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Heroku Slow Push

An example app demonstrating a technique for using background processing to increase app responsiveness and deal with Heroku's Random Router issue. We blogged about it.


This app uses Pusher for WebSocket messaging back to the browser. Signing up for a basic account is free.

Pusher configuration is stored in environment variables.

For Heroku (at least 1 worker is required):

heroku config:set PUSHER_APP_ID=your_app_id PUSHER_KEY=your_key PUSHER_SECRET=your_secret
heroku run rake db:migrate db:seed

To run locally:

export PUSHER_APP_ID=your_app_id PUSHER_KEY=your_key PUSHER_SECRET=your_secret
rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
script/delayed_job start
rails s