c c This file contains the default cuts (as defined in the run_card.dat) c and can easily be extended by the user to include other. This c function should return true if event passes cuts c (passcuts_user=.true.) and false otherwise (passcuts_user=.false.). c c NOTE THAT ONLY IRC-SAFE CUTS CAN BE APPLIED OTHERWISE THE INTEGRATION c MIGHT NOT CONVERGE c logical function passcuts_user(p,istatus,ipdg) implicit none c This includes the 'nexternal' parameter that labels the number of c particles in the (n+1)-body process include 'nexternal.inc' c This include file contains common blocks filled with the cuts defined c in the run_card.dat include 'cuts.inc' c c This is an array which is '-1' for initial state and '1' for final c state particles integer istatus(nexternal) c This is an array with (simplified) PDG codes for the particles. Note c that channels that are combined (i.e. they have the same matrix c elements) are given only 1 set of PDG codes. This means, e.g., that c when using a 5-flavour scheme calculation (massless b quark), no c b-tagging can be applied. integer iPDG(nexternal) c The array of the momenta and masses of the initial and final state c particles in the lab frame. The format is "E, px, py, pz, mass", while c the second dimension loops over the particles in the process. Note c that these are the (n+1)-body particles; for the n-body there is one c momenta equal to all zero's (this is not necessarily the last particle c in the list). If one uses IR-safe obserables only, there should be no c difficulty in using this. double precision p(0:4,nexternal) c C external functions that can be used. Some are defined in this C file, others are in ./Source/kin_functions.f REAL*8 R2_04,invm2_04,pt_04,eta_04,pt,eta external R2_04,invm2_04,pt_04,eta_04,pt,eta c local integers integer i,j c jet cluster algorithm integer nQCD,NJET,JET(nexternal) double precision pQCD(0:3,nexternal),PJET(0:3,nexternal) double precision rfj,sycut,palg,amcatnlo_fastjetdmerge integer njet_eta integer mm c Photon isolation integer nph,nem,k,nin double precision ptg,chi_gamma_iso,iso_getdrv40 double precision Etsum(0:nexternal) real drlist(nexternal) double precision pgamma(0:3,nexternal),pem(0:3,nexternal) logical alliso c Sort array of results: ismode>0 for real, isway=0 for ascending order integer ismode,isway,izero,isorted(nexternal) parameter (ismode=1) parameter (isway=0) parameter (izero=0) c The UNLOPS cut double precision p_unlops(0:3,nexternal) include "run.inc" ! includes the ickkw parameter logical passUNLOPScuts c logicals that define if particles are leptons, jets or photons. These c are filled from the PDG codes (iPDG array) in this function. logical is_a_lp(nexternal),is_a_lm(nexternal),is_a_j(nexternal) $ ,is_a_ph(nexternal) passcuts_user=.true. ! event is okay; otherwise it is changed C*************************************************************** C*************************************************************** C Cuts from the run_card.dat C*************************************************************** C*************************************************************** c c CHARGED LEPTON CUTS c c find the charged leptons (also used in the photon isolation cuts below) do i=1,nexternal if(istatus(i).eq.1 .and. & (ipdg(i).eq.11 .or. ipdg(i).eq.13 .or. ipdg(i).eq.15)) then is_a_lm(i)=.true. else is_a_lm(i)=.false. endif if(istatus(i).eq.1 .and. & (ipdg(i).eq.