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Fix CTYP-77
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Nonliteral keyword as function
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frenchy64 committed Oct 6, 2013
1 parent edc3139 commit 46ac96c
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Showing 4 changed files with 57 additions and 17 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/main/clojure/clojure/core/typed/base_env.clj
Expand Up @@ -395,6 +395,12 @@ Symbol [[]
{IMeta (IMeta Any)}]

Keyword [[]
{IFn (All [x]
(Fn [(U nil (IPersistentMap Any x)) -> (U nil x)]
[Any -> Any]))}]

IDeref [[[r :variance :covariant]]]

Expand Down
50 changes: 33 additions & 17 deletions src/main/clojure/clojure/core/typed/check.clj
Expand Up @@ -842,19 +842,6 @@
[t-r f-r o-r flow-r] (open-Result rng o-a t-a)]
(ret t-r f-r o-r flow-r)))

;[TCResult -> Type]
(defn resolve-to-ftype [expected]
(loop [etype expected
seen #{}]
(if (seen etype)
(u/int-error (str "Stuck in loop, cannot resolve function type "
(pr-str (prs/unparse-type (ret-t expected)))))
(let [seen (conj seen etype)]
(r/Name? etype) (recur (c/resolve-Name etype) seen)
(r/TApp? etype) (recur (c/resolve-TApp etype) seen)
:else etype)))))

(declare MethodExpr->qualsym)

;[Expr (Seqable Expr) (Seqable TCResult) (Option TCResult) Boolean
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -966,35 +953,64 @@

(declare invoke-keyword)

(defn ifn-ancestor
"If this type can be treated like a function, return one of its
possibly polymorphic function ancestors.
Assumes the type is not a union"
{:pre [(r/Type? t)]
:post [((some-fn nil? r/Type?) %)]}
(let [t (c/fully-resolve-type t)]
(r/RClass? t)
(first (filter (some-fn r/Poly? r/FnIntersection?) (c/RClass-supers* t)))
;handle other types here

; Expr Expr^n TCResult TCResult^n (U nil TCResult) -> TCResult
(defn check-funapp [fexpr args fexpr-ret-type arg-ret-types expected]
{:pre [(TCResult? fexpr-ret-type)
(every? TCResult? arg-ret-types)
((some-fn nil? TCResult?) expected)]
:post [(TCResult? %)]}
(u/p :check/check-funapp
(let [fexpr-type (resolve-to-ftype (ret-t fexpr-ret-type))
(let [fexpr-type (c/fully-resolve-type (ret-t fexpr-ret-type))
arg-types (mapv ret-t arg-ret-types)]
(prs/with-unparse-ns (or prs/*unparse-type-in-ns*
(when fexpr
(expr-ns fexpr)))
;(prn "check-funapp" (prs/unparse-type fexpr-type) (map prs/unparse-type arg-types))
;; a union of functions can be applied if we can apply all of the elements
(r/Union? fexpr-type)
(ret (reduce (fn [t ftype]
{:pre [(r/Type? t)
(r/Type? ftype)]
:post [(r/Type? %)]}
(c/Un t (ret-t (check-funapp fexpr args (ret ftype) arg-ret-types expected))))
(:types fexpr-type)))

(ifn-ancestor fexpr-type)
(check-funapp fexpr args (ret (ifn-ancestor fexpr-type)) arg-ret-types expected)

;keyword function
(c/keyword-value? fexpr-type)
(let [[target-ret default-ret & more-args] arg-ret-types]
(assert (empty? more-args))
(invoke-keyword fexpr-ret-type target-ret default-ret expected))

;set function
;FIXME yuck
;FIXME yuck. Also this is wrong, should be APersistentSet or something that *actually* extends IFn
(and (r/RClass? fexpr-type)
(isa? (u/symbol->Class (.the-class ^RClass fexpr-type)) IPersistentSet))
(when-not (#{1} (count args))
(u/tc-delayed-error "Wrong number of arguments to set function (" (count args)")"))
(ret r/-any))

;FIXME same as IPersistentSet case
(and (r/RClass? fexpr-type)
(isa? (u/symbol->Class (.the-class ^RClass fexpr-type)) IPersistentMap))
;rewrite ({..} x) as (f {..} x), where f is some dummy fn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3028,11 +3044,11 @@
:post [(TCResult? %)]}
(u/p :check/check-fn
(let [; try and unwrap type enough to find function types
exp (resolve-to-ftype (ret-t expected))
exp (c/fully-resolve-type (ret-t expected))
; unwrap polymorphic expected types
[fin orig-names inst-frees bnds poly?] (unwrap-poly exp)
; once more to make sure (FIXME is this needed?)
fin (resolve-to-ftype fin)
fin (c/fully-resolve-type fin)
;ensure a function type
_ (when-not (r/FnIntersection? fin)
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/test/clojure/clojure/core/typed/test/core.clj
Expand Up @@ -2354,6 +2354,9 @@
(deftest CTYP-78-finally-expected-test
(is (check-ns 'clojure.core.typed.test.finally)))

(deftest CTYP-77-invoke-nonliteral-kw-test
(is (check-ns 'clojure.core.typed.test.non-literal-val-fn)))

(deftest CTYP-74-malformed-TApp-test
(is (u/tc-error-thrown? (parse-type '([Any -> Any])))))

Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/test/clojure/clojure/core/typed/test/non_literal_val_fn.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
(ns clojure.core.typed.test.non-literal-val-fn
(:require [clojure.core.typed :as t])
(:import (clojure.lang Keyword Symbol)))

(t/ann kw-invoke [Keyword -> (U nil Number)])
(defn kw-invoke [k]
(k {:a 1 :b 2}))

(t/ann sym-invoke [Symbol -> (U nil Number)])
(defn sym-invoke [k]
(k {:a 1 :b 2}))

(t/ann either-invoke [(U Keyword Symbol) -> (U nil Number)])
(defn either-invoke [k]
(k {:a 1 :b 2}))

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