(test) template
(cloudfunc) "draggable" -> "draggable "
(cloudfunc) buildFromJSON: lHeader -> header
(test) add ""
(test) add draggable
(test) li -> div
(files) p.error -> error
(test) add "
(path) rm " "
(test) JSON_Files -> JSON_FILES
(polyfill) args not defined
(server) lHost -> host
(test) change template
(util) retExec: add unshift
(rest) onPut: lFiles.password -> lFiles && lFiles.password
(console) access to socket before it loads
(cloudcmd) pParams -> params
(util) Util.exec -> Util.retExec.apply
(main) getQuery
(css) error position: add left
(listeners) changeLinks: pPanelID -> panelId
(menu) if menu could not load keys do not working
(terminal) resizing
(terminal) new line
(terminal) maxSize
(terminal) when back to term, first simbol wasn't wrote
(rest) onFS: Util.log -> Util.log.bind(Util)
(terminal) onConnection bind: add context
(terminal) add rmKeys
(polyfill) bind
(console) chat do not broadcast
(dom) getNotCurrentDirPath: add this
(console) io - > exec
(users) File -> FILE
(config) init: change order
(filepicker) change to proto
(menu) set key bind when close
(github) api_url -> apiURL
(loader) anyLoadOnLoad: lParam -> param, callback -> func
(console) connNum -> conNum
(console) onMessageFunc -> Clients
(socket) ret -> io
(socket) change onDisconect
(socket) lRet -> ret
(socket) add removeListeners
(menu) if ESC current file is one mouse pointer on it
(dom) scrollIntoViewIfNeeded: add false
(dom) getPanel isLeft check: class -> id
(view) ',' -> ';'
(client) getJSONfromFileTable: owner -> uid
(client) getJSONfromFileTable: i: 2 -> 0
(client) baseInit: add 'js-'
(client) createFileTable: found -> !found
(view) add margin only when view text documents
(dom) selectByPattern: show message if not esc
(dom) selectByPattern: "." -> "."
(dom) selectByPattern: DOM.alert -> Dialog.alert
chore(cloudcmd) fix lint warnings
(socket) prevent memory leak
(socket) getSpawn: add tryCachLog
(edit) add emmet
(cloudcmd) minify -> Minify
(loader) add Images
(client) baseInit: mv setCurrentFile to top
(dom) add max length for storage file
(express) if username or password is change, auth do not work
(listeners) changeLinks: get back current
(dom) getById: rm pElement
(dom) udpateCurrentInfo: files -> files.children
(css) .keyspanel: rm height
(css) .delete-button: change icon
(key) insert
(dom) first 2 files not select
(dom) CurrentInfo: prev, next not updates
(config) if view is load config do not show
(key) ";" -> ","
(config) init
(dom) getCurrentData: this -> Cmd
(edit) DOM.getData -> Info.getData
(dom) getFiles: add panel
(client) baseInit pCallBack: mv to end
(util) spead improvement; exec: rm condition
(cloudfunc) buildFromJSON: rm draggable from header
(package) update minify to v0.2.5
(util) rm setTimeout
(util) rm setValue
(util) rm call
(main) rm gzipData
(rest) create recursive dir
(console) update to v2.10.0
(rest) add recursiv copy dir (rimraf -> fs-extra)
(main) add getPathName
(express) add join as express middleware
(dom) Images: improved access speed
(util) copyObj: from, to -> to, from
(listeners) onConextMenu: rm showLoad
(style) user-select : rm path
(rest) add ability to remove directory with files
(util) rm bind
(terminal) add info if pty not installed
(console) (dis)connected: add "console"
(terminal) add connect/disconnect events
(terminal) add Size
(terminal) dir : home -> DIR
(terminal) add update
(terminal) add cursor style
(main) mrequire: tryCatchLog - > tryCatch
(main) mrequire: tryCatch -> tryCatchLog
(terminal) add
(view) rm afterShow, mv css to style
(util) rm retFunc
(console) update to v2.8.0
(console) rm unused vars
(commander) rm file.sort: no use
(css) add media print
(style) .files: rm cursor
(util) add slice
(util) loadOnLoad: rm data
(key) + - add new file
(loader) pop -> shift
(util) loadOnLoad: rm data
(util) loadOnLoad: pop -> shift - change params order
(socket) getSpawn: add error sending
(socket) addListener: first parameter could be object
(console) addEvenets: add connect, disconect
(panel) add
(cloudfunc) rm Path
(key) add Ctrl + \ -> go to root
(key) go to parent dir on backspace
(style) add .reduce-text
(style) prevent text from wrapping in .size and .owner
(style) if size to long it reduce
(style) if owner name to long - it's reduce
(users) add
(key) add help call on "?"
(commander) uid -> owner
(dom) scrollIntViewIfNeeded: add second param
(dom) CurrentInfo: add filesPassive
(dom) getByClass -> getByClassAll
(util) rm bind
(files) readPipe: pop -> shift
(dom) add getCurrentOwner
(style) rm #path
(view) add margin
(dom) add extended selection (*, +, -)
(package) http-auth: 2.1.x
(package) minify: v0.2.4
(edit) add autocomletion
(edit) emmet: add css suport
(edit) add emmet
(notify) add
(loader) add
(path) add title with full path
(css) style: new line when path to long
(listeners) open file on new tab on + click
(style) max-width 600px: hide .size, .owner, .mode
(style) .cmd-button color : rgb(49,123,249) -> #222
(listeners) initKeysPanel: rm i === 12
(menu) From Filepicker -> From Cloud
(css) icons: add menu icons
(menu) getItem: add icon processing
(css) mv icons to icons.css
(css) add .icon-file
(menu) add icons
(util) add getStrSmallfirst
(menu) getConfig: rm callback
(css) .cmd-button width: 9% -> 5%
(html) buttons: mv name to title
(css) keyspanel: add rename, copy and move icons
(css) keyspanel: add icons for: help, view, edit, delete, menu, console and contact
(style) cmd-button: add directory icon
(font) add config icon
(css) style height: .fm 85%, .keyspanel 15%
(css) .cmd-button hover: rm border color
(config) auth: false
(cloudcmd) add http authorization
(listeners) ListenersProto: add Info
(dom) add CurrentInfo
(key) rm lCurrent
(config) add Loading
(style) .cmd-button focus: add outline
(contact) add
(cloudfunc) getJoinURL: rm first "/"
You can’t perform that action at this time.