-11 .or. ipdg(i).eq.-13 .or. ipdg(i).eq.-15)) then is_a_lp(i)=.true. else is_a_lp(i)=.false. endif enddo c apply the charged lepton cuts do i=nincoming+1,nexternal if (is_a_lp(i).or.is_a_lm(i)) then c transverse momentum if (ptl.gt.0d0) then if (pt_04(p(0,i)).lt.ptl) then passcuts_user=.false. return endif endif c pseudo-rapidity if (etal.gt.0d0) then if (abs(eta_04(p(0,i))).gt.etal) then passcuts_user=.false. return endif endif c DeltaR and invariant mass cuts if (is_a_lp(i)) then do j=nincoming+1,nexternal if (is_a_lm(j)) then if (drll.gt.0d0) then if (R2_04(p(0,i),p(0,j)).lt.drll**2) then passcuts_user=.false. return endif endif if (mll.gt.0d0) then if (invm2_04(p(0,i),p(0,j),1d0).lt.mll**2) then passcuts_user=.false. return endif endif if (ipdg(i).eq.-ipdg(j)) then if (drll_sf.gt.0d0) then if (R2_04(p(0,i),p(0,j)).lt.drll_sf**2) then passcuts_user=.false. return endif endif if (mll_sf.gt.0d0) then if (invm2_04(p(0,i),p(0,j),1d0).lt.mll_sf**2) $ then passcuts_user=.false. return endif endif endif endif enddo endif endif enddo c c JET CUTS c c find the jets do i=1,nexternal if (istatus(i).eq.1 .and. & (abs(ipdg(i)).le.maxjetflavor .or. ipdg(i).eq.21)) then is_a_j(i)=.true. else is_a_j(i)=.false. endif enddo c If we do not require a mimimum jet energy, there's no need to apply c jet clustering and all that. if (ptj.ne.0d0.or.ptgmin.ne.0d0) then c Put all (light) QCD partons in momentum array for jet clustering. c From the run_card.dat, maxjetflavor defines if b quark should be c considered here (via the logical variable 'is_a_jet'). nQCD becomes c the number of (light) QCD partons at the real-emission level (i.e. one c more than the Born). nQCD=0 do j=nincoming+1,nexternal if (is_a_j(j)) then nQCD=nQCD+1 do i=0,3 pQCD(i,nQCD)=p(i,j) enddo endif enddo endif c THE UNLOPS CUT: if (ickkw.eq.4 .and. ptj.gt.0d0) then c Use special pythia pt cut for minimal pT do i=1,nexternal do j=0,3 p_unlops(j,i)=p(j,i) enddo enddo call pythia_UNLOPS(p_unlops,passUNLOPScuts) if (.not. passUNLOPScuts) then passcuts_user=.false. return endif c Bypass normal jet cuts goto 122 c THE VETO XSEC CUT: elseif (ickkw.eq.-1 .and. ptj.gt.0d0) then c Use veto'ed Xsec for analytic NNLL resummation if (nQCD.ne.1) then write (*,*) 'ERROR: more than one QCD parton in '/ $ /'this event in cuts.f. There should only be one' stop endif if (pt(pQCD(0,1)) .gt. ptj) then passcuts_user=.false. return endif endif if (ptj.gt.0d0.and.nQCD.gt.1) then c Cut some peculiar momentum configurations, i.e. two partons very soft. c This is needed to get rid of numerical instabilities in the Real emission c matrix elements when the Born has a massless final-state