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Constraints ns
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fogus committed Sep 14, 2012
1 parent 37aeddf commit bf19652
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 0 deletions.
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions src/main/clojure/clojure/core/contracts/constraints.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
(ns clojure.core.contracts.constraints
(:refer-clojure :exclude [== = not=])
(:use [clojure.core.contracts.impl.utils :only (defcurry-all)])
(:require [clojure.set :as set]))

;; # constraint functions and multimethods

(def all-numbers? #(boolean (every? number? %&)))
(def all-positive? #(boolean (and (apply all-numbers? %&) (every? pos? %&))))
(def all-negative? #(boolean (and (apply all-numbers? %&) (every? (complement pos?) %&))))
(defn anything [& _] true)

(defn in
"Takes an item and determines if it falls in the listed args. This can be
used most effectively for numbers since any numbers in a vector represent
a range of values determined by the same arguments as given to `range`."
[e & args]
(some #{e}
(mapcat #(if (vector? %)
(apply range %)

(def truthy #(when % true))
(def falsey #(not (truthy %)))

(defn whitelist
"Takes a thing with keys (i.e. maps or sets) and checks if it contains only
the keys listed in the given whitelist."
[wl things]
(set/subset? (set (keys things))
(set wl)))

(defn implies
"Logical implication"
[p q]
(or (not p) q))

(defn <-
"Converse implication"
[p q]
(implies q p))

(defn except
"P except Q"
[p q]
(not (implies p q)))

(defn <=>
"Logical equality"
[p q]
(and (implies p q)
(<- p q)))

(defn xor
"Exclusive or"
[p q]
(not (<=> p q)))

(defcurry-all clojure.core
== = not=)


(defn sqr [n] (* n n))

(def sqr_ (with-constraints
#(not= 0 %)))

(sqr_ 100)
(sqr_ 0)

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