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Allen Rohner edited this page Aug 12, 2016 · 72 revisions

If you have an idea for a talk you would like to see someone give at Clojure/west, please list it here! Speakers should feel free to draw from this list of topics. Feel free to add your support to existing topics by bumping the "interested" counter. Contact with any questions.

  • Real world core.async (14 interested)
  • Domain-driven design in an FP language (9 interested)
  • Polygon Mesh Modeling for 3D Printing & Virtual Reality (3 interested)
  • Data visualization (similar to Mathbox, for example) (5 interested)
  • Vector & Matrix processing with core.matrix (5 interested)
  • Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency (9 interested)
  • Alda, a music programming language for musicians (3 interested)
  • Overtone & Shadertone (5 interested)
  • ClojureScript & WebGL/WebVR/A-Frame (5 interested)
  • Defrecord/Deftype in Clj and Cljs (7 interested)
  • ClojureScript + ReactNative (11 interested)
  • Clojurescript libs + Javascript (3 interested)
  • Clara rules and rule based systems (6 interested)
  • Growing & Supporting the Online Clojure Community (IRC, Slack and Beyond) (3 interested)
  • Clojure in coding competitions / competitive clojure (3 interested)
  • Slackpocalypse - the end is nigh (1 interested)
  • Braid, group chat that promotes productive conversations. Not another IRC-clone. (1 interested)
  • Reagent (5 interested)
  • Re-Frame (6 interested)
  • Working Clojure/Datomic in the wild - stories from practitioners in education, science, medicine, media, etc (8 interested)
  • Destructuring - From Soup to Nuts and Everything You Were Afraid To Ask (5 interested)
  • Hoplon, a ClojureScript Web Framework (3 interested)
  • History of LISP, variants on it, how it is so powerful yet simple (4 interested)
  • spec-tacular, an open source DSL for interacting with Datomic, developed by Spark Fund (1 interested)
  • Deploying Clojure - heroku, amazon elastic beanstalk, tomcat ? what to use and when (2 interested)
  • test.check - real life examples
  • Spectrum A static "type" system built on clojure.spec
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