parton, but c no possible divergence related to it (e.g. t-channel single top) mm=0 do j=1,nQCD if(abs(pQCD(0,j)/p(0,1)).lt.1.d-8) mm=mm+1 enddo if(mm.gt.1)then passcuts_user=.false. return endif c Define jet clustering parameters (from cuts.inc via the run_card.dat) palg=JETALGO ! jet algorithm: 1.0=kt, 0.0=C/A, -1.0 = anti-kt rfj=JETRADIUS ! the radius parameter sycut=PTJ ! minimum transverse momentum c****************************************************************************** c call FASTJET to get all the jets c c INPUT: c input momenta: pQCD(0:3,nexternal), energy is 0th component c number of input momenta: nQCD c radius parameter: rfj c minumum jet pt: sycut c jet algorithm: palg, 1.0=kt, 0.0=C/A, -1.0 = anti-kt c c OUTPUT: c jet momenta: pjet(0:3,nexternal), E is 0th cmpnt c the number of jets (with pt > SYCUT): njet c the jet for a given particle 'i': jet(i), note that this is the c particle in pQCD, which doesn't c necessarily correspond to the particle c label in the process c call amcatnlo_fastjetppgenkt_etamax_timed( $ pQCD,nQCD,rfj,sycut,etaj,palg,pjet,njet,jet) c c****************************************************************************** c Apply the jet cuts if (njet .ne. nQCD .and. njet .ne. nQCD-1) then passcuts_user=.false. return endif endif 122 continue c c PHOTON (ISOLATION) CUTS c c find the photons do i=1,nexternal if (istatus(i).eq.1 .and. ipdg(i).eq.22) then is_a_ph(i)=.true. else is_a_ph(i)=.false. endif enddo if (ptgmin.ne.0d0) then nph=0 do j=nincoming+1,nexternal if (is_a_ph(j)) then nph=nph+1 do i=0,3 pgamma(i,nph)=p(i,j) enddo endif enddo if(nph.eq.0)goto 444 if(isoEM)then nem=nph do k=1,nem do i=0,3 pem(i,k)=pgamma(i,k) enddo enddo do j=nincoming+1,nexternal if (is_a_lp(j).or.is_a_lm(j)) then nem=nem+1 do i=0,3 pem(i,nem)=p(i,j) enddo endif enddo endif alliso=.true. j=0 do while(j.lt.nph.and.alliso) c Loop over all photons j=j+1 ptg=pt(pgamma(0,j)) if(ptg.lt.ptgmin)then passcuts_user=.false. return endif if (etagamma.gt.0d0) then if (abs(eta(pgamma(0,j))).gt.etagamma) then passcuts_user=.false. return endif endif c Isolate from hadronic energy do i=1,nQCD drlist(i)=sngl(iso_getdrv40(pgamma(0,j),pQCD(0,i))) enddo call sortzv(drlist,isorted,nQCD,ismode,isway,izero) Etsum(0)=0.d0 nin=0 do i=1,nQCD if(dble(drlist(isorted(i))).le.R0gamma)then nin=nin+1 Etsum(nin)=Etsum(nin-1)+pt(pQCD(0,isorted(i))) endif enddo do i=1,nin alliso=alliso .and. $ Etsum(i).le.chi_gamma_iso(dble(drlist(isorted(i))), $ R0gamma,xn,epsgamma,ptg) enddo c Isolate from EM energy if(isoEM.and.nem.gt.1)then do i=1,nem drlist(i)=sngl(iso_getdrv40(pgamma(0,j),pem(0,i))) enddo call sortzv(drlist,isorted,nem,ismode,isway,izero) c First of list must be the photon: check this, and drop it if(isorted(1).ne.j.or.drlist(isorted(1)).gt.1.e-4)then write(*,*)'Error #1 in photon isolation' write(*,*)j,isorted(1),drlist(isorted(1)) stop endif Etsum(0)=0.d0 nin=0 do i=2,nem if(dble(drlist(isorted(i))).le.R0gamma)then nin=nin+1 Etsum(nin)=Etsum(nin-1)+pt(pem(0,isorted(i))) endif enddo do i=1,nin