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To replace some private helper functions in c.t.n.move-test
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Stuart Sierra committed Jan 5, 2016
1 parent 5d6957d commit 727dd02
Showing 1 changed file with 82 additions and 0 deletions.
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions src/test/clojure/clojure/tools/namespace/test_helpers.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
"Utilities to help with testing files and namespaces."
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string])
(:import ( Closeable File Writer PrintWriter)))

(defn create-temp-dir
"Creates and returns a new temporary directory"
(let [temp-file (File/createTempFile name nil)]
(.delete temp-file)
(.mkdirs temp-file)
(println "Temporary directory" (.getAbsolutePath temp-file))

(defn- write-contents
"Writes contents into writer. Strings are written as-is via println,
other types written as by prn."
[^Writer writer contents]
{:pre [(sequential? contents)]}
(binding [*out* (PrintWriter. writer)]
(doseq [content contents]
(if (string? content)
(println content)
(prn content))

(defn create-file
"Creates a file from a vector of path elements. Writes contents into
the file. Elements of contents may be data, written via prn, or
strings, written directly."
[path contents]
{:pre [(vector? path)]}
(let [^File file (apply io/file path)]
(when-let [parent (.getParentFile file)]
(.mkdirs parent))
(with-open [wtr (io/writer file)]
(write-contents wtr contents))

(defn- sym->path
"Converts a symbol name into a vector of path parts, not including
file extension."
{:pre [(symbol? symbol)]
:post [(vector? %)]}
(-> (name symbol)
(string/replace \- \_)
(string/split #"\.")))

(defn- source-path
"Returns a vector of path components for namespace named sym,
with given file extension (keyword)."
[sym extension]
(let [path (sym->path sym)
basename (peek path)
filename (str basename \. (name extension))]
(conj (pop path) filename)))

(defn create-source
"Creates a file at the correct path under base-dir for a namespace
named sym, with file extension (keyword), containing a ns
declaration which :require's the dependencies (symbols). Optional
contents written after the ns declaration as by write-contents."
([base-dir sym extension]
(create-source base-dir sym extension nil nil))
([base-dir sym extension dependencies]
(create-source base-dir sym extension dependencies nil))
([base-dir sym extension dependencies contents]
(let [full-path (into [base-dir] (source-path sym extension))
ns-decl (if (seq dependencies)
(list 'ns sym (list* :require dependencies))
(list 'ns sym))]
(create-file full-path (into [ns-decl] contents)))))

(defn same-files?
"True if files-a and files-b contain the same canonical File's,
regardless of order."
[files-a files-b]
(= (sort (map #(.getCanonicalPath ^File %) files-a))
(sort (map #(.getCanonicalPath ^File %) files-b))))

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