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@cloudpossebot cloudpossebot released this 05 Sep 15:29
· 150 commits to master since this release

🧰 Included Tools

Update AWS CLI packages @renovate (#732)

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
awscli ==1.20.32 -> ==1.20.36 age adoption passing confidence
boto3 ==1.18.32 -> ==1.18.36 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes



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  • api-change:chime-sdk-identity: [botocore] Documentation updates for Chime
  • api-change:chime-sdk-messaging: [botocore] Documentation updates for Chime
  • api-change:outposts: [botocore] This release adds a new API CreateOrder.
  • api-change:frauddetector: [botocore] Enhanced GetEventPrediction API response to include risk scores from imported SageMaker models
  • api-change:codeguru-reviewer: [botocore] Added support for CodeInconsistencies detectors


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  • api-change:acm-pca: [botocore] Private Certificate Authority Service now allows customers to enable an online certificate status protocol (OCSP) responder service on their private certificate authorities. Customers can also optionally configure a custom CNAME for their OCSP responder.
  • api-change:s3control: [botocore] S3 Multi-Region Access Points provide a single global endpoint to access a data set that spans multiple S3 buckets in different AWS Regions.
  • api-change:accessanalyzer: [botocore] Updates service API, documentation, and paginators to support multi-region access points from Amazon S3.
  • api-change:schemas: [botocore] This update include the support for Schema Discoverer to discover the events sent to the bus from another account. The feature will be enabled by default when discoverer is created or updated but can also be opt-in or opt-out by specifying the value for crossAccount.
  • api-change:securityhub: [botocore] New ASFF Resources: AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration, AwsEc2VpnConnection, AwsEcrContainerImage. Added KeyRotationStatus to AwsKmsKey. Added AccessControlList, BucketLoggingConfiguration,BucketNotificationConfiguration and BucketNotificationConfiguration to AwsS3Bucket.
  • enhancement:s3: [botocore] Added support for S3 Multi-Region Access Points
  • api-change:efs: [botocore] Update efs client to latest version
  • api-change:transfer: [botocore] AWS Transfer Family introduces Managed Workflows for creating, executing, monitoring, and standardizing post file transfer processing
  • api-change:ebs: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon EBS direct APIs.
  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] This release adds support for referencing parent datasets as sources in a child dataset.
  • api-change:fsx: [botocore] Announcing Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP, a new service that provides fully managed shared storage in the AWS Cloud with the data access and management capabilities of ONTAP.
  • enhancement:Signers: [botocore] Added support for Sigv4a Signing Algorithm
  • api-change:lex-models: [botocore] Lex now supports Korean (ko-KR) locale.


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  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Added LaunchTemplate support for the IMDS IPv6 endpoint
  • api-change:cloudtrail: [botocore] Documentation updates for CloudTrail
  • api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] This release adds support for wall clock programs in LINEAR channels.
  • api-change:config: [botocore] Documentation updates for config
  • api-change:servicecatalog-appregistry: [botocore] Introduction of GetAssociatedResource API and GetApplication response extension for Resource Groups support.


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  • api-change:iot: [botocore] Added Create/Update/Delete/Describe/List APIs for a new IoT resource named FleetMetric. Added a new Fleet Indexing query API named GetBucketsAggregation. Added a new field named DisconnectedReason in Fleet Indexing query response. Updated their related documentations.
  • api-change:polly: [botocore] Amazon Polly adds new South African English voice - Ayanda. Ayanda is available as Neural voice only.
  • api-change:compute-optimizer: [botocore] Documentation updates for Compute Optimizer
  • api-change:sqs: [botocore] Amazon SQS adds a new queue attribute, RedriveAllowPolicy, which includes the dead-letter queue redrive permission parameters. It defines which source queues can specify dead-letter queues as a JSON object.
  • api-change:memorydb: [botocore] Documentation updates for MemoryDB