alliso=alliso .and. $ Etsum(i).le.chi_gamma_iso(dble(drlist(isorted(i))), $ R0gamma,xn,epsgamma,ptg) enddo endif c End of loop over photons enddo if(.not.alliso)then passcuts_user=.false. return endif 444 continue c End photon isolation endif C*************************************************************** C*************************************************************** C PUT HERE YOUR USER-DEFINED CUTS C*************************************************************** C*************************************************************** C c$$$C EXAMPLE: cut on top quark pT c$$$ do i=1,nexternal ! loop over all external particles c$$$ if (istatus(i).eq.1 ! final state particle c$$$ & .and. abs(ipdg(i)).eq.6) then ! top quark c$$$C apply the pT cut (pT should be large than 200 GeV for the event to c$$$C pass cuts) c$$$ if ( p(1,i)**2+p(2,i)**2 .lt. 200d0**2 ) then c$$$C momenta do not pass cuts. Set passcuts_user to false and return c$$$ passcuts_user=.false. c$$$ return c$$$ endif c$$$ endif c$$$ enddo c return end C*************************************************************** C*************************************************************** C NO NEED TO CHANGE ANY OF THE FUNCTIONS BELOW C*************************************************************** C*************************************************************** logical function passcuts(p,rwgt) implicit none include "nexternal.inc" include 'run.inc' include 'genps.inc' include 'cuts.inc' include 'timing_variables.inc' REAL*8 P(0:3,nexternal),rwgt integer i,j,istatus(nexternal),iPDG(nexternal) c For boosts double precision ybst_til_tolab,ybst_til_tocm,sqrtshat,shat common/parton_cms_stuff/ybst_til_tolab,ybst_til_tocm, # sqrtshat,shat double precision chybst,shybst,chybstmo double precision xd(1:3) data (xd(i),i=1,3)/0,0,1/ c Momenta of the particles double precision plab(0:3, nexternal),pp(0:4, nexternal) c Masses of external particles double precision pmass(nexternal) common/to_mass/pmass c PDG codes of particles integer idup(nexternal,maxproc),mothup(2,nexternal,maxproc), & icolup(2,nexternal,maxflow),niprocs common /c_leshouche_inc/idup,mothup,icolup,niprocs logical passcuts_user external passcuts_user call cpu_time(tBefore) c Make sure have reasonable 4-momenta if (p(0,1) .le. 0d0) then passcuts=.false. return endif c Also make sure there's no INF or NAN do i=1,nexternal do j=0,3 if(p(j,i).gt.1d32.or.p(j,i).ne.p(j,i))then passcuts=.false. return endif enddo enddo rwgt=1d0 c Boost the momenta p(0:3,nexternal) to the lab frame plab(0:3,nexternal) chybst=cosh(ybst_til_tolab) shybst=sinh(ybst_til_tolab) chybstmo=chybst-1.d0 do i=1,nexternal call boostwdir2(chybst,shybst,chybstmo,xd, & p(0,i),plab(0,i)) enddo c Fill the arrays (momenta, status and PDG): do i=1,nexternal if (i.le.nincoming) then istatus(i)=-1 else istatus(i)=1 endif do j=0,3 pp(j,i)=plab(j,i) enddo pp(4,i)=pmass(i) ipdg(i)=idup(i,1) if (ipdg(i).eq.-21) ipdg(i)=21 enddo c Call the actual cuts function passcuts = passcuts_user(pp,istatus,ipdg) call cpu_time(tAfter) t_cuts=t_cuts+(tAfter-tBefore) RETURN END function chi_gamma_iso(dr,R0,xn,epsgamma,pTgamma) c Eq.