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Chouser committed Sep 30, 2010
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@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
;; Accumulator application examples

#^{:author "Konrad Hinsen"
:skip-wiki true
:doc "Examples for using accumulators"}
(:use [clojure.contrib.accumulators
:only (combine add add-items
empty-vector empty-list empty-queue empty-set empty-map
empty-counter empty-counter-with-total
empty-sum empty-product empty-maximum empty-minimum
empty-min-max empty-mean-variance empty-string empty-tuple)]))

; Vector accumulator: combine is concat, add is conj
(combine [:a :b] [:c :d] [:x :y])
(add [:a :b] :c)
(add-items empty-vector [:a :b :a])

; List accumulator: combine is concat, add is conj
(combine '(:a :b) '(:c :d) '(:x :y))
(add '(:a :b) :c)
(add-items empty-list [:a :b :a])

; Queue accumulator
(let [q1 (add-items empty-queue [:a :b :a])
q2 (add-items empty-queue [:x :y])]
(combine q1 q2))

; Set accumulator: combine is union, add is conj
(combine #{:a :b} #{:c :d} #{:a :d})
(add #{:a :b} :c)
(add-items empty-set [:a :b :a])

; Map accumulator: combine is merge, add is conj
(combine {:a 1} {:b 2 :c 3} {})
(add {:a 1} [:b 2])
(add-items empty-map [[:a 1] [:b 2] [:a 0]])

; Counter accumulator
(let [c1 (add-items empty-counter [:a :b :a])
c2 (add-items empty-counter [:x :y])]
(combine c1 c2))

; Counter-with-total accumulator
(let [c1 (add-items empty-counter-with-total [:a :b :a])
c2 (add-items empty-counter-with-total [:x :y])]
(combine c1 c2))

; Sum accumulator: combine is addition
(let [s1 (add-items empty-sum [1 2 3])
s2 (add-items empty-sum [-1 -2 -3])]
(combine s1 s2))

; Product accumulator: combine is multiplication
(let [p1 (add-items empty-product [2 3])
p2 (add-items empty-product [(/ 1 2)])]
(combine p1 p2))

; Maximum accumulator: combine is max
(let [m1 (add-items empty-maximum [2 3])
m2 (add-items empty-maximum [(/ 1 2)])]
(combine m1 m2))

; Minimum accumulator: combine is min
(let [m1 (add-items empty-minimum [2 3])
m2 (add-items empty-minimum [(/ 1 2)])]
(combine m1 m2))

; Min-max accumulator: combination of minimum and maximum
(let [m1 (add-items empty-min-max [2 3])
m2 (add-items empty-min-max [(/ 1 2)])]
(combine m1 m2))

; Mean-variance accumulator: sample mean and sample variance
(let [m1 (add-items empty-mean-variance [2 4])
m2 (add-items empty-mean-variance [6])]
(combine m1 m2))

; String accumulator: combine is concatenation
(combine "a" "b" "c" "def")
(add "a" (char 44))
(add-items empty-string [(char 55) (char 56) (char 57)])

; Accumulator tuples permit to update several accumulators in parallel
(let [pair (empty-tuple [empty-vector empty-string])]
(add-items pair [[1 "a"] [2 "b"]]))
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions modules/condition/src/examples/clojure/examples/condition.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
;; Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved. The use and
;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
;; License 1.0 ( which can
;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
;; from this software.
;; clojure.contrib.condition.example.clj
;; scgilardi (gmail)
;; Created 09 June 2009

(ns example.condition
(:use (clojure.contrib
:only (handler-case print-stack-trace raise *condition*)])))

(defn func [x y]
"Raises an exception if x is negative"
(when (neg? x)
(raise :type :illegal-argument :arg 'x :value x))
(+ x y))

(defn main

;; simple handler

(handler-case :type
(println (func 3 4))
(println (func -5 10))
(handle :illegal-argument
(print-stack-trace *condition*))
(println 3))

;; multiple handlers

(handler-case :type
(println (func 4 1))
(println (func -3 22))
(handle :overflow
(print-stack-trace *condition*))
(handle :illegal-argument
(print-stack-trace *condition*)))

;; nested handlers

(handler-case :type
(handler-case :type
(println 1)
(println 2)
(println 3)
(println (func 8 2))
(println (func -6 17))
;; no handler for :illegal-argument
(handle :overflow
(println "nested")
(print-stack-trace *condition*)))
(println (func 3 4))
(println (func -5 10))
(handle :illegal-argument
(println "outer")
(print-stack-trace *condition*))))
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions modules/datalog/src/examples/clojure/examples/datalog.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
;; Copyright (c) Jeffrey Straszheim. All rights reserved. The use and
;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
;; License 1.0 ( which can
;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
;; from this software.
;; example.clj
;; A Clojure implementation of Datalog - Example
;; straszheimjeffrey (gmail)
;; Created 2 March 2009

(ns examples.datalog
(:use [clojure.contrib.datalog :only (build-work-plan run-work-plan)]
[clojure.contrib.datalog.rules :only (<- ?- rules-set)]
[clojure.contrib.datalog.database :only (make-database add-tuples)]
[clojure.contrib.datalog.util :only (*trace-datalog*)]))

(def db-base
(relation :employee [:id :name :position])
(index :employee :name)

(relation :boss [:employee-id :boss-id])
(index :boss :employee-id)

(relation :can-do-job [:position :job])
(index :can-do-job :position)

