmt]
(if code
(recur more (.replace prompt-fmt code fmt))
(set-info! :prompt-fmt-internal prompt-fmt)))

(defn repl-info
"Returns a map of info about the current repl"
(let [line (.getLineNumber *in*)]
(dissoc (assoc *info* :line line)
:name-fmt-internal :prompt-fmt-internal)))

(defn print-repl-info
"Prints info about the current repl"
(let [{:keys [name started name-fmt prompt-fmt serial thread depth line]}
(apply str (interleave +info-format+ (repeat "\n")))
name started name-fmt prompt-fmt serial thread depth line)))

(defn repl
"A repl that supports line numbers. The default prompt displays repl
serial number, line number, and namespace. The default repl name contains
the repl serial number. Thrown exceptions display the repl name and line
number; metadata for defs made at the repl identify their origin by repl
name and line number. Use set-repl-name and set-repl-prompt to customize
the repl name and prompt"
(repl System/in System/out System/err RT/UTF8))
([in out err encoding]
{RT/IN (LineNumberingPushbackReader.
(InputStreamReader. in encoding))
RT/OUT (OutputStreamWriter. out encoding)
RT/ERR (PrintWriter. (OutputStreamWriter. err encoding) true)
Compiler/SOURCE (var-get Compiler/SOURCE)
Compiler/LINE (var-get Compiler/LINE)
(var *info*) *info*})
:started (Date.)
:serial (dosync (alter *serial-number* inc))
:thread (.getId (Thread/currentThread))
:depth (inc (:depth *info*)))
(set-repl-name (:name-fmt *info*))
(set-repl-prompt (:prompt-fmt *info*))
;; unread newline to enable first prompt
(.unread *in* (int \newline))
:prompt #()
:flush #()
:read read-hook)

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