(3.4) of Phys.Lett. B429 (1998) 369-374 [hep-ph/9801442] implicit none real*8 chi_gamma_iso,dr,R0,xn,epsgamma,pTgamma real*8 tmp,axn c axn=abs(xn) tmp=epsgamma*pTgamma if(axn.ne.0.d0)then tmp=tmp*( (1-cos(dr))/(1-cos(R0)) )**axn endif chi_gamma_iso=tmp return end * * $Id: sortzv.F,v 1996/02/15 17:49:50 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: sortzv.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:49:50 mclareni * Kernlib * * c$$$#include "kerngen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE SORTZV (A,INDEX,N1,MODE,NWAY,NSORT) C C CERN PROGLIB# M101 SORTZV .VERSION KERNFOR 3.15 820113 C ORIG. 02/10/75 C DIMENSION A(N1),INDEX(N1) C C N = N1 IF (N.LE.0) RETURN IF (NSORT.NE.0) GO TO 2 DO 1 I=1,N 1 INDEX(I)=I C 2 IF (N.EQ.1) RETURN IF (MODE) 10,20,30 10 CALL SORTTI (A,INDEX,N) GO TO 40 C 20 CALL SORTTC(A,INDEX,N) GO TO 40 C 30 CALL SORTTF (A,INDEX,N) C 40 IF (NWAY.EQ.0) GO TO 50 N2 = N/2 DO 41 I=1,N2 ISWAP = INDEX(I) K = N+1-I INDEX(I) = INDEX(K) 41 INDEX(K) = ISWAP 50 RETURN END * ======================================== SUBROUTINE SORTTF (A,INDEX,N1) C DIMENSION A(N1),INDEX(N1) C N = N1 DO 3 I1=2,N I3 = I1 I33 = INDEX(I3) AI = A(I33) 1 I2 = I3/2 IF (I2) 3,3,2 2 I22 = INDEX(I2) IF (AI.LE.A (I22)) GO TO 3 INDEX (I3) = I22 I3 = I2 GO TO 1 3 INDEX (I3) = I33 4 I3 = INDEX (N) INDEX (N) = INDEX (1) AI = A(I3) N = N-1 IF (N-1) 12,12,5 5 I1 = 1 6 I2 = I1 + I1 IF (I2.LE.N) I22= INDEX(I2) IF (I2-N) 7,9,11 7 I222 = INDEX (I2+1) IF (A(I22)-A(I222)) 8,9,9 8 I2 = I2+1 I22 = I222 9 IF (AI-A(I22)) 10,11,11 10 INDEX(I1) = I22 I1 = I2 GO TO 6 11 INDEX (I1) = I3 GO TO 4 12 INDEX (1) = I3 RETURN END * ======================================== SUBROUTINE SORTTI (A,INDEX,N1) C INTEGER A,AI DIMENSION A(N1),INDEX(N1) C N = N1 DO 3 I1=2,N I3 = I1 I33 = INDEX(I3) AI = A(I33) 1 I2 = I3/2 IF (I2) 3,3,2 2 I22 = INDEX(I2) IF (AI.LE.A (I22)) GO TO 3 INDEX (I3) = I22 I3 = I2 GO TO 1 3 INDEX (I3) = I33 4 I3 = INDEX (N) INDEX (N) = INDEX (1) AI = A(I3) N = N-1 IF (N-1) 12,12,5 5 I1 = 1 6 I2 = I1 + I1 IF (I2.LE.N) I22= INDEX(I2) IF (I2-N) 7,9,11 7 I222 = INDEX (I2+1) IF (A(I22)-A(I222)) 8,9,9 8 I2 = I2+1 I22 = I222 9 IF (AI-A(I22)) 10,11,11 10 INDEX(I1) = I22 I1 = I2 GO TO 6 11 INDEX (I1) = I3 GO TO 4 12 INDEX (1) = I3 RETURN END * ======================================== SUBROUTINE SORTTC (A,INDEX,N1) C INTEGER A,AI DIMENSION A(N1),INDEX(N1) C N = N1 DO 3 I1=2,N I3 = I1 I33 = INDEX(I3) AI = A(I33) 1 I2 = I3/2 IF (I2) 3,3,2 2 I22 = INDEX(I2) IF(ICMPCH(AI,A(I22)))3,3,21 21 INDEX (I3) = I22 I3 = I2 GO TO 1 3 INDEX (I3) = I33 4 I3 = INDEX (N) INDEX (N) = INDEX (1) AI = A(I3) N = N-1 IF (N-1) 12,12,5 5 I1 = 1 6 I2 = I1 + I1 IF (I2.LE.N) I22= INDEX(I2) IF (I2-N) 7,9,11 7 I222 = INDEX (I2+1) IF (ICMPCH(A(I22),A(I222))) 8,9,9 8 I2 = I2+1 I22 = I222 9 IF (ICMPCH(AI,A(I22))) 10,11,11 10 INDEX(I1) = I22 I1 = I2 GO TO 6 11 INDEX (I1) = I3 GO TO 4 12 INDEX (1) = I3 RETURN END * ======================================== FUNCTION