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factor out common behaviour to form scorable, unit tests for duel eli…
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…mination to test progression works => fix Double for p >= 3
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clux committed May 16, 2012
1 parent d60551a commit 1cf8515
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Showing 2 changed files with 91 additions and 74 deletions.
103 changes: 50 additions & 53 deletions Game/Tournament.hs
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ module Game.Tournament (
, Elimination(..)
, Bracket(..)
, Rules(..)
, Results
, Results -- no constructor
, results

, Result -- no constructor
, player
Expand All @@ -58,6 +59,8 @@ module Game.Tournament (
, tournament
, score
, count
, scorable
, keys

-- -* Match Inspection
--, scores
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,6 +260,10 @@ woScores ps
| 0 `notElem` ps && -1 `elem` ps = Just $ map (\x -> if x == -1 then 0 else 1) ps
| otherwise = Nothing

-- | Get the list of all GameIds in a Tournament
keys :: Tournament -> [GameId]
keys = Map.keys . games

-- | Create match shells for an FFA elimination tournament.
-- Result comes pre-filled in with either top advancers or advancers `intersect` seedList.
-- This means what the player numbers represent is only fixed per round.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -425,27 +432,42 @@ makeResults (Tourney {rules = FFA _ _, size = _}) ms
scorify :: Results
scorify = [Result 0 0 0 0]

-- TODO: should also check that we're not scoring past matches!
playersReady :: GameId -> Tournament -> Maybe [Player]
playersReady gid (Tourney { rules = r, games = ms})
| Duel _ <- r
, Just (Game pls _) <- Map.lookup gid ms
, all (>0) pls
= Just pls
| FFA _ _ <- r
, Just (Game pls _) <- Map.lookup gid ms
, any (>0) pls
= Just pls
| otherwise = Nothing

-- | Check if a GameId exists and is ready to be scored through 'score'.
scorable :: GameId -> Tournament -> Bool
scorable gid = isJust . playersReady gid

-- | Score a match in a tournament and propagate winners/losers.
-- If match is not 'scorable', the Tournament will pass through unchanged.
-- TODO: make a strict version of this
-- TODO: documentation absorb the individual functions?
-- TODO: test if MID exists, subfns throw if lookup fail
score :: GameId -> [Score] -> Tournament -> Tournament
score gid sc trn@(Tourney { rules = r, size = np, games = ms })
| Duel e <- r
, Just (Game pls _) <- Map.lookup gid ms
, all (>0) pls
, Just pls <- playersReady gid trn
= let msUpd = execState (scoreDuel (pow np) e gid sc pls) ms
rsUpd = makeResults trn msUpd
in trn { games = msUpd, results = rsUpd }

| FFA s _ <- r
, Just (Game pls _) <- Map.lookup gid ms
, any (>0) pls
, Just pls <- playersReady gid trn
= let msUpd = execState (scoreFFA s gid sc pls) ms
in trn { games = msUpd }

| otherwise = error "game not scorable"
| otherwise = trn

scoreFFA :: GroupSize -> GameId -> [Score] -> [Player] -> State Games ()
scoreFFA gs gid@(GameId _ r _) scrs pls = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -542,12 +564,13 @@ scoreDuel p e gid scrs pls = do
| r == p = Just (GameId LB (2*p-1) ghalf, 0) -- WB winner -> GF1 path
| otherwise = Just (GameId WB (r+1) ghalf, pos) -- standard WB progression
ghalf = (g+1) `div` 2
ghalf = if br == LB && odd r then g else (g+1) `div` 2
| br == WB = if odd g then 0 else 1 -- WB maintains standard alignment
| r == 2*p-2 = 1 -- LB final winner => bottom of GF
| r == 2*p-1 = 0 -- GF(1) winnner moves to the top [semantic]
| (r == 1 && odd g) || (r > 1 && odd r) = 1 -- winner usually takes the bottom position
| r > 1 && odd r = 1 -- winner usually takes the bottom position
| r == 1 = if odd g then 1 else 0 -- first rounds sometimes goto bottom
| otherwise = if odd g then 0 else 1 -- normal progression only in even rounds + R1
-- by placing winner on bottom consistently in odd rounds the bracket moves upward each new refill
-- the GF(1) and LB final are special cases that give opposite results to the advanced rule above
Expand All @@ -566,58 +589,32 @@ scoreDuel p e gid scrs pls = do
-- drop on top >R2, and <=2 for odd g to match bracket movement
pos = if r > 2 || odd g then 0 else 1

upd :: [Score] -> GameId -> State Tournament ()
upd sc id = do
t <- get
put $ score id sc t
return ()

-- | temp stuff
testcase :: IO ()
testcase = let
upd :: GameId -> [Score] -> State Tournament ()
upd id sc = do
t <- get
put $ score id sc t
return ()
manipDouble :: State Tournament ()
manipDouble = do
--upd (MID WB (R 1) (G 1)) [1,0]
upd (MID WB (R 1) (G 2)) [0,1]
--upd (MID WB (R 1) (G 3)) [1,0]
--upd (MID WB (R 1) (G 4)) [0,1]
upd (MID WB (R 2) (G 1)) [1,0]
upd (MID WB (R 2) (G 2)) [0,1]
upd (MID LB (R 2) (G 1)) [1,0]
upd (MID LB (R 3) (G 1)) [1,0]
upd (MID WB (R 3) (G 1)) [1,0]
upd (MID LB (R 4) (G 1)) [1,0]
upd (MID LB (R 5) (G 1)) [0,3] -- gf1
upd (MID LB (R 6) (G 1)) [1,2]
return ()
manipSingle :: State Tournament ()
manipSingle = do
upd (GameId WB 1 2) [2,3]
upd (GameId WB 1 3) [1,2]
upd (GameId WB 1 4) [0,1]

upd (GameId WB 2 1) [1,0]
upd (GameId WB 2 2) [1,0]

upd (GameId WB 3 1) [1,0]

return ()