(relation :job-replacement [:job :can-be-done-by])
;(index :job-replacement :can-be-done-by)

(relation :job-exceptions [:id :job])))

(def db
(add-tuples db-base
[:employee :id 1 :name "Bob" :position :boss]
[:employee :id 2 :name "Mary" :position :chief-accountant]
[:employee :id 3 :name "John" :position :accountant]
[:employee :id 4 :name "Sameer" :position :chief-programmer]
[:employee :id 5 :name "Lilian" :position :programmer]
[:employee :id 6 :name "Li" :position :technician]
[:employee :id 7 :name "Fred" :position :sales]
[:employee :id 8 :name "Brenda" :position :sales]
[:employee :id 9 :name "Miki" :position :project-management]
[:employee :id 10 :name "Albert" :position :technician]

[:boss :employee-id 2 :boss-id 1]
[:boss :employee-id 3 :boss-id 2]
[:boss :employee-id 4 :boss-id 1]
[:boss :employee-id 5 :boss-id 4]
[:boss :employee-id 6 :boss-id 4]
[:boss :employee-id 7 :boss-id 1]
[:boss :employee-id 8 :boss-id 7]
[:boss :employee-id 9 :boss-id 1]
[:boss :employee-id 10 :boss-id 6]

[:can-do-job :position :boss :job :management]
[:can-do-job :position :accountant :job :accounting]
[:can-do-job :position :chief-accountant :job :accounting]
[:can-do-job :position :programmer :job :programming]
[:can-do-job :position :chief-programmer :job :programming]
[:can-do-job :position :technician :job :server-support]
[:can-do-job :position :sales :job :sales]
[:can-do-job :position :project-management :job :project-management]

[:job-replacement :job :pc-support :can-be-done-by :server-support]
[:job-replacement :job :pc-support :can-be-done-by :programming]
[:job-replacement :job :payroll :can-be-done-by :accounting]

[:job-exceptions :id 4 :job :pc-support]))

(def rules
(<- (:works-for :employee ?x :boss ?y) (:boss :employee-id ?e-id :boss-id ?b-id)
(:employee :id ?e-id :name ?x)
(:employee :id ?b-id :name ?y))
(<- (:works-for :employee ?x :boss ?y) (:works-for :employee ?x :boss ?z)
(:works-for :employee ?z :boss ?y))
(<- (:employee-job* :employee ?x :job ?y) (:employee :name ?x :position ?pos)
(:can-do-job :position ?pos :job ?y))
(<- (:employee-job* :employee ?x :job ?y) (:job-replacement :job ?y :can-be-done-by ?z)
(:employee-job* :employee ?x :job ?z))
(<- (:employee-job* :employee ?x :job ?y) (:can-do-job :job ?y)
(:employee :name ?x :position ?z)
(if = ?z :boss))
(<- (:employee-job :employee ?x :job ?y) (:employee-job* :employee ?x :job ?y)
(:employee :id ?id :name ?x)
(not! :job-exceptions :id ?id :job ?y))
(<- (:bj :name ?x :boss ?y) (:works-for :employee ?x :boss ?y)
(not! :employee-job :employee ?y :job :pc-support))))

(def wp-1 (build-work-plan rules (?- :works-for :employee '??name :boss ?x)))
(run-work-plan wp-1 db {'??name "Albert"})

(def wp-2 (build-work-plan rules (?- :employee-job :employee '??name :job ?x)))
(binding [*trace-datalog* true]
(run-work-plan wp-2 db {'??name "Li"}))

(def wp-3 (build-work-plan rules (?- :bj :name '??name :boss ?x)))
(run-work-plan wp-3 db {'??name "Albert"})

(def wp-4 (build-work-plan rules (?- :works-for :employee ?x :boss ?y)))
(run-work-plan wp-4 db {})

;; End of file
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions modules/miglayout/src/examples/clojure/examples/miglayout.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
;; Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved. The use and
;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
;; License 1.0 ( which can
;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
;; from this software.
;; clojure.contrib.miglayout.example
;; A temperature converter using miglayout. Demonstrates accessing
;; components by their id constraint.
;; scgilardi (gmail)
;; Created 31 May 2009

(ns examples.miglayout
(:import (javax.swing JButton JFrame JLabel JPanel JTextField
(:use (clojure.contrib
[miglayout :only (miglayout components)]
[swing-utils :only (add-key-typed-listener)])))

(defn fahrenheit
"Converts a Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit. Input and output are
strings. Returns \"input?\" if the input can't be parsed as a Double."
(format "%.2f" (+ 32 (* 1.8 (Double/parseDouble celsius))))
(catch NumberFormatException _ "input?")))

(defn- handle-key
"Clears output on most keys, shows conversion on \"Enter\""
[event out]
(.setText out
(if (= (.getKeyChar event) \newline)
(fahrenheit (-> event .getComponent .getText))

(defn converter-ui
"Lays out and shows a Temperature Converter UI"
(let [panel
(miglayout (JPanel.)
(JTextField. 6) {:id :input}
(JLabel. "\u00b0Celsius") :wrap
(JLabel.) {:id :output}
(JLabel. "\u00b0Fahrenheit"))
{:keys [input output]} (components panel)]
(add-key-typed-listener input handle-key output)
(doto (JFrame. "Temperature Converter")
(.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)
(.add panel)
(.setVisible true))))

(defn main
"Invokes converter-ui in the AWT Event thread"
(SwingUtilities/invokeLater converter-ui))

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