ICMPCH(IC1,IC2) C FUNCTION TO COMPARE TWO 4 CHARACTER EBCDIC STRINGS - IC1,IC2 C ICMPCH=-1 IF HEX VALUE OF IC1 IS LESS THAN IC2 C ICMPCH=0 IF HEX VALUES OF IC1 AND IC2 ARE THE SAME C ICMPCH=+1 IF HEX VALUES OF IC1 IS GREATER THAN IC2 I1=IC1 I2=IC2 IF(I1.GE.0.AND.I2.GE.0)GOTO 40 IF(I1.GE.0)GOTO 60 IF(I2.GE.0)GOTO 80 I1=-I1 I2=-I2 IF(I1-I2)80,70,60 40 IF(I1-I2)60,70,80 60 ICMPCH=-1 RETURN 70 ICMPCH=0 RETURN 80 ICMPCH=1 RETURN END function iso_getdrv40(p1,p2) implicit none real*8 iso_getdrv40,p1(0:3),p2(0:3) real*8 iso_getdr c iso_getdrv40=iso_getdr(p1(0),p1(1),p1(2),p1(3), # p2(0),p2(1),p2(2),p2(3)) return end function iso_getdr(en1,ptx1,pty1,pl1,en2,ptx2,pty2,pl2) implicit none real*8 iso_getdr,en1,ptx1,pty1,pl1,en2,ptx2,pty2,pl2,deta,dphi, # iso_getpseudorap,iso_getdelphi c deta=iso_getpseudorap(en1,ptx1,pty1,pl1)- # iso_getpseudorap(en2,ptx2,pty2,pl2) dphi=iso_getdelphi(ptx1,pty1,ptx2,pty2) iso_getdr=sqrt(dphi**2+deta**2) return end function iso_getpseudorap(en,ptx,pty,pl) implicit none real*8 iso_getpseudorap,en,ptx,pty,pl,tiny,pt,eta,th parameter (tiny=1.d-5) c pt=sqrt(ptx**2+pty**2) if(pt.lt.tiny.and.abs(pl).lt.tiny)then eta=sign(1.d0,pl)*1.d8 else th=atan2(pt,pl) eta=-log(tan(th/2.d0)) endif iso_getpseudorap=eta return end function iso_getdelphi(ptx1,pty1,ptx2,pty2) implicit none real*8 iso_getdelphi,ptx1,pty1,ptx2,pty2,tiny,pt1,pt2,tmp parameter (tiny=1.d-5) c pt1=sqrt(ptx1**2+pty1**2) pt2=sqrt(ptx2**2+pty2**2) if(pt1.ne.0.d0.and.pt2.ne.0.d0)then tmp=ptx1*ptx2+pty1*pty2 tmp=tmp/(pt1*pt2) if(abs(tmp).gt.1.d0+tiny)then write(*,*)'Cosine larger than 1' stop elseif(abs(tmp).ge.1.d0)then tmp=sign(1.d0,tmp) endif tmp=acos(tmp) else tmp=1.d8 endif iso_getdelphi=tmp return end DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION R2_04(P1,P2) c************************************************************************ c Distance in eta,phi between two particles. c************************************************************************ IMPLICIT NONE c c Arguments c double precision p1(0:4),p2(0:4),p1a(0:3),p2a(0:3) integer i c c External c double precision eta,DELTA_PHI external eta,delta_phi c----- c Begin Code c----- do i=0,3 p1a(i)=p1(i) p2a(i)=p2(i) enddo R2_04 = (DELTA_PHI(P1a,P2a))**2+(eta(p1a)-eta(p2a))**2 RETURN END double precision function pt_04(p) c************************************************************************ c Returns transverse momentum of particle c************************************************************************ IMPLICIT NONE c c Arguments c double precision p(0:4) c----- c Begin Code c----- pt_04 = dsqrt(p(1)**2+p(2)**2) return end double precision function eta_04(p) c************************************************************************ c Returns pseudo rapidity of particle c************************************************************************ IMPLICIT NONE c c Arguments c double precision p(0:4),pa(0:3) integer i c c external c double precision theta,tp,pi parameter (pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950d0) external