--a <- testor $ execState manipDouble $ tournament (Duel Double) 5
in testor $ execState manipSingle $ tournament (Duel Single) 7
{- TODO:
drop downs from WBR2 -> LBR2 either has wrong position
or progressions from LBR1 has wrong position
interaction between line 572 and 589
manipDuel :: [GameId] -> State Tournament ()
manipDuel keys = mapM_ (upd [1,0]) keys

testor :: Tournament -> IO ()
testor Tourney { games = ms, results = rs } = do
mapM_ print $ Map.assocs ms
maybe (print "no results") (mapM_ print) rs

testcase :: IO ()
testcase = do
let t = tournament (Duel Double) 8
testor $ execState (manipDuel (keys t)) t

-- | Checks if a Tournament is valid
Expand Down
62 changes: 41 additions & 21 deletions Test.hs
@@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
-- | Tests for the 'Tournament' module.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Main where

import qualified Game.Tournament as T
--import Game.Tournament (GameId(..), Bracket(..), Rules(..))
import Game.Tournament (Elimination(..), GameId(..), Rules(..), Tournament(..))
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.List ((\\), nub, genericLength)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, execState)
import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup, plusTestOptions)
import Test.Framework.Options
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)

-- helper instances for positive short ints
newtype RInt = RInt {rInt :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num, Integral, Real, Enum)
newtype SInt = SInt {sInt :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num, Integral, Real, Enum)
newtype PInt = PInt {pInt :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num, Integral, Real, Enum)
instance Arbitrary RInt where arbitrary = liftM RInt (choose (1, 256) :: Gen Int)
instance Arbitrary SInt where arbitrary = liftM SInt (choose (1, 16) :: Gen Int)
instance Arbitrary PInt where arbitrary = liftM PInt (choose (2, 8) :: Gen Int)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inGroupsOf
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,32 +90,43 @@ seedsProps (p', i') = i < 2^(p-1) ==> T.duelExpected p $ T.seeds p i

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- elimination
-- test positive n <= 256
-- test 4 <= n <= 256 <==> 2 <= p <= 8

upd :: T.GameId -> [T.Score] -> State T.Tournament ()
upd id sc = do
upd :: [T.Score] -> GameId -> State Tournament ()
upd sc id = do
t <- get
put $ T.score id sc t
return ()

manipDuelLeft :: [GameId] -> State Tournament ()
manipDuelLeft gs = mapM_ (upd [1,0]) $ gs

manipDuelRight :: [GameId] -> State Tournament ()
manipDuelRight gs = mapM_ (upd [0,1]) $ gs

-- strategy:
-- generate a tournament of size SInt
-- of Type Elimination determined by bool.
-- get all matches ready to be scored:
-- msrdy <- gets $ Map.filter (all (>0) scores)
-- score all matches:
-- (swap upd [1,0]) -- always score == [1,0]
duelScorable :: Bool -> Elimination -> PInt -> Bool
duelScorable b e p' = cond1 && cond2 where
cond1 = isJust . T.results $ t
cond2 = (2^p) == length r
r = fromJust . T.results $ t
t = execState (fn (T.keys blank)) $ blank
fn = if b then manipDuelLeft else manipDuelRight
blank = T.tournament (Duel e) (2^p)
p = fromIntegral p'

-- TODO: do one testing walkovers similarly by taking 2^(p-1) + 1 players

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Test harness
durableOpts = TestOptions {
topt_seed = Nothing
, topt_maximum_generated_tests = Nothing
, topt_maximum_unsuitable_generated_tests = Just 10000
, topt_maximum_test_size = Nothing
, topt_maximum_test_depth = Nothing
, topt_timeout = Nothing

defOpts = mempty :: TestOptions

durableOpts = defOpts {
topt_maximum_unsuitable_generated_tests = Just 10000

shortOpts = defOpts {
topt_maximum_generated_tests = Just 5

tests = [
Expand All @@ -125,12 +139,18 @@ tests = [
, testProperty "robin unique round players" robinProp3
, testProperty "robin all plaid all" robinProp4
, plusTestOptions durableOpts $ testGroup "inGroupsOf" [
, plusTestOptions durableOpts $ testGroup "groups" [
testProperty "group sizes all <= input s" groupsProp1
, testProperty "group includes all [1..n]" groupsProp2
, testProperty "group sum of seeds max diff" groupsProp3
, testProperty "group sum of seeds min diff" groupsProp4
, plusTestOptions shortOpts $ testGroup "duel elimination scorable" [
testProperty "Duel Single left" (duelScorable True Single)
, testProperty "Duel Single right" (duelScorable False Single)
, testProperty "Duel Double left" (duelScorable True Double)
, testProperty "Duel Double left" (duelScorable False Double)

main :: IO ()
Expand Down

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