diff --git a/src/current/v24.1/cockroach-start.md b/src/current/v24.1/cockroach-start.md index 633c5b7e018..44e8930e315 100644 --- a/src/current/v24.1/cockroach-start.md +++ b/src/current/v24.1/cockroach-start.md @@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ Flag | Description `--max-tsdb-memory` | Maximum memory capacity available to store temporary data for use by the time-series database to display metrics in the [DB Console]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/ui-overview.md %}). Consider raising this value if your cluster is comprised of a large number of nodes where individual nodes have very limited memory available (e.g., under `8 GiB`). Insufficient memory capacity for the time-series database can constrain the ability of the DB Console to process the time-series queries used to render metrics for the entire cluster. This capacity constraint does not affect SQL query execution. This flag accepts numbers interpreted as bytes, size suffixes (e.g., `1GB` and `1GiB`) or a percentage of physical memory (e.g., `0.01`).

**Note:** The sum of `--cache`, `--max-sql-memory`, and `--max-tsdb-memory` should not exceed 75% of the memory available to the `cockroach` process.

**Default:** `0.01` (i.e., 1%) of physical memory or `64 MiB`, whichever is greater. `--pid-file` | The file to which the node's process ID will be written as soon as the node is ready to accept connections. When `--background` is used, this happens before the process detaches from the terminal. When this flag is not set, the process ID is not written to file. `--store`
`-s` | The file path to a storage device and, optionally, store attributes and maximum size. When using multiple storage devices for a node, this flag must be specified separately for each device, for example:

`--store=/mnt/ssd01 --store=/mnt/ssd02`

For more details, see [Store](#store) below. +`--wal-failover` | Used to configure [WAL failover](#write-ahead-log-wal-failover) on [nodes]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/architecture/overview.md %}#node) with [multiple stores](#store). To enable WAL failover, pass `--wal-failover=among-stores`. To disable, pass `--wal-failover=disabled` on [node restart]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/node-shutdown.md %}#stop-and-restart-a-node). This feature is in [preview]({% link {{page.version.version}}/cockroachdb-feature-availability.md %}#features-in-preview). `--spatial-libs` | The location on disk where CockroachDB looks for [spatial]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/spatial-data-overview.md %}) libraries.


`--temp-dir` | The path of the node's temporary store directory. On node start up, the location for the temporary files is printed to the standard output.

**Default:** Subdirectory of the first [store](#store) @@ -229,7 +230,6 @@ Field | Description `size` | The maximum size allocated to the node. When this size is reached, CockroachDB attempts to rebalance data to other nodes with available capacity. When no other nodes have available capacity, this limit will be exceeded. Data may also be written to the node faster than the cluster can rebalance it away; as long as capacity is available elsewhere, CockroachDB will gradually rebalance data down to the store limit.

The `size` can be specified either in a bytes-based unit or as a percentage of hard drive space (notated as a decimal or with `%`), for example:

`--store=path=/mnt/ssd01,size=10000000000 ----> 10000000000 bytes`
`--store=path=/mnt/ssd01,size=20GB ----> 20000000000 bytes`
`--store=path=/mnt/ssd01,size=20GiB ----> 21474836480 bytes`
`--store=path=/mnt/ssd01,size=0.02TiB ----> 21474836480 bytes`
`--store=path=/mnt/ssd01,size=20% ----> 20% of available space`
`--store=path=/mnt/ssd01,size=0.2 ----> 20% of available space`
`--store=path=/mnt/ssd01,size=.2 ----> 20% of available space`

**Default:** 100%

For an in-memory store, the `size` field is required and must be set to the true maximum bytes or percentage of available memory, for example:


Note: If you use the `%` notation, you might need to escape the `%` sign, for instance, while configuring CockroachDB through `systemd` service files. For this reason, it's recommended to use the decimal notation instead. `ballast-size` | Configure the size of the automatically created emergency ballast file. Accepts the same value formats as the [`size` field](#store-size). For more details, see [Automatic ballast files]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/cluster-setup-troubleshooting.md %}#automatic-ballast-files).

To disable automatic ballast file creation, set the value to `0`:

`--store=path=/mnt/ssd01,ballast-size=0` `provisioned-rate` | A mapping of a store name to a bandwidth limit, expressed in bytes per second. This constrains the bandwidth used for [admission control]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/admission-control.md %}) for operations on the store. The disk name is separated from the bandwidth value by a colon (`:`). A value of `0` (the default) represents unlimited bandwidth. For example:


**Default:** 0

If the bandwidth value is omitted, bandwidth is limited to the value of the [`kv.store.admission.provisioned_bandwidth` cluster setting]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/cluster-settings.md %}#settings). Modify this setting only in consultation with your support team. -`--wal-failover` | Used to configure [WAL failover](#write-ahead-log-wal-failover) on [nodes]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/architecture/overview.md %}#node) with [multiple stores](#store). To enable WAL failover, pass `--wal-failover=among-stores`. To disable, pass `--wal-failover=disabled` on [node restart]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/node-shutdown.md %}#stop-and-restart-a-node). This feature is in [preview]({% link {{page.version.version}}/cockroachdb-feature-availability.md %}#features-in-preview). #### Write Ahead Log (WAL) Failover