theta c----- c Begin Code c----- do i=0,3 pa(i)=p(i) enddo tp=theta(pa) if (abs(tp).lt.1d-5) then eta_04=25d0 elseif (abs(tp-pi).lt.1d-5) then eta_04=-25d0 else eta_04=-dlog(dtan(theta(pa)/2d0)) endif return end DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION invm2_04(P1,P2,dsign) c************************************************************************ c Invarient mass of 2 particles c************************************************************************ IMPLICIT NONE c c Arguments c double precision p1(0:4),p2(0:4),dsign c c Local c integer i double precision ptot(0:3) c c External c double precision dot external dot c----- c Begin Code c----- do i=0,3 ptot(i)=p1(i)+dsign*p2(i) enddo invm2_04 = dot(ptot,ptot) RETURN END subroutine get_ID_H(IDUP_tmp) implicit none include "genps.inc" include 'nexternal.inc' integer idup(nexternal,maxproc),mothup(2,nexternal,maxproc), & icolup(2,nexternal,maxflow),niprocs c include 'leshouche.inc' common /c_leshouche_inc/idup,mothup,icolup,niprocs integer IDUP_tmp(nexternal),i c do i=1,nexternal IDUP_tmp(i)=IDUP(i,1) enddo c return end subroutine get_ID_S(IDUP_tmp) implicit none include "genps.inc" include 'nexternal.inc' integer idup(nexternal,maxproc) integer mothup(2,nexternal,maxproc) integer icolup(2,nexternal,maxflow) include 'born_leshouche.inc' integer IDUP_tmp(nexternal),i c do i=1,nexternal-1 IDUP_tmp(i)=IDUP(i,1) enddo IDUP_tmp(nexternal)=0 c return end subroutine bias_weight_function(p,ipdg,bias_wgt) c This is a user-defined function to which to bias the event generation. c A non-flat distribution will generate events with a certain weight c inversely proportinal to the bias_wgt. This is particularly useful to c generate more events (with smaller weight) in tails of distributions. c It computes the bias_wgt factor from the momenta and multiplies the c weight that goes into MINT (or vegas) with this factor. Before c writing out the events (or making the plots), this factor is again c divided out. A value different from 1 makes that MINT (or vegas) does c not list the correct cross section, but the cross section can still be c computed from summing all the weights of the events (and dividing by c the number of events). Since the weights of the events are no longer c identical for all events, the statistical uncertainty on this total c cross section can be much larger than without including the bias. c c The 'bias_wgt' should be a IR-safe function of the momenta. c c For this to be used, the 'event_norm' option in the run_card should be c set to c 'bias' = event_norm c implicit none include 'nexternal.inc' include 'cuts.inc' double precision bias_wgt,p(0:3,nexternal),ptjet(nexternal-2),max_ptj integer ipdg(nexternal),i,j bias_wgt = 1.0d0 do i=3,nexternal if (abs(ipdg(i)).le.maxjetflavor .or. ipdg(i).eq.21) then ptjet(i)=dsqrt(p(1,i)**2+p(2,i)**2) endif enddo max_ptj=-1.0d0 do i=3,nexternal max_ptj = max(max_ptj,ptjet(i)) enddo if (max_ptj.lt.0.0d0) then bias_wgt = 1.0d0 endif bias_wgt = (max_ptj/1000)**3 return end