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Stripe Connect

Account Owners

Each Stripe account that is connected to your application must have an account owner. The owner is the model in your application that the Stripe account belongs to.

A typical example would be your \App\User model, however you can choose whatever model you need as long as you apply our account owner interface and trait.

For example, if our account owner was our application's user:

namespace App;

use CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Connect\OwnsStripeAccounts;
use CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Contracts\Connect\AccountOwnerInterface;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends User implements AccountOwnerInterface

    use OwnsStripeAccounts;

    // ...

Once you've done that, ensure the class name is set as the stripe.connect.owner config value.


We provide a \CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Models\StripeAccount model to store connected accounts. We store the majority of attributes provided by Stripe on their account resource. The model's attributes are:

Attribute Type Description
id string The Stripe id for the account resource.
business_profile json Information related to the business.
business_type string The business type, individual or company.
capabilities json The capabilities requested for the connected account.
charges_enabled bool Whether the account can create live charges.
company json Information about the company or business.
country string The account's country.
created datetime When the account was created with Stripe.
created_at datetime When the account model was created in your application.
default_currency string Three-letter ISO currency code representing the default currency for the account.
deleted_at datetime When the account model was soft-deleted. By default the account is soft-deleted when deauthorized.
details_submitted bool Whether account details have been submitted.
email string The primary user's email address.
individual json Information about the person represented by the account.
metadata json Set of key-value pairs that you have attached to the Stripe account resource.
owner_id integer The key of the model that the Stripe account belongs to.
payouts_enabled bool Whether Stripe can send payouts to this account.
requirements json Information about the requirements for the account, including what information needs to be collected, and by when.
settings json Account options for customizing how the account functions within Stripe.
tos_acceptance json Details on the acceptance of the Stripe Services Agreement.
type string The Stripe account type. Can be standard, express, or custom.
updated_at datetime When the account model was last updated.

Some columns will only have values depending on the type of account. You should refer to the Stripe account documentation for more information.

Custom Model

If you want to use your own model, you have two choices:

Whichever approach you use, you will need to set the stripe.webhooks.model config value to the fully-qualified class name of your custom model. You will also need to follow the instructions about package migrations.

Finally, if you do not want to use Eloquent models, or need to store models in a completely different way to how we do it, you can write your own storage adapter.


This is an example of extending our own class to change the database connection:


namespace App\Stripe;

use CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Models\StripeAccount;

class Account extends StripeAccount
    protected $connection = 'stripe';

Without Extension

If you do not want to extend our model class, apply our interface and trait to your own class. For example:


namespace App;

use CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Contracts\Connect\AccountInterface;
use CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Connect\ConnectedAccount;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class StripeAccount extends Model implements AccountInterface
    use ConnectedAccount;

    // ...

If your model does not use an incrementing primary key, we assume that the primary key is also the Stripe ID. If your model uses incrementing primary keys, we default to stripe_account_id as the column name.

If you neither of these assumptions are correct, implement the getStripeAccountKeyName(). For example:


namespace App;

use CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Contracts\Connect\AccountInterface;
use CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Connect\ConnectedAccount;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class StripeAccount extends Model implements AccountInterface
    use ConnectedAccount;

    public function getStripeAccountKeyName()
        return 'account_id';

Custom Storage

If you need to complete customise how connected accounts are stored, create an adapter that implements our adapter interface, or extends our adapter implementation.

You will then need to register your adapter in the register() method of your application's service provider:

namespace App\Providers;

use CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\LaravelStripe;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

  public function register()


We provide the tools you need to set up the Stripe Connect OAuth connection flow. This allows you to connect standard accounts to your application.

Step 1: Create the OAuth Link

Make sure you have set your application's client id as the stripe.client_id config value.

You can then use our Stripe::authorizeUrl() method to create the Stripe Connect authorize URL - either for use as a string or a redirect. We take care of filling the state parameter in the URL with the CSRF token.

For example, creating a read_write scope redirect in a controller action:

return Stripe::authorizeUrl()->readWrite()->redirect();

Or in a Blade template:

<a href="{{ Stripe::authorizeUrl()->readWrite() }}">Connect to Stripe</a>

Want to use a Connect button for your link? Publish brand assets and they will be available in the public/vendor/stripe/brand/connect-button folder.

