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QuoteIt: quote from any web resource


Build Status wercker status


  • Ruby 2.0.0 or later
  • Bundler 1.3.5
  • Postgresql or SQLite


Install dependencies:

$ bundle install --path .bundle --without development test

Precompile assets:

$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production

Setup database:

$ bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
$ bundle exec rake db:seed


$ bundle exec rails s -e production

and access to http://localhost:3000/

For developers

Setup database:

$ bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test

Run tests:

$ bundle exec rake

Add rule

A rules to quote web resource is defined at config/quote_it.json. To load it, you need following command:

$ bundle exec rake db:seed

Rule definition: thumbnail

Thumbnail rule is for image quote. This rule could only transform text.


  "regexp": "\\/s\\/([\\d]+)",
  "thumbnail": "$1",
  "service": {
    "url": "",
    "name": "Lockerz"
  • regexp : regexp for source text
  • thumbnail : image url. You could use placeholder($1, $2, ..., $9) as a normal regexp
  • service : (optional) information for this service

Rule definition: clip

Html rule is for any web resource. You could transform text by Ruby script.


  "regexp": "www\\.slideshare\\.net/(.*)",
  "clip": "$1&format=json",
  "transform": "json['html'].sub('mozallowfullscreen','').sub('webkitallowfullscreen','').sub('allowfullscreen', '')",
  "service": {
    "name": "Slideshare",
    "url": ""
  • regexp : regexp for source text
  • clip : html url. You could use placeholder($1, $2, ..., $9) as a normal regexp
  • transform : Ruby script to obtain HTML
  • service : (optional) information for this service

How to run on Heroku

Only push this!!

$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku run "rake db:migrate"
$ heroku run "rake db:seed"