Kubernetes deployment automated using ansible.
For now, works for Ubuntu and CentOS Hosts only. The client has to be a Mac or a Linux 64bit machine.
Note that while this works in general, it still is work in progress.
Supported Kubernetes versions: 1.11.3 (see group_vars/all.yml
For advanced topics (such as nfs, rook, external load balancer), see the examples
- ansible >= 2.6
- For testing, you can just spawn VMs using Vagrant
- Uses Ubuntu 18.04 image by default with 3 masters and workers (See
). - These can be set using env vars (e.g.
export K8S_MASTERS=1
(also tested withbento/centos-7
, you might have to commentgroup_vars/controllers.yml
vagrant up
- Uses Ubuntu 18.04 image by default with 3 masters and workers (See
- However, this will also work with preconfigured VMs or bare metal machines.
- Adapt
and group_vars/controllers.yml
- Adapt
- Start Ansible rollout by calling:
ansible-playbook -K --inventory inventory playbook.yml
- Installs
on your local machine and adds a context calleddefault
to your kubeconfig (~/.kube/config
You can then start using your cluster viakubectl
. For examplekubectl run nginx --image nginx && kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}}{{end}}' | grep nginx) 8080:80
- Access the NGINX pod on your cluster at http://localhost:8080/
- Defines IPs for groups workers and controllers
- For controllers: Distinguish between keepalived master and slave and prios
- Shared variables (all.yml)
- Defines connection details (wokers.yml und controllers.yml)
- Python interpreter Path, because not on PATH in Ubuntu 18.04 (wokers.yml und controllers.yml)
- Defines which roles are executed on local, worker and controllers hosts
- Are executed sequentially from top to bottom (2xlocal, 1 before and 1 after cluster setup)
- Generate certs for all k8s components. admin account, control plane components, workers (a separate one for each kubelet)
- Joins all controller IPs into certificate
- Adding worker after initial creation works
- Adding node to controllers after intitial creation does not work yet. For this to work, delete kubernetes.pem. On the next execution a new pem with all new IP addresses is generated and later applied to all controller nodes. Is this really necessary? It's done in KTHW, so we realize it here as well...
- Creates kubeconfig for all components (uses embedded certs)
- Creates encryption key for secrets
- Sets NTP and TimeZone
- Sets hostnames
- Creates user and group
Sets up etc secured with mutual certs and running as non-root.
Configures and sets up services for all binaries
Note: Scheduler allocate-node-cidrs=true
and cluster-cidr
for flannel.
Provides virtual IP address for connecting to API server.
Does it all: Installs runc, containerd, kubelet, kube-proxy. Sets up networking (CNI) and kubelet certificates.
- Make Cluster Name
configurable. (k8s-config/kubelet, ...) - Make local kubeconfig context
configurable. (k8s-local) - k8s-config: All ymls execpt main could be merged into one when using parameters for certs and names (use an object in
) - k8s-commons: Do we really need NTP (other service for time syncing will do as well) - requires ubuntu universe
- Don't run executables as root
- etcd:
- Don't disable firewall, configure ports
- Restart etc if certs / or binary change (necessary for updates) realize using notify
- apiserver: Are network policies active?
- Restarts on change in k8s-controlplane (necessary for updates) realize using notify
- Expose ip 10.244. as parameter
- keepalived.conf check HTTP instead of process
- Non-idempotent tasks:
install kubectl (Linux)
:fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "dest": "/usr/local/bin/kubectl", "gid": 0, "group": "root", "mode": "0755", "msg": "Request failed", "owner": "root", "response": "HTTP Error 400: Bad Request", "size": 55414436, "state": "file", "status_code": 400, "uid": 0, "url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.11.3/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl"}
Workaround: Delete/usr/local/bin/kubectl
locallyapply k8s resources
:failed: [controller0] (item=coredns.yaml) => {"changed": false, "error": 422, "item": "coredns.yaml", "msg": "Failed to patch object: b'{\"kind\":\"Status\",\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"metadata\":{},\"status\":\"Failure\",\"message\":\"Deployment.apps \\\\\"coredns\\\\\" is invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].ports[1].name: Duplicate value: \\\\\"dns-tcp\\\\\"\",\"reason\":\"Invalid\",\"details\":{\"name\":\"coredns\",\"group\":\"apps\",\"kind\":\"Deployment\",\"causes\":[{\"reason\":\"FieldValueDuplicate\",\"message\":\"Duplicate value: \\\\\"dns-tcp\\\\\"\",\"field\":\"spec.template.spec.containers[0].ports[1].name\"}]},\"code\":422}\\n'", "reason": "Unprocessable Entity", "status": 422}
Workaround:kubectl delete -f roles/k8s-controlplane/files/coredns.yaml