You can fluently call any of the following methods after authorizeUrl() to set Connect OAuth parameters on the link:

Method Description
express() Use the express authorize URL. If not called then the standard URL will be used.
readOnly() Set the scope to read_only
readWrite() Set the scope to read_write
redirectUri($uri) Set the URI that the user is redirected back to. This must match a URI set in your Stripe account.
login() Expect your users to have a Stripe account already (e.g., most read-only applications, like analytics dashboards or accounting software). This sets the stripe_landing to login.
register() Set the stripe_landing to register (the default).
alwaysPrompt() Always ask the user to connect, even if they're already connected. Sets always_prompt to true.
user($values) Set key/value pairs for the stripe_user parameter. This method accepts any value accepted by Laravel's collect() method.

For example, if we wanted a read_write scope and had passed a $stripeUser value into our template:

<a href="{{ Stripe::authorizeUrl()->readWrite()->user($stripeUser) }}">Connect to Stripe</a>

Step 2: User Creates or Connects their Account

This step occurs on Stripe's website.

Step 3: User Redirected Back to Your Site

Register a redirect URI (or multiple) in your Stripe application's settings (available via the Stripe dashboard).

You will then need to create routes for each endpoint using our Stripe::oauth() helper:

// e.g. in routes/web.php

// can chain route methods, e.g.

Account Owner

By default we assume that owner of the account being authorized is the user who is signed in when we receive the request at this step. (We check the CSRF token to ensure the signed in user's session matches the one for which the link was created in Step 1.)

If Stripe accounts belong to a different model in your application, you will need to set a current user resolver in the register() method of your application's service provider:

namespace App\Providers;

use CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\LaravelStripe;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

  public function register()
        LaravelStripe::currentOwnerResolver(function (\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {
            // return the current owner, ensuring it is an instance of 
            // \CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Contracts\Connect\AccountOwnerInterface


You can configure the views to use at this step in your stripe.connect.views array, as we do not provide views for you.

We pass the account owner into all these views as the $owner property. We also dispatch event before rendering, and these events have a with() method, allowing you to attach additional data to pass into the view if you need.

Make sure any listeners providing data for the views are not queued!


Assuming no error occurred, we:

  • Dispatch the \CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Events\OAuthSuccess event.
  • Dispatch a job to the queue to perform the next step.
  • Return a 200 OK response with the view set in the stripe.connect.views.success key.


If Stripe indicates an error occurred, we:

  • Dispatch the \CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Events\OAuthError event. This provides access to the error details provided from Stripe.
  • Return a 422 Unprocessable Entity response with the view set in the stripe.connect.views.error key.


If the state parameter from Step 1 does not match the state parameter in this step, we:

  • Dispatch the \CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Events\OAuthError event, with the code set to laravel_stripe_forbidden.
  • Return a 403 Forbidden response with the view set in the stripe.connect.views.error key.

Step 4: Fetch the User's Credentials from Stripe

The job we queued at Step 3 will complete the process by fetching the user's credentials from Stripe, and ensuring that the Stripe account id and refresh tokens are stored.

If you need to customise the queue connection and queue name to use for this job, set the stripe.connect.queue_connection and stripe.connect.queue config values.


You can fluently access the Stripe API for the connected account using our repositories implementation.

For example:

$charges = $model->stripe()->charges()->all();

Refer to the Repositories chapter for more details.


Our Webhook implementation is fully compatible for Connect webhooks. Refer to that chapter for details.

Deauthorizing Accounts

An account can be deauthorized as follows:

// via the facade...

// or if you have access to the account model...

This will fire a \CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Events\AccountDeauthorized event. Additionally, the connected account model will:

  • have its refresh token set to null;
  • have its token scope set to null; and
  • if it is soft-deleteable, it will be soft-deleted.

We do not delete the model from the database because this would prevent you from queuing any listeners or jobs that need access to the account model. If you want to remove the account from your database when it is deauthorized, you should implement that logic yourself via a queued event listener.